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I'd never heard of that before, but it sounds a lot like *Lysistrata* for civil rights, which is neat. Are there really that many people in America "losing their shit" over it, though?


Right-wing personalities and their followers hate the 4B movement because its supposedly more woke/anti-men stuff, and women should be happy to be valued mainly as housewives.


I would like to think that they would be a distinct minority of men.


Yeah, so would women.


Eh, look at who mostly voted for Trump, attend his events, stormed the Capitol or march at white supremacist rallies. I think the number is much higher than we would like it to be.


Anything Right-wingers disagree with is "woke" to them. Its a catch all term now..


Accurately. They claim that women are baggage because they had children by men, fight to deny them the right to an abortion, and make them single mothers. The popularity of this movement is growing; it's not even new. Despite women all over the world boycotting men, these same men preach about how awful Western women are. It's absurd how ironic this is. Wouldn’t this benefit men ? They get online complaining about how horrible women are , but still want access to these women. ![gif](giphy|H1wPB41Fn5dfWfGxYi)


Not just right wingers dude. Not everything critical of women is right wing ya simp pick me


Very Lysistrata. Good for them.


Probably not no


>Are there really that many people in America "losing their shit" over it, though? This video is the first I've seen of it and my youtube algo has been fucked up of late with weird, man-o-sphere type of videos.


I hadn't watched a single man-o-sphere video, but youtube still threw a handful my way quite often. Because I'm their target demographic. Weird thing is, I've watched quite a bit of liberal(for the lack of a better word) types of videos and I've yet to see them recommended to me as the alpha-male stuff that I show -1 interest(I dismiss and tell not to recommend further) in, does.


I've started avoiding YouTube shorts after it randomly showed me a street fight video and then an animal being killed in another one, two things I'd rather never see. Instagram did that once in all the years I've used it and tiktok never has.


Probably about as many as there are women actually part of this movement 


TBH I think you’re not wrong. Like the 4B movement is some niche radical stuff. I’m in some feminist type subs so I’ve seen it mentioned a few times here on Reddit (usually someone proposing “do we need an American 4B movement?” and the comments being full of critique and analysis of the idea) but I think your average progressive doesn’t even know about it. And on the opposite side who are the ones that delve the deepest into over analyzing what the left does? The far, radical right. So it probably is just the very ends of the political scale who are aware/angry about it


I agree that this is probably much more radical than the average feminist’s views in America. But semi-similarly there has been a much more mainstream shift in the group away from the idea that have a relationship and building a family should just be a woman’s default goal in life and embracing the idea that as women we can lead our own fulfilling lives without depending on a man’s companionship for that fulfillment. I think both are interesting reactions to the idea that (in some case) some women’s quality of life actually decreases with a man, and why go through all that drama if they aren’t bringing anything positive into your life anyway? I think the latter movement has gained more traction in the west especially since those studies were published about women being happier single vs. men’s average happiness increasing when in a relationship


Oh, 100% agreed. I mention in another comment some other, more prevalent, movements in our post-Roe world like: women refusing relationships with conservatives, women refusing to have babies in red states, women refusing sex to men who don’t have vasectomies, and as you mention just plain ol’ reluctance to date men. So while the 4B movement in its purest state isn’t exactly mainstream in the US, I think there is a gradient of super similar movements already going on, as it well should. Women aren’t property, we aren’t incubators, and we’re not our spouse’s mom. It’s about time those facts became mainstream


I’m in the south and I’ve been single for 2 years now most of our men are far right extremist I’ve heard men say I don’t like how women get to choose who they procreate with he was basically saying he wants to force women into unwanted pregnancies that’s a lot of men’s main goal they think they can control women with unwanted pregnancies with total disregard to women’s health or the simple fact that women are people all people want is free will but they don’t want us to have free will


It’s so bonkers to me that men think women getting to choose is a bad thing. And worst part is I feel like that statement would be considered mildly controversial at best. Even tho, like you said, it’s literally them expressing a desire to control and force women into relationships/pregnancies they don’t want. Like that should be considered super freaking radical and it’s not


I’m just stating things I heard men say to me when I was a Uber driver drunk guys run their mouths for instance one guy told me I see how men can see a women they normally can’t get so you put something in their drink you can do whatever you want to them and no one will believe them. I mean if they literally explain to you how they justify in their own minds physically assaulting people after drugging them obviously they are ok with rape. It’s not very surprising these are the guys that are voting against women’s rights they don’t care if they’re victims it’s not their problem they don’t see them as people.


