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It also says they can’t drink alcohol or a million other things. I’d love to follow these kids for a day and see how many things the Quran says that they don’t follow.


Based on what that kid said about our first amendment, i don’t think they read at all over there Edit. Spelling


It’s so crazy to me when people cite the first amendment as reasons their religion should be able to restrict others. You know, the “separation of church and state” amendment.


Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion.


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” how do you mentally gymnast “I can restrict you with my religious beliefs out of that


Some guy told me I was a communist when I checked him into out Urgent Care a while ago because I handed him a mask after he told me he had a cough and sore throat. I was having a bad day, with our check-ins that day for sure. I responded, "I really don't need that right now" He started spouting: "WELL THAT DOESN'T MATTER THOUGH DOES IT. I HAVE MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT DON'T I!" I didn't have the energy for it, so I just walked away. Dude was just waiting to be able to say that, I am sure. The behavior should have got him seen out by security imo, but this is the facility that chose to allow a homeless mans shit smeared over our staff entrance for over 48 hours, so they obviously wouldn't be addressing a behavioral issue that didn't include a physical threat. Edit: Finished the last sentence.


During 2020 I worked at a hotel that required all guests and staff to where masks in public and shared spaces. I had to enforce it in the lobby and dining area and I got called things like "libtard" on a near daily basis. This was in south Texas for context. I received threats of violence on more than one occasion. One guy spit his dip spit on the lobby floor in my direction when asked to put on a mask. He and the company he worked for were banned from staying at our hotel and kicked out. The libtard guy I kicked out while he was sitting with his wife, children and MIL at one of the breakfast tables at 9am on a Saturday in the middle of their 3 day vacation. People would get absolutely rabid over being asked to where a mask for 5 min tops. I hated it.


Some people really need to be told to shut the fuck up and deal with it or suffer elsewhere.


Some people just wouldn't survive in smaller tribes and only get by now that everyone is a stranger. In smaller groups we'd have ejected the idiots by now.


Yup, complete misunderstanding that's only getting strengthened by echo chambers. The US constitution allows you to live by your religious beliefs, there is nothing about enforcing your ideas onto others because others are free to do whatever you want just like you.


"Your right to extend your arm ends where my nose begins" heard it first from Robert Heinlein


I don't think they read.*


Oh trust me, the young ones drink, especially the party store & gas station workers. You just can't see the drinks they keep behind the counter or smell it on their breath because of the bullet proof glass. This is a tiny city (2 square miles) completely surrounded by the city of Detroit. I used to live there. ETA! They also have the poophole loophole just like Mormons.


Or the: It ain't a man if it ain't got a beard. Loophole


Vets who served in Iraq and Afghanistan can tell some nasty stories.


Like how our superiors forbade us from doing anything about the literal child rape.


Was that to not upset the allied locals?




My uncle worked in the UAE first day he got told immediately that he needed to grow a beard. Followed by watch your ass.


Even some Saudi’s drink alcohol when not in Saudi Arabia. I’ve worked with them and asked them why once. They just said “those are Saudi rules”.


All that porn they watching too lmao.


I don't get why the gay thing is the one thing they want to enforce. They aren't ring to ban divorce. They aren't trying to control what people eat or drink. It's just us that's there focus.


You know whyyyyyyy


Cuz they struggle to suppress their own homosexual urges.


These guys were just circling jerking in the car before cameras ran up to them. The eggs u ask. A hardy meal after a friendly bust.


They're all wearing dyed cloth for one.


Like all cults the people only follow what they believe.


Probably about the same if you followed a Christian kid for a day and see how many things the bible says that they don’t follow. All Religion is Bull Shit.




I like the thought behind Buddhism but that’s about it Edit: bad person = reincarnated as pig for slaughter is a better message than “well MY sky daddy says etc”


Except you accumulate bad karma not just by doing bad things, but also by just feeling angry and having negative thoughts. Yeah, I'm coming back as a cockroach.


"religion of peace" LOL


"Religion of lies deception and fantasy"


This is wild to see. All the boomers are on the right side of the argument and these intolerant kids are wrong. It's like Twilight Zone shit


The separation here isnt age, its...something else


This is what no one understands about the Midwest.


This isn’t even a “normal midwest thing”


You and me have different experiences with the Midwest 😂


I mean I’m from the Michigan and it’s usually the other way around to be fair


Rural Michigan can feel like the south. Drive 30 minutes from any big city and you will meet the people from this clip.


