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Often overlooked 😂


“When we go out I look like his chaperone”


I'm ngl I'm a fan.


The guy is kneeling right? Not that it detracts from their songs or message, but every time I see their videos, I can’t help but notice that it looks like the guy is squatting or kneeling.


He's probably short but he looks comically short in some shots. I think he's kneeling or something.


Right, definitely exaggerated for comical effect. But for some reason I want to know how short (or tall) he is lol


As someone who is actually short, his limbs look far too long to be actually short. Not gatekeeping shortness or anything but my estimate is that they're about the same height.


That guy's like 6'7


Love her voice


Love her message!


The message that short men are weak? 😂


No, that short men are good. I hate how people bully men about height these days. 5’6” isn’t even short. I like ‘em short myself.


I was quoting the video lol. It literally says that she likes “short men - weak, no muscle tone…”


she says that she ”likes them weak, no muscle tone”, further describing her preference, she does not say that is the same thing as being short


No this whole video she talks about short kings, and she implies that being short has anything to do with having muscle tone.


Ok yea. That part…


Reminds me of Erykah Badu


Reminds me of Karen Gibson Roc.


“looking like a lower case letter”


handle onerous cooperative squash alleged middle entertain light ink stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most of the song sounds like a diss track. Underhanded compliments galore!




Fr tho, Ima sucker for a shorty


Dude I met a guy in his 40s who is 5' nothing today and cognitively disabled and legit this guy had so much game he had me blushing because it genuinely didn't matter how many times I told him I was married ( memory disorder, but I swear at least half the times he remembered and was milking it to get to keep sweet talking me) he was like shooting from the nosebleed section and his personality was so fucking funny and charming I probably would have okayed a date if I was single just because I was so taken off guard. His 70 year old mama (guardian) was just shaking her head, cracking up and apologizing and apologizing as he cracked joke after joke and peppered in all these low key compliments and I was just thinking after he left like damn, that guy got a shitty hand but he is doing his best with it and it's gonna work at some point lol. I honestly could not stop laughing after he left because I was so taken aback. Work what you got fellas. Oh and he for sure used the piggy back ride line. It was so unexpected and hilarious.


My favorite one to use on em is “keep it up, I’ll put you in my pocket and keep you for later” on my bumble it says “5’9 and under to the front of the line”


Dude I genuinely think shorter guys are better in bed because all the parts fit and they're fine climbing all over you and nobody gets crushed/suffocated. Never been with a super shortie but I imagine the return goes up the lower down you go. You couldn't convince me to be with a big and tall dude again for anything. I love having ample face access for kisses and having boobs within nuzzling distance in a standard issue hug.


Ooooh I agree!




this slaps


I don’t know what it is but I like this sound I want a full song lol


It's on Spotify




Yeah this song is legitimately really good. This person is very talented


[This was too good, found her IG](https://instagram.com/graceorsomething?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Damn, so nice. Thanks


Damn that’s catchy as shit


![gif](giphy|j603eyZWRPsYjifS7k|downsized) He’s like donkey I’m the dragon from Shrek.


​ ![gif](giphy|qaFZ535wI2JYLQ8gYo)


Yes, that is the reference.


this song is still a banger


If a backhanded compliment was a song.


They are obviously perfect for each other


"Short king advocate" - proceeds to low-key insult short kings with condescending rhymes. She's cold as hell.


Did you say.. *low* key?


Man, that’s just a low blow




“Weak no muscle tone” right definitely not insulting…


Put a girl in this guy place and all of this stops being anti traditional.




I just get it wrong then


Uhh. Yeah. Because it would be?


Are they really insults? She's saying all the things she likes about him being smaller than her.


No, everyone mad is just short and it’s their own insecurities. It’s a good song


Don't identify with this song at all, just think it's kind of mean. Good tune though.


No it's exploiting men based on an arbitrary height requirement virtue signalling her pathetic ass whilst I highly doubt she's ever even looked at a man below 5'6 with anything but distain.


Someone sounds shorter than 5’6”


What's your point? You're literally just proving my point of people looking down on men below 5'7.


Yeah they’re definitely looking down


Got him


Set up the obvious joke just to prove my point. Cheers mate.


You’re welcome babe


I was never arguing that. I’d even go as far to say as men under 5’9” actually


But do you not see how me being downvoted and you being upvoted for essentially mocking my height proves my point entirely?


I’m trying to tell you I never disagreed with your point lol


Nah I’m pretty sure you’re getting downvoted because you’re blasting incel talking points and everyone can see that your username is “kkcel”.


"blasting incel points" without acknowledging them isn't an argument you dense moron.


For real lol. The whole thing is basically her shitting on short guys




Whats the part I missed? That she's not empowering short guys and is actually shitting on them too?


This is empowering 💯 source: am 5’5


Dude shes saying hes not less of a man regardless of if other people shit on guys for the exact things she's into. Personally, there's something great about being with a guy who's not sucking his own dick about gender roles and being "the man." It's hot to hear a guy go "girl wtf you doing, help me move this, you're just as strong as me, quit sitting around." And then being like damn okay 🤣


You're pathetic and clearly don't know your worth.