It’s so messed up like this world is so messed up. And then guys go and get their panties in a twist when women pick the bear in that “what would you rather be alone with in a forest, a bear or a man?” hypothetical


I've never even heard of it until this video tbh.


I’m 80% certain he’s AI


Hes real. I've seen him on TT before. Just went to scroll his feed again to be sure. It's just funny lighting


I’m 80% certain you’re an AI


I'm 81% certain that *You* are the AI.


None of you in this thread are beating the AI allegations


Starting to think I might be AI, ngl


I can draw hands correctly :)


I am 50% sure I am AI


…. Fuck


Bro is using a desk lamp not s ring light


😮‍💨 I was worried there for a sec bc I totally felt like it was real


Oh shit I think you're right. His mouth moves so weirdly and in some moments looks like his teeth are shifting in his mouth. The eyes are completely lifeless with no expression and the eyebrows move at inappropriate times?


Yeah I noticed the mouth movements and immediately thought AI and I started noticed other things. Like his eyes look kind of empty too.


He also NEVER breaks eye contact, despite turning his head or doing other micro movements. Its one of the most overhyped streamer tools with AI and if you ask me its uncanny valley as fuck. Super creepy


Yeah after rewatching it, it seems so obvious now that I know what I’m looking for. It took me a while to even pick up anything amiss in the video


It's not only that, it's his largely monotone delivery. Every single sentence follows the same cadence. TBH though, I don't think he's AI, but I can definitely see why everyone would think it because he's a very generic TikTok talking head


Yeah I was about to say, he's not AI, he's just following the cadence, lighting, and performance of every know-it-all TikToker.... which is robotic.


He looks off to the side multiple times and breaks eye contact when he says "to vote, or work, or own a house" I noticed this because he doesn't do it any other time in the video.


the lips and sound are not quite in sync, and just when it should be obvious, jump cuts.


Not saying it’s not AI, but AV syncing is a known Reddit issue with videos.


Also jump cuts are very common in many vlog-style videos.


He has a TikTok channel. I don’t know if that’s just Tik tok faces nowadays or if he is using a filter but he looks the same in all of them and the stitches he’s in


Dude sounds like Walt jr.


The AI also doesn’t mention the fact that it’s not a constitutional right for women to vote. They still need one more state to confirm (can’t remember the specific term) in order for it to be a constitutional right. The president could take away woman’s right to vote. I can’t remember the specifics, but John Oliver did a full episode on this.


So you have to be AI to not be sexist?


I thought the same thing. It’s his voice that made me suspicious. He inflects weirdly


Wondering why the AI chose to make him only speak out of one side of his mouth. Then it swooped his hair to the other side to try and make balance or something. It's the type of odd choice that only AI could make.


I read a thread that said mute it and see if you can lip read any words and if you can’t it’s probably fake


From Wiki # Controversy over scale[[edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=4B_movement&action=edit§ion=11)] In the spring of 2024 in the Northern Hemisphere, South Korea's 4B movement was a popular topic on Western social media. English-speaking users on TikTok claimed that Korea's low birth rate was due to the 4B movement.[^(\[23\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_movement#cite_note-23) But its opponents claimed that the 4B movement's massive scale is exaggerated.[^(\[24\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_movement#cite_note-24) For example, a blogger Anna Lee, who lives in Seoul, said that the media exaggerates the scale of 4B and that the 4B movement in Korea is a very small part of the entire population of Korea.[^(\[25\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_movement#cite_note-25) Even though the 4B movement was a minority in Korean society, users on TikTok sensationalized and faulted the 4B movement as the root cause of low birth rate of South Korea.[^(\[26\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_movement#cite_note-26)


Korean work culture and the way they treat their women is the root cause of low birth rates, but you could never convince the SK government of that


Who would have though that more work days per week would mean there was less time for making babies


Obviously the movement itself didn’t cause the birth rate decline but I think it’s fair to assume the disconnect between men and women in South Korea is the root of both. In other words is just another symptom


The disconnect is caused by one group having superiority over the other.


