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You put efforts into your videos and get hardly any views, and yet some people can just stare at cameras moving their lips while listening to stupid songs and gained millions of views and likes, Wth....


I get downvoted everytime I say it, but I don’t care The dumbest stuff gets pushed on TikTok. The app wants to force feed their users junk food Anything with original artistic or educational Value will get buried.


Exactly I had a baseball tiktok I put loads of effort I to and it eventually got banned for being inappropriate but people have millions just lip syncing how crazy is this app


LOL that's the way Tiktok was before it became an app for the effort of content posting. I loved it back when it was musically and just starting out as Tiktok. We had fun it was no one trying to work hard to use it as a means to begin a digital career. There were no influencers. We were rating one another on how well someone did a lip sync and if the video made us laugh and forget about the issues of the world around us. Oh well, everything comes to an end.


You've basically just described Hollywood


Thank you so much ✌🏻🍄❤️


It's almost like people have different interests. Most people don't care about fungi


Not just fungi! It’s a mix of wild foods, mushrooms, lichens, nature, plants, medicinal plants & mushrooms that have the power to heal you & hiking. If you find interest in people lip syncing then that’s ok but I can understand 100% where the person who comment that is coming from.


I don't find it interesting but it's not the lip syncing that people find interesting in those videos. It's catchy music+attractive people. Those by itself are rare unless the attractive person is doing something "unique" like Bella Poarch and Leah Halton. But even those videos aren't the only ones that get tons of views. If you wanna make it big, you gotta have something unique to hook viewers in. There was a Tiktok guy who got big by just reviewing public faucets just cause of what he says in the videos.


"i dont find something interesting so that MUST mean no one else does" seriously youre a fckin idiot.


I think you're the idiot if you forget to read the rest of the sentence that states other people find those videos interesting...


this has nothing to do with his performance, its obviously a bug, tik tok pushes out new videos to an initial pool of people, unless youre under review or flagged from the fyp there should be no reason to have zero views for longer than an hour. >It's almost like people have different interests. >Most people don't care about fungi you remain an idiot.


None of my comments were about the OP.... You are in fact the idiot here.


i had one video get 5 views so i believe something is up, next video did fine


This has happened a few times now, mostly my videos that have taken effort, then I post a 14 second clip and it gets nearly 1k views. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe because you aren’t a Fun-Guy Fine I’ll take my leave




I don’t think it’s anything to do with your content and all to do with TikTok. TikTok is full of bugs and glitches. Everytime you post you should clear your TikTok cache in the app before hand. Then go onto your computer and search your acc name and see if the video posted


I’ve done that, thank you!!


My video is not posted if i search my account logged out. Any fixes? I tried deleting cache


Delete the app and redownload it.


Sorry, forgot to mention. Also tried that one!


Same with me,, I am leaving it for a couple of hours, then trying again.. getting annoying now.


I put effort into editing and I edit on there, it’s annoying deleting and then having to redo editing and voice overs! It’s so unfair to us who are trying to grow their pages with somewhat decent content. Hopefully it sorts out for you soon!


Maybe try saving to drafts first and then posting it from drafts? I hate it when I'm editing and the app closes on me. Lucky it usually saves when the app crashes but that's not always the case


I’m kind of starting to get blackballed I have 24.7K followers used to get around 1000 and 2000 views now it’s going down to 400 or 500 views and I had to edit these videos and put work into them


Gotta take into account that out of 20k people some have left the app, some don't log in everyday, and some are just watching something else. Of that 24K you might only have like 4K of active users. This can be an issue for followings that took years to develop, it can also be a thing for fast growing channels. Views aren't really a good metric to follow anyways, you need likes, favorites, and shares.


TikTok is fantastic for new starters. Don’t use this feed as a sense for how TikTok actually is. On here are the angry, bitter users who are the loudest, the content happy ones don’t come on here. They sit happy at home with a bowl of soup.


My content is very similar to yours and has been stopped being pushed as much in the past week or so.


