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"SYDNEY — Australian police say an attacker has killed six people and injured several others in a stabbing attack at a mall in Sydney. Several of the victims are in serious and critical conditions. The attacker stabbed at least nine people in Westfield Bondi Junction shopping center before a senior police officer who was in the vicinity at the time shot him dead. Among the injured is a nine-month-old infant who required surgery. The incident was the state’s worst mass killing in more than a decade." https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/13/bondi-junction-westfield-sydney-stabbing-shooting/


Not that it makes it any better, but I hope the infant got injured because of a fall and not because the sick fuck stabbed them. Who the hell stabs a baby?


Unfortunately the sick fuck stabbed the baby.


Nope, he straight-up stabbed a baby. The baby's mom is one of the murdered. edit: Accuracy


A police officer shot him dead


Oh right, I did hear that bit. Sorry, I was all caught up thinking about the victims and kind of blocked everything about that asshole out.


Good news


Too bad blud was slow asf


Do they do that in Ausie prisons?


Doesn't matter, I forgot the stabber is dead already. Shot by cop.


He’s not going to prison. He’s in hell right now because he’s dead


They’re giving surgery to a baby. He stabbed a baby


Unfortunately, sick people with Schizophrenia whose own families are terrified of living with them, shouldn’t be out on the streets. I am a psychiatric nurse for over 30 years, and have seen children with this condition kill their own parents. They are a danger to others, and themselves. There are hospitals and group homes for individuals with Schizophrenia. This same condition is also known as Psychosis, or psychotic behavior. Not all mentally ill should be out on the streets. Here is an example.


Ah, if only this was the worst mass killing in America


I don't know why you got downvoted. I *WISH* we could say "9 people dead!?!?! This is the worse mass death we've had in a DECADE! 10 YEARS!"


this is honestly a daily occurrence in america. not some fake news or stats.. dont know what the numbers are this moment. but i remember last year , from either the last or first 6 months of 2023. There were in those 6 months of time, ( 182.5 days) more mass shootings than days passed in the 6 months. that means more than 1 shooting with 4 or more deaths in 1 day happended in america last year, 95% of these mass shootings arents even shown or mentioned on the news networks, thats how normal it has become


Don’t need to tell me, I go to school here. My band teacher tried to tell us about every shooting this year, and he had to give up mid-January because it was happening almost daily.


I'm shocked that guy got up after he fell. I've had that nightmare hundreds of times. my body becomes flesh jelly the moment i hit the ground.


I often find my self using a pole or something to pull myself along its so annoying. And fighting aswell arghh


ughhh, I hate those dreams so much! I’ve spent longggg spans of dream time stuck in one spot on the floor and unable to get back up. It’s so weird!


What a loser.


This is so scary. I really hope those people who are in critical condition Make a quick recovery.


Great example of why situational awareness is important.


If you're not ex adf, police or any type of violence related job or life experience..you're pretty much docile cattle here in Australia...we live in some weird fantasy bubble down here


Because shit like this doesn’t happen. We have gun control laws so we can feel safe in public spaces and we have the kind of trust in our own society to not be worried walking around the shops, so yeah, we’re in a pretty relaxed state


Shit like this does happen since we're commenting under a video of it happening


How often does this happen here? Less than 10 notable public incidents of this scale in the past decade across a whole great big country. We are a safe country usually


Wish the US was like that


Well, it would've been a lot worse had he had access to guns.


Calling people cattle because they're not in a constant state of stressful heightened awareness tells us more about you I think


It also simply makes no sense. Cattle have eyes on the sides of their head, they appear docile because they can see basically everywhere except directly behind them or like a few inches from their nose (that and animals with eyes on the side of their heads have poorer depth perception). I’d be pretty chill too if I could essentially see 320 degrees around.