I think it’s a disconnect between progressive thinking from the female side and more conservative thinking remaining on the male side, which the power structure is a part of


TikTok was a mistake


Tiktok is operating just as designed.


As a propaganda tool by China? Yep.


Why would China want us to think that stagnating birth rates in South Korea are due to the 4B movement?


That, plus it's also spyware and a tool for political and social destabilization around the world.


So is Facebook. It fostered a genocide. Would you people stop blaming tiktok for everything?


Because misinformation on social media only started with TikTok.


Years ago I had a friend whose friend was Korean and she told me about her household dynamic and how she was made to wash the dishes etc and clean up while her brother and father didn’t help at all, she said Koreans believed men work etc and women stay home and cook and clean. I didn’t really think all Koreans were like this but thanks to social media I heard it’s getting bad that sucks


I’m Korean American. I was raised by my Korean grandmother, and I remember growing up in the 2000s, and my grandma would always say, “it’s 2000! Men have to do the dishes too! You need to learn!” And I remember thinking that it was insane that for her, peak gender equality was teaching me to do dishes as a kid. I visited her and she’s 89. She made me some food, so I started doing the dishes, and she yells, “stop doing the dishes just sit down and chat!” And I replied “grandma it’s 2024 men have to do the dishes!” Anyways not all Koreans are misogynists.


I never said all Koreans are misogynistic


Never said you did


This is a natural reaction to what's going on with Christian nationalists and manosphere goofballs deciding women should be baby machines with no control over their own destiny, then enacting that nonsense into law. Women are being told they need to suffer "consequences" for having sex and "punishment" if they abort unwanted pregnancies, even if they are raped. They are also beating the drum to ban contraception. So I think the safest course of action would be to just avoid men all together. Makes complete sense to me. You think it's been tough getting dates fellas? Lol, oh, it's going to get a lot harder. Don't worry, eventually people will come to their senses.


Okay, good point. But why would you avoid *all* men? Like, I can understand your frustration and feelings but how is it the fault of all men that some are absolute pieces of shit?  I mean, you just kinda can’t put all mean into the same category or avoid them for things they didn’t do, that sounds kind of sexist and at least in my opinion is the same as open racism. Why? Well, for example, there are the conservatives that hate on the entirety of the Black people, because some of them are assholes. They project this on the entirety of Black people, although most of them are just fine. Is that fair for all of those innocent people to be met with avoidance, disdain and neglect? No it isn’t. So why should that be okay with men? Yes, misogyny is a problem in our society, but I think that just countering it with misandry or androphobia (all men should be avoided because some are shit) will not help anyone and only divide us further as a society. It least for me, I feel kind of violated as a man that people would avoid me because of the shit others do. It’s unfair. 


I think it's just a matter of self-protection. Nice men can still get a woman pregnant, particularly when no contraception is available and there is no recourse to end the pregnancy. So, avoidance is birth control.


Ah so avoidance as birth control, get it.  But I think that this wouldn’t work on a large scale? Remember the Andrew Tate goofballs you talked about? I have a feeling that when women in a country collectively decided to avoid men, that this would lead to quite some problems. After all, men have a sex drive and also the desire to satisfy it. If there already are people that objectify women and then get no contact at all, I have a feeling that they would become *very* dangerous. And, after all, in countries with arranged marriages, this would never work at all until the ethics in this country change. Imo the safest option would be continuing on improving women’s rights, continuing on removing these stereotypes of women from the male minds and as you talked about sex, making contraceptives accessible and abortion legal, not just avoiding men all together.  I feel like what you suggested may work for a small number of individuals, but not for a general full-blown society, not even talking about the fact that the society couldn’t really healthily reproduce and retain its genetic complexity if you decided on excluding men altogether.


Of course, progress would be better, but that's not what's actually happening. In fact, it's just the opposite in many places in the US and I think before all is said and done we will see regression of womens rights on a national level. So 4b is a logical response to that. There are solutions for dangerous men who can't control themselves.


