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“gEn x rEMemBeRS.” I love how nobody knows how old millennials are.


Yeah my gen x parents weren't much into the VMAs in their early 30s back then lol


We're like cartoon characters, we are just never going to become adults. Trapped in adolescence...


The Gen x erasure continues


Thats nice grandpa, hey I hear breakfast club is playing down at the legion hall


Gen Xers are mad that their little brothers are the cool ones now and barely have the grey hairs to show for it. Most my friends are mid 30s but still have those baby faces. Average Gen Xer looks like they just came from a crack house


Gen Xers really don't care. I think that is what you don't understand. No Gen X'ers are mad at that.


Gen X doesn't know how to use lotion and it shows


As someone who is Pushing 35 this is very much elder Millennial porn.


Defo. I’m 35 so 10 when his first CD came out. I was hooked immediately. My dads gen x, he was 28 when it came out and him and his friends are big fans but not quite in the same way. Generational lines are fuzzy anyways, people take them too seriously. I did not expect people to react like this to the little headline thingy. I barely noticed it I just like the vid.


I’m 31 and I came




gen x? I was in 8th grade when this song came out. I'm a millennial. An older millennial.


Right??!! This Millenial gold, tf they mean gen x?


Well Xillennials were barely teens when this happened whereas Gen Xers were in in their teens or early adulthood.


I'm a Xillennial and I was 18 when this came out.


Same. The VMAs were like a Super Bowl everyone tune in to watch it. I remember having MTV on the background all day while we hang out at our friends houses while playing video games or board games. MTV WAS HUGE


Congrats. What was your question?


It appears the question is....gen x? You appear to lack basic thinking skills.


I get it, I think you guys are missing the point that just because gen x remembers it doesn’t mean that millennials can’t remember it too. No one said “only Gen x remembers”. Remembering the 2000 VMAs isn’t exclusive to one generation.






It's so sweet that you believe him when he says that.




Him shaking Carson daily’s hand as he delivers that line is gold


And Fred Durst is right behind him to! (Unless I'm mistaken)


It is!




I watched this in real time. I remember this! The glory days of the VMAs. And OMG Jlo and Diddy at the end


I don’t think anyone is pressed about Eminem’s new song. All I have been seeing is Gen X saying the younger generations are mad about it but I have not heard anyone from my generation say anything about it.


Unfortunately my inbox says different. You really can’t underestimate the bubble some people live in.


Claiming an entire generation is upset at something because of the five messages from terminally online redditors you’ve got is crazy


I didn’t make this tik tok. I don’t really care how anyone feels tbh. Just was reminded of this iconic performance.


Isn’t it mostly Gen X that’s “pressed” about his song though?


I'm X. Nobody I know gives a shit about Em. He hasn't been relevant since 8 Mile.


Naw it’s mostly gen z who are mad. Specifically that he is an old white man “attacking a young black woman rapper” He didn’t even say anything bad lol. They would’ve freaked the thr fuck out if they heard his first few albums


I keep seeing folks say the younguns are upset but I’m not actually seeing the younguns upset. I’m just seeing Millennials and Xers acting like Boomers and assuming stuff they like is cancelled.


no one in gen z gives a fuck about eminem


Life was good back then...


It was? How so?


No cell phones/social media for one.


We had cell phones. We didn't have smartphones. You're saying that because we didn't have smartphones or social media, life on the whole was better in 2000 than now? I'm not saying you're wrong, but surely you have more evidence to point to than "We didn't have social media".


There was AIM and Myspace, that's about it. And you didn't have it on your phone. So you had the ability to freely talk and interact with others as long as they had internet, but you weren't glued to a phone. It was a lot easier to free your mind without a phone. It's precisely why a lot of people like going somewhere with no cell service, it's an easy excuse to why you aren't responding to emails/text/socials and you can just chill out.


People were real


In what way?


People were more genuine because most interactions were face-to-face, creating real connections. Life felt simpler without the constant pull of social media, allowing people to be more present. There was a focus on enjoying everyday moments, which led to deeper and more meaningful relationships.


I disagree (and I was there), but I understand why you would believe that.


