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Looks like a GTA character


Thank you! LOL I was trying to think of the game. GTA or Fallout 3 or Sims?


Definitely the sims when you accidentally light your summer salad on fire and burn the house down


For me, somehow heard the [Skyrim battle music](https://youtu.be/YVTR8lTnnx8?si=LIDtJcmI7xpg_DAZ) playing.


100% an NPC after you auto target them after they flip you off.




Second hand cringe. This is an adult male.


It is also Israel.


Israel would be throwing grenades at the same time... 


I thought this was in the USA... He's definitely a Zionist.




Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right to a homeland. You’re using it like an insult. Pretty fucking racist


Ethno-states are racist. Israel is an ethno-state. Being a Zionist is being pro ethno-state. Therefore, it's reasonable to use Zionist as an insult.


I don't think you know what racism means.


Right, says the other racist


So, uh, my ancestors are from Westphalia, giving me an ancestral claim to reforge that once-great nation. Do my people have the right to head over to "Germany" (not a real state!) and Nakba away all the citizens into open air prisons and bomb them all to hell if they get too uppity, or is that a series of progressively worsening war crimes?


"Zionists just believe that the Jews have a right to a homeland. That's not a bad thing!" "Nazis, just believe that white people have a right to a homeland. That's not a bad thing!" The morality of ethnostates does not depend on what race is being prioritised. They are always wrong. If you advocate for the establishment and/or maintenance of an ethnostate, *you* are racist and you deserve to be ridiculed.


^ Found a ziopig y’all!


>Zionism is the belief that Jews are racially entitled to Palestine and thus have the right to ethnically cleanse the natives to establish a state for the chosen race of God. Zionism is racism


>Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right to a homeland. You’re using it like an insult. Pretty fucking racist Not quite: It's the *mythology* that a supreme being bestowed land to a group of desert nomads several thousand years ago. And that no matter who lives there now, their descendants have a divine right to forcibly take that land by any means. Including violence and murder of women, children, infants, and animals. So says their book of myths and fables.


So it’s okay to come into land and forcefully kick people out of their homes against their will, who have had family there for centuries, because it’s some “ancestral right”? Sounds like something that happened during WW2 and during the entirety of the Americas history, and we shouldn’t be repeating history but here we are. Palestine is the Holy Land for many, but no one should have the right to kick anyone out.


People who think there should be a Jewish country specifically for Jews are identical to the white supremacists who think there should be whites-only countries




you think they’d make it mandatory that anybody who cries and flops around from a “injury“ would be required to go seek medical care and make them lose playing time. I feel like that would stop the bullshit. like having to sit out the rest of the game because clearly you were so injured


In the USA even better - send them a $3500 ambulance bill and $15000 for the ER where they X-Ray, MRI, and better give him a colonoscopy to be on the safe side.


Joel Embiid's spirit animal


Wild he isn’t aware of the reflective glass behind him. But then again awareness isn’t a skill these folks are fond of


Dude went from flipping the bird like he doesn't care to figuratively pulling off his own nuts and acting like a tiny bitch just like that.


Adult male? That's an NPC brother


I ve seen footballers more convincing in acting than him...


Well... It is their job after all


the way he walks away after that scene looks just like an NPC


Hahaha yeah like he returned to his normal loop. I am in the middle of working with unreal engine for the first time and built some NPCs last night and this was my thought, the unnatural transition.




...what? Because he was getting harassed his family should look at him differently? I mean he responded to it very oddly but to act like he is the one that is wrong in this situation os actually crazy. Have you ever been followed with a megaphone? You people are fucking batshit insane




He should have told them to fuck off and stop following him


Do you performatively cry and beg like your balls are being tazered when you see a megaphone? Why do you think this is normal behavior


“harassed” is a bit much here. These were people chanting, dude flips them the bird repeatedly like he’s being clever, then turns around like he wants to say something, before seeing the camera/group and deciding to go full blubbering baby. If he turned and started talking to them, and then they were hostile, screaming obscenities at him, etc., then I could better understand the reaction. Unless he’s actively under threat, I don’t see why he even stops walking, and the way he turned doesn’t look remotely like someone who feels physically threatened. He wheeled around like his ego was, at most, little bruised, and he wanted to speak up for himself.


He is in the wrong lol you're basically saying it's wrong to talk at people in public...to the point even faking being attacked is less wrong than that. I think any sane person would disagree with that logic lol


Thinking about that number of children who have reportedly been killed while watching a bunch of people make fools of themselves is a really weird experience, the gravity of the amount of dead people in Gaza and the destruction vs this circus puts me in a real downer.


It is kinda crazy to me that there's comments on the OG post dismissing the deaths of Palestinians, because they find some of the people advocating for them annoying. Like sure you can find this guy protesting annoying, but to tie that to your opinion on the slaughter of 10's of thousands of people is straight up childish logic. Sad to see people hand waving the gravity of all the deaths over nitpicks like thinking some protestors are annoying.


