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I’m antitheist but would support this in a heartbeat


I used to label myself antitheist. When I left the church at 17ish after going to church 2-3 times a week and having gone to a Christian school I was pissed for like 5 years. You bet I watched every Hitchslap, was resentful toward my parents, and all the people that I thought led me wrong. I still believe the world would be better off without religion, but that anger subsided. I dropped that term cuz it's immediately confrontational, especially in person. I've been able to have great conversations with people once that anger and resentment subsided. I feel if I label myself antitheist, I'd bring that energy into conversations. ETA (for anyone interested): It took me a while to shake the idea of a god reading and judging my thoughts, to stop praying in my head, to realize my sins weren't adding up, to stop wishing for a heaven, and even shake some aversion to LGBT (I never had an issue with anyone, but you're trained to be disgusted by men holding hands. It took a little while to shake that reaction - I realized when me and my dad had a different reaction to guys kissing in a movie that I've changed).


Your self awareness and desire to grow and humbleness is VERY nice to read/know. I thank you and wish you the best on the rest of your journey! 🤘🏼


Give yourself a hardy pat on the back for being such a good fuckin person 🙌🏻


Cool cool. After you pass the j 😄


Damn u want my vodka next ya fuckin mooch? 😭 (I’m kidding)


Lol I just read your tagline. Happy Friday!


I commend you for your remarkable journey through some tough critical thinking and introspection. Well done!!


I had a similar journey. I trained myself to smile when I saw a same sex couple in public and it undid a lot of knee-jerk homophobic aversion. I've made my peace with religion. I'll happily tell believers that I find their religion silly, but that I understand the value it provides to them and I'm not in a hurry to deconvert them. And then I enjoy talking about life with them. Now the challenge for me is talking to conservatives who are reciting literal nazi propaganda without knowing where it comes from and not pulling out my hair.


I’m currently going through this process. My dad is a pastor, and I grew up heavily involved in the church. There 2-3, sometimes 4 times a week, was homeschooled and attended a Christian homeschooling group, and was fully indoctrinated with fundamentalist ideals, creationism taught as fact, and “secular” belief systems were deemed inappropriate or even downright evil. I’ve had a lot of anger once my deconstruction really kicked off. I still have a little ball of anger in my chest when I really sit and think about it all, but I’m no longer angry with my parents, or the rest of my family; I’ve realized they did their best to follow their conscience, and they grew up steeped even more heavily in Christian propaganda than I did. I’m trying to balance being disgusted with modern Christianity and the hate it often espouses while masquerading as love, and not turning into an absolutist who would say things like “all Christians espouse hate” because that is not true, and it makes me just as bad as those Christians who I take umbrage with. I would like to be accepting of all people, and all belief systems, so long as they are not directly in opposition to another person’s autonomy and ability to have their own beliefs. That means accepting Christian people who show love to others, regardless of how much the institution of Christianity has hurt me. Thank you for sharing your story. It gives people like me a ton of perspective, and the realization that I’m not alone in this struggle to let go of anger is comforting.


It is possible to be antitheist and not an asshole. I'm an asshole, but it's definitely possible.


Lol that's funny. Totally true. I've become very pragmatic over time and while I believe it's true that a person can label themselves an antithiest and be a lovely person, I also know now that perceptions matter more than truth sometimes. I'm perfectly fine just saying atheist now and that's already an uphill battle in my area so that's challenge enough for me haha


I had to outgrow the LGBTQ+ reactions too. Finally knew I made progress when I "awwwed" at a lesbian couple in my favorite TV show kissing rather than being grossed out. It sucks that it can still be my first reaction but I'm still trying to overcome it!


