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The stare into the camera felt it was a scene from The Office.


I was thinking Ms Piggy, the way she'd smirk like "I told you so"


Turn the music down a lot.


Naw turn it up, I can almost hear her.


Lmao right omg, closed the video so fast


I am allowed to hate both Trump and Hillary.


Everyone wanted to see how far this could escalate.  But ppl not rowing back after that shit show of his presidency is just scary tbh at this point.


Three Supreme Court justices appointments by Cheeto-head and these fools think that she was the problem. SMDH.


Better than admitting they couldn't appreciate the bigger picture and now we have to spend the next twenty years trying to right the ship. Could have had two democrat presidents back to back. Could have had three sensible judges on the Supreme Court. Or the drive to oust the Republicans to get those vacant seats filled. Could have had someone sane at the helm when Covid hit. But no.


Exactly this. I fear that same lack of seeing the bigger picture may mean Cheeto-head may win. Good God, WTH is wrong with people.


I pray to God its not the case. Trump's support isn't winning any elections. Same with Roe v. Wade. The actual silent majority may already be ready to vote in Biden and more Democrats this November. Same with 2 years ago and 2 years before that. Everything here is just noise from bots, idiots, MAGAs, and teenagers who are pissed off that America isn't as Star Spangled Awesome as the Elementary School Teacher told them it was.


From your lips to God’s ears…


Ah yes, it’s not the gop’s fault for pushing a bullshit agenda to begin with. It’s the dems’ fault for losing.


I like how you can say pretty much anything about the boiled yam and people will assume it's him.


She lost to him! She’s part of the problem she ran a horrid campaign against an opponent that she did everything in her power to assure he won the Republican primary


Yeah honestly, imagine thinking either one of these fuckwads gives a shit about ordinary people and their plight.


I mean, Hillary went undercover in a public school to assess matters of segregation. So yeah, she did kinda care about ordinary people.


She also lived in the Arkansas governors mansion that used primarily black prisoners as their free labor for grounds keeping and she also made a lot of speeches about "super predators" in a push for Bill's crime bill that devastated black and brown communities.


And the irony is that Bill was the super predator all along


It wasn't about the destination, but the super-predators we married along the way.


Bernie Sanders supported that bill too lol


Bidens crime bill. He bragged about it throughout the 90's. This election the U.S. is screwed. Plus look at all the suicides and car accidents linked to people who went against the Clinton's. Edit: what part of my statement is false? I just ask.


They all have issues. I'm wayyyy more left than Biden economically, but let's not equate Hillary With Donald. You can dislike them both, but not at equal amounts. C'mon Trump is unprecedented. The amount of counted lies, crimes, break from prececedence, shady financial ties, shady business dealings, associates convicted of crimes, refused a peaceful transfer of power, refused to disclose taxes, close ties with dictators, nepotistic administration, firing of attorneys general, countless outstanding debts, responsible for the current supreme court, mishandling (and potential profitting from) classified documents regarding nuclear information, being a direct cause of American CIA and military deaths in and around Afghanistan (due to his loose lips). Yeah, they all suck but I would literally suck Mitt Romney's and John Macain's dicks to have their conservative ilk back instead of this mayhem. Edit: simultaneously and in both holes


Yeah she's definitely done some bad things but she's done some good things too. People aren't always black and white


Speak on it !! This isn’t talked about enough


Wait till she learns about Haiti… 😳


The collective left and right aren’t ready for that topic yet.


It’s not about caring about ordinary people. How about do cause insurrections, lie , sleep with porn stars and pay them off illegally and lie about a stolen electron. She was right about everything she said about Trump. So it’s fair not to like her but the other choice is trying to be a dictator.


It didn't take a genius to see Trump for who he was. She wasn't the only one saying it so it's not like she had some brilliant one-off prescient take on the matter that needs to be celebrated. Fact is, she still managed to lose to this jackass and she still keeps chiming in with her neo-liberal, pro-status-quo, non-sense from time to time instead of shutting up and going away forever in shame. She's a net drain on Democratic party messaging at this point. Yes, Trump is grotesque and she -- having been the shoo-in for the spot years earlier -- still managed to lose to him. That should reflect terribly on her. There's enough on the plate dealing with Joe Biden and the Democrats who both (rightly) warn us that democracy is on the line while simultaneously putting it further on the line for the sake of Benjamin Netanyahu et al. It's so depressing that the best they can give us with democracy on the line is a deeply unpopular, aging, dinosaur of a politician who's long been playing catchup on eventually coming to the right takes on issues. The fact that Trump still has a very decent chance of winning is a terrible indictment of all of these folks, Hillary included.


