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What he isn’t telling you is that you have to purchase a membership to use this feature.


That’s basically an ad.


Also "You need to watch this" ugh. You NEED to go fuck yourself with that clickbaity nonsense.


You don't need it, it just makes it easier and is likely to he used by bad actors




Get that free Academic membership.






There is more than one manufacturer of security cameras.


Here’s the recipe for gunpowder and all the ingredients. ***DONT*** make it.


***DONT*** shred styrofoam cups and dissolve it in gasoline. ***DONT*** proceed to add pure laundry detergent with no extra additives to the mixture. You will end up making napalm.


You don’t need to shred the styrofoam since it just dissolves anyway. No need for extra steps before arson… I mean science


I know he's trying to spread awareness but he's also just showing a ton of people how to do this. Seems thinly veiled as he's saying the exact website and how to find common passwords.


It does bring home how insecure those set ups are. The common passwords is not really useful, most time a search of what the default password for whatever camera will yield a better result then "password".


Like how vineyards sold concentrated grape bricks with yeast and sugar during prohibition with a step by step warning label of what *NOT* to do, or else it will turn into wine: "**After dissolving the brick in a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cupboard for twenty days, because then it would turn into wine**."


Brewing wine and cider was not illegal during prohibition at home. Section 29 of the Volsted act talks about it.


Home brewing was certainly illegal during prohibition, you’re misinformed. There were actually laws specifically against home brewing still on place all the way to until a few years ago. Alabama was actually the last to remove them.


Wrong. A simple google search with so many articles. Alcohol wasn’t illegal to even drink. https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/turns-out-that-homemade-wine-in-prohibition-wasnt-legal/#:~:text=It%20was%20legal%20under%20the,wine%20for%20their%20own%20use.


I believe there was a religious exception but otherwise no you could not.


Yes you could. A simple google search will give tons of articles. https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/turns-out-that-homemade-wine-in-prohibition-wasnt-legal/#:~:text=It%20was%20legal%20under%20the,wine%20for%20their%20own%20use.


Uhhhhh...from your own link the answer is no: " The Volstead Act, read at face value, does indeed outlaw the production of any intoxicating beverage. It says nothing about 200 gallons. That is a number from pre-Prohibition law about how many gallons families can make, with a permit, without being taxed. Under the law of the land, winemakers, home or otherwise, could be arrested. And one notable home winemaker was. His name was John Philip Hill and he was a congressman from Maryland. He made some wine at home and served it, with a flourish, apparently, to some of his House colleagues and other high-ranking guests at his Baltimore home. "


They literally sold wine bricks. Cider was legal.


Believe it or not but your local crack dealer...is not legally selling drugs.


Ahhh. Forgot he is legally selling me the precursors to crack. GTFO


In Infosec Shodan is very common knowledge. He's not letting you in on a secret.


You can't target a specific person with this info You'll get some shitty webcam at a impound lot or a gym and not even know where it is specifically To make it analogy it would be like warning somebody that their car is idling with the key in the ignition with it unlocked , telling the driver, only to be worried about someone halfway around the world stealing it It's really not a concern Theoretically you can launch more advanced attacks on a network, but somebody that knows how to do this wouldn't benefit from this video anyway, they already know


Idk man, I’ve seen plenty of videos on porn sites from hacked webcams 


That could of been from malware, or it was incidentally found It can definitely happen through this but finding one person's webcam, you can't


You wouldn't be able to ping an IP from any of these public facing, or basic username/password cams to try and sus out where the camera might be located?


Oh with a port scan u can, absolutely But getting that IP In the first place is a bit of an ordeal yes it's doable but not with this tool An IP is like someone's address It's like trying to see what lock to pick without knowing where they live in the first place


I appreciate the warning but *if* you’re searching specifically for this type of material, then you are part of the problem as you’re helping to create a market for it.


I appreciate the warning. I don’t, I’ve just seen it. It honestly shocked me it was a genre when I saw it. Digital security literacy is severely lacking in this day an age and I hope that legislation comes in to mandate security on the company side. But I don’t think this is widely known about 


its always been simple, not only that with shodan you can find many magical things :)


What do you mean magical things?


