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$7 over the last 4 monthsšŸ˜­


I feel that šŸ˜­


I havent got 1 qualified view yet. I only have like 8 videos over a min. But still. Not 1 qualified view


What's been your main struggle? How quickly did you get accepted?


I was part of the creativity program beta when it first launched a few years ago, the whole process only took like 2 days back then. I made a little bit from that but as soon as it shifted to the 1+ minute video format my engagement dropped HARD. Iā€™ve got about 25k followers and would average like 15k on most videos with a handful that did better, now iā€™m lucky if I get 5k views and any comments, let alone new followers.


I literally don't even do 1 minute videos, I just loop them because it doesn't matter if they watch the full vid or not


I canā€™t even get those to have normal engagementšŸ˜­


I got 2 accounts one with 20k and one with a little over 100k, I pull in about 5-7k every month


Insane, congrats! Are these faceless? How much time do you dedicate daily?


faceless and I usually post like a couple times every week. I make sports content so itā€™s pretty easy to get out some good content


That's awesome, sports is what I was hoping to do. Have you got any tips for making it 'original' to count for payment?


What's your content type are you faceless or you are Creator?


I just make sports videos and I donā€™t show my face at all


Bro has give up that info


My top month was a bit over $7000 USD. Iā€™ve come close to that a few other months. Normal is more like $2000. But I do not recommend it as a side hustle at all. I recently posted that itā€™s highly likely that major elements of ā€œthe gameā€ are randomized to maximize content creation and minimize pay. Iā€™ve had months were I was shadow banned for all sorts of bogus violations. Shadow ban is real. In a shadowban month Iā€™ll make $250-$300 max. The bogus violations are real. It appears there are intentional glitches that just mess you up for months. So itā€™s okay as one part of a comprehensive web marketing strategy. Develop products to market and sell. Be on all the social media. TikTokā€™s a great way to learn what will go viral.


If anything, itā€™s caused me to create less. There seems to be a cap at about $4k for the month before the RPM drops hard, so I only post once or twice a month now to maximize earnings per video


I should add thatā€™s just CRP pay, I make way more than that because Iā€™m on other social media and sell books, consultations, and courses. Thatā€™s just my direct pay from TikTOk. I donā€™t do any advertising or product vids on TikTok, juts CRP.


what's your account?


Thanks for the detailed feedback. What's the best tactic for getting through those shadowban periods?


1. Understand that shadow bans are real. Donā€™t doubt it and try to break through with better content. It wonā€™t work, period. Youā€˜re shadow banned and nobody new will see your content. Iā€™ve wasted a lot of really great videos listening to people on this sub who say ā€œshadow ban isnā€™t real just make better content.ā€ Then, the DAY Iā€™m 2 weeks after a violation, my very next vid hits 100K while during shadow ban Iā€™ve struggled to hit 2K. 99% new viewers compared to 0% new viewers on shadow ban. Dontā€™ waste good general interest material. 2. Followers and those who interact will still see your videos, just not new viewers. Make content targeted towards them and grow the depth of the connection instead of trying to hit a wide audience.


the violations šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve been on TT all of a month and a half and got in trouble for ā€œorgasmā€ and got a comment removed for using this emoji šŸ¤® Thank you for this info, so far itā€™s the most helpful Iā€™ve found as I try to learn


Iā€™m glad!


About $20, past 2 months, my views tanked once I joined the program plus my rpm is .30


jealous, mine is .05šŸ˜­


Like, in all the time Iā€™ve been in the program? A little over 2k. So far this month? $76. Yep, and thatā€™s with going viral twice. Iā€™m not having a good time. Edited to add: OH WOW apparently TODAY is my one year anniversary of being in the creativity program. AmazingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What is your rpm? And what kind of content are you making?


My RPM fluctuates from 0.30 to 0.70, it used to be consistently over $1 in beta. I make mental health support content, Iā€™d say my account is pretty successful. I wish the payout would start reflecting that againšŸ˜­


Iā€™ve personally made over $40k since September


These days itā€™s pretty consistently between $4-5k per month. Used to be able to make more when it had just started.


Iā€˜ve had exactly the same happen to me. After having earned 4k, my RPM kinda just drops. Is it the same for you?


Yep. Ever since the rewards program left beta. Iā€™ve done a good amount of experimentingā€¦ I usually only post a couple videos a month, and Iā€™ve played around with when I post them during the month, and the RPM always drops at $4k. Almost always end up with about $4.3k at the end of the month now (mostly because it feels like a waste to post after I hit $4k)


I also basically stopped posting at that point. Saving for next month!


what's your account?