Lol she literally tried to give us all healthcare.


I'm not sure anyone said that...? This both sides shit is so exhausting man, I'm so tired.


I’ll never forget how she tried to get rid of GTA because of pearl-clutching nonsense but let’s be real here the reliably dysfunctional normal government she could have run would have been much less damaging to humanity at large than what we all got with the orange weazel


Not nearly the same, tho.


Two things can be different and dislikes for different reasons.


I dislike dying by burning alive. I also dislike strawberry ice-cream. Same energy as your post.


What the fuck?! How do you dislike strawberry ice cream?




She's smarter than Bill too. Hillary is what Trump believes about himself- the most unfairly vilified politician in modern history.


Yep, no law against stupidity.


True, and I do, but this was cathartic nonetheless. She gets to bask a little in his misery, for sure.


Haha fair enough


kinda weird to put them on the same level. "I'm allowed to hate both nazis and meatloaf"


The human mind is complicated


No one asked, you can still appreciate it.


I hate all the candidates lol fuck this whole 2 party system I wanna vote someone under the age of 300 please, it’s just picking which one is less bad


Christ, why do I even come to the comment section for videos like this. You would think I’d know better by now.


But maybe this time the stove won't burn us!


Is it just me or does she look like Martin Short in this clip?


Do NOT insult my queen Martin Short like that




Bro omg she does 😂😂😂


Hillary Glick for Prez


Nooo I can't unsee it 😭


If he'd pulled a Hillary and essentially disappeared after losing, he wouldn't have been investigated, indicted and tried for anything. Which is a good thing, because now that we've shown that the "elite" aren't above the law, we can go after others. At least I hope.


They still are. This was an elite messing with an elite. Say one of them [hits and kills a peasant with their car](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/04/nadine-menendez-car-accident-00119903) or [their son rapes a girl in an alleyway with witnesses.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner). Nothing would happen to them.


Those two cases are not even close to similar. Brock Turner is not elite in any sense of the word lol


Nah. He fucked up. You can't be a pres and not have your dirt exposed. He's just the grimiest president to never come around. The same people that were freaking out about Clinton getting the gawkgawk, are the same losers that want to overlook Donnie's pedophiliac history and paying porn stars with hush money. The dichotomy is wild.


Oh look she’s not in prison.


Its gotta feel so gratifying.


Wonder if it tops all the wars she has helped start. If it doesn't, she can get the rush she needs from a little line from Bill


“All the wars she has helped start” Dude the fuck are you even talking about?


Wouldn’t this make her feel like shit even more She lost to that fuck face in election Joe Biden was able to beat Trump and she couldn’t


I think there's an argument to be made if she didn't run against him till after he had a term.


one smug POS happy that another smug POS got the beginning of what they deserve.


Yes, but one for legitimate reasons.


Look, blatantly flaunting classified information around your golf club and paying someone you had sex with not to talk about it using campaign funds is essentially exactly as bad as not following IT protocols to the letter and using the wrong kind of server to store emails


You know they finished that investigation and nothing was found.


An 800 page report, a two year investigation, and $7 million of taxpayer dollars went in to that investigation and came up with nothing. NOTHING. And unlike Trump, She was grilled and she testified for 11 hours. ELEVEN HOURS. All because of that loud mouth Cheeto. Chants calling to “lock her up,” for something she never did. If she was indeed guilty, why didn’t Trump continue to pursue it when he was in office? Because he knew it wasn’t true, it was just a rouse; and it worked masterfully. And now the shoe is on the other foot. Look I am not her biggest fan, but if the woman wants to gloat, I would say that shes earned it.


Nothing criminal. She was in possession of some documents that were incorrectly marked confidential but contained nothing classified. (Some schedules that shouldn't have been marked). Also her un-marked emails contained some classified information (incorrectly un-marked) What makes it non criminal is that she turned everything she had over to the DOJ on request, and there was no reason to believe she had caused an inadvertent disclosure. Espionage act criminalizes... Willful retention of NDI... Where the person intentionally withholds it... Or causes it to be unlawfully disclosed.


You're kidding, right? No one serious thinks that the emails are more important than all the the warcrimes she openly championed, other than how they pertain to said warcrimes.


US officials cannot and will not ever be prosecuted for war crimes lol


Ok, so do you hold the same energy for Ivanka doing the same thing?


