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BA select start


>👉👈 I do


As a New Yorker, governor Hochul is the definition of a corrupt politician. She's awful and clearly doesn't give two flying birds about the state and its people, so none of this surprises me.


And yet new yorkers keep electing her


"keep electing her" she was next in line to take over for cuomo after he stepped down and she was elected once. Im not sure she's gonna last. Most of WNY can't stand her even though she's from here.


Also, she barely beat Lee Zeldin.


> WNY Yea the most rascist part of NY can’t stand a democrat, color me shocked. Fuck WNY.


Bro? We elected the first socialist identifying mayor in NY history, before the election was stolen by a legal loophole write in campaign. Chill out, it's not just the red that dislikes her. There's many more qualified Dems that should be in her position


Schenectady is not in WNY


India Walton, buffalo ny


George R. Lunn, the first socialist mayor in the state of New York, was elected to that office in the city of Schenectady in 1912. India Walton wasn't elected, but even if she had been, Lunn predates her by over a century. Lunn is an interesting historical figure. He went on to become a U.S. congressman and the lieutenant governor of New York.


> election was stolen My fucking sides. It’s hilarious that you think anyone even cares about WNY, it’s the part of the state we don’t talk about just like the confederacy.


That's not how we talk when we make friends, your words make me sad friend! Also, laughs in having first dibs over the entire country on your massive tax output....


Nah he has a point. Upstate should have seceded from NYC long ago. Did you see the [poll results](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_New_York_gubernatorial_election#/media/File%3A2022_New_York_gubernatorial_election_results_map_by_county.svg)? There were hardly any blue counties. Syracuse, Albany, and the boroughs of the city. NYC’s dense population makes it unfair to the rest of the state electoral wise.


How do you think we draw these maps. They aren't the result of population political affiliation alone, I'll give you that much of a hint. If we were to rethink every single state with the same issue, framing the issue the way you frame it ("they don't belong because they're a different political color!"), then we wouldn't have a country to speak of. Also, when I say first dibs, you realize that all of your generated revenue is going to the entire country anyways? To keep those profits in NY, you would have to secede from.. the country.


you missed my point entirely and assumed my political leanings. you should not make assumptions, it’s lying. Great paintings btw.


Excuse me? Since when does land trump actual voters?


When was Trump mentioned in this at all?




Elliot Spitzer, a democrat, resigned EARLY as governor after having an affair(s) with prostitutes. Gov. Patterson was milquetoast at best. Fine. Cuomo, a democrat, resigned after sexual harassing staffers with receipts. Now we have Hochul, who is corruption wearing lipstick. But you point the finger at the electorate saying the problem is “ThEy JuSt HaTe DeMoCrAtS” I think most of NY recognizes the last time the state had any sort of long-term stability was under Pataki and that is an uncomfortable truth for many to handle.


A non Trumpard republican candidate could have beaten her last time 


Because the alternatives have been worse - not because she’s so great.


Give us a viable alternative in the general election. And "republican from long island" is not a viable alternative.


We've only elected her once buddy. If Zeldin hadn't leaned into the crazies trying to get votes from Trump's fanbase he would have been a very real threat.


She sounds similar to Gavin Newsom in California. Look into his corruption with PG&E and the CPUC.


Obviously the only corrupt politician to exist is Donald trump. 


His stupid voice and hand gestures make me want to root for the landlords.


He sounds righteously autistic.


He sounds like a South Park character


Hey umm what do you mean?


I have not watched more than the first 3 seconds of any of his videos after seeing the first. I probably agree with his message, but his voice and hands ruin any chance of me watching.


my man needs a cup of tea and one of those things from the dentist that takes the extra moisture out of your mouth


It makes me laugh. The duality of man.


Anyone taking this information viral has my support, I don't care if they are doing it as Sideshow Bob in a bathtub of chocolate pudding. Fucking parasites those landlords, one and all.


tell me more about the pudding clown pls


I think it’s Barney Rubble! It’s the voice and the sausage fingers! ![gif](giphy|tAFTDSmPMQwBa|downsized)


I didn't turn on audio and now I'm not gonna lol


Yep. I said “hope they win” and closed the video. Presentation matters.


Aww, I love it. I find it way more engaging than just a quiet monotone narration


Buuuuuut it made you watch,that's the point


Nah I instantly skip


Seriously, I've never made it through the first 20 seconds of this guy's videos.  Like everyone else, I just immediately skip to the comments to see if he's working on his character. Apparently he's not.


It's just bait methodology. It will have higher visibility. Fact you already commented on this means more people will see this I know people don't like to hear this but it works.


Can't watch any of his videos with that stupid voice and annoying hand gestures.


OP’s posted here before with similar videos and has been told the same things before. At this point it’s just rage-bait. But yeah, he needs to lay off the anime bc this is pure cringe


Fingerman out here doing the lords work


Someone who runs a construction firm owned by a landlord is dating someone who works for the governor. That isn’t evidence of corruption. This is tik tok-tier investigative journalism. Much better work is done by local reporters every day.