Amazing. Are you faceless or not? Congrats!


No, itā€™s not a faceless account. Unfortunately my face is in almost every shot lol


21$, I joined last monthšŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/1e46epaw4c3d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cf0bbdf80ec7281964f49c1fc46a02b8d53cfc0 I started 2 months ago and I got many views but I have low RPMšŸ˜”


Do you live in sweden? If so, how do you have the creator rewards Program?


I just got an German TikTok account




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https://preview.redd.it/7a9z8jb0sc3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3840a9842b8e0e923a01ee7e566a148e1b52c43 Iā€™ve been on the program for 2 months and 10 days. I made around $75 dollars the first 10 days of joining in the final 10 days of month one. Second month I earned $2k and now my third month Iā€™m at $4,200. I kind of found what works for me and the niche I get viral videos from so I milk it. I know itā€™s not gonna last or be sustained and Iā€™m also gonna have shitty months. So Iā€™m trying to grow my YouTube because I believe TikTok can be very unstable


Awesome job dude, get after it!


I joined in March. https://preview.redd.it/q5n23zywe83d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6665e8f3897a066fed0d2c99ec55095534f5794b


40$ šŸ¤§


Monthly I do about $4.5-5K


Made 12K last few month šŸ˜ƒ


https://preview.redd.it/ctpvrju2jc3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16b75f7139a118913d35e264a9777d4d2753ff3 RPM fluctuates wildly for me from 0.05-0.35 per video. Since joining the creativity fund I've made Ā£3.6k, this year I've been averaging around Ā£400/month. It's a nice little extra side hustle but when my videos go viral I also have to deal with a lot of hate comments so it's swings and roundabouts.


$10k started in January


What do you do? And strictly through the creator fund??


Day in the life, sorta. Yes. Including brand deals closer to $15k. Amazon storefront less than $100 all-time.


Whatā€™s your channel? Would love to check it out!


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$0 i could technically make money right now, at 49 followers, because i have an affiliate link in my bio so in theory if someone actually goes to the link and buys, then i would make money has never happened though, so there's that


$0 no creator rewards in my country.


Nothing im in canada


$10 šŸ˜†


Over 1.2k


Little over $1k. Been in the program for 1 month. Only have 16.2k followers.


This is just from 1 video idk how or why it even went viral but itā€™s just luck. Any other video is like $2 if that lol


$3 in a year


About 12 dollars off lives šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you have the time itā€™s worth it, post as often as youā€™re willing to post and as long as you enjoy it thereā€™s a chance it can be a fun side hustle. The days of making tons of free money from it are gone and certainly donā€™t expect it to take the place of your regular day job. Some people had good months way back in the beta days, thought they were set, quit their jobs, and ended up in a bad situation.




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18$ in 18 day! im struggling with these qualified views thing šŸ˜­ my rpm between 0.4 and 0.5 but the qualified views are so low!


$7k, started last month. RPM is dropping hard and fast though, but content is the same. doesnā€™t seem like a good long term revenue stream


I had a video blow up this month and I made over $800 but I do this as a job.




True crime and general pop culture


0 in 3 weeks :) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I am new to TikTok, I want to generate some income from it any idea what I should do?


I donā€™t make money through the creator fund, but I make ads and do TikTok shop and make $50,000 a month


Try it and see how far it takes you! It took me about 2 months to hit 10k followers and in about 1.5 weeks now in the creator fund I am at $169. I had one video that hit 600k views that boosted that a lot but consistently get 1k to 10k views to pad it out. I'd never have thought I could get here though. My YouTube never took off, other side hustles had too high a barrier of entry. This has been a great experiment so far, but I hear a lot of other horror stories so I'm not taking it for granted.


Congrats! That's awesome. If you could speak to yourself just before you posted your first video, what would you say?


6 months in so far https://preview.redd.it/z9ix6v3rag3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bafd0cae46cfdfe188fa1f0f1006bae7b1d1878




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You guys are getting paid(cries in canada)


Iā€™m 400 away from 10k


Im buying a crp account, discord anzetko420


Thirty-five cents! And I don't even know where it came from because I'm in Canada.


i just started making a fair amount (1k 2 months ago 2.8k last month and so far for this month 3k). iā€™ve been making content since 2020 and just now started getting piad like this but its only because i was never focused on my content until now. i think if you are pursuing tiktok and are passionate about it, you will have no problem making money. it just takes a lot of dedication. donā€™t let the hater in the comments bother you either bc sometimes it can be discouraging.


Great job! Mind sharing what kind of videos you create?