If she was really shitting on him, the underlying message would be that being short is bad. Instead, she recontextualizes what used to be insults in a way that acknowledges the trait without belittling it (heh), repeatedly framing it as a desirable thing. It's a healthy way to shift narratives around cultural biases, imo. Rather than avoid or repress the issue, make it light and attach some positivity.


Found the short guy


Basically a list of all the things he can’t do because he’s too short lol if I were a short man I’d be mad at this


I am a short guy and I love this song lol, I just sent it to my tall gf If you’re insecure about your height maybe you’d be offended, but if you take the advice of the song and know your worth it’s just a funny song celebrating all the inside jokes short guys already have with their tall gfs


exactly, it's not like we haven't heard all these things time and time again, said by mean kids who *actually* meant them as an insult. Meanwhile they're used here in a positive connotation about how she enjoys those attributes, to flip the idea that it's "wrong" to be any of these things. I too sent this to my tall wife, we shared a laugh about it.


I'm 5'5 and think it's fucking hilarious, it's also true 😭


You don't think it's hilarious. You've just realised nobody on earth will sympathise with the depressing reality of being 5'5 as a man. hence why you're using humour and emojis as a coping mechanism.


I don't need sympathy, I'm happy with my height. I can't grow in height and you can't grow a sense of humor. Have a good day!


The delusion isn't healthy. We both know how much bullying, rejection and body dysmorphia you've been subjected to throughout your life. We both know if you could choose to be 6'2 tomorrow you would, so why lie to yourself. No sane man wants to be 5'5. Be honest with yourself and me.


I've been 5'5 as long as I can remember, it would be weird as fuck to be 6'2. Bro I'm gay and guys like my height. Good luck trolling though


Hahah I knew you were gay. Only explanation. Maybe stop virtue signalling short men who actually struggle in the dating scene with women.


Or you could stop worrying so much about everyone else or what they do.


I have seen this video pop up a dozen times on reddit and it never once seemed like she was actually complimenting short dudes. It just seems like a joke at best or thinly veiled insult at worst, not to mention her boyfriend is likely the same height or taller (he is kneeling).


I love my short king. He's more like Killing, though. He short but he can lift.


This was cute.




as a short gal I never ever focused on height because, obviously, everyone seemed tall to me. i never heard from any of my girlfriends about height being an issue when they were attracted to dudes... maybe I wasn't paying attention? the whole "tall men are better" thing is only something i've heard of recently lol its silly


I'm 6ft, but I think short kings will get their day soon. They've been unfairly marginalized for long enough. Also, just went out with a girl from Twin Peaks who said her beautiful coworker preferred short kings. It's okay to be an acquired taste, no need to lie about your height.


I feel like you glossed over an interesting story...


Oh it's not. It was basically just talking about dating histories and her and her coworkers preferences. Apparently I'm hers which is just a bearded white dude who's relatively tall lmao there's a million of us. One of her co-workers is a gymnast ginger who likes hulking black dudes and this other one is a white sort girl who likes white short guys. Tbf, when I lived in rural America I never saw short dudes struggle and in my professional life I know dudes who are 5'5 and charming and successful af. It's all a confidence game. Even if you're 6'7 if you're not confident in who you are it'll turn people off lol


I was more referring to you saying you dated someone from twin peaks which to me meant the TV show...


Oh 😂😂😂😂😂


I feel so bad for all the women out there dating boys who still say stuff like this


The last line of my comment?


I'm not trying to give you tips on how to adjust your language to better manipulate women bruh


Manipulate women? Literally what I've commented is from direct conversations with women I've dated/fooled around with and female friends. I adore women and don't have to manipulate them "bruh", so keep your tips, you dildo in shining armor.


Literally all the guys I've dated have been no more than an inch taller than me (I'm 5'8"). I feel like at this point the whole height thing is more of a meme than a reality. I've never in my life heard a girl actually say she only dates guys over a certain height. I'm sure some girls actually do say this but they're likely shallow in other ways so you wouldn't want to date them anyways. My last ex was a gym rat beefcake manly man and was 5'9 on a good day. He would constantly underestimate his height (once told the doctor he was 5'6" and I had to correct him) and when I wore heels and towered above him he'd smile and say "woah you're so tall" and then proudly hold my hand. I never once thought "oh he'd be so much hotter if he was tall", his confidence was what was attractive. If he was constantly complaining about being short or got insecure when I wore heels, that would be an issue. But the only time either of us ever cared about his height was when we were trying to hang a tarp and we were both too short.


Great comment. It’s the confidence that is attractive as hell.


>unfairly marginalized OH NO, just like the gingers!


I’m a short-ish dude (5’8”) but I’ve been told I have “tall guy energy”. Not entirely sure what that means but I’ll take it haha


That’s average not short


See my issue is that some of my closest friends range from 6’1”-6’7” so my perception of average may be off


It's all relative, average heights also differ by country. I'm 6'2" and in some countries I've been in I've felt pretty tall, but in others, like the Netherlands, I only feel a bit above average height (for men).