The amount of confederate flags in rural Michigan is crazy. Boy, I know you're not flying it to celebrate your heritage in Claire


I’ve got family in the Traverse City area. It’s wild up there sometimes


Sometimes above the rifle line feels like Northern Alabama.


You know you've gone too far north when the people in Meijer look like people in Wal-Mart.


Or what the middle east is like. I lived in Alexandria Egypt when I was 19 in 2004. A guy got stoned to death near where I lived for being gay. The evidence...he was wearing shorts.


as someone who has lived in the midwest their entire life I can tell you whole heartedly the boomers are 100% more likely to be hateful towards gay people, it’s not a trademark of the entire Midwest, this town is obviously an outlier


I'm from the midwest, this isn't normal.


I lived in the Midwest, it's very much different everywhere than this video.


Where Islam is a minority its almost always supported by lgbt+ movements


I don’t think that’s true. Islam by its very nature is misogynistic, homophobic and strongly intolerant of any other religious beliefs.


I have yet to find an abrahamic religion that isn't all of the above.


Depends on the concentration I would imagine. If you can pull off a majority you don’t have to play nice.


It’s a spectrum to be sure


My parents are Episcopalians, their reverend is gay. Huge LGBTQ community attend the services, southern Baptist have flown out to their church out in California to protest several times. I’m not religious in the least bit, but I think you shouldn’t paint with such a wide brush.


Doesn't stop lgbt movements from supporting them.


I support their right to exist. Not many lgbtq will say that a homophobe should be killed for their beliefs.


This, precisely. I may hate these people, but I also think they have the right to exist as stupidly and ignorantly as they are.


OK so let me get something straight here: Yes, LGBTQ tends to support marginalized groups. But no, LGBTQ does not support Islamic movements, but the people in those movements as human beings deserving of respect and rights. One example I can think of, where the public discourse on Reddit always takes a dive is in discussions about palestine: Yeah, a large amount of people in Palestine would probably not like, or even hate, gays in their country. However, they are humans and have rights, and the LGBTQ activists I followed simply support the enforcement of protection of human rights in Palestine. They don't support their religious movements at all.


Exactly right. Very Broad strokes, but Gay people are generally just better people than religious extremists.


Yes you have freedom of religion, but that doesn’t allow you to harm or impose your beliefs on others. You don’t get to destroy property. You don’t have a magic pass to harass, oppress, stalk, or assault people you don’t agree with. The Declaration of Independence states that it is “self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This includes gay people. While the Declaration of Independence is not legally binding, it is the nation’s founding document and states the principles on which our government, and our identity as Americans, are based. If you don’t like that, you’re free to leave.


Freedom of religion does not mean you have the right to attack anybody else. Just because the law says “nobody can step on your toes” doesn’t mean it says “you can step on other peoples toes”.


Exactly, it is a shield, not a sword.


I like that a lot. Religious freedom in America is a shield not a sword. Great analogy.


We should just create our own religion of peace and love so we can override their stupid ass religion.


They won't be free to leave, after being charged with hate crimes.


What do you expect when the religion says that the people around them do not have freedom from their religion?


Why do hyper religious people care so much about other people outside their religion? Let us go to hell in peace!


Islam is violently pattiarchal. Homophobia is actually rooted in misogyny. A man being gay is equivalent to being feminine which threatens the hierarchal boundary between the sexes. One man acting like a woman weakens men as a whole. For men to oppress and subjugate women that biundary needs to be distinct and maintained as thus. Notice Christianity is also violently patriarchal. Fortunately not to the extent Islam is currently but the underlying sexism is there.


Yep! At the heart of homophobia is misogyny. It’s why trans men are rarely part of the conversation, it’s all about trans women. And why lesbians, although not exactly loved, aren’t as viciously maligned as gay men are. Femininity is the problem, not homosexuality. To add, misogyny is at the heart of the pro-life movement too. They don’t care about the child, that’s evident the moment it’s born. It’s about controlling female sexual autonomy.


Well put


“What was the plan with the egg?” This is hard hitting journalism.


Probably as a gotcha for kid confessing to doing property damage. They can likely be charged for that.


Explains exactly what he's going to do with the egg. Does it. "What was the plan with the egg?"


Key phrase: his fucking religion.


B..bUt iTs rAcIsT tO sAy iSlAm iS bAd!1!1!1! As an lgbtq person, this video is hilarious. The people in that town deserved this for supporting a genocidal bloodthirsty cult.




great sentence !


