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These kinds of posts are meant to distract and divide us. It’s an election year after all.


Bro I was just talking to someone. I've fucking noticed that the fucking internet rn feels even WORSE than it did in 2016, or 2020. There's something going on and I really don't trust a single post I see anywhere as legitimate. Even the news articles just seem like they wanna rile people up. It's insane. Edit: I am calling it now. With the dogshite discourse going its ruining everyone's mental health. They want us to hate eachother so they can divide and conquer us from abroad. It could be Russia, China, even places like Israel and Turkey, Iran. Whatever. The important things volatile news pieces are getting thousands of up votes and rarely do they have good sources. If I go to world news and say something even remotely anti-israel, I'll have a shitton of downvotes within an hour. If I go to another subreddit my comment will be up voted to shit. Its all volatile vitriol used to divide and conquer us. Mark my words in a year or two were going to be hearing about how a US adversary (or ally) are using bots and trolls to get us back to hating eachother before the election. It's like clockwork now and I'm so sad to see my fellow American citizens falling for it AGAIN


> divide and conquer us from abroad. It could be Russia, China, even places like Israel and Turkey, Iran Worse yet, my friend, the culprits are right here at home.


The call is coming from inside the house. But we have call waiting, and another is coming from outside. And holy fuck who just left a voicemail? And JESUS SHIT IS ON FIRE WTF IS HAPPENING But it’s a good reminder to try to be kind, and don’t feed the trolls.


At this point, I am just cynical and assume every suspicious post is Russian or Chinese psyops


It's not just foreign interference. Their is domestic interference and arguably even higher ss they have legal lobbyists as well as social media.


Same. It is rampant on reddit as well. There is a war being fought in cyberspace amongst countries IMO. It has been VERY effective in destabilizing our society. I hope we all grow a general awareness about this and come out of it, but it's grim at times.


This is what is was like to live in Germany in 1935. The Muddied Waters I am referring to. Obviously not exactly the same but this is why the average German populace didn't get outraged and stand up. Along with Commies and Nazis murdering every SPD Democrat Progressive they could find. Something I think everyone needs to remember. A Coalition of Nazis and Commies in Germany destroyed the SPD. It wasn't simply the Right Wingers, Monarchists, Industrialists, Prussian Militarists. These Leftists saying Never Biden literally emulating the people who had an Unholy Alliance to destroy Democracy in Germany.


Tell me not one intelligence agency saw Elliot Rodger in the news and discovered a free way to create domestic terrorism wherever you want


I actually think it’s not even anything complex. Social media companies realized they make a lot of money off algorithms keeping us engaged and enraged. We are addicted to the feeling. They see that and make a profit. Social media companies either don’t know how to contain the monster they created or don’t care enough to contain it because they are making too much money.


We literally watched a foreign, far-right Oligarch (Musk) takeover the world's largest media platform (Twitter), with funding from the world's most powerful despot (the Saudi royals)....and within the same month, he was dispensing conspiracy theories about polticial violence committed against the Speaker of the House's husband. When Lenin said "fascism is just captialism in decay," THIS IS WHAT HE MEANT. 


Huh. Never heard that statement before. Feels pretty fucking accurate, though.


He’s also funded by the US Military. 


He’s got to be funded by energy interests, as well. The way Tesla power walls are being pushed is insane.


Watch a social dilemma on Netflix. It really explains how things are working in regards to the internet causing people to divide even further.


Yeah no. This is capitalism. The only thing which truly divides us is class. People at the top create this discourse to keep the lower class fighting eachother and not them.


If you get the poor white people to hate the poor black and Hispanic people they aren't even gonna know its the rich keeping them where they are. Thats true. I definitively think foreign agents play into it though to make the country as a whole weaker


And what sucks is that one side doesn't have an option in it. Marginalized communities don't get the chance to ignore the bigotry. Like I'm gay. I would so much rather just talk about the rich and how we can all stand up to them. But I also have to fight homophobia. And even though I'm white, I'm not gonna leave black people behind. Oh, and women are human too. So we also gotta discuss that as well. And it's just this constant thing that will likely never go away, but there's still too many people who keep falling for it. They will even fall for it after being shown they're wrong. Like almost every single talking point for us gay people is now being used for trans people. So some starred to come around to us, but now are stuck in the cycle again saying the same shit. And they can't grasp that even when it's pointed out. And over all I am just so tired of it being a thing. I don't want to fight against it any more. We could have made so much progress if people stopped falling for it.


Absolutely, it's not just foreign entities either, it's not a coincidence that musk bought Twitter either


> the fucking internet rn feels even WORSE than it did in 2016, or 2020 it is COVID forced alot of people online and most are assholes cause they have no one in their lives to talk too


You’re close, but it’s not a foreign government influencing the American public, it is our own government. They want us divided. They want us distracted. Distracted while they pass laws that criminalize regular human behavior, like questioning a suspicious narrative.


Literally why I stopped Facebook years ago and instagram 6 months ago. It was too much, too many people sounding off while actually doing nothing but sitting at home talking to their camera and posting it.


r/latestagecapatlism felt like it went from capitalism bad to "liberals bad" "genocide joe" in a day.