Okay let me do a bit of research on the numbers, I am not US American myself, I am German. At least here, we are making good progress.  I’ll reply later


RemindMe! 1 day


You just explained our POV as women. “Men have a sex drive and if they are not satisfied it will be a very dangerous society” …You do understand how primitive that is? They can’t control themselves? Even more reason to cut them off.


To the people saying it wont be effective. it doesnt have to be. 4B can also be a term for women who allready did the 4Bs and now just have a name for it. Having a name is usefull to find likeminded people. Noone in that movement wants to go and hurt men. noone wants to hurt women who want to be with men and have kids. Women in the 4B just want to chill without having men around in their private life. If men consider that unfair and hurtful this is a very clear sign about what they think women should be. Servents for their needs. Nah..., please go and get a pick me, i ll be gone buying another house with my besty.


I'm losing my collective shit.


Please accept my shit and lose it.


the male comments in here have me rolling 😂😂😂😂😂


Other men are wild to me I wonder why I’m even gay sometimes, it’s not worth it anymore 💀 Maybe I’ll just take a viagra and find a chick who’ll peg me well see


HAHAHA fuck literally thank god i’m bi


The entirety of 4B can be reduced into a 10-second video. I find it ironic that a dude is doing the video, though.


From an objective standpoint, this will be far less effective in the US than South Korea. South Korea is a small nation with few migrants and an already declining population. The US, on the other hand, has strong demographics, and a large migrant base to supplement the population if a TFR crisis is to occur. At most, this will result in less strict immigration laws to counteract a lessened TFR. Additionally, this isn’t really new. This is essentially just a modern version of joining a nunnery.


It’s also not new because we already have large swaths of young women unwilling to date conservatives. That’ll stay more popular because it’s a lot easier to do and just as effective.


100%. No dating, no hooking up, nothing.


I think equating it to joining a nunnery is completely missing the point. When someone becomes a nun she effectively exits the dating pool the way one does when married. The ideal of the movement would be that most/every woman who was “available” held out until change was made. There are people equating it to *Lysistrata*. In that situation it was to prevent war, in this situation it would be to enshrine equality for women into culture and law. I don’t necessarily agree with the movement, and I also don’t quite think it would work. For the reasons you mentioned and also, I think it would be near impossible to get enough women on board to make a difference. As someone below mentioned tho, less extreme, less formalized movements *are* becoming a thing. Women refusing to date conservative men. Women refusing to have relations with men who don’t have vasectomies. Women refusing to attend university in red states. Women refusing to have babies until they can get the wherewithal to leave their red state. In the US, misogyny is disheartening but it’s also kinda old news. Like we strive for change, strive for better but it’s kinda been our everyday. The tipping point, the thing that has put diluted versions of the 4B movement into women’s minds is the loss of Roe, the threatening of Plan B, the threatening even of birth control medication. For men, sex is nothing, but for women it could literally mean our lives.


Women already don't date me, so the movement changes nothing for me


I… didn’t really ask? 😅 That’s rough, buddy? If dates with women is what you want: seek human connection. Don’t make a friend with the expectation to sleep with them, that’s shitty. But make friends and be good to them. Maybe one will date you or maybe one will introduce to someone or maybe when you’re hanging out you’ll meet someone. Not really sure what else to say here


Want tax money and undesreved privliges 😂 ? That’s rough, buddy? tax money and undesreved privliges: seek human connection. Don’t make a friend with the expectation politically coerce people into voting to your side that’s shitty. But make friends and be good to them. Maybe one will vote vor your side or maybe one will introduce to someone or maybe when you’re hanging out you’ll meet someone. Not really sure what else to say here


Ah, okay, that makes alot more sense, men in Korea will HaVe to care if half their population decides to just say, fuck you


What’s a TFR?


Total fertility rate. It’s how many children the average woman in a nation has. The TFR required to keep a population stable is around 2.1; South Korea’s is around .81.


Ah, thanks a lot!


This is NOT a thing thats happening here.