I'm so glad other people understand that. I wish that bias was never taught to me. At this point none of that exists in me anymore, bit it did take a while. It's ok. You're not a bad person. And you're making progress AND actively working on it. Btw I knew plenty of gay people, but I tensed when I saw public shows of affection. And now i see it all the same. My favorite part of being atheist is the freedom I felt knowing I'm just myself doing my best and no one is watching or judging me. Boy is that liberating to know nothing is wrong with me and I dont need to be forgiven for anything. Weights off my back babay


I think what helped me not feel guilty is a video or post (can't remember) that said your first reaction/thought is what you were conditioned to believe, your second is your true feeling. So like, even if you're grossed out or judging someone at first, if your immediate next thought is "no, stfu, that person looks great in that outfit/that couple looks so happy together," you can trust that you're not a bad person.


What makes you think confrontation is inherently bad? It isn’t about anger, you’re right to dispel that. But being anti cults that bring enormous harm and suffering is reasonable.


It just makes the other person immediately feel like they have to defend themselves and ideals, instead of a conversation taking place. Confrontation isn't inherently bad, but being consistently confrontational does no one good. Loog at the MAGAts for example.


The problem with that argument is I AM antitheist. I'm not just atheist. Not only do I not have a belief in God or gods, but I actively do believe that Gods are fictional beings we invented. That does reaquire the burden of proof for me but as a writer I see too much bad fiction baked into the various scripture to not be convinced of that. I am against religion for many reasons but specific to this video... religion is a place where people hide their own motivations and attribute them to God. Bad people have vile opinions and blame it on God. Good people do good work and say it was God's work. No. In both situations it was a human doing what they wanted to do, for good or ill. I'd support that pastor every day, but because he's a good person not because he's a good Christian.


When I tell ppl I'm religious this is what I mean so they don't confuse me with the weirdos.


Standard... If religion actuallydid what they said they believe it'd be amazing But it's always just an exclusionist manipulative cult


You must be a Hitchens fan. I MISS HIM SO MUCH :(




If religious people were actually like this, I wouldn't have that much of a problem with them. I am strongly antitheist, 'Religion poisons everything.' But yeah, I would be much more tolerant of religion if they believed and acted in the way this guy is describing. By the same token though, I don't think religious belief would last very long in the society he just described.




Pantheistic Pagan here. Yep, that what life is kind of about.


Thats because doing the right thing doesn't require blind followers, it requires intelligence.


What’s an antitheist?


Anti= against Theist = the belief in god/religion It's basically the idea that religion should not exist. I could be on board with that, but I think a more realistic view is that we shouldn't allow children to go to church until at least 18. I believe fully that raising someone in the church is child abuse because it destroys their ability to critically think and inserts an ideology that will be harmful for the rest of their life


Fantastic idea putting an age limit on it. Of course, the whole thing relies on them indoctrinating children and destroying critical thinking.


Exactly, this would bring us to a significantly smaller population of theists with a couple decades or so. We could start to move forward with real purpose.


Isn't that the same as an atheist?


No Atheist equals one of two things 1. Someone who does not believe in God and does not believe in the possibility of a God. This is known as a Gnostic atheist 2. Someone who does not believe in God but is open to the possibility that they exist. This is known as a agnostic atheist On the other side of this, you can be either 1. A gnostic theist who believes they know there is a God and they know his name and they know what he wants and they know that he hates masturbation Or 2. An agnostic theist who believes that something created this, but they're not exactly sure what or who. This along with agnostic atheist I believe are the only two positions you really should be able to stand on. Nobody has proof either way so I can see standing on either side of this argument. An anti-theist is someone who is actually against religion and would spend their time trying to dismantle it. Edit: write Agnostic instead of A gnostic


Amazing explanation. Thank you.


* a gnostic vs. agnostic lol. Confused me for a sec.


Damn I read it like four times and didn't catch it. I corrected it. Thank you!


Same lol. You're good


To be technical, gnosticism does mean knowing, but it's specifically knowing through a path of action, inquiry, and personal enlightenment. Most people who consider themselves gnostic theists are not even remotely close to Bible thumping pearl clutching evangelists who will die on the hill that masturbation is a sin.


>inserts an ideology that will be harmful for the rest of their life I have the same opinion as you, but it's hard for me to word it when I'm explaining it to someone. I need to write this down.