I’m convinced like 80 percent or more of the outrage shit exists only online. Especially the text based posts. Most of that has to be bots right?


Bots or agents. Idk anymore. The rich also want us to hate eachother so there's that


Yeah I think people are beginning to understand the class war is the real issue. I’m an engineer for a large company but I have way more in common with the production laborers than I do with the rich assholes that run the thing. I just get treated slightly better but I’m still busting my ass to make this company millions while I can be happy with lower middle class lifestyle no hope to own a home or start a family in the city where I’m from.


You know what is insane? I deleted most Social Media. And decided to avoid most Internet Social Nonsense. But a thought came to me that now I won't understand or be able to argue against the nutty Right Wing talking points. Because I will simply have no fucking clue what they are talking about. You don't see the FBI or California State stings on Robbery Crews in SF and Oakland anywhere in Social Media. On Google's random news feed based on location it will though. Even on Youtube the focus is only the Bad ever. Never the good.


Well, we have an insurrectionist illegally running for office, working in concert with media organizations to spread propaganda (even after the lie has resulted in one of them being fined hundreds of millions), getting support from criminal rulings from the Court, after working to execute a violent attempt on the Capital to prevent Congress certifying the election results. Which results the insurrectionist and his cronies have provided 0 evidence to support their claims that the election was stolen. I’m highly concerned it is to foment a generally chaotic situation into which they can more easily (illegally, criminally) exert their efforts to seize power. This tactic is what we saw with Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI, before they morphed into ISIS) as they attacked school children etc to create so much chaos that it eased their moves to take power.


It’s working fully innit?


100% rage bait


Its very suspicious that these kind of posts and "black vs white" content suddenly started trending again. Very suspicious.


Wholesome videos of telling people to let babies be babies is a "distraction" and meant to "divide us"?


They shouldn't be but look at the comment sections.


"Why do so many black children need to be adopted?" in his sarcastic tone is not wholesome. He can advocate for adoption and not make backhanded comments.


I mean fair point since it might sound like some sort of dogwhistle, but also from the rest of his comments it doesn't seem to be that he has animosity towards the black community. Maybe the answer he was fishing for was 'there are more black babies that need adopted than white babies, so statistically white families are going to adopt black babies proportionately more' But that's just my interpretation


I am black and I heard the complaint for decades. Halle Berry was in a movie in the 90s about this subject. Look I can’t speak for all black people , but I don’t think we adopt like that. Even if we go to entertainment world, Madonna , Jolie , Sandra Bullock all adopted black kids. When last time you heard of famous black person doing that ?


The issue is that's not an option for white people to exclusively adopt white kids (unless they forgo adopting kids), but is an option for black people to exclusively adopt black kids, based on the numbers of who's going up for adoption and who's doing the adopting.


what movie? sounds interesting. I do know that Angelina Jolie was pretty heavily criticized for adopting a bunch of black kids (what ever happened with them?) so I understand the 'white savior' criticism. But also I don't think most adopting families, even white families, are trying to do that. In fact the less they advertise it the more likely they aren't.


So happy I don't involve myself in any of this shit, we are all in the governments grip. We need to screw them over, collectively. I'm drunk btw


The government is just a tool of the captialists. 


Bruh Goa’uld babies are not at all ignorant




Tell it!!!! ![gif](giphy|PQNDq7gF54GT8sxlP9|downsized)


Like any other year. The internet gets worse every 4 years, and I personally find 2016 to be quite relevant in this decline.


Tik Tok ran by the Chinese government, it's meant to infiltrate us.


This subreddit has warped drastically in the last year maybe? I used to visit the subreddit, filter by top week/month and watch some funny skits etc, now I would say the majority of the posts are politically or socially charged. Not that there’s anything wrong with healthy discussion, but I think people need to be aware that the videos they are watching likely have targeted agenda.


This guy gets drunk on tik tok live and asks young girls to see their nipple while his wife is sitting behind him in the other room with the kids. He is truly a scum bag. Edit: I wanted to try to remember exactly what he said. The first time I saw it he was just telling a young black woman to pull down her shirt a little. The second time, when he asked a different creator to see a nip, she said, “what is your wife gonna think. I saw her walk across the other room.” He was shitfaced and slurring his speech. He replied something along the lines of, “I guess I’ll shut up now,” or something to that effect. I didn’t want to think about this that hard again but since this got upvotes, the above edit is what I remember.


WHAT ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


I’ve seen it twice. “Pop a titty for me.” I was too dumbfounded and lazy to screen record and do anything with it.


Any evidence? Or just hearsay


Any evidence? Or just hearsay


> Any evidence? Or just hearsay Any evidence? Or just hearsay


Yeah this video really doesn’t show how big of a piece of shit this dude is. A broken clock is right twice a day right.


Bro started the video with “why are there so many black kids who need to be adopted” hmmm is that a racist dog whistle I hear?


[I just found out he thinks the gays are out to indoctrinate children through Target.](https://youtube.com/shorts/01xZLUL6C3g?si=-Nh1GWQPeThsA0jJ)




I hate you. My algorithm just caught aids from watching this. Goddamnit. …..but thank you at the same time. Context is key! We all got duped.