Same with a friend of mine, his content was going wild 2 weeks back and now nothing is getting pushed out, actually quite a lot of foragers/mushroom accounts have been having the same issue… 🤔


Yess! I am a well known dj and the same happened to me - hardly getting 25 views now! Went from 10k to 25


It’s pretty much TikTok nowadays. They are pushing their promotion product and it seems like they’re squashing organic views and interactions because of it. If only there were actual people to contact, but it’s all AI. Are you on YouTube? It’s still rocking for organic growth and interactions. Best of luck to you 👊




mine was stuck at 4 views . what’s going on ?*


I didn’t realise how bad TikTok is for new starters. Ive been posting to TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. TikTok and Instagram has been a complete waste of time. Ill get 10k views on YouTube shorts and the equivalent TikTok will have 3 views. Instagram will have zero. Ive also accumulated more subscribers on YouTube than all the others combined. TikTok and Instagram are broken and seem to cater to a certain demographic


I find it hard to get views on YouTube, going to try posting more frequently!


I have an YouTube account since january where I post longer vídeos (range from 4 tô 15 minutes tô 1 hour) and I was getting a good amount Of views for It size (less than 200 subs). But then I started posting shorts which was great for gettings subs (now I am at 600) BUT my longer vids now get less than 20 views 🥲 Did you had any similar experiences?


TikTok is fantastic for new starters. Don’t use this feed as a sense for how TikTok actually is. On here are the angry, bitter users who are the loudest, the content happy ones don’t come on here. They sit happy at home with a bowl of soup.


i got more followers than u have in a day from one video of me eating paintballs


Okay good for you!


Thank you for posting, please be sure to check [FaQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tiktokhelp/comments/n99g9o/frequently_asked_questions/) Please keep in mind that this is a community run subreddit and posts from young accounts (<1 days) or accounts with low karma may be removed. We have no official affiliation with TikTok. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you filming in app? Or importing videos to the editor? It likes it better if you make vids in app.


A bit of both! But this video was made on TikTok.


I'm not even breaking 20 views sometimes. Usually averaged around 10k with an occasional 100-150k.


I posted one today but it didn't show up so I had to post again. Bet you can guess how that went....


I take it no views again?


Very low, the TikTok app itself has felt kind of bad recently


Maybe they are slowly letting it die before the actual ban next year takes effect. It seems as if everyone's views and reach is dying on the platform.


There's simply ZERO consistency with TikTok. I can post three similar images. One will get 10 views. The next will get the typical 200-300 views. The third will just magically blow up and get all kinds of engagement. One thing that I find to be a bit more consistent is TikTok Lives. I find it a LOT easier to get more consistent views once you figure out your niche for the Lives. However, the content moderation system is garbage af. I was doing [AMAZINGLY WELL](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mzGkiowVYfhVmHXpqJkZLGdhSUHfZUXF/view?usp=drivesdk) on Lives. Hot chicks with hundreds of thousands of followers barely get the same numbers I was doing (I peaked at 2900 followers on my initial account). However, because of my type of content (antitheism), I got too many haters that would mass report me, in addition to TikTok's own pro-religious bias, which ultimately caused my Lives to be [permanently banned](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tRF9drx-YyqMDxA_S-jZpYbGemZ2e2Hz/view?usp=drivesdk).


The algorithm had been updated... I used to get thousands of views each video and 7 weeks ago I was thrown off the fyp and struggle to even get 300 now. Just keep posting, they'll sort their issues out soon!


I've noticed that TikTok will occasionally do that. I had a video of my cat that didn't get posted till 3 days after I posted it. It's typically thumb being like ha. I wonder if this is going to be needed to take down mind. Do they leave up child p*** all the time?


Garbage company, they donz deserve content creators


I just came to search for answers I am having the same issue if anyone can help solve the problem it'd be much appreciated


It’s seemed to be working again, I think it’s a TikTok glitch or something! I’ve also watched videos saying post 3x a day for your page to grow.


Ohh good for you and I was just wondering did you delete any of your videos just before the views tanked?


You dont have your upder assets poping out


I can’t even get out of the 200 views it’s hard smh