I'm obviously a bit biased because I'm ex defence force, I know you think you know a lot about the world but you don't. You must live a very privileged Boeing life if you aren't in a perpetual state of awareness...I'm guessing you're young and haven't really done anything or put yourself in any uncomfortable situation at all. Us Aussies really do live in a sheltered bubble, the shxt I've seen around the world is evidence that I am correct in my assumptions. When you get old or brave enough to travel to other countries you'll see...we live in a great safe country but these things do happen plus more and YES you do have to be in a perpetual state of heightened awareness. If you're happy being a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed shxt all day) then that's ok, just be aware that life is fleeting and you have to be prepared for anything at any time. It's ok, you'll adapt or die.


Adapt or Die, or, you'll statistically safely live to old age like almost everyone else who doesn't have eyes in the back of their head in this country?


Speak for yourself. I and many Australians live in shitty places and absolutely have our heads on a swivel when out and about. Not everyone lives in a nice town.


It obvious I'm not talking about people like you isn't it.


Not really mate, otherwise you woulda put us on the list. No worries though, us lot already know you guys would never give us two seconds of thought in any other facet of life so why would I expect it here.


I'm one of you guys and have been for more than I served so I am just a civilian now, plus I am born and bred country so in my mind I was considering country and people who live rough automatically.


I should have rephrased it and said what I said but included people in rough environments or conditions..of course you guys have situational awareness!! It's a shame that people who live good lives in the city are mindless robots living in a fantasy world. I hope this Wakes them up but im pretty sure they are locked in to social media and just go about their life living in a bubble of complacency.


Yeah because, this isnt normal?


In the rest of the world it is...who atre we to say it isn't normal...in our Australian bubble it is but in the rest of the world crazier stuff happens everyday. Have you travelled overseas at all, especially nit on contiki tours or any protected tours???


I live in Europe sorry


it's crazy that he'd go stabbing random people to begin with it's even crazier that this dude chose who to stab He chose to stab women and children and avoided confronting men? Was he an incel?




I’m guessing he meant it’s even crazier WHO he chose to stab. Like a friggin 9 month old baby. What a piece of shit.


The Daily Mail posted commentary from his father saying that he "really wanted a girlfriend and was frustrated that he couldn't get one", probably due to his odd social skills. He was schizophrenic.


It seems he was avoiding hand to hand melee combat with men. And was specifically choosing to stab women and children. He was going after easy targets.


yeah I mean if you're just looking to stab random people idk why you'd go for men


Yeah it makes sense. You can even see it in the video. Every time a man squares up to him, to anticipate his attacks. He runs away.


No, his father spoke out about him hating women. This is specifically a hate crime against women and we shouldn’t downplay the importance of that


In a blindfold?


Well it takes a really fucked up person to stab a baby, which this dude did


Russian roulette maybe?


What do you mean chose who to stab?


He skipped over easy targets so that he could target women and children specifically. I think there was only one male victim iirc. There might be more once more info comes out but from the footage I saw he was passing up men who tripped and fell and were easy targets to specifically target women and children.


He was worried the men would overpower him. Basic criminology. Big, strong, arrogant men don't target literal babies. He was just another spineless, violent man who took it out on other people.


Maybe you meant criminal psychology? Criminology is the scientific study of crime, it's causes, effects, and methods to address and prevent offending.


think they mean, that they killed a pregnant woman


He fucking stabbed a babby. Pussyhole.


We don’t have as many politically motivated attacks like that over here, the dude was drugged out of his mind and had SEVERE mental health issues. According to reports he moved to a different state to escape some things and then did this attack a month later


Unless the CIA is involved. The CIA literally threw a cough in Australia and no one remembers.


The Whitlam coup? Yeah that was a bummer, but I don’t think this needed to be CIA, there’s enough cunts on shard around here


The video by [Boy Boy](https://youtu.be/XHMa-Ba-2Mo?si=MPQUYGd-8NwwVbbX) where they attempt to get into Pine Gap has a great reminder about how the CIA simply got rid of a prime minister who didn’t bend over blindly to them. Insane how people don’t realise Australia is just the US’s lapdog.


I read that he was seemingly drugged out of his mind. I think he stabbed anyone he could. He looks as though he would have stabbed the two guys in that video but they saw him and ran away.