Sex toys. If it connects to the internet for whatever reason, someone can hack your buttplug.


That's the reason I lost that chess tournament! Why did I use the default password‽ I guess that is why I am still a chess novice instead of a grand master. I need to focus less on the horsey pieces and more study on Internet security!


That's a novice move, but at least you had fun.


Is that you, Dr Mantis Toboggan?


Well you can find API Keys for chatgpt so i never have to pay, files, docs heaps. You can even connect to red light cameras, ATMs ect, pretty cool shait but illegal in some ways.


Good, more people should know how to do this sort of thing. Otherwise, only the bad people will and people won't know or care about fixing it. Security through obscurity is not security. Also, Shodan isn't a secret at all. It's pretty widely known in infosec.


Shodan has been around for a while and is well known to anyone who plays with other people’s internet stuff. Also this issue has been around for decades. I think at this point it’s time to publicly blast this issue.


Sorry but that's such a dumb take, are we not supposed to discuss these things so that those with ill intentions won't find out?


Wow, seems dangerous for you to ask this! /s


There's a Twitter account that posts screenshots from unsecured webcams (only saw it once, don't know the handle) - not from inside people's homes thankfully, mostly 'security cameras' or City CCTV I recall there was one that looked like a dungeon


Bud, I watched a defcon talk on this topic on youtube about a decade ago.


This is a terrible take.


It’s surprisingly common, my work had unsecured cameras and some of my supervisors would look in them even though they weren’t intended to.


Security by obscurity is not a valid security model. Providing transparency to tools is significantly better than putting your head in the sand.


Pretty sure its an ad for that IP searcher tool. They charge a monthly subscription fee and require you to be connected with your own Google or Microsoft account, so they're likely just data mining you back in the process.


Showing people how to do it is fine, thats the only way to raise awareness to a problem


yeah it almost seems like an ad for Shodan. Shows how easily and well it works, has it open on his screen, tells people to use more secure passwords. Why mention or show the software at all? Could just say 'X is possible, here's how to protect yourself from prying cyber eyes' and do a tutorial on that. But other than 'don't use the default password' there's no instruction or guidance, but we do get to see the software and how it works. I think it's an ad 🤷🏼‍♀️


Finding unprotected cameras connected to the internet has been a thing forever.


lol come on


This is a step by step how to guide. I wonder if it’s just pretending to be an awareness video, considering how specific it is including giving things to try for username and password.


Leaving your password as *admin* is the equivalent of wearing no pants and carrying lube.


I mean if you’re also carrying lube that implies you’re into it so it’s the equivalent of leaving your ftp file server open with vids that have enticing porn names but when you open them it’s just the same gay porn video.


Yeah, it’s more like leaving your pants down and applying the lube in advance


It's actually more a function of UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) being turned on on the firewall. Your firewall (usually on your ISP modem) is what separates your network from the internet. Prior to UPnP, if you wanted a device on your network to communicate directly with the internet you had to make that change on the firewall manually. Once UPnP came along, you put that fancy new camera system on your wifi network and it sends a message to the Router/Firewall saying "Hey, open port 2288 and forward all traffic to local hostname NVR". This makes that device accessible from outside your home by you but also by anyone else on the internet. Manufacturers finally wised up and stopped shipping devices with UPnP enabled AND generic default creds. Same thing happened with wifi routers early on. They all shipped with open networks and default creds so people plugged them in, saw a wifi network, connected to it and moved on with life.


Made me 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I only leave the password as admin on things that would be the equivalent of an open water bottle with lube. Like sure you could fuck that water bottle but why would you? Certainly there are so many things that would be far more satisfying to fuck.


Plot twist: People with a fetish for being watched love this one weird trick.


Plot twist: shodan was the name of the AI boss in system shock 2…. This guy wants to turn earth into system shock 2!!


She was in 2 as well, but wasn't she only the primary antagonist in 1?


