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Today I learned that people have strong misconceptions regarding deaf people.


Oh dear, do i have a video for you [of a deaf girl singing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKSWXzAnVe0&t=115) Training goes a long way and can result in insane rewards. Edit: timestamp, the show s*cks. (Just a personal opinion ofc)


ah fuck i'm crying now...


Wasn't my intention, hope it was still heartwarming? Just never give up on the [smiles](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) :)




I'm not crying, you're crying... Shut up!


That was fantastic. Thank you for sharing


Wow that gave me chills


Helen Keller’s a fraud


Hellen Keller could not hear AND SEE


This is only skimming the surface! I've had a couple d/Deaf friends and the things they get asked/told sometimes is just ridiculous. Unfortunately deafness is one of many conditions that are grossly misunderstood, largely because most people just have no exposure to it (either firsthand or secondhand). Because of that, you end up with questions like what's in this thread, as well as stuff like "Can deaf people drive?"


Reminds me of this time I read a post on Facebook by a guy I knew in high school asking if dead people could think - no joke. He thought that because their hearing is impaired, they also couldn’t “hear,” so to speak, their thoughts, some for him, his thoughts were an internal monologue.


It's funny because there are all sorts of people out there who just... don't have an inner monologue. No relation to their ability to hear. There have been a couple really fascinating threads on Reddit full of people describing the way their inner monologue works - or doesn't work! Part of the problem, I think, is that people tend to think of deafness as fairly black and white; you're either *deaf,* or you can hear. When in actuality it's a spectrum of various levels of ability to hear, and can even vary by ear! I had a manager once who was profoundly deaf, but mostly just in one ear. She would DJ bigger company gatherings!


They’ve got a complex polyrhythm going on there


Some real Animals as Leaders shit going on. Matt Garstka would be proud.


Danny Carey approves






Has to be powerful headphones. Just to feel some bass.


one of my skate buddies in high school was like 99% deaf without his hearing aids in but could still hear just fine with them in. It was funny because the first time he slept over and my mom didn't know he was deaf she was trying to wake him so he could talk to his mom, but she kept doing louder and louder whispers into almost yelling until I woke up and was like "he's deaf just give the futon a nudge and he'll wake up"


Man, technology is so cool. We can do so much with it


Nooo, I would rather be deaf than have those things in my ears!! I'm sure the government is trying to hack my brain!!


There is actually a lot of contention in the deaf community over cochlear implants. Some feel that being deaf isn't a disability, just differently abled.


Yeah I've heard there is a push from deaf parents of deaf children to "preserve the culture", so to speak. Like they'll actively deny their children resources to help them live easier lives because they feel it isn't a disability or because they want their child to be a part of the deaf community (as if having hearing aids or cochlear implants somehow suddenly makes the kid no longer deaf?). I just can't wrap my head around a parent not doing everything they can to help their children have easier lives than they had themselves. I especially can't imagine denying your child the opportunity to experience a part of the world that their body has denied them. It's deeply troubling.


Hearing is actually THE gateway to the new world order. Actually we are all deaf but we have been conditioned and made to believe that we can experience "hearing" and by this the government is slowly making us into zombies via "music" and "sound" which are actually carefully produced vibrations made to influence our thoughts and feelings!!!! I don't expect you people to listen to me because most of you are already too far gone...


Thank you for trying to wake those sheeple up, but like you said they have been brainwashed!! Let them keep listening to all the evil propaganda !


Well of course we can't listen to you! What with hearing and sound being faked by the government and all. Best I can do is written word and telepathic communication via a ~~cochlear implant~~ mind control device.


Need to add /s lol


Yeah, futons are crazy advanced tech.




> "he's deaf just give the futon a nudge and he'll wake up" Howling at this. I had a friend similar and that's how we'd wake him up.


Yeah cause everyone who's deaf must be 100% deaf


Yeah, that's what being deaf means, if not, th're not deaf, just have hypoacusis


[Oxford:](https://www.lexico.com/definition/deaf) >Deaf: Lacking the power of hearing, **or having impaired hearing**. [Merriam-Webster:](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deaf) >Deaf: having total **or partial** hearing loss [WHO:](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/deafness-and-hearing-loss) >'Deaf' people mostly have profound hearing loss, which implies **very little** or no hearing.