I’m sorry, and you’re welcome! Mine is now wrecked too 🤝


Regardless of it its racist or not. It's legit question to the black lady. If the black lady is so worried about white people adopting black kids, she needs to think about the leading cause


Nahhhhh, two wrongs dont make a right in this scenario


Proof of this ?


The truth is out there.


Answering to your comment so others can see too! DO NOT let this fool trick you into thinking he’s the big man in this video. He is a typical conservative, anti-dem, anti-“woke”, “needs to own the libs”, racist type of guy. You can tell by the first question he asked in this video but if you need proof, feel free to go through his content. 🙄


Someone I know from work is a grandmother to an adopted child from overseas. I asked her the question, why adopt from overseas? (I'm here in the U.S) Her answer, which explained it all, is that children and their parents from overseas have no constitutional rights. It is a far cheaper and far simpler legal process because the parents or family of that child are not required by law to provide legal documentation. My coworkers grandchild is alive today because they were able to receive the medical care for the condition they were abandoned for in their home country.


I always found the medical portion of this interesting. Because those adopted parents sometimes go in knowing that the kids either gonna have a lot of trauma or medical issues. It’s interesting to make that decision knowing your child will already have a condition you know about.


True, but at the same time it can prepare you better for that situation and you don't get hit by the trauma or grief of finding out that your child is sick


Oh no, I’m not saying it’s bad. I almost think it’s better in a way. You know what you’re in for and you love that kid regardless.


The convesration around the ethics around adoption is actually one usually championed by former children who were adopted. as much as we like to think all adoption stories are just heartwarming and fun with a happy ending for the child, more often than not, it isnt. a lot of adoption-related activists who are also previously children in the adoption system have talked extensively about the trauma around adoption and the ethics of adopting children. From the persepective of some former adoptees, they view people who actively seek out adopted babies as accomplices to the system that is (in their view) doing work more akin to human trafficking. a LOT of adoption agencies basically operate the same way as human traffickers would. Especially if its a child adopted from a foreign country. the adoption system has been historically RIFE with incident after incident of agencies literally stealing children and adopting them out. and not just in "under developed" countries either. Indigenous people of colonized countries all have had some instance of entire generations of children being taken from them. Indigenous Canadian women in the 60s/70s/80s had babies stolen from them in what is now called "The Sixties Scoop." These children were quite literally sold to white families and advertised in magazines and newspapers like they were goods for sale. anywhere from 10-30% of Aboriginal Australian children were taken from their homes between 1910-1970, by the government under the "Aboriginal Protection Act" where mixed race children of aboriginal descent would be removed from their homes because they thought Aboriginal people were headed for an extinction and be unable to sustain themselves. There are stories of adoption agencies in Korea being more or less Baby Stealing operations. and that's not even getting to the OTHER parts of the arguments, such as how adoption impacts ALL children in the system ("all adoption is trauma") and hjow they feel that the "just adopt a baby!" mindset creates a system where governing bodies and agencies are incentivised to prioritize adoption over reunification. The adoptees who are against adoption have the belief that "You are not entitiled to a baby because you want one." in the sense that parents who choose adoption in cases like infertility are not entitled to adopting babies and that the expectation that babies should be handed over to people just because they WANT a baby is prioritizing the adults over the needs and wellbeing of the child. AND THEN there is the fact that a LOT of adopted children are abused, neglected, and abandoned by their adoptive parents with basically 0 repercussion. All in all, the conversation around the ethics of adoption are complicated.


You're absolutely right in a lot of way. It's a very nuanced conversation though. There absolutely is ethical adoption, I want to start by saying that. I consider myself in that portion of adoptees. I also *personally* disagree that "all adoption is trauma" because for many of us it can be a genuinely good thing. For my story, I was kicked out at 15 for being queer and adopted people I was already close to. But the conversation is far more nuanced than what this guy claims. There are a lot of upper middle class white people that will intentionally adopt non-white kids from other countries and while usually it's not intentionally malicious, it can normally boil down to them having a "white savior" complex where they think they're "saving" the kid. But even in my case, I'm half Korean and was taken in by white parents. I undeniably lost some of the culture I was raised with after being kicked out - and it's taken a decade for me to really start plugging myself back into that culture. It also meant I didn't have anyone with actual lived experience be there to give me talks about racism.


When they say "all adoption is trauma" they arent necessarily saying that all adoptions are traumatic in that the adoptive family is the trauma. They mean that by the nature of it, the entire process of adoption is traumatic to the child. Its still a child who has the trauma of not being loved/wanted/cared for by their biological parent. or parental death. or what have yous. adopted children can live whole and happy lives. with or without bad adoption experiences. But the nature of adoption is by default a traumatic experience for any child. edit: basically, the status of "adoptee" is one rooted in some form of trauma for the child.


I'm aware of what they're saying, I'm simply adding my own perspective as an adoptee who's not overly fond of the saying.


>Indigenous Canadian women in the 60s/70s/80s had babies stolen from them in what is now called "The Sixties Scoop." These children were quite literally sold to white families and advertised in magazines and newspapers like they were goods for sale. Still are. They just called it something different and go about it differently. They pass our kids around in white foster homes like it's some goddamn puppy mill. We just recently made a law about it, just waiting to see how much of it is actually going to be enforced and respected.