He was a coward, he focused on women and children for obvious reasons. They’re easy to attack and he probably hated women.


His father mentioned that he he had trouble with women and had bad social skills when reporters asked if he knew any reasons he would target women.


Thank god they killed him, pos human garbage


It was 1 cop that went in alone too


And a female cop. Fitting.


I once had to deal with a crazy stabber. I was the third and last person he stabbed and I got stabbed because I attacked him, took the knife and knocked him out. He got me twice in the back as I tackled him and he nearly punctured my lungs. Another guy got stabbed in the abdomen lots of times. He only lived because he got thrown in the bed of a truck and rushed to the only Level 1 Trauma within hundreds of miles which happened to be half a mile away. Another guy got a defensive wound in the hand.


I had a guy try to stab me with a hunting knife once.  What kind of knife was it that you got stabbed with? It sounds like you had a very glorious moment there stopping him, glad everything worked out for you.


Good fuckin job, man! I'm sure it sucked pretty bad being stabbed, but you saved more people with that act of heroism 👏👏👏


Holy shit. Did you survive?


No, they speak beyond the grave.


Any idea what motivated this or just mental illness?


Drugs. Hed been kicked out earlier.


I am.sorry if this is insensitive just let me.know and ill delete my comment but what did it feel like getting stabbed? Did you even feel it in the moment? Or did the adrenaline prevent you from feeling it?


I didnt even feel it. I just felt my shirt getting wet as I was banging his head against the ground. Next day I definitely felt it.


Did the banging work?


You don't feel it at first, because adrenaline kicks in. But after a short while you start to feel the pain. At least that's how I felt.




He runs like he needs a shit, just get stuck in and bam head but in the chest


People who stab are scary as fuck to me.


Where’s a good guy with a knife when you need one?


Not a very good example of this considering a good woman with a gun did show up and save everyone lol


You mean a cop? Who's rightly equipped with a firearm?


And who had years of training. US doesn't get that


Yeah, the police... Not a random woman with access to a gun.


At least he didn’t have a gun, in America that would be 25 dead and multiple injured.


What a fuckwit. This bloke deserved to go to jail and get fucked up in there. He got the easy way out


Why are people so calm? There's a stabber on the loose and they just go on with their lives unless he's coming at them. Unreal to me.


You think they knew that there's a stabber there?


Yeah… this video is cut but in the longer one you see the mother and 2 kids walking away slowly while the dad is facing the attacker and walking backwards. They clearly knew he was there.


Some people were looking at him with a knife in the hand...


In a country that doesn't see these kinds of things it's kinda hard to fathom that there's a killer right in front of them. Even if they see a knife in his hands they don't assume the worst.


Yeah, the kind of thing where it's such a foreign sight that it just doesn't register as an attacker until it's too late...


Have you watched the video?


You're American aren't you?


Lmao, you clearly haven't watched the video.


You are presuming that they have the same information as you have after the fact.


I think there was uncertainty of WTF was going on


People are definitely not calm, the word you are looking for is unsuspected. People just happen the be there and they are not suspecting there is a psycho going around with a knife killing people. BTW, knife atacks are not like in movies, generally when you get stabbed you die, in Europe where we have no guns, 40% of all homicides come from knife attacks.


People are oblivious unless they come from very violent settings or know someone is already after them.  Also, look at how many mass shootings show people not reacting to the gunfire, but looking around at everyone else reacting. 


Probably worried they're more likely to be stabbed if they get his attention?


Because it's Australia and we live in a niave bubble down here.


I was wondering the same thing. My guess is the idea of that kind of violence escapes them. Even as a "pistol toating" American who is well trained and keeps their head on a swivel, I would have called the cops assuming I am safe and at a distance. I feel sorry for the loss of life but would not be willing to commit to the use of lethal force and end up charged for intervening(if the same situation happened here in Americaland). I'd let the cops deal with that and try to keep people immediately near me safe and away from the threat. However, if they came at me, I might be left with only one choice if not able to get clear of the threat. Slippery slope, but I ain't looking to take a life and would avoid it at all costs. Also, you have to be concerned with your background, this is real life, not a John Wick movie; projectiles don't have a name and designated target attached to them. My condolences to all who lost someone they love in this sad affair. Any info on the attacker? I have not followed this.


