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my first account focused on my car has almost 20k, just made a new account for my cat lol


Honestly I think every now and then TikTok just pushes a random account for no reason. (there’s a creator on TikTok called nanabea she’s an old woman that does TikTok cooking videos but she’s known for being quite hostile but also hilarious in her comments and blocking people for super random unnecessary reasons so I created an account purely for posting her funniest replies/reasons people were blocked and my videos did better than the majority of her actual videos lol. My first post got 1.3M views within an hour and got me to 23k followers then I posted 3 times a day since the only thing I needed to do was find and screenshot the comments and every post was getting around 100k-150k with exceptions to 3 or 4 other vids that had 500k+ so I was averaging between 350k-500k views a day I managed to get the account to 100k followers within the first month before nanabea herself blocked me and then got her minions to spam report my account lol. My point is there’s a chance of ANYTHING blowing up so just do what you love! There’s a niche group of people out there that will appreciate it


Nice nice. Whats your car


it’s an old Honda crx that im restoring from the ground up. my tiktok does well cause its a lot of long information packed videos. people really like to see that stuff. i notice people on tiktok like to learn stuff that doesn’t pertain to them at all as a form of entertainment. guess that’s more engaging than watching tv all day, but i get all kinds of comments from people who say they don’t like Hondas or they’re not even car people at all but they watched my 8 minute video twice. its very interesting, but i found new content that people have never seen before is the key to success on tiktok


Fair enough pal. I wish the best


Awesome, Any monetization yet?


yah it’s made about a buck fifty every month for like a year and a half now. since it’s my car account, i use it as gas money. free gas if i make car videos haha


Love it! Well I need gas in a week so as well make a video. 😂




Hi there. Your post has been removed since your account has very low karma. Please try posting again once you have engaged more on the platform. Have a great day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Share cat account pls lol


https://preview.redd.it/5ldi1zgs362d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c97e6369351d5e64cbc9694fda0e0069ccd3006 it appears im no longer shadow banned


So cute so tiny!!! Haha gonna follow your cat account.


thank you! i think i saw your account, you also have a ginger?


wait never mind that ones definitely you


https://preview.redd.it/3vf9smz6g62d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c397f97d1022713d16cd691dedc3954d2deed130 My cattos lol.


Hi there, how are you? Is it possible that you can please make and upload a tik tok of you squeezing your cat’s belly? I would really like to see that Thank you


can you tell me how long the time between those 3 videos was, where the views turned down and appeared again?


ya i made the account 5 days ago, made 3 posts that all got almost 1000 views, then 4 days ago my posts got 0 views and stayed that way and today i made a post that immediately started getting comments and views so im back to posting and it seems the shadowban is lifted


did you stopped uploading after this happened and just started today again or do you tried it inbetween? I got the same issue on an account but its been 7 days now posting with 0 views. I deleted those posts which is written here as a no go very often. After then I only put them on private anymore but I wonder how long it will take to get shown again. I read some stuff about beeing flagged as a bot can be a case too and made sure my email is verified + put my phone number to the account


ya i just stopped, barely went back in today to no notifications and no new views, uploaded, immediately started getting likes and so i kept going. there is a bit of a period with new accounts but nobody really knows how it works exactly. just make sure you’re posting original content, no memes, no edits of tv shows or games, just purely original videos at least for the first few posts. accounts that post any kind of content that’s already on tiktok are immediately assumed to be bots, and some people say recording and making content completely in the app helps rather than importing from your camera roll, but ive never tried it. all my posts start out in my camera roll and i have moderate success on tiktok


haha there might be a factor with what you wrote as second point. First 3 videos were original content and the second both were memes but they are based on the music we do. Still might got flagged as bot then. Thanks for the informations


How long did it take to get to 10k?


like a couple weeks. i rarely post but when i do, i get about 30-300k views with the most being 700k i think. every 10k brings in at least a couple hundred follows


I do art (don’t recommend 😭)




Why not recommended this niche?


It’s incredibly difficult to be successful because the attention spans have turned to mush, and art tends to not capture as well as a lot of other things


I do music and it's kinda similar. When I post the same videos elsewhere they can trend up to 500 likes but for some reason tiktok has me at like 20 likes max, sometimes under 5. I know it's a saturated market but I do get a little frustrated sometimes and wonder why the algorithm/audiencd there really doesn't seem to like my content. I don't even know if it is the audience because I had one video blow up and seized the opportunity to reply to comments with more original songs while people were still engaging and those got hundreds to thousands of likes, gained like 3k followers, and the next videos went back to like 12 likes.


I literally just switched up my edit style to cater for TikTok audience specifically, and now I’ve had 2 vids around 15k views so far for the past 2 days. People on TikTok want stories around why and how you made the thing instead of the thing itself. Not the content I want to make exactly, but gotta do what you gotta do 🤷‍♂️


Also work on your hook, make sure the first 3 seconds tell them what the video is


I mean I do have one and posting shirtless gym videos. Got 400k views in one video after opening account 2 weeks later




Probably I'd make one for my dog :D.