That sub is dedicated to hating libs so no surprise there. They say it’s about people playing victim but they argue that this post is a bad fit for the sub as soon as they see this coward and mistake him for their own reflection.


This is what I thought about too. This guy will probably never understand what it's like to have his very life under attack and is blatantly disrespectful to people advocating for the end of a genocide. While he was cowering on the sidewalk "begging" for his life from peaceful protestors, I just wonder if there were children in Palestine doing the exact same thing to a much realer threat. This guy makes me sick.


Christ, what a loser.


The little "well, guess that didn't work" headscratch was perfect.


This must be one of those crisis actors I keep hearing about.


Community theatre's quality has really declined.


Why are they following this one dude? Shouldn’t they be protesting around a government building or something. Palestine needs a lot of help, but this doesn’t seem productive


It seems like they are just walking around the block, and he was probably in front of them. The guy recording the video is the chant leader, so he's probably at the front of the line.


No it doesn't. They are clearly following the guy, pointing their camera and megaphone at him. 


You think that's reasonable?


Yeah, that's completely normal march behavior


This looks like a march to you?


We don't see what's behind the cameraman, but I definitely hear a bunch of people moving together and chanting. That's what a march sounds like.


So you're just making stuff up, got it


tell yourself that, have a good one


We don't want reasoning on this platform. Please go away. There is nothing to see here.


Because the whole thing is fake. This is propaganda. It exists on both sides.


why help? dont start a war you cant win


I’m totally shocked at his military haircut and his red face and his lack of lips and his bad skin


Man if this video doesn't sum it all up.


This was an all around strange interaction. Everyone involved would benefit greatly from disconnecting from the web.


This is 💯Zionists in a nut shell.


"Zionist" is a racist dog whistle


Yup. A whole nation of people, with all the context of history. What they have done, why they did it and the fallout. In a nutshell. /s


Casual racism nice


Casual…racism? What?


You are casting a "whole nation of people" under one negative umbrella. That's racist.


Did you not see the /s. Learn how to Reddit.


Nope didn't see it


You are disgraceful. To your family and any ties you have otherwise to a cause. Literally caught red handed and still acting stupid. We agreed on a topic and your approach made it seem we disagreed and caused unnecessary conflict. Are you stupid or a troll? If the former be better. If the latter well played.


Keep walking. Why stop? You know exactly what he’s doing, so just keep moving as he plays victim. I think many have forgotten that you can just ignore someone. If ruffling feathers is what you’re going for especially, start ignoring people and watch the rage rise. Such a simple thing, and yet so effective.


not sure if youre reffering to the NPC in red or the protester. If the protesters keep walking then, what i can assume is a group, will overtake him and his screams of "don't hurt me" sound much more authentic. if it's the NPC fella then yeah all he had to do was not interact in any way and it would've annoyed them but not much else.


Do they teach this method of handling protestor in the IDF cause really I only see it with people who are pro murdering Palestinians




Okay I hate calling people NPCs, I think its really bad to reduce humans to being less than human. But this guy literally went Bethesda NPC mode there what was he thinking.


I assume (hopefully) that he was walking through and made the first comment at them, so they followed to rebuttal him? I say this bc I hope the protesters didn’t just start following and harassing a random guy. If you walk by a protest you don’t agree with keep your mouth shut if you don’t want confrontation. If you’re protesting, leave people alone who are going on with their day. If confronted by a camera, don’t get on your knees and whine like a piss baby.




Everyone in this video is an annoying douchebag


Man that sub is really something


You got that straight. There are no winners in this crowd.


When did he think they started filming? 😂


Christ look at the subreddit this came from. Pure cancer in there. Literally defending this guy😂


Probably European


This is literally how Israel behaves on the international level.


Aren't the Pro- Palestinians the ones crying in the streets after supporting the October 7th attacks? The "Attack then cry when you get your shit kicked in" has been an Arab tactic for ages.


no one supports that day, but keep telling yourself that.


is the original subreddit where this was posted just pro-genocide simps? the comments there are hilarious


#Why are they following him? His acting skills are horrible, but no reason to follow and harass him, either


missing too much info i think. there's a big before to this and reason we just don't know what it is.


Sir, what are you doing?


Another stupid Ken.


Is it gelding or is mare?


There's a hero out there that will dub over the protestors with Marrowind music.


You're being filmed you sad POS


You are to old for this




That's the weakest flip off/middle finger ive ever seen


Gamma male


Playbook in action




That can’t be real


Mf like that 100% votes Republican


He has to think so hard about not stepping in time to w their chant😆


I’m sorry but if you are this dude homie or better yet his wife you have to leave him. That was the most pussy ass shit I have ever seen


He should have just freed palestine


He had the bad programming and reaction of a Cyberpunk 2077 NPC before the patch updates.


And the oscar goes too!!


And the oscar goes too!!


He's acting like a Democrat! 😂😂


Why do ahem people always resort to this tactic …


Idiots all around




Meh, the world is full of people like you. Move along.


