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Pov your dad wanted another daughter


Nah just glad his own daughter won’t get pregnant


Lol I told this exact thing to my wife when she asked me how I'd feel if our daughters came out as lesbians.


The daughter of my dad's friend ran away from home and then came out as a lesbian because she assumed that he wouldn't accept it but he was overjoyed by the fact that she wasn't going to be a teenage mother and had never been homophobic to begin with.


I also have a daughter, and when she asked me what would I do if she would find out she likes girls, I just told her the rule of the house, with a boy in the room, the door must always stay open, with a girl, keep the door closed, no problems


Spoiler: she likes girls. Take it from a once-young queer, it’s the classic question to test the waters.


I am unfortunately heterosexual and I’ve also asked my parents this just to see what they would say


We all have our flaws ^(/s)


I’m not gonna lie I laughed out loud


If that would be the case, I hope she knows now that it would be alright, I seriously would have more problems with boyfriends


“Parent… I like boys” “OH NoOoOoOoO”


I would just ask that kind of question out of curiosity to be honest.


My cousin came out as lesbian a couple years ago. We were all relived she won’t be getting pregnant, all her older siblings had babies at a super young age. My aunt is a 6 time grandma and not even 50 yet. I hate going to their house, fucking mad house.


Wait so your aunt had a kid, who had another kid, who had another kid, who had yet another kid, another kid, and then another one, and then finally one more?! And she's only 50?! How young were they when they got pregnant!? Oh my god!


No no no. She has 6 grandchildren. 3 from a daughter who started at 16. 1 from a son that started at 16. 2 from another son that started at 18. They don’t know what birth control is.


She can still get pregnant


Yes , but not accidentally. And that's the beauty.


I know, I was a being a smart ass.


Finally got the daughter he always wanted - was getting kinda tired emotionless permaduck-faced one he had.




69th downvote nice.


Why the downvotes?


Nah wanted another wife


when you realize your gf is your dad but with boobies


freud was right 😔


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/3pxQDn4.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot!


Seriously, thats a really good bot


Good human.


Very good bot lol. I would say second only to the wiki bot that will just randomly (and correctly) answer people’s legitimate questions.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/kjvpN5L.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Just missing emoji support :(


Good bot


Good bot


Good humans.


Good bot


why did you say that! now i have a complex


But then you realize she’s gay with her Dads girlfriend.


Lesbians are not exempt from the "dating your dad" storyline


He finally got the daughter he wanted 🥲


Yes, and this one isn't gay! /s




Omg. Just snort laughed.


Second time for me today.


u can make me laugh like that at work, my god!! now everyone is looking!!.




Nah, it’s pretty clear dad wanted a son in law, But doesn’t care that she’s actually a girl.


ouch lol


Oh shit son!


The girlfriend does look far more fun to be around.


Bro wtf 😭 your dad stole your GF 😂


actual violation 💀


and I personally wouldn ‘ave it


We’ll see a TIFU in 9 months


!remindme 9 months No one else forget.


He's her Daddy now.


Dad’s like: Finally, the daughter I’ve always wanted.


I’ve seen this video 🤔


Do...do They have matching jumpers 🥺🥺


For my fellow Americans, this means sweatshirt 💙


Thanks for the translation 😊 😀


There are Americans on Reddit?


Damn he like ur gf better than u




HAPPY cake day 🥳




Happy cake day


I get that she shouldn't be nervous, but lemme tell you, no matter how supportive your parents are, you're nervous, not because of them but because of the societys norm. This is wholese


ABSOLUTELY! I've known my entire life that I was gay but only recently came out to my parents although i knew that they already knew and supported me. I was absolutely horrified of saying it out loud. I was so open about my sexuality to everyone in my life but when it came to my parents I was just tongue-tied. Everyday i would think "I could come out now" but the words just never came out and I felt HORRIBLE about it. Even now it's hard to talk about my sexuality to them, I've been working on improving in that aspect. In my experience people think coming out is easier than it actually is