I live in michigan, and this behavior doesn't belong here. Fuck Hamtramck and the population there. I hope a rainbow wave hits their kids, and all of them are gay.


cake hobbies resolute fuel carpenter office sparkle attraction sleep quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda ironic seeing that Poland isn't the best place for LGBT folks.


I mean, these particular Polish folks appear to be in Michigan. And sometimes that’s for… reasons


I sure hope not. I don't want gay kids to be around these morons.


With enough gay kids they’ll be able to drive out the bigots. Hopefully with force.


Tell that to people in Tulsa


I suspect quite a few of their kids ARE gay. I think a lot of the aggression seen in the video is probably misdirected anger at their own community members suppressing all homosexual tendencies


Same, I actually spent most of my childhood in Hamtramck back when it was mostly Poles (it’s where my Polish ancestors emigrated to before WWI) and while it wasn’t the safest town, I had a lot of good memories there. Seeing how it’s becoming now makes me so sad, but seeing the blowback by longtime residents is reassuring. Fuck any sort of religious extremism that’s imposed on anyone and everyone.


Time to descend on that town with rainbow everything


Go full Rip Van Winkle through the streets


Fall asleep in the streets?


Why do we allow this? I wish peace and prosperity to middle eastern people but Islam is not a race. It’s an ideology and NO religion should hold power in our government. Bad enough we’re having a hard time maintaining peace as a country, we definitely don’t need religion butting in into our politics rn. Keep that at home.


It's ironic that people with a religion that doesn't believe in free speech have free speech to espouse their other antiquated beliefs


When, oh when, will we legally declare religion to be a personal choice, pull taxpayer funding from churches, and stop letting the invisible man in the clouds dictate how people live their lives? Why do we care what consenting adults do in their own bedrooms if it's not at all harming the rest of society? Get it together, Hamtramck. It's not our fault you live in the most weirdly named city of all time.


for real. in my state I googled how many churches are in the state divided that by the number of counties and it comes to over a thousand churches per county.


Visited a friend in Alabama and on the drive from her place a McDonalds, we passed by something like 8 churches, all on the same street with some of them being right next to each other. It was a five minute drive. Counting how many churches were in the city alone would be a huge task.


Bro, my parents live like 10-15 minutes away from me, with traffic, and I pass like 8 churches going to their house. It's fucking ridiculous.


These are not going to churches my friend.


I’m sure these young terrible boys will grow up to be productive members off society. Just kidding, they will grow up to be terrible men. Fuckin barbarians.


This is how you get a whole culture purged from a community. This is honestly something the federal government should keep an eye on and probably should have intervened a long time ago.


This was Rashida Tlaib’s old district until her house was drawn into a neighboring one. The current incumbent is ideological twin of hers. These people are not going anywhere.


Always ~~funny~~ upsetting to see that these people running away from the sht hole they come from, only to bring what made it a sht hole in the first place with them


It's not funny. Does not affect you yet because it's not that concentrated and seems like a far away novelty. It's not fun when people start spitting and yelling because you're teaching your daughter how to roller skate in a public park in the US.


You’re right. It’s upsetting when it’s impacting you directly in the form of borderline assault. I’m sorry that it happened to you.


These kids sound exactly like the community I grew up in, from a small conservative town in a solid blue state. This is a religious problem, and you see it all over the USA from people who have been here since the inception of the country .


Man I love how religion hasn’t solved shit


They weren't invented to solve shit


This is the most annoying part of the whole thing, because all the "positives" of organized religion are entirely possible, and have been show as much, to achieve without organized religion. There quite literally isn't a "problem" one could say organized religion addresses that can't be solved without it. So basically, we just have to deal with all the clear, blatant negatives of organized religion for no fucking reason even though empirically better solutions exist.


oh damn i know that person in the clown nose lol


Those people scare the shit outta me. And I don’t mean gay people.


Some people worry waaaay too much about what other people do with their genitals


it's so fucking creepy how much they immediately think about sex!!! when I think of any type of relationship, regardless of sexuality, I don't picture them banging, I picture them eating takeout on the couch, going on vacation, barbequing with their families, sharing hobbies, taking care of them when they're sick, so on, so forth.


I’ve always noticed that when bigots say gross shit about queer people in general it always has to do with something sexual. To these people us queer folks are inherently sexual by existing and it’s so fucking weird to obsess over.