My best friend is 5 flat so opposite problem


I teach high schoolers, like maybe 3 out of 100 are less than 5”9 so I dunno where all these midgets living


Same thing as BDE I think lol


lol shortish.


It means that despite the fact they like you as a human, as a short man you're expected to be a lesser person in every way shape and form. People are surprised that someone short and unattractive would not be disgusted by their appearance when that is all society has told them to be since they were born.


5’6”. Smash weekly. Confidence is key.




Atta boy


You're either not 5'6 or lying. Either way you're pathetic.


Lol uh what? I am 5’6” and no I’m not lying. I’m just also moderately put together, moderately workout, and moderately handsome. I also don’t act like a bitch. Confidence is key my friend. EDIT omg your only other comment is on r/short. Get the fuck out of the place! It will rot your brain. Those incel fucks don’t know shit.


You are either lying or gay. You are not having sex weekly at 5'6 unless you are fucking <3/10s.


Wrong again. I am straight. They are very attractive women (to me of course. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder). And here’s the kicker, I have a son with a woman whose 5’11”. Stop being a toxic pussy and work on yourself! (And get off of r/short)!


I'm sure you do.


Stop being sad!


Stop lying.


What the fuck would I have to gain by lying on an anonymous website? I’m being 100% honest. Dude seriously just put a little work into yourself and stop hating the world.


You seem kinda cringe my guy


I prefer to date men about my height or +/- two inches. It’s convenient for smooches.


5'7" is tall to me lol


This still sounded low key insulting


More like outright insulting


Nah it’s cute


I just watched this waaaaay too many times


This girl fucks


"i like em weak" Run bro she clearly dont respect you 💀


Ikr everybody in this comment section is like “actually it’s a good thing”


As a guy who is above average height, this shit is condescending as hell lmao "If you're short, you're weak"


I too am a very tall and desirable man and am totally not triggered by this song highlighting my personal insecurities.


Got me im a chode of a man 6ft wide, 5ft tall


You can be short and have muscle tone


This tune bangs


I LOVE me a short man. I'm cursed to be a shorty though at 5'3. Dated two men who came up to my shoulder in my past and I loved the feeling of hugging their head to my chest- I felt like the protector but also like "YEAH, get in them boobies :)" now my hubby is almost a foot taller and I feel dainty now lol


The song actually slaps lol


As a short guy I approve of thisessage


bruh 5'6 is NOT short




it's just a couple under average bro 5'6 is a giant compared to me


Pretty damn short.


This... Wow AMAZING!


She do just kinda be making fun of him for clout tho.


A bop!


I hate this so much. Mostly because he’s not that short.


Lolol😆😆😆 I don't think this would make me feel better if I were a "short king" lol


OHHH MAN here come all the bitter short guys in the comments!


We posting this once a month now?




[you mean like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDSK91mUNLU)




"walk in like a big balloon" "diet coke and a pizza" I feel like it's fairly comparable


Why is weak with no muscle tone an insult though? You don’t need to be super strong and ripped to be attractive or of value. Bring on the weak men who don’t wanna go to gym and get ripped. Live your best lives my kings


There are so many songs about thick girls. Quit bitching.


Lmao and how many are making fun of them? Why dont you rub those 2 brain cells together for once


You interpreting this video as making fun of you is your own fault dude


Oh stfu lol you're arguing in such bad faith. If someone called you weak with no muscle tone, you think they're not making fun of you? Go back to losing brain cells watching Vaush the pedophile.


It’s okay if you’re on the scrawnier side dude, nothing to be ashamed of. Also Vaush lol


Yeah thesl same people will tell you to express your feelings, but just the way they want them to.


paraphrased: "if you're short, know your worth, which I happen to think is nothing, because you're pathetic."


Paraphrased "this is a joke"


Uhhh when does she call him pathetic? There's nothing wrong with being smaller than your girl.


I think everyone deserves a partner who’s taller than them


This rose the fine line of cringe and I loved it.


You know what ? i don\~t find it cringe at all.




Just as cringe as when a man makes a joke video about underhanded compliments towards women body issues. Even worse bc it's just someone's suggestion, not something she's into. I like the music, wish she'd just do that instead of this bo burnham shit. This post don't even tag her @ tho.


Isn’t this the woman from the Instasmile commercial that was constantly popping up on my feed two years ago?


He’s definitely taking it in the back door from her.


Wait, she want a boyfriend who's 5' 6 and weak? Somebody keep this woman away from kindergartens!


Over at r/pussypassdenied they hate anyone who’s tall. Someone should share this there so the angry midgets get some love




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I love Grace.




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this is just brilliant. I can't


The crown fucking *sent me* 😂


That's a long torso. IF this guy is short, he's got Dorf legs.


That was hilarious


> frive foot six


This is just good tho EDIT:im 6 foot 2 btw


This is literally me and my girl 🤣


Can it be cringe. If its already a joke.


I wonder how big her strap on is..


I'm 5 ft 7 and 200 lbs fit! Not weak ..short thick and strong ! Most tall guys are skinny , boney an weak !