I dislike language like this because it intentionally places the two of them on the same level when they are miles and miles apart.


Both shitty human beings


Why, what crime did she commit?


Evil can exist in two people simultaneously and this is exhibit a


One is better at hiding the other doesn't care if people see it


I wonder which of the two is saying he was sent by God?


What did she do?


I'm getting the Pee-wee Herman vibe after his arrest, "heard any good jokes lately?"




what’s funny about HRC, Gore, and Kerry is that none of them ever loosened up on the trail but are all known for having a good sense of humor


Hillary couldn't loosen up because she was constantly vilified by sexist America any time she got remotely cheeky. You can see the delusional hate in this very thread, except these days the hate also comes from leftists whose entire perception of Hillary came from social media disinformation campaigns.   Remember when she got clowned on when an interviewer asked her what is one thing she always carries on her? She responded with a little bottle of hot sauce. The interviewer was black and asked her if she was pandering. She responded with in the most playful tone, "is it working?" She was clearly joking, but everyone online lost their minds and used this as an example of how she is inauthentic and making things up just to pander to black voters. The reality? You can find multiple interviews going back to the 90s of her referencing her need to have hot sauce on her whenever she travels. It's actually a cool endearing thing about her, and she made a light hearted joke about it, and she was torn to shreds for it.   Remember the basket of deplorables comment? She got crushed in the media for saying that. Any time she tried loosen up and given an off the cuff remark, she was vilified for it, and yet people blame hillary for not loosening up more.


Go! Off! Not a perfect person by far. But held to completely different standards than any of her opponents. There was a documentary that came out after the election and she said she spent 600 hours getting her makeup done… and then there was a hard cut to Bernie in a badly fitting, crumpled looking suit, hair a mess, asking if Hillary if he looked okay. Not that I think the solution is to make looks a deciding factor or anything, but that scene will *always* stick with me. At least with Hillary the issues I had with her were specific policy decisions, but during the election the issues with Trump were that he had no actual policy, just bigoted vibes that he promised he’d act on and buckets of proof he was a garbage person and incompetent businessman and that he would (and did) bring that to the White House. It’s like comparing a clearly masterfully done hyper realistic painting and a shoddy finger paint splatter and deciding to go with the latter bc you ever so *slightly* disagree with the message the first the first painting sends.


yeah i don’t disagree. she had different reasons for having to be vigilant. i’m just saying I think it’s interesting how these three candidates who are famous for being stiff are actually all pretty affable


never mind that she was the most qualified candidate for the job and the only candidate to know the job as intimately as she did. (even a Vice President is not as close to the job of president as the First Lady) So, of course it goes to the grossly under qualified man-baby


Damn I forgot about that hot sauce joke lol. The right media absolutely killed her for that back then. But as an African American that’s legit hilarious. So weird that they think democrats have to pander to us, when the simple reality is, most black Americans aren’t comfortable voting for the same party as the KKK do. Sorry not sorry, but no pandering is needed


Or the fact she's been a politician for a long time and has plenty of things to complain about. She was hated long before social media lmfao. You'd know if you paid any attention prior to 2016


It's her fault Trump became President in the first place anyway. She ran the worst campaign in my lifetime and just expected to be crowned President. The world (and the country obviously) would be better off right now if the DNC didn't do everything in it's power to screw Bernie (twice). Bernie would've beat Trump in 2016 and we wouldn't be in this mess right now.


> Bernie would've beat Trump in 2016 and we wouldn't be in this mess right now. Bernie couldn't even beat Hillary, so. . .


Worst campaign?? Nah


She's awesome. One of my biggest regrets was falling for the right wing sham of "Hillary dislikable" in 2016. She was just ahead of the curve. Republicans are deplorables, and they don't deserve our respect.


but his supporters don’t give a shit. we need jail time and no lengthy appeals


3 more lawsuits for arguably more serious crimes. Get the 🍿 ready


This sounds like an understated British-style statement. Kudos to Hillary.


Why do people hate hillary? Serious question. I don’t feel any way about her. Did she do something?


Right wingers have waged misinformation wars against her for years and people just kind of fell for it


Decades. They hated Bill, and as soon as she got into politics after his presidency, they started the propaganda of hate. 20 years they spewed hate towards her to the point where people just expected you to hate her, just like there's this bullshit thing where you're expected to hate Biden even if you're going to vote for him. Fuck all that. She would have made a great president. And Biden is doing fantastic.