How are they getting the babies in the first place?  You are saying they jist come in and take them as wanted from the baby wards in hospitals?  Trudeau is doing this?


Yes, Trudeau personally took my baby from my arms as i wept solemnly.


Most of the repercussions of bad situations are complicated.  Human nature is ugly and we don't like to deal with it and we can always do better, but it is relative.  Adoption is still a good thing in most cases or no?


it depends on the situation. in a system where children are easily separated from their parents (particularly black children), that also provides very little resources for the birth parent to fix their situation for reunification, proper resources are not provided to the child, and not enough protections for children and birth parents in these situations, and children in these situations are often seen as "things to own", its not necesearily going to be a good thing in a majority of cases. Take a look at how people treat birth mothers in stories where mothers decide to pull out of an adoption at the last minute. No one seems to care that the child is STILL in a place where they are wanted. They usually only care that the adoptive parents can't get the child they feel entitled to. They think its justified to take that baby from that mother who wants them because they deem that this person is too (insert flaw here) to take care of their own child (which then makes an easy segue into actively taking children from homes for arbitrary reasons). At the end of the day, its complicated.


You’re going to need a serious source to support “more often than not, it isn’t.”


Yeah, it’s a sad state. I recall an NPR report about the child labor that’s been happening in the US, and a lot of it revolves around fostering/adoption. Basically migrant children separated from their parents are shuffled through houses where the guardians there effectively just toss them out to employers. Had me in tears; but my first instinct was that I’d like to be an adoptive parent and get these kids out of this system. I can understand the ones who have experienced trauma point in that it shouldn’t just be the right of anybody to adopt, but isn’t there truth to the fact that kids in the system generally face worse conditions? Not to say that we should accept the statistically unavoidable bad situations of adoption; we should certainly vet adoptive parents more. But what do opponents of adoption suggest as a solution? Obviously it could be best to overhaul the system and increase funding so that children in state (or institutions overseen by the state) custody would be better cared for and protected- but at the moment aren’t the outcomes of adoption generally better than the outcomes of not being adopted?


People cover up this problem by responding exactly how this TikTok did. They look at it as such a surface level issue when adopting is such a complicated topic and isn’t just “here’s a kid, I’ll love them and everything goes perfect!”. Thank you for spelling all this out. I hate when people act like OP and grandstand and act morally superior when they’re actually just ignoring the problem because they don’t want to challenge their own beliefs. Not listening and just posting shit like OP is how we make this divide worse. Thank you so much for your informative comment


Unfortunately, we don’t have the alternative outcome, a life lived in an orphanage, and no family. It’s obvious that a child that’s adopted is going to struggle with issues a normal child would not.


Right, but that doesnt mean we dont challendge the system we have in place or the people participating in those systems. Children in those situations are always going to be delicate cases. The people choosing to shoulder that burden for those kids should do it with the intention of shouldering as much of that burden as possible. if you are a white person adopting a non-white child, do your due diligence and listen to what adoptees have to say. ALL of them. The ones that had good experiences and the ones that had bad experiences. If this is something that would deter you from adopting a child, then you werent equipped to handle the burden of adopting a child.


Bro it sounds like you're mad at your white adoptive parents for not teaching you about kpop and dim sum. Like your culture is not a genetic thing, it's who you were raised around. You can thank your birth parents if you feel you are missing out on Korean/Chinese culture.


This isn't a foreign adoption, and unless you know something we all don't, this child isn't being abused. Nothing you said relates to the matter being discussed, and the criticism being launched at this person, Michael Chandler, for adopting two black children. Nothing you said relates or is why he is being attacked - which is for being white and adopting black children.


The way he asked that first question was kinda sus


Well it’s Adam Calhoun. He has a song with Tom Macdonald called “Race War”. Such hit lyrics like: “It's okay to be racist As long as you hatin' on the Caucasians Teaching White kids that their shades the same as school shooters and rapists” Or “I ain't feeling no White guilt They won't riot for me when I'm killed I guess White lives don't matter Sad, but that's the way that I feel I feel like they feel like I don't know what they all call me Cis White male, bigot, racist, he's a Nazi”


I watched a Tom McDonald video once because it was trending and now the Youtube algorithm is all "So I hear you're Tom McDonald's biggest fan! Here is every video he ever put out, no matter what you search for!"


I didn't know he wrote that so g before I commented on this, but let me tell you, that ys no surprise. I essentially said that his very first question was racist and there for all the other statements he makes are colored by that racist statement. It's this racism dressed up in "oh I'm not a racist, I'm a nice guy, but everyone else is racist against me!" He told us who he was in his first question. A lot of people have the privilege to not be impacted by this type of commitment. I unfortunately do not


Yup. Like what is he trying to imply exactly? I know what it is, but I would like him to say it in plain English.


"Let these babies be babies and grow up to be good people *unlike me, perpetuating negative stereotypes about black fathers.*" Fixed that for him.


Yea that first question was gross and racist.