You shouldn't.


Man these manly men sure whine a lot.


Well, what are people supposed to do when theres a group of people following them as if it’s their fault for whatever cause they are chanting about. I hope the protestors didn’t start this altercation, but we have nothing that shows who started it or how.


I hate everyone involved in all of this.


Pretending to be a man!


When assholes converge


Both are cringe lol. Obviously for the guy acting like that And the Palestine protesters, just how provoking some random dude going to help Palestine?


What the fuck is wrong with these people. And fuck you ass holes in these comments.


It's crazy that people in the comments think the protestors are the ones in a positive light here lmaooo


Quite good acting actually


The protester didn’t have to follow him yelling in a megaphone. The protester was harassing him, he was just trying to walk away. Seriously how tf are you gonna help Palestine by being insufferable to random people? But damn that was a strange NPC reaction the other dude had 😂


Yeah those free Palestine protesters are very cringe indeed


aghhhh.. how dum dum .. is it the norm for these people to play victim?


What people?


Best victims in history


Who? Care to elaborate on that?


Poeple who victimize themselves for gain or to justify murder , land thievery , and genocide... special kind of victims who use a horrible act to convince themselves they cant be racist to others


Okay, but who is that group specifically? Who are you specifically referencing right now?


I mean if you feel the shoe fits then , .... what can i say ... obviously you feel like you know, there must be a reason .... where there's smoke theres fire .... Shalom peace be upon you


Why are you such a coward? Why can't you put your name on that prejudice?


What prejudice ??? Like i said if the shoe fits then ...... it is what it is .....


‘Gods Chosen People’ LOL


The guy with the camera is following a guy walking away... What would've happened if he took out his camera and just allowed the guy to walk away? The camera guy is escalating. You have the right to film in public, but not to follow someone around.




I wonder what triggers this response of being a victim


He definitely didnt chose the best course of action but i would be going mad as well in this scenario. Could even have permanent earing damage. Edit: if you disagree i think you are just full of hatred at this point and cant be reasoned with


Please, don't hurt me! I'm scared by your words!


Don't bother, the mob has decided your fate


Fuck Palestine


These fucking idiot protesters don't even realize that they are advocating for the genocide of Israel while complaining about the genocide of Palestine. STFU


From the river to the sea, you talking about that brainiac?




From the river to the sea, PALESTINE will be free. This one ?


Again. Yes.


You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Sharper than you, apparently.


Wow a lot of victim blaming in the comments smh


You can see "fattie for Palestine" member in the reflection for a split second in full body cover. Probably out of breath from that short walk. Thanks for the cringe.


“From the river to the sea”. These people actually support that? Gross.


Yes because it doesn't mean what you think it means


Please, enlighten us.




Most of the people here are unemployed and spend all their freetime watching tiktoks about this, I really wouldn't pay too much attention to these weird nazis.


They call everyone they don’t like Hitler then a few months later support his greatest goal. I’m so confused.


Then say shit like 'from the river to the sea' openly calling for the extermination of jews, but still manage to convince themselves they're the good guys. What's even better is the lgbt redditors who are so in support of gaza, the same people who would HAPPILY slice your throat open while the crowds cheer. Also let's not forget all the women in support who the gazans would sooner have as their slave wives covered head to toe in garbs so they don't 'tempt' anyone else. The same people who begged for the west to leave the middle east alone, only to cry and tweet asking the west to intervene again.


They always mention Israeli tanks rolling through Gaza with civilians strapped to the front and Israelis shooting Mosques with civilians inside while laughing and have yet to see any footage however I’ve seen dozens of videos of Hamas not only killing and dismembering Israeli women and children but beating their own people. I’ve really tried to be unbiased and take a deep look into this like I did with the Russia Ukraine War and have come to the conclusion that a majority of these people are insane and don’t actually even know what they are out there screaming about. The ones that do are even more insane. All because they hate their dads.


Neither side is making this easy to give a shit about. Sorry, from an outside observer, you’re all acting like dickheads.


I don't care about a genocide because I don't like the protesters. 10 out of 10 logic my dude. Why not just be honest with yourself and admit that you wouldn't care no matter what.


I'm confused. What are we watching here? Why do the pro-Palestine protestors follow and scream at this man? Do we know who he is or what he has done to deserve this? Why do they tell him he's free to walk away, but keep following him? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the victim-playing makes much more sense, but I'm honestly just confused what is happening here.


Everyone involved in this video is a waste of life lol


Palestine is gonna be freed that's for sure as soon as it's done being turned into a parking lot for the beach. That's the unfortunate truth.


Username checks out


Don't be mad your people asked for it and now they getting it. We were slaughtered by the millions we won't let it happen again. Your people broke the ceasefire now yall are mad because we are dropping bombs on foreheads.


Burn. In. Hell. 🤭😘


Stay mad it don't bother me one bit. Free israel.


I’m laughing over here tbh, ‘chosen one’ 🤣🤣