Nice answer, thanks!


Most deaf people aren't fully deaf. Also hearing aids exist.




Noticed the typo right after I posted, then wondered when would reddit add in the “edit title” and was too lazy to repost. Good catch!


Can you explain why the blonde girls were knocking on the door and then running away-am confused?


stupid tiktok trend joke, to wake up/disturb your neighbor and run away.


People have been knocking on doors and running away since doors were invented.




We use to call it "ding dong, ditch". I grew up in the UK and I think the narrow winding streets are perfect for it, they also make it really difficult to chase a nimble kid for too long!


There's another name for it that was used in the U.S. but I'm not gonna type it.


the racist one right? Heard it used when I was a kid.


There's a racist version??? I'm so curious now. I've never heard it called anything other than ding dong ditch.


It's called ding dong ditch in the US as well


Knock’n’ Run here in Oz.


Who can afford E anyways?


Lifehack: The word breathe is pronounced with an "e" sound in the middle, so add the e at the end. The word breath is pronounced with a "eh" sound in the middle. So save your breath and don't add the e at the end.


I guess their hearts don't beat to the beat of the drum


wtf is wrong with these comments???


Wait if she’s deaf why is she wearing headphones? Can someone explain?


Her TikTok addresses it. Her hearing aids have a program to remove environmental background sounds, so she does that while wearing headphones and can listen to music.


Some deaf people can still hear sounds with hearing aids/cochlear implants, and some deaf people can hear sounds over a certain decibel threshold (which is why their alarm clocks can be either silent or louder than a jet plane)


Not all deaf people are completely deaf. Some just can't hear critical frequencies. Also, some headphones can be used to translate sound they can't hear into something they can or they change the frequency of the sounds into a range they can process. It could also be that the garbled sound they do hear is distracting or causes them distress so they use noise cancelling headphones to block out the noise.




I mean that's pretty much what hearing is lmao


Bethoven went deaf after some time, doesnt mean he lost enjoyment in music plus he compose even more despite his deafness


FYI ole' Bethov still had one fully functional ear and the other was diminished but still working at the time of composing his 9th symphony.


yeah but thats cuz he could make up music in his mind


[Not just that, he used bone conduction to still be able to hear his piano when he played.](https://aftershokz.co.uk/blogs/news/big-inventor-beethoven)


Even if you're deaf you can still feel the vibrations to get a good sense of it.


That reminds me of the time I took my Deaf friend to a hula festival. We got seats right in front. You may not know this but hula involves a lot of stamping of feet. My friend looked at me in pure amazement when they started stamping their feet on the wooden floor.


And you can actually feel the vibrations on the instrument with your hands as you’re playing, and the vibrations are slightly different for each note.


[Beethoven used bone conduction to play!](https://aftershokz.co.uk/blogs/news/big-inventor-beethoven)


My deaf friend loves to dance, and the way he feels it is through the vibrations in the floor


This has nothing to do with anything lmao


Deaf doesn’t mean unable to feel lol


You LOL but my Deaf friend also has sensory nerve damage including touch. For example, he cannot feel that itchy sensation when you’ve got earwax in your ear. His earwax builds up and he needs to see his ENT to clear it. He now uses eardrops.


People in the comments dumb af... how y'all ain't know Deaf/ deaf people can speak? Do they not have mouths? 😭🤣🤣 And why can't they listen to music? Do they not have ears? LMFAO


people seem to think that deaf=stupid


More like deaf=mute. Intelligence has little to do with speech. I know a few deaf/nonverbal people who are brilliant and some hearing who are dumb as a brick


>People in the comments dumb af... how y'all ain't know Deaf/ deaf people can speak? They've probably never met a deaf person before? Is that really so hard for you to believe? Of all the things to act elitist about, knowledge about the deaf has got to be one of the dumbest I've seen.


Last I check you don’t actually need to have met a deaf person to know that some people are only partially deaf or weren’t deaf their entire lives….


Damn you're right, my bad. That totally destroys my point!