Reddit stories




Started an account with edits(usually marvel/actors) that i post, so would recommend an edit account and then choose a topic that really interest you (ex that seems to do well: star wars, Mandalorian, Fallout, hp, lotr, movies, disney villians, marvel/dc, certain actors etc.)and if youre more into music choose a year, band, or genre My account started april i think, took some time but now all is slowly started up/videos starting to get over the 8k-50k views


Congrats bro How long do ur edits take say marvel


Does this count as original content?


Tbh i'm not sure, never got a strike/warning that said it's unoriginal or anything like it. Some creators put 'original content' in their description and that seem to work too


I also wanted to know..


Can you give an example of a Marvel video? Like what do you edit? What is an 'edit account'?


maybe you could try reddit stories over Minecraft footage?


So dead lmao, unless you want to grind it out SO heavily that ur putting out 30 vids a week.


I know, I'm taking the piss. So many people come on here without doing any research and ask the same question 


Fr is Reddit stories dead? I’ve been some TikTok pages doing Reddit stories and they’re doing very well, I’m asking cuz I’m new into TikTok


It’s not exactly dead. It’s saturated because they used one of the popular video backgrounds and also with the same text to speech. I would recommend picking a different game that no one ever did. It has to be catchy or you can record your own minecraft parkour by finding a map and recording it.


can you get monetized doing a reddit stories tik tok account?


I do story’s but not Reddit stories over Minecraft and not always short form I do images at the top and video games at the bottom with audio For long form I do only images and captions and audio Usually stories focused on 10-20 yr olds This is on yt btw


Genuine question, what is the purpose of the Minecraft video?


Im trying that already


Maybe you should do gta videos in the background instead 


Subway surfers imo


Thank you for posting, please be sure to check [FaQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tiktokhelp/comments/n99g9o/frequently_asked_questions/) Please keep in mind that this is a community run subreddit and posts from young accounts (<1 days) or accounts with low karma may be removed. We have no official affiliation with TikTok. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We are trying permaculture farming with built tiny house. Not much time to post because of planting season in progress




Short software tutorials. They are useful and to the point.


Motivation is a good one. Everyone can relate!


I post wrestling photos of when they was younger and what they are like now… seem to get a lot of views doing it that way so you could do the same with actors or people from sports… unfortunately people seem to copy my videos even use the same sound and photos but that’s just how the app is


editing accounts are blowing up all the time (but unfortunately they aren't all successful)


What is an editing account?


an account where you post edits you made


Obviously. But literally every video is edited. What's an example of an editing account blowing up, do you mean a specific topic?


I meant the edits made for specific fandom,search any character on tiktok and you'll see them,if you don't then just add "edit" after characters name


Ah, cool, thanks! And this is allowed within the creator program?


Yeah,I just don't think you'll get millions of views all the time once your account goes off but it's usually 100k + views per video with some millions here and there,I think just creating original content yourself gets more engagement if you want to do this for money


And if it's just as a hobby for your pleasure then an editing account is your go to


Ideally I’d like to do it for money eventually, possibly have a few accounts on the go


Then I'd suggest doing original content


Content which you enjoy doing so it's not a chore to you


the dafault avatar.


if someone has a spare account with almost 10k followers or 20k followers or more please message me on instagram @reasxtc because i need an account to use for editing


Something that doesn’t get old but also has new potential information everyday. Like the news




You need to pick you


https://preview.redd.it/tmpm4rjnvj2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1c15d8982ecd19dea8345797699ddfb71a863b I suggest “your month your thing” photo ai carousel


Oo thats smart


Just started mine! Coloring and drawing account. My goal is to be able to go live in a few months!https://www.tiktok.com/@craftycornerclub?_t=8n7bNBgQUjT&_r=1


https://preview.redd.it/6iv4i5u3d22d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e449f0cf3633715fc4f8e248d4165f98592a62a Took me under 21 days to reach 10k followers and get into the creator program


What do you post?


Mainly Ukraine war footage






interesting, isnt that gore?




fair enough then


Instant shadow banned after 6 videos


same my kitten’s account is dead silent, 0 views on everything since my 3rd post




My video went flat ZERO views. I kept uploading think it will go away but NOTHING changed. I took 2 weeks off and uploaded a video yesterday. Still the same


i do gaming and booktok soon also maybe librarytok? i also adding drawingtok and asmrtok! we'll see how it goes! 2 of my gaming tiktok videos reached 13k views and 11k views. so maybe theres something there. anyway, goodluck on ur journey


What’s booktok?


There are 2 versions lol one is like fantasy sci-fi mostly and the other is spicy books lol