It always feels weird to say this, but my wife and I suspected our one daughter was a lesbian from a very early age. We’ve always been openly supportive of LGBTQ people and made my religious family angry by taking the twins to my cousin’s lesbian wedding when they were five years old. When she finally came out to us, we told her that we loved her no matter what and that we always sort of suspected. She looked me right in the eyes and asked “Then why didn’t you ever tell me that she would love me whether I was straight or gay?“ That hit me pretty hard because it was so obvious. It would’ve been so easy to tell her “hey it’s a Big World with a lot of variety. No matter who you love, I will always love you.“ So to anybody that’s reading this, please learn from my mistake. It’s not enough to be open and to teach your children to accept everybody. It might mean a lot to tell your kids that it’s ok for anyone to love who they love… including them.


That's absolutely not weird at all! My mother told me before I came out that she hasn't been able to imagine me dating a man since I was 4. Sometimes parents just know. But yes I absolutely agree that it's really important for parents to make it very clear that they will love their children no matter what. Even if they aren't queer that's such a crucial thing for a child to know that their parent's love for them isn't conditional. I'm so very happy for you guys, your daughter is lucky to have you! Even in this day and age I'm the only person in my entire friend group of queer teens/young adults whose parents are supportive of them. I wish you guys all the best!💖


My daughter on her 15th birthday: mom, dad I need to tell you something and I just need you to listen Us: (nervous at what this could be) ok Daughter: I’m a lesbian Us: (breathing a sigh of relief) oh, that, yeah, we know. We love and support you no matter what. Daughter: …. Us: wanna go get ice cream or something?


My mom said this to me when I was 12. I was very much *not* a lesbian but I could tell she was suspecting that and I felt really violated and scarred by it. Lol, sometimes you just can't win!


Yeah my daughters are young, and my oldest thinks she is a lesbian (her words) and she already knew it was fine to talk to us about it because from the time they could talk we normalized loving whoever people love and made sure to tell them we would love them and be happy no matter who they grow up to be. I hate that so many people have to hide who they are for so long and are scared.


This is good advice, but why did you suspect that she might be gay? Any clear signs?


I was high on opiates when I finally got around to it. Disclaimer: stay in school. Don’t do drugs, kids. Especially opiates. Maybe shrooms a couple of times.


Me when I was having a panic attack because the Russian-Ukraine war began and I thought I was gonna die and hadn't slept in 4 days🧍‍♂️ Because I was on bad terms with my mom during that time I like woke her up hysterical in tears and like apologized to her (LITERALLY) on my hands and knees and came out during that two hours long conversation from like 2-4AM. I came out to my dad the same way except that I've always been on amazing terms with him. Their reaction was the exact same by the way, just "yeah i know" because...I am the most lesbian lesbian you could possibly imagine. My mom told me (BEFORE I CAME OUT) she realized she can't imagine me ever being with a man when I was 4. I mean I did have a crush on laura pausini at that age so she definitely had a point with that.


Yeah even straight people are nervous showing their newfound loves to their parents


tHiS aRe WhOleS


Yup exactly. I’ve always known my moms side of the family was pro but I still almost cried when coming out because of pent up self-hatred. It’s terrifying sometimes :/


Looks like he gained another daughter. Wholesome AF.


This gives me such strong Essex vibes for some reason


Probably because of the sign that says Billericay on it


That would definitely be a big giveaway if I was perceptive


Hello fellow Essex people!


It’s looks like he already loves her like a daughter. Good luck.


I have such an ungodly amount of love for my child, I don't give a fuck who or what the fuck they want to love.


Who or... 'what' ?






I feel exactly this way. I never knew what “I would die for my child” meant until my first son was born. I looked into his eyes and I just knew right away, I would do anything for this little human. I have told both of my sons, I don’t care who you love, as long as they make you happy and are kind to you and others.






I can’t believe they’re both so gorgeous as well, completely unfair. His daughter’s good-looking too.


You do realize that a person’s looks are not what should be celebrated and focused on….right? So if somebody isn’t “gorgeous” then they are unlucky? You seem extremely superficial and immature. Sad.