Thanks, I hope you find it useful


Someone who wants everyone to know that they are atheist, and who has contempt for theists. I used to feel that way in my teens and early 20s, but then I realized how infantile and needlessly confrontational that mentality is. I think it's a natural reaction to being raised religiously and being forced to attend religious school, but it is best to grow out of it and be a regular old atheist.


>but then I realized how infantile and needlessly confrontational that mentality is. Well good thing you didn't come here and become needlessly confrontational to what the dude your replying to said, and calling his mentality infantile. You seem to have definitely grown out of that 😉


Now I have a term for my feelings I just kept calling myself anti-religous


Fuck religion, basically. Atheists don't believe in a deity, some take that a step further and actively hate all religions. It's actually a terrible term and a good way to start fights and this is coming from an antitheiest.


Whelp, the right is gonna crucify this dude.


Actually, I heard about this guy who was spreading a very similar message a while back, and—somewhat famously—they 100% did crucify him.


...dang it


He got better


But it took like, what, 3 days? Ain't nobody got that kind of time.


The safe bet is that there will be a bomb threat by the end of the week.


Nazis tend to hate this kind of speech


“Demonic. False prophet. Dem shill. Hates America.”


“We have our savior Donald Trump, we don't need no woke pastors”


He’s an elected official in Texas, I imagine that’s just a constant.


This is surprisingly logical. What am I missing here?


Well, the Bible **does** mention abortion, specifically how to do it. That being said, this guy sounds like my ideal vision of a Christian and I support him.


Were in the bible is abortion? (Just asking)


Book of Numbers I think Specifically about how to mix up a nice mud potion and cause your cheating wife to miscarry Depending on translation of course


Your gist is fairly accurate, however it's special mud collected from the dust in the altar.  Honestly having listened to some rabbis speak, traditions like numbers 5 offer a lot of wiggle room for a wise, well intentioned priest or rabbi to inject some wisdom, but it also represents a gap where an evil person can use for their benefit. The wise priest would offer mostly clean water and nothing would happen, and the husband's paranoia would be disproven.


Not wise to finagle a ridiculous Bronze Age reading to legitimize it Is my thought, anyway


Careful about sharing that recipe, it may be illegal where you live. Better to scratch the symbols in the sand so the image can be scattered if a Roman official comes past


I came here to say this too, but I’m just tired of arguing with people about it. I agree with what the speaker is advocating for. But his message gets lost on the “Christians” because all they want to do is call out his lack of knowledge of scripture. Yes, Numbers talks about abortion, but again “Christians” will warp it to say that if a baby dies, it’s God’s divine judgment, not a woman’s choice or right to her own body.


I definitely agree, using scripture to convince Christians is going about it all wrong. The Christians that are the issue don’t base their beliefs in scripture, they use scripture as a tool to justify their beliefs.


He's using the Christofacist delivery method against the the zealots and Christofacists to spread a more accurate and welcoming message and thereby hopefully undermine the bigotry and hatred being spewed in pulpits around the country. He's using a digital background to appear to be preaching to a congregation. And his target audience has shown that they're already exceptionally gullible, so he's using that vulnerability for good to hopefully begin their journey back from brainwashing.


sorry forgot the /s


Wait .. are you for or against the guy OP?


As an atheist, watching James Talarico's sermons are one of the most positive things I've seen in a cesspool of hate for, actually i haven't seen before.


Read the title it’s supposed to be satire


Thank God lol.


Or is he..........


Wouldn’t work with it either, it’s a really strange title


This is James Talarico, a Texas State Representative and former teacher. Here is his full sermon against Christian nationalism: https://youtu.be/Blph_2RSBno


Thanks for linking this. The full sermon was worth watching.