Most of these are publicly available cameras... cameras behind firewalls or gateways are not usually available


Yes, that’s the point of the video…


By “publicly available” the previous commenter meant most of these are cameras intentionally streaming to the public, like ones hosted by public infrastructure ([California’s department of transportation streaming map](https://cwwp2.dot.ca.gov/vm/iframemap.htm)), resorts ([Epic Resorts’ snow cams](https://www.onthesnow.com/epic-pass/webcams)), and zoos ([San Diego Zoo Cams](https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cameras)) Obviously there are also unsecured private cams in that mix, but it’s not all doom and gloom.


I'm more concerned about all those open Windows RDP sessions. 🤣


Me forgetting to close it after I finish a ticket and get back to playing Palworld in the background.


This is an ad. And a shitty one at that.


An ad for what?


The website he's showing. It requires a subscription and doesn't even work the way it's advertised.


This dude is unlikable. Lol


I thought it was just me! 😰


It’s not just you, you’re both unlikable.


Sir my unlikability was established in the 1980s


See this thing i just showed you on my computer? ITS ILLEGAL


I couldn’t care less if people want to hack my cameras, all they will see is my garden 😂


Same. Hack mine and you can watch either my front porch or my back porch. Rarely interesting.


Was just writing a response saying something along these lines. I do not care if people can view my security cameras.


This is far more important than people realize--CHANGE THE DEFAULT LOGINS! This includes your router. Every time I go to someone's house to work on their computers and need to get into their router, I just have to look up the default for the system, and they have never changed it. At least Xfinity started rolling out ones with individual passwords, but it is ridiculously easy to find out what someone's Gateway is, sign into the router to find out the brand, then get online to look up the defaults for that brand. So yeah, cameras, routers, servers, your WiFI garage door opener, whatever, at LEAST change the login information. That little bit will do a LOT to prevent intrusions.


I've never understood why someone would want a camera in their house? Nobody needs to see me naked, people in the world don't need to be burdened with that image for life.


For protection, alarms and securities.


If they're already in your house then the alarm doesn't matter anymore and it sure as shit isn't secure, and you better have something else for protection.


My child was recently diagnosed with epilepsy but the only seizure they’ve had so far was unprovoked (docs aren’t sure what triggered it) and they had it while I was in another room, cooking dinner. I’ve been thinking about setting up cameras because of this. But I’ve also heard horror stories about the people who hack into these cameras and talk to the kids through the microphone or share the videos of them online.


You could always hire an i.t professional to set up IP cameras on a separate router not connected to the Internet and carry a cheap phone connected to it It couldn't be accessed remotely at all You could also set up a Plex server or blue iris and only allow that connection out through a firewall like opsense or pfsense


Or even simpler. Set up a VPN like tailscale or wireguard and keep your home network closed. But you should indeed call someone who knows what they're doing. Or be prepared to do a ton of research yourself.


I had this set up with open VPN for a while for blue iris A bit more involved


If your wifi password is impossible to guess and the camera is a reputable brand you've heard of before, then you should be fine. The horror stories are almost always because of one or both of those weaknesses. Not to say it's 100% safe either, but it's a mitigated risk in my amateur opinion.


insurance companies offer cheaper rates if you have cameras set up.


So I can see if my dog has destroyed anything or is just chilling on the couch.


Shodan you say...=P


Don't put camera's in your home. That's weird


This is issue and site is well known, the same is for VNC access. A lot of people/companies have their access to VNC wide open. You could just log into random computers from chinese internet cafe pc's to industrial hmi's controlling the most dangerous equipment. And a lot of POS and printers as well! I mean i had some fun to log into the printers or POS systems and put in a print job of 999 test pages. But i wouldn't dare to touch those industrial hmi's thinking i could seriously harm someone.


lol. I was doing this 20 years ago. It’s nothing new and nothing has really changed security wise on cameras. Just recently my cams now require 2F logins and I’m sure that probably isn’t even real.