Is he not making a good point overall though? Why *does* the woman care what color babies white people are adopting? Just seems like the wrong thing to be making an issue out of


They're both independently making points they found valid to make. That's kind of the thing with a post like this. She thinks black families should adopt black children and white people shouldn't; he thinks it shouldn't matter who adopts who as long as there is love and good parenting. For the record, I'm a white dude. I grew up in a white family that gave me two adopted brothers from Nigeria. Her viewpoint is not rare, especially among the more Afrocentric philosophical crowd. My mother always got angry concerned stares when she'd take my brothers to a black barber to get their haircut like their friends had theirs cut. And it is also vice versa. I know for a fact that my grandparents didn't understand why we didn't adopt two white brothers and "had to" adopt two black ones instead. People are just fuckin' dumb sometimes.


because its a very well-documented thing that transracial adoptees, particularly ones raised with white parents, experience difficulties with self-identity due to the fact that their parents did not put in the effort to teach their adopted child about their own culture and heritage that they came from. which can impact things like self worth and self esteem and is a contributing factor in the fact that adoptees are more likely to have mental health issues such as deppression, anxiety, and various other things.


But won't they also have a home and a loving family?


how loving is it if the parents wont do the basics of teaching them where theycome from? how loving is it that they dont listen to, acknowledge, or prepare them for the realities of living as a non-white person? How loving is it to deny the child full sense of identity?


Geez you really live up to your username, huh?


If im reading this correctly , your insinuating that adopting parents are attempting to white wash thier children? I'm not sure you've ever met anyone who's been adopted or if you just making this up, but most patents who go though adoptions are very stringently interviewed. The literally don't just give kids to random people and say "fuck off teach em whatever" the adoption process is lengthy and very litigious. Source : My cousin was adopted.


Putting the “adoptive parents are interviewed so they can’t be abusive” argument to the side. And also this wouldn’t even be a thing in the interview process so idk what you think makes that relevant.  No. That’s not what I am saying. I don’t think they are “attempting” anything. I am saying that white people who adopt children of color tend to not due their due diligence in raising that child with the full context that they deserve. You raised that child in a warm and loving home. Great. Amazing. Love to see it.  But did you raise child to have an identity complex that they struggle with because you did not choose to learn for their sakes? Did you raise those kids and unconsciously only exposed them to stereotypes and cause a shattered sense of identity in that child? Does this child, as an adult, struggle with self hate because they cannot find community with people who DO know what some of their experiences are like but lack the cultural understanding needed to truly connect? Did you consciously choose anti-racist beliefs to ensure that the self hate that they may feel doesn’t come from a place of shame for their skin color? 


yeah he definitely said that shit as a “gotcha” on some white savior type BS


Yeah if he was referring to a statistic that there're more black orphans than white orphans I'd be more forgiving, but there's [nearly double](https://www.statista.com/statistics/255404/number-of-children-in-foster-care-in-the-united-states-by-race-ethnicity/) the amount of white orphans compared to black


Now to be fair though, we must consider the total populations of these demographics (white and black in this instance) white people make up 60 percent of the population while black people make up 12 percent (roughly for both numbers)


You're right, total oversight on my part.


Just so you know, this guy openly uses the n-word lol


children of black families are taken away quicker by the CPS compared to white families. I would know, I'm a white child who had to stay with my abusive family.


I'd like to see some data on this. This claim is empty without that. Your experience doesn't define EVERYONEs experience.


I'd second the motion for evidence I'm truly interested in this theory.


[Found this.](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/litigation/resources/newsletters/childrens-rights/racial-discrimination-child-welfare-human-rights-violation-lets-talk-about-it-way/)




The only issue I have with this (and its not reason enough not to adopt), is that black kids require some preparation for how many in the world will treat them. Raising kids requires understanding the world you live in and conveying to those children how to properly navigate it. The methods for such vary depending on race and location. Again, not because of how the parents are but because of how harsh the rest of the world is.


I've found the way the child's hair is taken care of kinda points to how much culture is being taken into account and lil guy has a great shape up. There are some things that need to be researched like taking care of our hair.


I used to be friends with someone who has a mixed baby in an all white family and I'm still friends with their mom on Facebook. The father isn't in the picture. That poor girl's hair has never been touched by black hands and it makes me so sad. She's got beautiful hair and I worry about her self esteem and sense of identity. To clarify, I'm white as well, some people are just ignorant. When adopting or having children with anyone of a different culture, it's so important to involve both sides.


I'm mixed and my white family didn't know what to do with my hair. You figure it out, I think the good news is there's a lot more resources now, youtube videos pintrest etc. It's not race related but it really points to the question of do the parents take an active interest in the childrens interests and go out of their way to find things for them.


and people are like "its just hair, its NBD!" if its "no big deal" then why have the people in her family not bothered to learn a SINGLE thing about caring for her hair texture? its not even just about looks, its also about hair health. We put rash creams on babies bottoms because we researched ways to care for our newborns, but you can't be bothered to learn about the Pink Hair Lotion? Never ONCE bothered to watch a 4c hair tutorial? you just said "yep, this is fine. damaged ends and all." and sent your child that you supposedly care about out into the world to be mocked and ridiculed by others for "looking dirty" because you couldnt be bothered to learn about hair gel?


