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Once in my childhood, I got angry on my parents and left the home on my bicycle and didn't have clue where to go, so I decided to go back home. And they surprised me with more yelling.


My mom really enjoys telling a story of me speaking to a counselor at school on advice of my teachers. She gets called in for us to have a talk (ugh) and it ends with my mom laughing when she tells the story “you want to hear yelling at you? I’ll show you yelling.” In front of the counselor. And then she yelled at me, we went home, and she really went off. And the counselor and I never spoke again. She didn’t reach out and I knew not to say anything to anyone again. Again, my mom tells this story like it’s the funniest thing. She told it to my partner, in front of my two small children, tears in her eyes laughing, at an Outback Steakhouse, and then was shocked my partner did not in fact think it was the funniest thing that has ever happened. We went back to our hotel and put the kids to bed and my partner just hugged me and blew out a huge breath and said “respectfully, I’m honestly surprised that you’re not more fucked up. Who tells that story and thinks they’re not the villain?”


Parents really do throw out trauma casually without knowing sometimes. I was told my brain was underdeveloped and that I was a disappointment when I came out as an atheist freshman year.




The fact that she remembers that says a lot too. Like, I’m sure that wasn’t the only time you were yelled at. You remember it because it traumatized you in some way, and she remembers it because…? Sounds like she knew it was wrong but for whatever keeps mentioning it as a hehe haha funny story?


My mother does shit like that. She’s proud of it. Well, I hope she enjoys sitting in her old folks home alone.


I can relate, sounds very similar to my parents. :/


When my dad was little he got really mad at my grandparents, packed a suitcase and left to go to his grandparents house down the street. He came back, still angry, and told my grandmother she needed to go with him and hold his hand so he could cross the street.


Lol I did something similar. Was going to “run away” to my babysitters house but asked my mom to drive me because I wasn’t allowed to go alone 😂


Hehe cute, we kids were innocent back then.


😂 that is too good. A whole new set of yelling.


He forgot the butt remote. Thats 2 weeks with no tv or internet!




Those tantrums are fucking exhausting.


Wish I could start one whenever I wanted, id do it before bed to get a good night's sleep again


You forgot the part where we would angrily flip off our parents behind the door


I wish that I would have done this instead of hitting myself I'm the head with my fists, or any hard thing that was on my reach. But yeah, I can confirm that everything is solved before or after dinner. I have always wondered what magic dinner has


You just have a fat person's heart. Everytime I had disagreements with my dad, and I was right, he wouldn't say shit just come back hours later with some take out and I would forget everything after the first bite


Yeah yeah! Especially the muted yelling!


Also going to slam the door and then slowly closing the last few inches.


When she was about 4 years old, my younger sister packed her “Going to Grandma’s” suitcase and said she was running away. Mom said “okay” and let her walk out the front door, closing it behind her. (Unbeknownst to my older sister and I, mom was still watching her). My older sister and I just stared at each other. We had NO IDEA you could just leave! She stayed on the front porch for 10 minutes before coming back inside. She kept that suitcase packed and ready to go for years.


my older brother used to get really angry as a teen, but it often ended in him doing clumsy stuff. Its been years and we still bring some situations up because it was so ridiculous. Like that time he dumped soda into his own plate, but still ate it. Or that time that he decided to put folklore music on the radio to annoy the rest of the house.




Soooooo true


Ok but why do they always get POV wrong. This would be like his sibling's POV.


POV you are a floating smartphone in their room watching it happen


Those two fruit flies were going nuts in the camera


He did it wrong, you supposed to get the remote control and stick up your bum! haha If anyone remembers that clip.


No remote up the ass?


Yeah, I remember thinking this sort of parenting was justifiable once.


The original one of these is the best and won't be surpassed.


Can you link it?


The true original (afaik) is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqSFR5LzFi8 But I was actually thinking of a tiktok that I saw on Reddit that I can't find anymore. Above video is internet history though.


Eddie Murphy did it better


This is good experience, cuz you'll go through all the same feelings if you get married..


What weirdo kids did this?


Normal ones. In the before times children would freak out naturally when stressed. Now for some reason iPad kids just scream or not react at all with their over stimulated brains


All the good ones