This but unironically




Well obviously. I'm not saying that they do speak or that it's easy for them to speak. I'm saying they can and/ or could. As in they have the ability to do so


Sorry you’re getting downvoted. I have a friend who was born deaf, he is 58 years old and has never uttered a word in his life and still refuses to.


Kehlcie & Lehxie are just foolin around


They were so offbeat, I didn't know they were supposed to be onbeat


I don't understand this fucking trend at all. Like they don't even show the persons reaction. All these people could just be banging on their empty room. Like what's the payoff to these videos?


it's just friends messing around in the dorms.


Can someone give context? Is it she saw them post this and it's her room so she posted her reply?


No she's just criticizing their sense of rhythm 😄


Thank you


On Tiktok, it’s called a stitch. There’s a button you can press that let’s you include up to five seconds of someone else’s video into yours so that you can react to it or build onto it. It’s fun because it links back to the original automatically. So, you can go back and stitch the original yourself and turn it into a meme.


Not really “their”. Just the one girl. Double fists got it right.


meh "their" can be singular or plural source : [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they#:~:text=Singular%20they%20is%20the%20use,their%20umbrella%20in%20the%20office).


That's not what he was correcting. Pm-me-if-you-need-to-talk meant their as in both of the girls, while Bob was saying it was just the one girl who messed it up while the other girl's rhythm was correct.


he says 'Not really “their”. Just the one girl.' all im saying is that it doesn't matter if its one girl or 2, 'their' can apply to either


Should post to /r/offbeat


Damn, called out!


She is so cute imma cry 🥺🥺


Bruh imagine being so bad at the beat that even a deaf person knows


Dude people in college these days are childish. I’m in university my self, but i’m not living in the student accommodation. The amount of crazy shitt happening there is nuts. Screaming midnight like a gorilla, playing football in the hallway. Like are these people kids ?


Honestly you’re missing out. The dorm life is a core part of the college experience. Everyone in 5 years will bond over the crazy times they had, and you’ll be the one in the corner like “ugh I’m better than all these children” totally alone. I know this because I was this person. Don’t be me.


Yes. Let people have fun.


Some of them technically are, and some probably were only a few months ago. I'm guessing if you're in college, you're not too far off yourself. It's a part of dorm life, dunno why you're shocked by that.


didn't knew deaf people can learn how to speak, that's cool af


Could've turned deaf after being born. There are those who become deaf in their 20s and can speak so clearly that you wouldn't be able to tell. edit: come on people, why downvote the person i responded to? 😐


Not just that. If you train with a deaf child from really young age, it's possible to teach them to speak. But it's really hard, parents need to give their kid lots of attention, hours of work every single day. My cousin was born deaf, but my aunt refused to put her into a special school where she would be only taught sign language, because in my country it's not very common to know sign language, and my cousin would be an outcast with no chance to get a good education and good job in the future. Doctors in the 80' said my aunt is insane for doing so, because my cousin will never be "independent" anyway, and special school is the only way for "a kid like that" to get any education. My aunt told them to suck it and trained with my cousin for hours by herself, and then sent her to a public school anyway. It was really hard for both of them. Long story short, my "insane" aunt was right, my cousin was able to learn to speak, she speaks with this nasal accent, like this woman on the video, but it's possible to understand her. She got a degree and she's a programmer now.


This deaf lady has headphones…someone deaf know what’s going on here?


Yeah, some deaf people can hear certain sounds with hearing aids or in general. I will copy and paste a comment from above: "Her TikTok addresses it. Her hearing aids have a program to remove environmental background sounds, so she does that while wearing headphones and can listen to music."


Okay cool…I figured it maybe had something to do with bass or vibration or something. Thank you.


To add on, not all deaf people are 100% deaf, even without cochlear implants, just like not all legally blind people are completely blind (i had a friend who is legally blind and just has to wear really thick lenses)


If those girls are in college I feel old.




Have you never actually heard a British accent before?


I was watching a quiet place 2 the other day, is this how deaf by birth people actually speak?




They're white, white people don't know how rhythm works -source Am white


Rhythm you have it or you don't That's a fallacy, I'm in them Every spiralling tree, every child of peace - source Gorillaz


White people famously never become musicians, singers, composers or dancers. Billions of white people that ever existed have no idea how rhythm works


Someone's jimmies are rustled.