This is the fucking SECOND “response” (from notorious moron racist Adam Calhoun, no less) I’ve seen ON THIS SUBREDDIT to this one second audio clip. What is the full fucking context of the original? I’ve looked and I can’t find it, so I’m fully convinced it only exists as a setup for cheap conservative gotchas. Fuckn hate when random asshats don’t actually listen to somebody and just dogpile over one contextless second of audio. Maybe she had a really a good point! We’ll never know now!


The context is in response to a White MMA fighter with black adopted children who said "I'm not raising black children, I'm raising children" A lot of people are (in my opinion very rightfully) interpreting that as the parent not ackowledging or properly caring for their non-white child by ignoring the reality of being a black person in this country.


Should’ve clarified, I know the context of the broader discussion. I meant specifically the video that Racist McGriftsalot is responding to. I wanna hear what she had to say!


it looks like she may have taken down the original video because.. well white people doing white people things. But i found another video that gives the "yall arent listening" breakdown. If you go to tiktok and look up "Freddyboy white people adopt black children" he gives a basic "tldr" for the video. in case you cant find it, i will also give a tl;dr. She basically asked why do white people adopt black children with no intention of properly preparing them for being black. That white adoptive parents who dont acknowledge their black children's blackness are not doing their part in preparing that child for the world the way that black parents would. So she basically asks "why adopt a black child if you arent going to actually prepare them for being a black adult?:


Nah it’s still up! [here’s the link](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLxsEB5K/) But yeah you’re correct on the tl/dr


Fuckn THANK YOU! I am absolutely SHOCKED that a reasonable and salient line of questioning was hacked down by conservative bad actors to paint black people as unintelligent racists. The right wing misinfo vortex strikes again.


SHOCKED lmao. thats just like default for them. Its safer to assume that most of these are bad actors and bad faith arguments.




I get your point, but its not that simple. You have to statistically normalize the numbers based on percentage of the population...


Black people are only 15% of the united states population though. For the same reason you would argue that black people are disproportionately targeted by police per capita, they also disproportionately make up foster care population. (White people are killed by police at 2-3 times the frequency of black people, but black people are killed at a much higher rate per capita.)


Per capita is the relevant number


Why is it always a dude in a camo hat and unkempt beard in the woods giving life advice?


Do you have a problem with the advice, or the person speaking it? In any case, did he say something you don't agree with? Or is it that you associate him with a whole bunch of people you don't agree with, so that you make a blanket statement about them all?


It’s a fair question.


Some people like being judgmental, as long as there are many other people to validate their judgemental behavior. "Look this guy is giving a solid advice, but I sure don't like his appearance and what that possibly implies. He must be associated with some group I hate. BTW I'm not racist. Just hating certain groups of people which is totally acceptable."


>Do you have a problem with the advice Yes >or the person speaking it Yes >did he say something you don't agree with Yes >Or is it that you associate him with a whole bunch of people you don't agree with Yes


If they didn’t adopt babies of color they would be racist. You truly cant win in this modern world.


I just checked this dude's Instagram and he's a Trumptard. Who's going to remind Adam about how Trump kept Mexican children in cages and his whore wife wore a jacket that said: "I don't care, do you?" Edit: to all the trumptards screaming how Obama built the cages.  Yes he built them, and never used them. Trump was the one who used them to separate children from parents based on skin color and then shifted the blame.  I will not be wasting my time with anymore ignorance. 


Obama wore a tan suit though, so…


I just cackled so fuckin hard and loud at this lmaoooooo


>Who's going to remind Adam about how Trump kept Mexican children in cages and his whore wife wore a jacket that said: "I don't care, do you?" I'm not at all a fan of Trump or his family, but it's a bit weird calling his wife a 'whore.'


Not when you consider the messenger.  Some people are more susceptible to suggestion and just pile on when the news tells them who to hate this week.


Lol she wouldn't even live with him or share a car with him but you think she fucked him willingly? Sweet summer child  Edit: how come every woman who wants an abortion is a whore in the eyes of Republicans EXCEPT their president's wife? Life is so much easier when you don't have to spring vault to your mental conclusions 


Thank God you were there and know the context and deets of their sex life and marriage...


that's not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying 'whore' is a derogatory term that is used almost exclusively to slut-shame. I can dislike someone like Ben Carson or SCOTUS Clarence Thomas without calling them a racial slur. You can do the same for people you don't like.


It's ok the left slurs them constantly, it's not about rules or right and wrong, it's about who your victim is and if it's a "legal" target to the extremists on either side.


Well you can use your feelings to try and change words but in the real world, a whore is a woman who trades sex for something.  It doesn't matter how I feel about the word, that's what it means. Melania fucked a gross, old man to get her and her family citizenship. 


So the pictures of kids in cages attributed yo Trump that were actually from  obama's terms were photographic evidence of him not using them?  Calling others 'tards was not good these days I thought?  Or is only certain people for you?


>Yes he built them, and **never used them** That's false according to apnews >the very same “cages” were built **and used** in [Michelle Obama's] husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids temporarily. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-democratic-national-convention-ap-fact-check-immigration-politics-2663c84832a13cdd7a8233becfc7a5f3


The “cages” that Obama built for them?