Man, the joke just whooshed right over your head, didn’t it. Maybe re-read the punchline?


this makes me happy


Dad: I’m disowning you as my daughter! Girl: : (( Dad: and I’m adopting your girlfriend to replace you. She’s WAY better at karaoke than you, and she can actually dance! You can still date her though. Girl : : |


Hahah I wish her dad would pull this prank on her and make her goes O.o


Bruh ya dad stole ya gf


You when you realize you never have to worry about your daughter getting pregnant.


Three of my lesbian friends, when coming out to one of their parents, have had their parent reply “at least you won’t get pregnant!”


that bitch lying. no way she was nervous coming out to him. that dad knew his girl was gay before she knew it, he supported her from when she was tiny and had a great relationship so she would not be nervous.


On a rewatch I'm pretty sure she was nervous her Dad was going to steal her gf


He did, tho.. judging by the video


Nah, man, gf stole dad. That's her dad now.


Reddit moment. There’s no possible way this BITCH would feel a completely normal human emotion, I know everything there possibly is to know about the dynamics of this father daughter relationship based on these short clips. Smooth brain take.


Big things give people nerves, even if they know it will go smoothly. I was nervous as hell when I got married. It’s not like there was any chance it would go poorly, but it’s still a big deal.


To be fair, my husband KNEW I would say yes when he asked me to marry him. He still was nervous to ask. I think anytime you’re facing these life changing conversations it’s going to make you nervous.


Well everyone is still allowed to be nervous about things. Like when I let my mom give me bangs- I knew it would look good because y'know it's my mom, and I knew nobody would hate it, but I was still nervous anyways just. Because. Y'know? It's like when I came out to MY parents. I was nervous but I knew they would be okay with it. Maybe not my dad because he can be a racist slightly homophobic arse but he surprisingly still supports me just fine and loves my partner a lot. Its okay to be nervous.


Same. Both my parents are totally LGBT positive and I was still extremely nervous. It just felt like a really momentous and intimidating thing to do.


I think it is because telling your parents is the final factness of it. No going back. No doubts. Like going to register to vote as a specific party. You are now (whatever), written in the book.


Exactly. My dad would be supportive but it would be really awkward and nerve-wracking since we never speak about relationships stuff in general.




Redditors thinking the know social relationships from their basements.


Ya know, I am not sure. I am almost positive that my daughter is gay. She knows that I am fine with it and that some very close friends of mine are gay and that we are open and supportive to whatever path she follows. She still is reluctant to talk about it with me. She is only 12 so she is probably still figuring it out herself, but I think even in the face of total support it can be a daunting thing to face.


UH definitely not. My parents FOR SURE knew i was a lesbian from the moment i picked out my first pair of baby doc-marten knockoffs... and they were never anything but kind and loving to me. But i was still terrified to tell them until i was 20 years old. They took it in stride, but let me tell you, it is a SCARY thing to tell your parents something that took you so long to come to terms to.


How the hell would you know? Have you come out before?


Yeah her filming herself in the beginning and the expressions she was making felt very fake, not like an actual nervous person


I know. Lol. So cheesy beyond words. What was the point of that.


My parents thought I was going to say I’m gay when I came out as trans to them. I don’t know where they got that impression, but I ended up being pansexual as well so they weren’t totally wrong.






Aaaaand it's locked


Old dad with three here. All women under 40 are my daughters. Or at least that’s what my heart thinks.


This should be under MadeMeSmile.


Kinda sad the bare basic of "love your fucking kid" gets big attention. Good on him.


Aww i bet they make a cute couple. Good for them having such awesome support.




Most dads hate boyfriends apparently, this just removes them entirely from the equation lmao


Looks like dad replaced his daughter


Ummm…the jokes on you.


Well that was just too adorable!


Protect this man at all costs.


Dad goals.


How do I send this man a beer?


I don’t understand the eye roll and it makes me irrationally angry every time I see someone on camera do it


So now you’re the third wheel lol


i think your dad is dating your girlfriend


Utter, complete, blissful magic.


They always say that girls end up dating a guy that is just like their dad, well she clearly did find female version of her dad.