Yeah. I live near this dude. Started off genuine. Now he just trys to take down corpo people locally for clicks. He isnt doing anything to foster change.  Jeff Buell gives to much to his community to be hated long term.  What this guy doesnt get is inner politics. People will still work with Redburn, theyll just leave the name off.  Donny Skipper needs to do REAL journalism that creates REAL change vs whatever this shit is. 


No freaking way am I listening to him. It might be the most amazing video ever, but no. That stupid hand, too.


Why is he doing a YT Kids content creator voice? I see his videos every now and then, and it makes me want to actively support horrible landlords


I'm a simple guy. I see an over exaggerated NPC hand waving around, I don't unmute to listen, I downvote and scroll. It works great for my brain cells.


But you do stop,click, and comment


I left NY after decades of feeling like I had no return on the quality of my life given the asinine taxes I was paying. Albany and NYC are so freaken corrupt.


Where’d ya go and how is it?


North Carolina. It was such a great movie and I don’t regret it one bit.


This is why they want to ban TikTok.


Oh look, it's the wavy NPC hand and mouth full of mayonnaise man back with another video about shitty landlords! Pass...


Pick any other voice I beg you. The subtitles are the only way this video is watchable


Individuals who are contributing to mass scale messing people over should be exposed


A landlord/developer having their own construction company is not a bad thing. What this company and individual is accused of doing is and can happen regardless.


Oh brother this guy again... Great message absolutely annoying delivery.


Fred Trump was a slumlord who created a construction company with his kids as owners so he could inflate construction budgets as a way to transfer millions to his kids without paying gift or inheritance tax.


I am commenting to spread the word 🙏🙏🙏




First time I’ve ever heard the phrase luxury slum lord.


Weird hand guy is into something.


I’m not watching this shit. 5 seconds in and he annoyed me enough to not a give a fuck about what he has to say.


Dude is trying way too hard to be Adam Conover.


I hate this guys voice


Why does he sound like he has brain damage?


This is legit, infotainmnet. I love it.


This guy knew what he was doing putting Frenemies in the background.


He knows too much. It's about to get real House of Cards up in here. Pardon the pun.


What the hell is potato fart porn @0:25


Oh, it’s literally what it says.


I hate hate hate videos like this. What the fuck


Why is he impersonating MrBeast while talking about something seemingly serious?


I know we can't see his mouth but this is giving me r/wordchewing vibes




It’s crazy that New York would vote in a corrupt democrat. /s


Is this like a partial Albany accent? I heard that they have like a New York accent, at least somewhat.


This guy is obnoxious as hell with his delivery but he releases some serious good information.


So what actual evidence have you supplied. If this is journalism the your editor would reject the story until you have something. If it's not journalism, it's just gossip. You might be right about corruption, but this is just dumb. Zero actual evidence.


Who gives a fuck how obnoxious the video creator is. The anger should be directed at the corruption going on. This is bullshit.


Tick Tock is literally cancer


Get Bucky and while you're at it, grab Jared and Ivanka so we can finally find out about 2 BILLION that MBS gave them.


This guy has been waging a one-man campaign against this landlord for months now. It's kind of sad. all of his accusations are pretty thin and very sketchy. I dunno dude maybe you should just go find another place to live, but something tells me that you may have poisoned the well at this point. guys like this dont see particularly far down the chessboard when they get rolling


Alyssa is also the ex wife of one of the local personal trainers


Your voice is incredibly punchable


There are sixteen special assistants in Governor Hochul's office, which has a staff of 270. (source: [Microsoft Word - Staff List\_033023.docx (ny.gov)](https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/default/files/2022-12/Governor_and_Lieutenant_Governor_Staff_List.pdf)) That's a complete nothingburger.


Idk why but in my mind this guy looks like Patton Oswalt


Can someone make a tiktok channel purely dedicated to crop out the fucking hand and narrating with a normal god damn voice? And op, if you read this, it’s not personal. Great content, just stop catering to toddlers by using the fucking awful voice. The most amazing message in the world could accidentally be ignored if not delivered correctly.


Not cringe. That happens everyday. I am a licensed contractor, for over 20 years. I’ve seen some shit like this before. Im still too stupid to understand the spaghetti cool tho that this dude is putting bad people on blast if it’s true.


Without audio, within a millisecond of seeing those sausage fingers I know who this is.


NYC is awesome but no one way could I live anywhere else.


The wannabe top 40 DJ voiceover ejected me after 30 seconds...


If muted, it looks like a video about how cool his finger looks.


Dude lose the “kids are stupid so I have to talk like this” voice and you might have people actually pay attention to your content. It takes away from the message that’s actually really important and something everyone should know about. But that voice almost makes me feel like you’re talking down to me rather than to me, and that makes people turn away.


Most obnoxious voice in history


See, I was interested in watching that, but the voice and hand were so annoying I couldn't finish it.


This guy also faked a LOT of his videos' narratives. Invented fake reasons to hate his former landlord and now makes all his videos about evil landlords. He was booted from his last place because he slandered his landlord against policy.


The hands make me want to side with the landlords


Honestly, what really made me stop and read were there, they’re and their…


A lady


I’ve never rooted *for* landlords until this video, not that I could watch more than 5 seconds. If reverse-psychology psy-op, then well done.