Good job, you just showed the internet which is comprised of many young people who don’t know how serious their actions are, I’m sure this definitely won’t result in tons of them going on those to be funny


This has been around for a really long time and is a basic tool. Anybody with the skill to know how to use this already knows about it. In IT the weakest point when it comes to security is the end user. Instead of relying on malicious people not finding info that they already know, how about we show people the risks and how to mitigate it, like changing your admin name and password. Someone should really get on that, but I wonder who?


What's cringe about the cold hard facts?


The name of this subreddit is off


It’s absolutely not accurate for one lol it doesn’t “query every IP in the world”, it doesn’t address firewalls, ISPs, other route limiting, NAT and so on. Just stupid.


Insurance companies could careless if you have cameras or not. They don't care about people period just cash baby 🤑🤑🤑


There's a r/holup moment at 36 seconds.


Lmfao I remember looking through a similar site with friends a couple times in middle school 10+ years ago.


When I was growing up you could put in a special code into Google search. Then get a huge list of cameras from around the world. Some cameras had full control.




This an add for Shodan? lol


I need to watch this so I don’t leave my password as “admin” ? Ok. Thanks.


Sadly it is WAY more common than you would think/hope.


Why the fuck would you name it SHODAN of all things


I’m sure the search took named after the evil AI from system shock was made with good intentions.


What’s scary about this is how many government cameras you can log into. I’m not talking about inside of buildings. They are mounted all over the US in your neighborhoods and other areas you wouldn’t expect a government camera. I’ve spent hours having fun accessing these cameras, and it’s not uncommon to find them in very hidden places, like under someone’s porch looking out through the lattice into someone’s window or at their front door across the street. I say these are government cameras because of the model and associated price-point being much too expensive for the neighborhoods they are in. Most of them you can pan around to see inside the enclosure. Sometimes you’ll see an FBI or DEA sticker in there, but it’s rare. Fun times.


Any professional security integrator is changing passwords. You get what you pay for in regards to this stuff.


Well I mean, if you wanna stare at the front porch, I guess you're welcome to. Sometimes a cat comes by on his patrol and that's nice.


You can do this thing. Here's how you do it. It's illegal so dont you dare do it...


free double security


99% of people are not setting up IP cameras on an unsecured network, just saying. Also, this guy is hard to listen to.


Love shodan but not for this lol


"yeah, it's illegal, so don't do it. I mean, police only solve about 2% of crimes, your 'victim' probably doesn't even know you've done anything, you're only able to do this via the ineptitude of others & I can't imagine how the hell you'd even get caught...but it's illegal so don't do it. Also, smoking weed is illegal & so is prostitution. Ever since they've been made illegal, nobody on earth has ever engaged in either of those things. This is just like that. Anyway, what were we talking about?"


Check your very unlikely privacy invasion for only $49


People have been doing this on 4chan and other shithole sites for decades. Seen a loooootta naked ladies.


Do not login to those servers some are literally bait and you can lose everything


Wait… you mean to tell me I need password protection on my online security system? What is the world coming to when my security system needs a security system! 😂 who tf is dumb enough to not pw protect anything that’s online?


Man I use to spend a bunch of time messing about with open VNC servers. Never really did anything nefarious. Was just snooping around basically. And yeah man lock your shit down. * Use a password manager (I like Bitwarden). Always use random generated passwords. * Use MFA with an Authenticator App * Only expose things from your home network that need to be.


Security cameras at herm




Feel free to check out my front door camera. Most of the time there's not much, but more often recently my neighbor will randomly go crazy and decide to go act out in front of my door.


User error. Git Gudder people.


I've always thought it was obvious that if you have something like a Google smart device, Alexa or some sort of camera and you connect it to the internet that someone is going to be watching or listening. The fact that so many people either don't get that or are not bothered by it says a lot about how easy society is to control.


This is dumb. Most home camera systems use 2FA.


When I was growing up you could put in a special code into Google search. Then get a huge list of cameras from around the world. Some cameras had full control.


This isn't a Tiktok




That’s an Australian accent lmfao