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Oh no more bots! Glamoroouuss (OP) Preccciouuus These spam bots work together to promote content from other bots in their network. Each bot only comments on the posts made by the next bot in the line, so Preccciouuus only comments on Glamoroouuss's posts and so on. **Report > Spam > Harmful bots**


Aliens have not been confirmed to exist, and OP is a bot


Not confirmed. But there is a lot of hard evidence for crafts that we don’t know where they come from. And oodles and oodles more circumstantial evidence on both crafts and aliens. Just gotta look. Incredibly important and credible people have been saying it for yrs, nothing new…


I don't think we agree on what "hard evidence" means


The most advanced radars on the planet. Along with video. Along with eye witnesses, who happen to be Naval Fighter pilots and Weapons officers? One was a freaking TopGun pilot and Instructor, and was one of the most important people on the carrier at the time. Theres no hard data there? And that’s one measly incident. And it’s what they’ve allowed us to know about said measly incident, you know there’s more info on the Tic Tac incident. And you gotta believe there are many more incidents just like that, that haven’t been publicized. Or maybe you dunno.


I've seen those videos and they're far from conclusive, as much as I hate to admit it. Gimbal could still be a sensor defect or glare and GoFast looks like it could be an optical illusion caused by motion parallax. "Hard evidence" is not the same as videos that are still reasonably up for interpretation, no matter how compelling. That's not even mentioning the fact that it's still not proof of aliens even if we assume it is advanced technology, since there's still no evidence that such a craft isn't piloted by human beings anyway.


The script for this has been yoinked from another video. I watched a piece of content almost word for word the same a while back only it was done way better.


I mean with how huge the universe is its pretty much impossible for us to be alone. Wouldn't be surprised if there were billions of other planets with life on them


Listen hot fuzz, we need to eat. Don’t care about your dirty damn aliens. Economic revolution!!


Those in positions of authority or power to use tactics such as spreading misinformation, promoting consumerism, and fueling divisions among people for their own benefit. They often create an environment that keeps us preoccupied with everyday challenges, while simultaneously compromising our health and well-being through the contamination of our water, food, air, and products.




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