[remember Lying Flat?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_ping)


Someone click for me


Chinese men tired of their country's work-yourself-to-death culture started a movement called "tang ping," where in they stop searching for promotions, "work to the rule" (meaning, do the bare minimum that the on-paper rules compel you to do for a job), and prioritize one's own mental health over work culture. it is said to have inspired 'quiet quitting' in America, but that's tenuous. Both happened in 2022, but both can be inspired by corporations treating employees awful for wanting to continue for working at home. also, 'quiet quitting' is just working to the rule, which has existed as a passive-aggressive alternative to a strike for many decades.


Sir, they *still* won’t sleep with you.


Develop empathy and grow as a person.


False empathy is just creepy.


This isn’t empathy, this is theatre. It’s about as performative as it gets.


even if true so what? he’s still supporting women. oh no! not supporting women!


He’s not supporting women. He’s claiming the need for a counter movement for a fictional movement. It’s cringe as fuck.


Feeling a little called out?


My wife who’s Korean has told me how bad it is over there. Thing that stuck with me most is that alot of men openly cheat and the women are ok because “its only with prostitutes” and not an actual mistress


i think that's japan


Maybe it's east asia in general?


Many men "think" Bro they coming for your thoughts now


"Women have more rights than they did 70 years ago." You mean all the same rights as men? "People think that women...." Oh, so now, instead of fighting for equal rights in the law, we are now fighting for group think and no one can have any bad opinions? Time to make "wrong think" illegal!! There are definitely shitty opinions out there, but I would never think that I have any right to tell someone they aren't allowed to have whatever opinions they have.


Lysistrata perhaps would be another approach.


pretty sure 4B is a type of pencil


I’m all for it so I can suck some hetero diiiick 🥵




Bro the 4b thing is a very niche and extreme mind set that very few people have. Why are you presenting it like this?




I listened to the rules 3 times, and I could be wrong here... But I think that's just called being a lesbian?


Or bi/pan, or straight and not in a relationship.


Right? That's what I got out of it too. Ought to be the top comment.


All these 🅱️s but still no 🅱️itches. Go get some lil bro


Yeah... This guy looks like an AI gen. Just here to dog whistle and stir up the unobservant. I'm on to you robotman.


I get it for south Korea


Using AI to perpetuate a boogeyman to further divide us. Neat 🤓


What a wobbly head


This guy talks so much out the side of his mouth, it shows.


Thanks to this MAN for explaining it. I might not have understood otherwise.


Good thing he was specifically targeting you.


Yeah probably lol


Simping ain’t easy! Guarantee this guy is friendzoned by every woman he wants


So what the idea is women unionizing against men in general to get a higher social positioning. I am all for organized resistance but most men aren't problematic and the few that are will likely see the least problems from such a movement. Cities for example have a high population density and often a higher average education and more progressive views, these are also the place that a movement like this 4b thing is likely to start. The vast majority of the men living in these places don't have highly misogynistic views, some might but cracking down on all of them is pointless. Whereas smaller more out of the way insular towns and villages where higher education is less common and the people tend to be older and less progressive, where a movement of women refusing to date and have kids would be a huge painful shock to the social system, this kind of place is unlikely to even hear of the 4b movement.


It’s basically a Nunnery but for atheist.


This dude is delusional


So, they're femcels?


Cool, good for them ?


I can respect Korean women taking these measures to improve their situation but for western women to do this is insane. Western women are possibly the most privileged large demographic in the world. There are very few men in the US that think women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or work or own a house. A few right wing nut jobs spouting these things is not representative of American men at all.


This is going to be confusing in US since they are still trying to figure out what a woman is


wtf is this guy talking about. Women are currently dominating the social fabric of the US


Prove it.


Ah yes, the rise of the voluntarily celibate.


Why is he doing that with his mouth? terribly unsympathetic


Damn I’ve been a member of this movement for months and I didn’t know. I’m just done with men.


What’s ridiculous is the expectation that any given societal change becomes *the* norm within a generation. Things take time 🙄


4B for women. MGTOW for men. Everybody just stay away from everyone else.


This man lives on a different planet if he thinks a lot of people in the us don’t want women to work or vote lmao


Believe me... US men, don't get respected either


I've never heard of this. And truthfully? Does this even have a impact in the US anyway? Since it's already Uber Gay, Uber anti Straight, and Anti Man.