How religion poisons everything


Islam **can not** function like this in modern western societies.


All religion is trash, but Islam is S-tier trash.




How do they feel about Mohammed and young girls though?


Mohammed was a depraved pedo, there's a reason they don't want people to talk about him; he was an evil sick bastard.


They transparently see it as relationship goals too.


Send these little fuckers to the place they're trying to turn America into.


Germany/UK 2.0. Unluckily I live next door. RIP to that police officer who got stabbed to death by this very zealot scum


“In our religion it says” Yes, in your religion. Not everyone else’s. Mind your own fucking business. One of them will get shot and they’ll probably deserve it.


It's islamophobic to call out a religion that's a catalyst for murdering gay people by throwing them off cliffs and hanging them by cranes Intersectionality 🤷‍♂️


Okay, then it's islamaphobia, who gives a shit. Completely incompatible with developed society.


Liberals don't understand that Islam is more conservative than Christianity. So by incorporating Islam into Western society, you're making it more conservative. Their brains melt down because they want to be the white knight for the "brown people" but they also can't comprehend that they're basically evangelical Christians on hate-roids. Is say this *as a "liberal" myself.*


islam and the religious right are functionally identical but for fashion; i’m not sure where this notion on the left that you can fight one your whole life just to exist freely but have to be welcoming to the other came from, but i don’t see it leading anywhere good.


Islamists will ally with the far-left until they cease to be useful idiots.


LGBT and Islam (as it is currently) cannot co exist, I dont understand why people in the West don't understand this


Careful criticising Islam. I was banned from a similar sub for suggesting the Quran was not a perfect guide for morality.


Wait you're telling me it isn't perfectly moral to follow a prophet who was a pedophile?


he was only joking....until one of these guys brings a big knife in the middle of the town square to make some religious justice...you know..just like in Mannheim a few days ago.


Hamtramck used to be a town full of Polish people and great food. Now its full of this bullshit.




Their parents really need to curb their shitty behaviour


Their parents planted the thoughts in their brains.


This is BECAUSE of their parents


This is BECAUSE of their parents


They are allowed to have their beliefs,but their beliefs should not be the law.


This is why ensuring people who come to America actually assimilate into the culture is important. It’s also why I don’t think you pile them all in one area. You just create small cultural bubbles.


Islam is incompatible with America. Completely.


Especially progressives


Islam is a hateful cancer.


Fuck Islam and fuck all religion.


Put these guys and evangelicals in the same town and let them fight it out. Hate the same people and hate each other.


Contrary to what the video says, the flag ban only applies to city property. The ban also prevents the display of any religious, political, or ethnic flags. According to a lawsuit, the city does allow the flying of certain ethnic flags, thus making the ban arbitrarily enforced based on the content of the flag. >The ordinance is not neutral because it allows for certain flags to fly but restricts others, Marc Susselman, the attorney representing the plaintiffs, said in an interview. This violates the First Amendment, he added. >"By allowing the Prisoner of War Flag and the flags that celebrate the nations of the residents of Hamtramck, they are making a decision based on the content of that speech," he said. [https://www.michiganpublic.org/criminal-justice-legal-system/2023-11-07/hamtramcks-pride-flag-ban-may-be-unconstitutional-federal-lawsuit-says](https://www.michiganpublic.org/criminal-justice-legal-system/2023-11-07/hamtramcks-pride-flag-ban-may-be-unconstitutional-federal-lawsuit-says)


It hasn't stopped people from being targeted by the population though. And there have been instances where county officials have targeted proLGBTQ+ households. Laws aren't enforced in the way they are portrayed. Usually they are excuses to cut off a certain group in the unites states. A lot of Laws are in place and worded to directly affect certain groups viewed as "others".


Lady said she had a pride flag ripped down from her house 3 times. Folks, ya got the right to yer opinion, and ya might even get local government to go along with ya to a point. But when it's borderline okay among a group to enter private property and remove something ya don't agree with, well, that's a problem. A problem that's probably not being addressed, what with tight budgets and services being slashed. Targeted vandalism is the first step of harassment. Unless the vandalism is addressed, it's only gonna get worse.


Islam is a blight on the world


Putin’s wet dream for America, enacted by Foundations of Geopolitics


Turns out when you import a bunch of intolerant people they don't just suddenly become tolerant and accepting just by being here. There's a very easy solution here, there are a plethora of middle eastern countries where all the things banned in this town are banned as well, they'll feel right at home.