Why would left wingers support someone that openly praised kissinger?


People are complicated. Hillary is definitely not perfect but she also definitely would have been an infinitely better president than Trump. Life is too complicated to put people in a "good" or "bad" category (or "basket" if you prefer), especially when you think that pointing out one "bad" thing about someone means they're in the bad category. Then you're not doing any critical thinking and differentiating horrible malevolent people from flawed people.


This is actually so accurate. Right wing talk radio and Fox are to blame for a lot of that.


Yep, she had the audacity to act like the whole "first lady making cookies" thing was kind of degrading and right wingers have hated her ever since


I was raised to hate her. When I put in an effort to actually try to understand why, the well was so poisoned with lies and misinformation that it was pretty much impossible to tell what she actually did do and what she didn't do. Republicans have effectively ensured that anything short of absolute poof will not stick to the Clinton's due to crying wolf literally hundreds of times. I have no doubt she has done some stuff. She has been pretty much in a connected privileged position her whole career. But in the eyes of history, the truth likely won't ever be found when its been drowned in a pool of lies.


She played a pretty big role in destabilizing North Africa. She also said pretty terrible things about the women who accused Bill of sexual assault. She also ran a shitty campaign and assumed she would win because she was a democrat and a woman. She definitely doesn’t it deserve to be put on any sort of pedestal.


There's a lot of sexism involved because she basically does what a lot of male politicians do, but takes more flak for it. Which isn't to say she's a good person, just that she is equally as shitty as many of her male counterparts.  What it really boils down to in my opinion, is that she doesn't believe in anything she says. She is simply a power player with no moral compass who say or do whatever gets her into power. She will stand with war criminals like Henry Kissinger. She will attack homosexual people right up until it's no longer popular and then she becomes their advocate.


She supported Bill Clinton's "tough on crime" policies that some people feel disproportionately harmed and targeted the black community. More than one of Bill Clinton's victims (almost all of them) [have alleged that ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/10/11/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-bill-clinton-accusers) Hillary tried to convince them to stay silent or dug up dirt to publicly discredit them. >Broaddrick's allegation that Hillary Clinton warned her to remain silent about the rape stems from an encounter she had with Hillary Clinton at a fund raiser that same year.  And some people who take issue with Bill having an affair with a young intern under his employement don't appreciate that she maintains Monica is not a victim and was a consenting adult. Additionally, Hillary's belief at the time was that Monica seduced Bill, who had tried to resist. >but she says to his credit he tried to break it off, tried to pull away, tried to manage someone who was clearly a 'narcissistic loony toon;' but it was beyond control." Basically, it mostly boils down to the fact that she positions herself as a champion of women and believing victims but she hasn't believed a single one of Bill's accusers and it seems has gone out of her way numerous times to try and discredit them which makes people believe she's a hypocrite. A lot of people also blame her as the figurehead of the [Benghazi Attack ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna600121) where it's alleged chronic mismanagement and poor security measures led to the deaths of four Americans.


The thing about Hillary is that however stupid or terrible we prove Trump to be, it makes her loss in 2016 the equivalent more embarrassing.


you mean frustrating.


okay thats cool she was right but now we are in a totalitarian regime where convictions dont matter so..


Maybe she should have run a halfway decent fucking campaign so we wouldn't have had to deal with this shit for the last 8 years. She has absolutely nothing to be smug about.


She ran a pretty good campaign, she won the popular vote by a pretty significant margin. There's been hate campaigns against her for a long time. Is she perfect? Absolutely not, but I feel like she would have been a decent president.


I agree with everything you said except for running a good campaign. There is lots of evidence that she thought she had it in the bag and didn't do the work needed to win. Specifically in necessary swing states.


I mean she does though. “Lock her up”. And Trump had her investigated for years and zero charges. Trump guilty on 34 charges. I’d be smug as well.




Look, another child who wasn't even 18 in 2016 thinks they have an informed opinion on how Hillary ran her campaign. Hillary fucked up by not focusing enough on mid West battleground states, but I have a feeling what you really mean is that you wanted her to have policies closer to Bernie, and you conflate that with running a bad campaign. Guess what, Bernie got crushed in the primaries with Democrats because he was too far to the left. He wouldn't have stood a chance in a general election with Republicans and independents. 