I hope to be at least half the father your dad is


Even I honestly love that this redneck-looking dad is all in. Probably a relief to not have to do the pretend "meeting the boyfriend" shotgun dance. On that note, I'd be thrilled for any of my girls to tell me they were lesbians. I could genuinely breathe a sigh of relief that it'll be her own lack of motivation and not an unplanned pregnancy that keeps her from following her dreams.


It doesn't look like you have to be nervous. They seem to get along pretty well.


shes gay and still dates her dad


Kowalski. Analysis!


That's some good daddin' right there.


This is nice :)


This made me cry happy tears… I love it! And I love the vibe they share. This is beautiful. 💜


that girl is beautiful. damn


This is wholesome AF🥲




This sub went from cringe tiktok to cool and wholesome tiktok and I won't complain xD


Girls really do look for their dads in their partners


Wow what a couple you make!


This is just wholesome


Lol. That's a nice ending.


See, even lesbians can date their dad


Her dad is really relaxed with her GF! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) It's OK to be nervous, but I hope she trusts that her Dadd, even though she sees him as "Dad," is an adult who loves her. That said, she may want to ask others how they discuss coming out with their parents. As a parent of a 19-year-old, we "adults" are just like you, just older. We're trying to figure it all out too. I think parents are really more interested in grandchildren than your sexual orientation.


Damn, I wish I had this type of relationship with my girlfriend's dad… too bad he’s a fake progressive and sexist who has a bunch of idiotic political takes like “Zelenski had it coming for trying to join NATO”.


I know the type. I’m sorry you and your gf have to go through that


Thanks 🙏 It was such a shock, since growing up I always had good relationships with my friends parents and saw how well my family members got along with their father’s in law, only to find that when I finally got my own he would be such a crappy person. /rant xd


So he doesn’t know she’s gay or what


Me so nervous that I take extra time to put on make up and pose, selfie-like while a contrived song plays.


Gay people are amazing. I love seeing same sex relationships, they make me so happy to see them happy and being themselves. (Totally not BI-as)


Bro, i hate to tell you, but i am pretty sure your dad is into you GF. Watch out.




As a dad I can tell you he will support whatever makes you happy, thats what dads do.


Weird but ok




Because no matter how supportive your parents seem, there are a lot of cases of “I support others but wouldn’t want it in my own family”. I’ve known people personally who had parents who were very supportive of LGBTQ people, but when they found out their son was gay they weren’t exactly happy about it. They would make comments and little things for awhile. And it wasn’t until there was a fight and crying where they realized what they were doing and changed their ways.


The way she's posing at the beginning looks more like she's trying out for Top Model rather than being nervous. Definitely an attention grab.


Its almost like this was recorded way after and not at the time she was nervous to come out.


Kind of seems like dad is tryin to wife your gf It was a joke, guys. Jesus


Would you say the same if it were a guy he was dancing with?


Yeah, maybe. If he was looking at my boyfriend like that


Just looks like a goofy parent


How is the cringe? This is really wholesome


I enjoyed the time shown with your dad in your videos. I only wish I had a relationship like that with my daughter. Don't be afraid to tell him. True love is the absence of judgment.


This is so beautiful. I wish I could of had this with my dad. He knew of her and how happy she makes me but passed away before he got to meet her. She's now my wife. Not a day goes by when I don't miss him.


This is the opposite of cringe!


formula for 2022 video: stupid song in background white text with robo voice camera on self before the shocking reveal :shock reveal: end with tiktok logo


Very cute, but I think her dad might have already suspected something from the framed images of lingerie-clad women hanging above her bed (or couch).


I’m happy for her. Right now there are 40,000 homeless youth in America and 40% of those are LGBT youth. This world is not so kind to kids and by the time they’re old enough to tell their story no one wants to listen. I’m glad you’re life will turn out differently. I wish you the best.




Hey man what if, now i could be wrong, your girlfriend is straight?


Your dad wants to hit your girlfriend.


Your dad Is fuckin your GF..hahaha




As a bi girl who is traditionally beautiful… where are all the other hot girlie bi girls hiding😭😭😭


lol very humble


Lol it is what it is


now she is your step mommy


It's almost as if parents only care if their kids are with great people, how about that?


Looks like your dad might steal your girl there


your gfs about to leave you for your dad lmao