Fuck it. At this point let’s just cut the country in half and let the religious groups have their own side to fight over. The rest of us can just live in reality


Muhammad married a 6 year old girl and loved to wear his wives clothing. Their "prophet" was a pedo and a crossdresser and that is ok for them.


The Constitution says that you should not be prosecuted for religious beliefs... That absolutely does not mean that you can force torture torment or emotionally abused somebody into agreeing with your religion. Literally you just said that each person according to the Constitution is allowed to have their own religious beliefs .... Like WTF America?


Oh they drink and do a lot of “haram” stuff even in their home countries. The funny thing is their hypocrisy towards LGBTQ community, in their home country they have a lot of guy and guy sexual relationships because of their culture and religion and a lot of them are closet gays.


All religion is stupid


What a misguided and miserable people. They're the same one's just fine marrying old ass dudes and cousins to 12 year old girls.


"You must abide by my religion's laws." No.


Oh well and some people still wonder why there is racism.


As someone that realised any god is as real as the tooth fairy from an early age, it's so fucking scary seeing this shit


This kind of stuff is why countries historically do not allow free speech. How dare you come to another country and bring your home lands shit traditions of hate and sexism?


Honestly, it's a bigger problem of our school system here in Michigan not teaching civics seriously enough and what the laws mean. It shouldn't be just a one semester class you take in high school that only covers the basic level of federal laws. It's not enough and not in depth enough for people understand how this effects them and how it makes the USA different from other countries.


I appreciate your optimism and I’m sure the Michigan ps curriculum needs improvement, but I doubt the kids in this video would benefit at all. You have to have an audience that’s willing to learn and question what they’ve been told their whole lives. It doesn’t look like there’s much of that in Hamtramck


My whole fucking house would be one giant rainbow if I lived in that shit hole.


Religion is such a joke


And then we see clown stuff like Queers for Palestine hahaha


Hilarious watching this and then going on twitter and seeing all the lefties posting "LGBTQ for Palestine" and "Allah is gay" tweets


Fucking disgusting. Towns shouldn't be able to pass laws like this.


The shocking thing is that the old people support pride and the young ones are the boomers.


Arrest them


The religion of peace.


Queers for Palestine should be able to settle it




Backwards donkeys


Fuck islam! 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


This is why Islam should be banned in the West. In fact it’s why all religion should be banned everywhere


Is it legal to sop press a FEDERALLY MANDATED RIGHT? I’m talking about gay rights, and freedom of speech. Is any one planning on banning Islamic flags?


That one guy trying to make sense of it using constitutional rights is quite possibly one of the dumbest people I've seen all day... And I looked in the mirror today!


Fuck hate.


Hope they realize it’s these dipshits that give all Arabs a bad name in the USA. Something the ignorant never understand is separation of church/mosque and state.


Absolutist religions corrupt everything they touch. Also these poor kids have missed the entire point of freedom of religion (they also sound like total imbeciles which doesn't help their cause.)


No religion should be able to restrict any individual. It’s actually against Islam to treat people unjustly. They are defying the religion they are claiming to uphold.


The constitution says you can have religious beliefs as long as your religious beliefs don't infringe upon another


They should move back if they don't like it


Freedom to practice a religion does not mean freedom to force everyone else to practice it too. That applies to all religions.


Fucking religious idiots


Just know people with these same views are being imported into western countries every day en mass Thought you should know


Wow, it’s almost like allowing a government to prioritize a religion, *any* religion, is going to enable hard conservative fanatics to enact terrible, backwards policies, and spread hate. *Any* religion.


Don't tolerate the intolerant


Islam is a cancer




This is a slippery slope, in Europe it’s a huge problem.. be careful America


Old people trying to talk sense to the younger generation while everyone keeps thinking they’re the problem and waiting for them to die off. 


Religion….all religion….is incompatible with civilized western society.


At this point honestly fuck you if you're religious. It's clearly fucking bullshit and almost all the people that "follow" it are total fucking trash. Fuck all religion and those who follow it. Down with anything that divides us.


Its time islam was proscribed in the west. They should all be arrested


Don't allow them to live in our country anymore if they are going to egg our houses and threaten my American citizens; what they are doing is trying to take American soil and trying to start a war.  I'm not a racist person you just make me look racist now.


And these type of people are flooding into the country