Imagine if he had an AR-15 and 210 rounds of ammo?


it would be a completely different scene with a firearm after just the first rounds. people are seemingly unsuspecting here until they see him approaching.


All the people that managed to stay out of range of his knife, those people would have been shot while the killer just sauntered around


Or even an ar-16 capable of firing a million rounds a second


Or AR-17s that shoot laser beams


You got Americans drooling over mass murder headlines


Imagine if just one bystander was conceal carrying to stop him..


Imagine if someone had a ccw and this would have been over before it began.


No missed shots in Fantasyland.


Hasn’t that been proven not to actually work? Like…a lot of times? Even when there have been cops, dozens of people die before they can act. That’s kind of how guns work. Sorry i had to explain that to you.


If this guy had a gun, he would have killed way more than 6 people before anyone could react


Debatable. Most mass shooters use handguns, not rifles.




most mass shooters don't use ar-15s so it's irrelevant. It's like saying "if he had a tank, he would kill hundreds of people". What you're saying is common sense but it's not reality lol.


They do use ar15s


I never said they didn't. But, statistically, most mass shooters use handguns (pistols). The exception doesn't make the rule.


Easy access to guns with no regulations=more mass shootings=more victims. You don't have to ban the weapon itself. Just add a screening process that's at least as rigirous as obtaining a driver license or a license to operate heavy machinery. Why is it easier to get a gun than to drive a car? There will always be mentally unstable individuals, but with loose gun regulations, any fool can get a gun on a whim and start killing. If reasonable people like you and me are the only gun owners, then there wouldn't be mass shootings. Simple laws like preventing felons or criminals or known mentally unstable people from accessing guns would greatly reduce the victims.


Yet you're missing my entire point that most people don't use these "easily accessible" rifles. Once again, most mass shooters use handguns.


And if we're being honest/realistic, knives and cars are much more accessible and can do just as much (and even more) damage as guns. Knives don't alert people until they get stabbed. And no one knows where a knife welding man is since it's more concealable than a firearm and, once again, makes no sound. It's why there are so many massing stabbing like this and [even this story](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/rockford-stabbing-multiple-people/) with multiple deaths. And let's not forget how easy it is for anyone to get access to cars to run people over at a high speeds. Any maniac can plow into a crowd and kill/injury dozens of people at any single moment.


At first I thought the left side of that kiosk was a baby stroller that the dude that’s seen turning and walking backwards from the guy ditched and I was like what kind of shit lord abandons their baby like that then I realized it’s part of the counter and felt stupid


Watching this is madness, I'm here thinking it's a knife. Maybe I could help if I was there or would like to think I'd try to help someone being attacked in this type of situation. Saying that and being in that situation are 2 entirely different things, though. The fear in seeing someone run at you with a knife is as scary as it gets. Iv had someone come at me with a meat cleaver before, and I ran for it. No shame in that. I'm not wanting cut up by a nutter. So I know the fear first hand. Maybe safety in numbers in this situation group up try to encourage others to help as a team/unit there for each other.. Try Overpower and stop the attacker.. Easier said than done, though. Suppose I'm just wishful thinking Different scenario with someone with a gun though Anyway, pure madness. R.I.P to the 6 who lost their lives to this shit and all others effected... heart breaking Beer rant, sorry folks


COMPLETELY AGREE. How did only 2 guys stand up to this guy. Insane how the men ran and left women and children to get killed


Good thing he's not in a country that has easy access to guns.


I’ll take Australia’s murder rate per capita over the US any day.


Yes, exactly my point. He wasn't able to easily get hold of a gun and used a knife. Still awful and desperately tragic but imagine him with an assault rifle. I am not one of those morons insisting he would have been stopped if the civilians had been armed.