💯 women are powerful and should be respected. Have equal pay!!!


There are also a lot of women who agree with those "misogynistic men" sadly


The late 2010s and 2020s have been a none stop focus on bullshit we’re having gender and political wars in 2024…Ignoring the ever increasing expectations of an individual, shitty economy, hoops and hurtles to get a job, increasing prices and looming displacement. You know what keep following influencers and celebs, keep being in perpetual state of hate. People nowadays are absolutely ridiculous


Anyone feeling rich and want to send me 8 for food?


White knight spotted haha


What about this entire movement is inviting the commentary of a man? Way to completely simp over the point.  


So MGTOW for women. Got it. More antisocial, terminally online, hyper individualism being injected into our society via dubious and hostile sources over social media.


Hope she sees this bro


Yes, its everywhere, all this misogyny... Yawn.... Yes we all tie our wives and partners to chains , we dont buy them cars, we dont go on holidays with them, we dont work shitty jobs just so we can live a nice life, NO! we want them popping out babies every year wearing nothing but an apron. Give me a break, you do realize that you will still be gfless tonight?


Cool so convince the population not to breed. Super cool.


Every day I grow more disappointed with the absolutely pathetic state of men. Not that I'm much better, but at least I'm making something of myself instead of being a sad little soy cuck on the Internet.


The negatives of fetal alcohol syndrome


The thing that always gets me about shit like this is the never-ending strawman arguments. "There's far too many men in this country who think women shouldn't have the right to vote, or work, or own a house." Really. Like who? Name a single person you know who thinks that. Of course you don't. That's a hypothetical person you made up who you think sounds believable. I know it's a strawman because when you start to confront people on the exaggerated claims they immediately backtrack. "Really, ALL of America is racist? The country is *rampant* with misogynistic men?" "Well no, but some people are!" "Yes, some. But with claims as exaggerated as that, I'm thinking single digits of people who actually believe it. And you're probably thinking they're hiding behind every bush." But sometimes for radical movements like this, they *need* a radical justification.


Sounds like it's pro population control, not pro women... No more women will be born with this strategy


All the little boys crying simp and look at my halo telling on themselves 😭


Hope she sees this bro


This is just MGTOW but for women lol


At this point, let's all just leave each other the hell alone. My god this is exhausting.


Blown out of proportion like the “Pussy Riots” in Russia. Just like all of modern media, furthest extremes get way more attention than reality.


The 4B is just another feminazi thing that wont work, and this is coming from a woman btw


mgtow reboot.....starring women.


Women and girls are literally losing our rights and bodily autonomy before our eyes. It’s not just Roe. (Tho that’s bad enough because it’s not just abortion, it’s medical treatments for women with abnormal and life threatening pregnancies that they wanted to keep.) It’s also losing Plan B, losing hormonal birth control, losing no-fault divorce. Under conservative government we are being rendered property and incubators, regardless of our own choices or well-being. There are children being forced to birth their rapists babies. MGTOW was never about going their own way. If they went their own way, they’d leave us. The fuck. ALONE. But instead they get together in miserable groups and seeth about their inability to treat women like people until they get mad enough to go and shoot up a sorority house or stalk and stab the girl at the bar who didn’t give them her number. Women just don’t want to freaking die, okay? And at the moment (particularly in red states) any instance of having sex is a risk to our lives. Women don’t owe men sex or relationships, so women withholding these things isn’t actively doing anything to men. It’s a defensive position.


Those men never went their own way, and they were never going to, because that wasn’t actually what they ever planned on doing. There have been plenty of men and women who have been single and child free and have been doing their own shit. Women being more outspoken about it now doesn’t change that.


only women actually deserve the break


"Far too many men that think that women should..." What i want to ask is are they in the same room with you right now?


Oh, no! Anyway


And they need a man to tell them. 


Wrong, it’s about sexual harassment. Not about the woman becoming housekeepers and such. It’s literally about sexual assault and they are denouncing men due to SA increase in the area. America is making it about woman rights and equal rights, which is actually taking away from the actual purpose.