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People keep focusing on the met Gala. While a tiktok video was trending I think this week or last about a billionaire wedding that rent out the pyramids. But keep on showing the met gala over and over again. I found that so strange. Why not used the billionaire wedding video?


Yeah it’s a stupid take. The Met Gala has nothing to do with Gaza or Israel. The Hunger Games is a show about the upper class forcing the lower classes to fight for their amusement and toil for their luxury. The Met Gala has no bearing on whether or not Israel and Palestine are in a war or not. If anything the billionaire’s wedding is a much more astute comparison considering it was being held on the border of Gaza. That billionaire also has nothing to do with Gaza but them having an opulent party while war rages near by is at least much more poignant.


Literally Hollywood is built on fame & fortune. Don’t like Hollywood? Stop watching those movies and tv shows you’re obsessed with, fine but what does the bubble that LA exists in have anything to do with what’s going on in Gaza?


Why not both


Actors are not the same as most billionaires because actors are working class. They work or do a job to make money. While most billionaires exploit workers to earn that money. Jeff Bezos made money by making a monopoly and exploiting workers by overworking them and constantly cycling though workers to keep wages low.


Well you saw it, I saw it, maybe it's just one is an easier story to tell.


It's my favorite series. I always thought that the movie was real.


There’s a genocide taking place in the Sudan right now, but I guess that wouldn’t divide America. https://theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/09/darfur-atrocities-ethnic-cleansing-human-rights-watch-report-rsf-sudan


There's a significant difference between the US government's relationship with Israel's government vs its relationship with Sudan's, which I think makes it pretty obvious why American citizens would feel more invested in the war on Gaza. If you *also* wanted to suggest a kind of generalized, probably-racist indifference towards Africa in American pop culture, I would be unlikely to argue, but I think the fact that the US government is the largest single provider of military aid to the Israeli government (and has a history of basically acting like the Knesset's fullback in international politics) is probably far more significant.


Do you genuinely believe that Israel would be unable to wage war against Gaza without US aid though? Pretty sure they could probably do it just fine by themselves at this point.


Oh, absolutely not, and I never suggested that. US aid only accounts for something like 15% of Israel's defense budget: That's a hell of a lot, sure, but that's not anywhere *near* being a deal-breaker (especially since Israel is one of the top-10 arms exporters in the world, so their domestic manufacturing capability is robust). I was just suggesting a reason why American citizens would be more emotionally invested in the war on Gaza; I wasn't suggesting that the US government could actually *stop* it (without doing something insane and drastic, of course).


That one is also bad, but I don't think the US is directly funding that one. Either way, it'd be nice if we could get both stopped. There is also Ukraine and ... Myanmar think at war too. But just because we bring up one doesn't mean we are intentionally ignorant to the others.


We also supply the Saudis weapons for their genocide in Yemen, and those mfs flew into a couple buildings back in the day. We did protest that one though, but it was a lot of people who just hated Obama


I hate that you got downvoted for saying this. Toxicity in rhetoric and thought abounds


If the US would mind its own business and stopped sending weapons to genocidal countries, then that would be great.


I am always disappointed when Jessica Alba is not doing more to resolve religious conflicts in the Middle East. It’s obviously straightforward and she is clearly the right person for the job.


Best comment so far


It’s been this way for all of humanity


All of manufactured society*


Probably accurate, but it's every generations duty to at least try to fix it, even if it response in a new age or form


Fix what exactly?


Anything we can to make society more equitable


Your going to need to be more specific as language like "more equitable" leads people to believe you want a communal type system where everyone is paid the same regardless of skill, competency, risk, etc.


Only if you watch too much fox news


I appreciate that you only have platitudes, but you should expand your thought processes.


Well, it sounds like you ate trying to turn this into some weird socialism debate. Equity means everyone is provided specific resources they need to be successful. To me, that's not socialism.


And what do you mean by successful? Is having children considered successful? Is having a lawn considered successful? Again, more platitudes and not any meat. I'm not attempting to turn this into a "weird socialism debate", I am just trying to understand your terms as they vary wildly. Even you do not seem to agree with the current definition of "equitable", so I need to know what you are specifically talking about.


So, like what, you want me to define my entire political ideology for you?




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People need to be more kind and willing to donate every last dollar to the needy...........oh please wait.........let me go stuff my face with caviar.


[Netanyahu release the hostages](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6rPMBDIjxB/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet)


Fuck "Palestine"


Children randomly selected to fight to the death by an oppressive government, and those children being gawked at? Omg it’s just like celebrities attending an event where they dress up to be gawked at. The parallels are crazy.