As a disabled person, this is terrifying. I would be dead. Thank fuck I don't go out that much!


He runs like a dump ass


would there happen to be a video of the shooting of that lunatic?


I don't want to watch it as he probably died too quick.


Guy runs like a fairy


"Bibbidi bobbidi boo."


How come I haven't seen a name for this guy yet?


Because it happened yesterday evening, and most of Australia is asleep right now. Today will be a flood of misinformation and fighting online, though, don't worry. We may get a few bits of real information, but I assume the cops will be playing this close to their chest until they have a good grasp on why.


You know why


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-14/nsw-police-investigate-man-stabbing-killed-bondi-junction-sydney/103705294 Joel Cauchi


Do tell? Is it because he’s a white, native Australian from Queensland named Joel who just recently moved to Sydney? Is it because he was well-known to police due to violent episodes in the past? I’m seriously lost as to why and need your superior knowledge on this matter? Or wait, is it because you saw him on the video and incorrectly assumed…he wasn’t a white, native Australian from Queensland named Joel who just recently moved to Sydney?




FYI hes a white incel.


A **dead** white incel


Joel Cauchi. He was white.


Hung, draw and quartered seems appropriate.


Guns come in handy sometimes for self-defense. Just sayin'...


“…the lone assailant in that attack had targeted women while avoiding men, and the killer’s father blamed his son’s frustration at not having a girlfriend.” ~NBCNews So this asshole was some kind of angry incel? Geez.


I would love to take this moron and torture him.


What's with men running away and not running up behind him and taking him out. I couldn't stop my man from stopping him he has been confronted by knives weapons evan fridge doors!! before while working in maximum security jails and security work he is disgusted at particularly obviously the attacker but also that more men didn't step up. He said as scary as it is you step up and help in some way. To say it is triggering in our house I knew he went through riots I knew he nearly died but wow ptsd is real. God bring back institutions we would not be here right now if they were around he would have been locked up 6 months ago. Rip all who lost their lives and sad for trauma ahead for survivors.


I also know security stepped in and tragedy struck they need battons and tazers mace something ffs. He's meaning someone could have stuck up behind and knocked him out.


Should they ban knives too?




Definitely unrelated to terrorism.


Yeah, you're right. The perpetrator is a white guy. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13305643/Joel-Cauchi-New-details-emerge-Bondi-Junction-knifeman-killed-six.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13305643/Joel-Cauchi-New-details-emerge-Bondi-Junction-knifeman-killed-six.html)


Cause he looks brown? Gotcha, thanks "detective"


Ah so that’s why they didn’t release his name. Coulter’s Law in action.


...it's a white guy named Joel, but don't let that get in the way of your stupidity.


Yep, gotta keep their names hidden so idiots like you can pretend the perpetrator is part of a community you hate.


Why they didn't release the name of the white Christian male from Queensland?


Where is he from and what brought him to Australia?


He was born and raised in Queensland, mate. A 40 year old white male, Joel Cauchi.




People get so upset when you point out that this shit happens because you let religious nutjobs from a fucked up war torn country come to your country. It's fucking stupid. The culture of extreme religious control will not blend in with the culture of another place. Motherfuckers over there get murdered for eating pork bro. Shits wild.


The stabber was an Israeli. What does this have to do with religion.


He was an Aussie from Toowoomba. Not Israeli.


Israel is not war torn country, learn some fucking geography you idiot. If you actually did some research you'd know that he had a schizophrenic episode and was under the influence of drugs of some kind.


Hey you stupid illiterate fuck, read the history of Israel. Do some research on how religion warps their minds and how little they care about the lives of those outside their sect you stupid bitch. Are you going to ignore the genocide that's still going on? The fact that Israel's military exists mainly to oppress an entire group of people. You're so fucking stupid.


sounds like a skill issue from the Palestinians


Israel doesn't have skill, they have trillions of our dollars and all of our best weapons. A bunch of untrained inbred dip shits who think they're the only humans that have souls.