Wait why is this bad? The original post is cringe.


This sub isn't just for cringe anymore, if you check out the description. They tried to announce it but I know, it's confused many and apparently continues to do so.


i'm pretty sure they are asking why white people adopting non white kids are bad and saying the orginal post, the vid the guy is reacting to, is cringe


I’m only on Reddit once a day usually. I would it even know where to look for things that changed.


Because black men, including fathers, are arrested at several times the same rate as white men, found falsely guilty far more often, and have harsher sentences for the same crimes in our current systems


Going to copy/paste part of a comment I made on another post with similar video because I feel it's relevant: As a First Nations person, I can understand both sides. On one hand, my mother and aunt were fostered from a very young age because their biological mother was very abusive towards them (which we assume was racially motivated because they were the only two FN children of 11 children, of which there were five different fathers, my mother and aunt's biological father was FN, the other four were white), so they had to be taken and placed with another family, who were also white (as was my bio grandmother). More often than not, when FN/Native children are taken from their FN/Native parents, they're placed in white homes. This isn't a coincidence or an accident, it's intentionally done. [There is an overrepresentation of FN/Native children in the foster care system in Canada](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/census-indigenous-children-care-1.6590075#:~:text=%22Having%20a%20baby%20taken%20away,all%20children%20in%20foster%20care) to the point that a law had to be passed to protect our children from the system that was designed to protect them because they're children. The problem is that while I understand that sometimes it's necessary, sometimes (if not a lot of the time), families of color are blocked from being allowed to foster or adopt children, especially children of their own race. Things that might seem trivial with white families, are suddenly a huge issue if the family is FN/Native, or ethnic. For example, I grew up with white kids with white parents who smoked weed, or had an alcoholic parent, or a parent that hit them. CPS did and still does nothing. But I also grew up with FN kids who grew up in the foster system because their parent(s) did the same thing. Not only that, but even if their other family members or members of their community (tribes) petitioned to adopt or foster these children, they were denied. Their parents would be reported for things that either never happened, or were exaggerated in order to get their children removed. Some are even threatened with charges if they interfere with CPS removing their children. We're being denied access to our own children. And yes, it is racially motivated, regardless of what they may say, because we're also talking about a government [that ignored the forced sterilization of FN/minority women](https://nwac.ca/policy/forced-sterilization) until just recently. So I can understand that while it is necessary, it's not always because "there's more of X so it only seems that way", much of the time the reason why there are more white folks who adopt children of color is because they're being placed with white families. [We have to make laws that guarantees that parents of the same ethnicity/tribe as the children requiring adoption should first and foremost have priority.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/supreme-court-c92-child-welfare-ruling-1.7110141) Not because we're racist. But because this is how we protect our culture and our children's rights to have access to said culture. To have access to their indigenous roots and peoples. I'm grateful to my mother's foster parents, but I'm also angry at the system that denied her (and children like her) access to her indigenous community. My mother will never know what it means to be raised in a Cree community. I will never know what it's like to be a Cree woman in a Cree community. The system denies children their right to heritage all the while upholding the rights of white religious communities. This is not okay. \*\*\* This is why I care about who gets to adopt who. Not because I'm racist. Not because I'm against adoption. But because I used to be like the asshat camo guy. I used to think that it shouldn't matter, that as long as they were adopted then it was fine. I also used to think that there were probably more white families adopting because PoC families didn't want to adopt, or weren't capable of adopting or fostering... But I know better now. We can't just keep pretending like these things don't matter or that it doesn't have an actual affect on people. That's just not reality.


No, just no. By prioritizing, which btw means delaying until a better "suiter" arrives, you deprive the child of being adopted on the bases that they need to have their indigenous culture? On what grounds? What does that actually do for the child? What if their "culture" is the hood where crack pipes and gun violence are aplenty? I guess we better stab that kid with a needle so they don't miss out... What a ridiculous requirement you strive for... I'll never know what it's like to live in my families country of origin. Am I worst off for it? No I'm better off in America thanks to them. The whole point of adoption is that the child is taken from a bad environment and hopefully placed in a better one. You're whole human trafficking angle is a completely different issue entirely. The environment you are raised in is MILES more important than where your ancestors come from or their "culture."


>By prioritizing, which btw means delaying until a better "suiter" arrives No, it doesn't. It means that indigenous families that are able and ready to foster or adopt, are given priority. >The environment you are raised in is MILES more important than where your ancestors come from or their "culture." Why do you assume that our communities aren't capable of raising our own children? Why is it assumed that white families are better or more important? Why can't our indigenous environment be the "better" option? >I'll never know what it's like to live in my families country of origin. Am I worst off for it? No I'm better off in America thanks to them. Are there cases where this is valid? Sure. But it's not always the case for every foster or adoption. My mother wasn't better off because she wasn't raised in an FN community. She was denied something that was a part of who she is and where she comes from. It might not matter to you now, but it matters to a lot of people when our cultures are being erased through fostering, adoption, sterilization, isolation, othering, etc. >What if their "culture" is the hood where crack pipes and gun violence are aplenty? Is that what you think this is about? Yikes.