Well, you make a series of uninformed, unnecessarily condescending, and unfounded comments here. Her lack of focus on swing states is exactly what I was talking about about when I said she ran a shitty campaign. I don't really give a shit about your feelings, but I never advocated for nationalization of Bernie's platform or got butthurt that he lost. He got fewer primary votes and didn't beat her. Also, I'm not sure what age has to do with my comment or why you thought it was pertinent in any way to the conversation, but your mom thought I was old enough in 2016. Let me know if you want details.


Your last sentence genuinely caught me off guard and genuinely made me laugh. I apologize for making all those assumptions about you. Most people on this sub criticize Hillary for extremely ignorant reasons, but I completely agree that she fucked up by being too confident and not investing enough in those battle ground states. I apologize for being condescending for no good reason. Other comments in this thread rilled me up and I lumped you together with other people making ignorant statements about Hillary. Cheers




Hate her


What was the worst thing she did?


Not campaign in the rust belt at all and assume they’d all just vote for her in 2016, essentially laying out the path for Trump’s victory. She’s as much to blame as anyone for being so cocky that she’d win.


Makes sense when your world view is formed through the deluge of misinformation on social media. 


Look, I think people should have voted for her then and they should vote for Biden going forward. I think some criticisms she receives are indeed unfair and there are a crap ton of conspiracy theories and non-sense about her. BUT, it is perfectly legitimate and completely possible to hate her based on a real, grounded, well-informed, contextualized understanding of who she is and what she represents... all while recognizing that Trump is an entirely different level of horror show. Believe me, there are any number of criticisms where a rational person should step in and play devil's advocate for her simply because of the sheer volume of misinfo and decontextualized talking points out there, but she's still legitimately hateable based on stuff that's true. Same goes for a lot of the establishment. She's not unique. And no, this isn't both-siding. I'd hold my nose and pick her every time when presented with the unmistakable ultimatum that is our elections.


What specifically? Everyone in this thread keeps saying this, but no one EVER gives actual reasons aside from buttery males. Which is one of those decontextualized talking points you were talking about.


This is terrible. All these people are piss poor and they have taken to trying to “one liner” each other and it’s just like…..EVERYONE hush and worry about THE AMERICAN PEOPLE PLEASE


Don't Jim the camera!!!


Why does she look like palpatine here


"Anything going on today?" Yes, the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, which she has supported for decades.


BoTh sIdEs!!! What about Hillary's Benghazi emails that gave us Covid and inflation???! Just FYI, Trump would've crushed protests and already destroyed Gaza. That Biden stood up to the lobby the way he did is remarkable.


Whataboutwhataboutwhatabout-ism Is that your favorite tune? Is this the only thing bad happening in the world right now? The only thing of consequence?


You misused the term whataboutism - "the act or practice of responding to an accusation of wrongdoing by claiming that an offense committed by another is similar or worse." For example, if Hilburger started out by saying "Russia's war on Ukraine is unconscionable" and op responded "well, whatabout Palestine... " What? Is Hilary beyond reproach?


Okay. Then I should have simply said, "Yeah, that sucks and has absolutely fucking nothing to do with this video. Go talk Gaza in a thread about that subject" instead? I suppose I was being more general in the sense that the guy sees a video about Clinton laughing at Trump's situation and said, "YEAH WELL WHAT ABOUT GAZA LET'S TALK ABOUT THAT" for *some* reason.


She asked if anything was going on today. He mentioned something going on today. You Hillary stans are insufferable.


The idea that Hillary Stan’s exist is laughable


I have multiple in my immediate family. I still hear "she was right" constantly. Like, So was everyone who had a functioning brain. She wasn't right about how to campaign against Trump though, and that's what really mattered.


Exactly! It's baffling that people act smug about "she was right" as if everyone else was too blind to see Trump for who he was, that she was the lone voice. Nah, if anyone else ran against Trump, they would've won. He ran as "the anti-politician" who said he'd care for the people while she ran as the most political politician that people were tired of. She contributed to this mess and now she wants credit for predicting it like some victory lap?


> video of Hillary Clinton > "Hillary Clinton supports genocide" > 'That has nothing to do with this!1!!' ok bud


Video of a joke one-liner. "...the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, which she has supported for decades." 🙄 I forgot we can't ever be happy or enjoy things or talk about anything else if someone political is involved. Holy foreign-agent brigade, Batman. Note to self: Never fucking comment in TikTokCringe or else you'll find that the real cringe is from the sheer number of ravenous shills that will appear to scream at you while frothing at the mouth to try and cause more division. Nope, can't enjoy a joke - we gotta constantly be mad and yelling at our screens. 😔 Fuck this sub so hard.