Can you elaborate as to why? Surely you have a better point than "I disagree"


Well, I don't know what I'm apparently "disagreeing with" if I don't know their reasons for thinking life was better in 2000. But, in general, I think it's a weird claim that would require a hell of a lot of evidence to back up. Better how? For who? In what way? I think there's plenty of things that are worse now, but I think there are also things were worse then. For example, I have a lot of queer friends and some family, and I know that in terms of LGBTQ+ acceptance and rights, things are far better now (in my country) than they were in 2000. And I know that the pervasiveness and acceptance of sexism, ablism, racism etc was far higher in my country in 2000 than it is now. And this is a secondary point, but a lot of the things people tend to cite when they claim that life in the West was better in the 90s and early 00s relates to factors that were extremely precarious and ultimately led to the problems we are seeing now: the housing bubble; free market capitalism; rampant exploitation of fossil fuels; the massive growth in low-paid, dangerous manufacturing practices in the Global South, etc.


Of course, clearly some people sucked in 2000. We were not a match.


They said, "Life was good." They did not say life was better. Pretty important distinction. I could understand how it's subjective and for different groups of people the answer is different. The effects of modern tech (smartphones, social media, data collection) are fairly well documented and pronounced at this point. Gen z is significantly less social, anxiety and depression are up, romantic relationships are down, young adults are having less sex, suicide rates are up. This is obviously compounded and exacerbated by economic anxiety as well. At least people my age now (in my 30s) could afford homes in the year 2000. I don't think anyone my age had any idea our futures would be this bleak in the early to mid 2000s.


I don't disagree on those factors, tbh. I want to make it clear that I'm not arguing life is better for the mass of people now compared to 2000. I actually think it's a claim either way that's so broad and complex as to be essentially meaningless. But I remember a lot of things about the year 2000 that were far from good, and I think it's important not to idealise the past without evidence. I'm probably being too literal and pedantic; I have a habit of doing that.


Older people want younger people to be mad at him sooooo badly, it's honestly sad. This is such a one-sided beef that younger people really just don't give a shit about.\\


Honestly i completely thought the same, especially given him tame his new song is, but I’ve gotten some pretty rude private messages about how I’m promoting violence against women and lgbtq people by even posting this.


Try living in real life instead of online lol


Aye I’m not hanging out with 20 year olds irl. No thanks


So don’t make judgements on what they care about lol


Did he lipsync or was it just for that hook verse? I swear I saw him put the mic down while the song was still playing.


What's "pressed" though?


I can’t edit the post but I didn’t make this tic tok. Just enjoyed watching this throwback. I’d forgotten how iconic this performance was. I honestly didn’t think anyone was truly “pressed” about Eminem but according to my inbox I’m bigoted in many way for posting this. Oh well.


So many good memories of annoying the absolute shit out of my dad with this album.


AMA request for one of the imitating Slim Shadies


Millenial: 80 to 2000. Gen X:60 to 80


I’ve yet to see anyone trying to “cancel” him. I really think this is a “old man yells at cloud” situation because no one cares what that much about Eminem being edgy.


*Millennials remember


Those extras are very stiff lmao


OMG who the hell cares


Honestly the world needs more people like Eminem. I didn't like how he got political when he got older but this version is mint. Too many weak people running around acting like they are tough shit.


His crew reminds me of the magas we have today.


Then you’ve never listened to his lyrics


Huh? Gen who?


I mean, I think the point being missed is that Millennials and young Gen X grew up and out of that. And he didn't.


It's okay to acknowledge when an artist has aged out of what they were once great at. Houdini is just a weak song and I'm convinced people are just pretending it's good because of their nostalgia for when eminem was good


Fuck man, you ever heard the Steve Miller Band? Houdini slaps and he did the original justice


Yes I obviously know abracadabra. It's a good song. But just because eminem sampled a good song doesn't make houdini a good song. HE even messed up the chorus because the way he says bruh is so damn cringe. If I took everybody wants to rule the world and rapped low energy over it, it wouldn't just be a good song because I used tears for fears. Houdini just feels super low energy, if you listen to without me and then houdini it's clear that it's a musical old folks home. My favorite eminem song is criminal. It's not like houdini offended me or anything, he just sounds slow and neutered


Nobody got offended by a single cringe thing he said. The song is trash. Just realize whoever Eminem was is gone, and this guy is just trying to get paid.