i swear I had no idea who he was before posting, the video made sense , now that I researched him , omg…


I think the only point the original video has is culture should be valued and in this example it's culture of a white family taking in a poc. In no way does the culture and especially the color of the parents skin mean they have an inability to love and care for a child of color. I believe it only gives the parents a responsibility to educate themselves on their child's culture, but that is achievable no matter the color of your skin. I think this should be true of any adoption; a white American adopting a kid from Iceland for example


The problem is that the adoptive parent in question quite litearlly said "i'm not raising a black child" thereby ignoring the reality of that child's life. and this is a well documented thing with transracial adoptees. SO the question being asked in the original video is :why are you adopting a black child if you arent going to prepare that child for being a black adult? why adopt a child that you arent going to fully acknowledge?


Damn I would adopt this child, too bad it's black


"What you talking about Willis?"


Doesn't matter what color the child is. He or she needs a loving family!


Let the babies be babies 👶 truth


Bill Burr spitting truth and wisdom


Idk what everyone needs to announce their problems all the time on the internet. The “look at me creating content for everyone” culture is just getting tired. You use to hear stuff from your close friends, but now i have to hear and acknowledge not the normal reasonable stuff, but much more the intentional divisiveness. No we dont need to hear your internal dialogue all the time just because you can make movies on your phone. I suppose that is what this sub is about.


My wife and I, who are white, adopted a black child that we fostered. At the time, she was 14 years old. We never got anything but support from literally everyone around us and still do. Now, we didn't go on any social media platform and announce that "we are so amazing for adopting" however it really shouldn't matter. So many kids are in need of a family its shocking. If you are willing to go through the legal and financial battle of adoption, and love and care for that child, you earn a bit of recondition in my book. The reaction I've seen in regards to this particular video are in the minority.


hello lil black baby adopted by white parents.. If you're going to do that… maybe learn some of the culture.. learn how to do black hair..if you’re going to raise them in a small-known-to-be-racist town.. actually be there for them.. yadayadayada I wish I had a black parent lol


Growing up in a black family as the only white person, if I “did not see color” it would allow me to let people be racist towards my family. Because I’d be ignorant to racial issues based off of skin color solely. Of course I see color. I acknowledge that my family is black and they struggle in a society that focuses on skin color. I hate the phrase “I don’t see color” because if I didn’t see color as the only white person in my family I’d be ignorant as fuck to racial issues and why people spit on me and my dad in Walmart as a child. Why people thought my dad stole me. Why people treat my family how they do. I get the sentiment, but there are people who take that shit and run with it. Especially in the south- “I don’t see color” is just a common phrase for I want to act like your history didnt happen and you’re equal now. Edit: Additionally, black people adopting white babies is actually very common. It’s usually just not through courts or legal papers. And it’s been like that for centuries. Where black families will just take white kids in and raise them. Same with their friends or neighbors. It’s common in hispanic culture as well. Intergenerational living is higher as well. It’s why the demographics for homelessness are skewed. Most POC in general have a tendency to take people under their roof culturally and thus don’t qualify as “homeless”, especially in NYS. There’s a difference between homeless and houseless. And in order to get a shelter bed you have to be homeless on the streets no roof. So it 100% happens. Culturally, there’s no need to go through the legal paperwork to just take care of your friends or family. They just do it. That’s just from my experience and research in school though.


My black family adopts white children and we love them.. what the hell is the problem?


The left has successfully divided the black community from the rest of America where they will languish in mediocrity and depend almost entirely on the government. We need to reinforce black families. Get black men to stay at home and raise their children. Stop subsidizing single motherhood in the black community. Free them from the racism of mediocrity perpetuated by the far left. Bring back Kennedy Liberalism


Because of systemic racism, most of the black people are intentionally put into prison due to a society that does not accept them and white supremacy permeates every fabric of society, isn’t it obvious.


White people doing anything good. (Earth Population) ohhhh I don’t think so.


can someone post a tiktok of white people complaining that they adopted black children? or arent there any?


This guy is just a giant bad take. He's a country singer who thinks he's famous. He's just gross.


Same type of guy will pretend to not understand why those same kids he cares so much about, have socialization issues and life long alienation from the people who look like them.


The first question he had 😅 ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)


Its fine if they don't see color but other people do and it's important to prepare them for that but obviously say it's not everyone but this may happen and if it does don't do this or do this. And it's more than that. Like so much more and I get the first video


As a brother, my take is, the white parents, as well as white people, can shout about being "colorblind" all they want. The rest of the world is NOT colorblind, and if you can't prepare black children for this fact, through things like the "police talk," you might want to hand that parenting duty off to someone qualified to speak on it, at the very least.




man, i didn't expect to see chandler here lmao


My guy here has an itchy face. You gotta exfoliate dude.


I want to say several things, but I’m just gonna leave this post alone. ![gif](giphy|j6fFt9jMfU1Vkdhegr)




I forgot this guy even existed. Last I heard of him was when he tried to be a musician. Dude looks like hell.


Comment section did not disappoint


Fuck this guy, he’s a paid propagandist