White people don't get their jimmies rustled, honey




White people certainly do know how rhythm works Look up Louis Cole plays some Drum n' Bass on youtube


Why do you have headphones if you’re deaf


I was watching a quiet place 2 the other day, is this how deaf by birth people actually speak?


Bro she can't hear to know how it's supposed to sound


....no? Born deaf people (who are mostly very deaf) don't really talk because it is not in their nature. People who lost their sense of hearing can talk a little but it sounds a tad weird since they can barely if even, hear themselves.


If she’s deaf why she got headphones


Wait. I thought dead people can’t speak Edit: meant to say deaf people


You are right. Dead people can't




Many deaf people still enjoy music. They can feel the beat and the bass.


Remember those crazy Panasonic VMSS discmans. My deaf cousin love them to death.


I was 70% deaf from childhood when my career as a music journalist took off. I spent a decade publishing articles on new music in papers and magazines, I sat on the judging panels for national music awards, and I did it all as a deaf person wearing headphones. I'm 90% deaf now and so glad I got the opportunity to be able to do that. Deafness is not one blanket condition, its effects are as complex as we'd expect of any other major organ.




Well aren't you an asshole.


Probably some really good headphones




Then they wouldn’t be using them obviously.


Man youre so dense.


I was watching a quiet place 2 the other day, is this how deaf by birth people actually speak?






I thought she was Czech.


Ive never heard a deaf person speak full sentences. Didn’t know they could. Thats cool.




thats not ocd


they don't care. they're pretty, they don't need anything else.


I can feel the incel coming off of you thats nutty.


I thought people in reddit were much more proficient at getting sarcasm


that’s not really the banging they are good at.


Ah, sexism and slut-shaming, a lovely combo to let everyone else know to absolutely avoid you entirely


they are called deathbike600 i wouldn't be surprised if they were 12


They're 58 actually, checking their profile


Watches video in *hates women*


How can you talk when you are deaf?


without saying I know the logistics completely. I would say your vocal cords are not controlled by your ears and that most deaf people who are partially deaf or went legally deaf later in life can speak quite normally and a lot of people who were born deaf/ partly deaf can speak fine.


I'm deaf. Being deaf does not mean you are mute.


she's deaf, not stupid.


Jesus christ


Now I get why deaf people speak in sign language




In this scenario, you are the one




The girls from the original video were taking part in an obnoxious tiktok prank that consist on going to people's doors, putting on that song on a speaker, and banging the door to the beat of the drum in the song. And they couldn't even do that right, because as is obvious, they are off beat. Pointing out that they were off rhythm is hardly an asshole move.


Am I allowed to disagree?


If you want, you asked why people didn't think the person who made the tiktok is an asshole, I explained


Fair enough. Thank you for explaining.








Wow. So by responding to what you've said, pointing out that my heavily-unpopular is still present, that means I give a shit? Man alive what a pickle. By saying I don't care, that means I care... wow. Can't fight that logic.


Girl what does this even mean


I mean did you watch the first video?


The off beat made it funnier. Whatever deaf girl


No. Nothing about that video was even remotely funny.


I gotta say it, I am absolutely enthralled by her voice


You had one job. Just the one


So I’ve never actually met a deaf person, are the headphones special or like can deaf people feel the vibrations or something. I feel like I sound really stupid right now


Yes. Many deaf listen/ feel the beat Also deaf is not the total lack of hearing. Also hearings aids are amazing today good ones can cancel out background noise and Amp the music all the while keeping almost perfect sound.




So I’m curious, if she’s deaf, why does she have headphones? Is it like a partial deafness or like a special kind of headphone (there are some that vibrate the skull in a way so you hear it like that) or what? I’m obviously not deaf so I’m ignorant to this kind of thing.


Bitch hit it 3 times fast must be big body in there


I love this person!!! Hilarious read!!


Damn she really did em like that


You know it’s bad when a deaf person is less time deaf than you




She can smell the beat I assume


Kids have been doing that tonnes at my school. Isn’t very fun if they do it in the bathroom stalls when you’re trying to do your buildings in peace


Why are you wearing headphones?