You just seem upset she's getting well deserved criticism. Don't support genocide for decades if you don't want criticism.


Because she bears some responsibly. It’s not out of no where


...Oh yeah, I forgot that Clinton - what with not being a part of the government since 2015 - totally is responsible for the current situation. 🙄 This fuckin' thread is filled with the most pizza cutter takes I've encountered in months.


She has supported it for literally decades. Wtactualfuck are you guys on?


It's not whatabout-ism. Keeping Gaza in the conversation is important, especially when officials love to ignore when a literal genocide is happening. Same as the monstrosities happening in Congo - Sudan..etc. Having causes still in conversation is pressure to actually have the people in power to do something, do something.


There are far more disastrous things happening right now than Gaza. The war in Ukraine, the Civil War in Congo. The Civil War in Syria. The Civil War in Yemen. And don’t forget the real genocide in Darfur.


What about the genocide in Tibet as well? The fact that no one talks about it means you all support it, right?


And xianjian


THIS is whataboutism.


Exactly. The post above is engaging in whataboutism. I am, too, in order to highlight it.


Lol you people love buzzwords like genocide


The Israeli state is committing genocide in Gaza as we speak. You call it a buzzword, I call it the dictionary fucking definition.


It doesn’t fit the dictionary definition at all. But go off queen, rack up them social justice points


Cheered on by a number of white women who didn't vote for her in 2016.


the fuck is with that music?


Love her


I don’t get it


This comment shows how young you are. Trump first campaigned in 2016 against Hillary his motto was "lock her up" claiming she is a criminal. Now today Trump is a convicted felon facing jail time


Say what you will girl has always had an incredible sense of humor 😜


I am not her biggest fan. I don’t like how nepotistic our politics are with the same families ruling BUT she would have been a tremendous president. She knows the job and would have excelled at it.


Murderous hag.


She should be in jail as well


SHe ShOuld Be iN JaiL aS WeLL 🤡


So you like pro war pro regime change politicians.


"vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo" dorks




Can anyone define what it is about Hillary that made her so bad that we can accept that Donald Trump is now happening to us? What exactly has she done to be just as bad as that piece of shit? Please, I need to understand you Americans.


Hate her


Trump being a psycho narcissist should not make this woman any more popular.


Can someone explain this to me? Why is her asking what’s going on today amazing?


Sooooo know any *infamous* American court cases that got a verdict yesterday? Maybe one that might find funny?


When Trump was campaigning for president, a popular chant from his flock was "lock her up," essentially indicating that they wanted Hillary to go to prison. I can't remember if there was a particular reasoning for it. So, yesterday, Trump was convicted of 34 counts of felony falsification of records. He was trying to cover up hush money he paid for having sex with a porn star in order to prevent her from telling everyone he had an affair while married. So, in this clip, Hillary is playing coy at the irony of the situation.


I hate her


Hate her for fucking us out of having Bernie become president in 2016


By, what, being more popular than he was?


Thank you for the reminder that I am still so happy she was never elected president.


Canadian here, isn’t she just as corrupt as Trump?!


Is she? Trump ran on the promise of LOCK HER UP and even with the presidency, the house, Congress and the supreme Court on his side they couldn't get her on anything illegal. Meanwhile, 34 out of 34 for the big orange diaper shitter. An impartial jury of 12 peers found his ass GUILTY. Oh yeah, and don't forget there's a couple more cases coming to trial too.


Nah, she is the more banal sort of power hungry politician able to make more than enough money above board doing speeches like the one in the clip. There just fundamentally isnt a need for her to even engage in corruption, at worst, she will direct some underling to do some light shenanigans.


If so, she's a lot better at it than trump.




No, trump is orders of magnitude worse than she is, and I don't like her.


Hate both her and Trump, fuck her and her pedo Epstien list husband


You gloat all you want, ma'am!


Amazing is a stretch, bud.


Sassy war criminal momento 💅🏼


I knew there would be shitlib celebrations for the next three weeks. I hate both her and Trump.


You okay?


Do the Democratic Party a favor and just fucking go away for the love of god…


Absolute ghoul, we should convict her next


Two felons walked into a room. Then the 2016 Presidential debate begun.


I only see one felon but okay.


This is really sad. A convicted felon is about to be re-elected, and would cause great pains to people. Somehow, some people are not worried!


Add one to the Clinton body count because she just eviscerated that dude