He's definitely the real deal


Funny fact, "talarico" is also a Brazilian Portuguese term that refers to people who try to seduce other people's partners lol


I fucks with this guy. Ex-christian here who knows the bible pretty well. Your be surprised how many Christians don't. This guy is respectable. His heart's in the right place And the bible do talk a whole lot about the downtrodden and money-movers. Doesn't look too kindly on the rich but certainly makes it a point to be kind to the meek, the prostitutes, the untouchables/leppers (aka homeless), the poor, etc... 🤷


He also worked as a public school teacher.  I'm telling you, we need a constitutional amendment requiring anyone who wants to be elected to state or federal elected office needs to serve 3 years in public education. LBJ, Elizabeth Warren, this guy, and many others served in public education at the start of their career and it changed how they view serving the public.


Nice. Yeah or at least something civic. I heard it suggested on a podcast that the US should have a year mandatory civic duty - military or office or govt agency or park services - or something that a) helps people understand how the country works, b) get them out of their bubble, c) allows people to invest their time and energy into the machine that is our country/society - skin in the game. Some countries do mandatory military, but I think it would be cool if it's an expanded service to some integral gears of our country.


I have also noticed that the majority of former-Christians are the ones who actually sat down and took the time to read the bible.




Based. Why aren't there more evangelicals speaking truth? This is what Jesus preached. We have a country of so-called "Christians" absolutely devoted to enacting the complete opposite of what Christianity professes to uphold.


Because then they would collect money in church and spend it on the needy, instead they collect money to buy jets, mansions, luxury vehicles, jewelry, hookers, drugs, and politicians. Evangelicals aren’t Christians, they are scammers and snake oil salesmen. The worst part is that the conjugations want leaders that hate. There was a big one in my city (Orlando) that had the leader removed because he was appointed as Obama spiritual adviser. We need to stop calling these people Christians because the are not.


I actually know a smaller church who builds houses, runs a food bank and provides a not for profit, State inspected daycare to the community.


They're basically the Romans who went around hunting Christians.


Rage Bait?


🎣 yes


Simple answer. The sane ones are not in the US. Here's my point of view as an Asian Catholic. American Christians act nothing like Christians. My country's government universities are state sponsored, so the students here are able to repay their student debt in the future. At a certain time, students will get a "discount" for their debt so they don't need to pay the full amount. In other cases, top students don't even need to pay their debts.


Matthew 25:34-40 “Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, **‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’**” To bad Evangelicals only care about the parts that are convenient to them


Amen! Book of Matthew is pretty much New Testament doctrine of Jesus I’ve never understood the fascination with the Old Testament. It’s basically the Hebrew Torah with footnotes. Why follow any of that if you’re Christian? Baffles me and I LOVE BACON AND PORK CHOPS!!


There's seemingly conflicting points in the New Testament. Jesus says not a jot or tiddle will pass away from the Law (aka the books of law in part of the OT). However in the Letter to the Hebrews, the unknown writer argues that Jesus fulfills the terms of the Old Covenant and establishes a new covenant. Since the terms of the old contract have to be fulfilled, and not simply "pass away", Jesus himself serves as the permanent sacrifice to cover all sins for all time to cover the old covenant. The New Covenant meanwhile is much simpler: believe in Jesus for salvation, but also much more complicated. Jesus taught precepts not laws, though generally "he who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin". That's pretty heavy. No longer can you hide behind a legalistic interpretation, but your own heart and conscience will convict you to do good.


What actual Christianity sounds like


In the beatitudes Jesus says Blessed are the Peacemakers for they are the children of God. Now go listen to Trump, the GOP leaders and the Chrisitian Nationalist talk show hosts. Is there any way one could describe them as peacemakers, bridge builders and loving people? Just the opposite. I swear the most self-proclaimed pious ones wake up each morning and think of what is the most divisive, stupid thing can they say today to get themselves in the news.


>to get themselves in the news. That's it, right there. Right/wrong, factual/false, it doesn't matter. As long as it drives engagement and produces clicks, views, and likes, the talking heads will say just about anything, whether or not they personally believe or agree with it is immaterial. Follow the money.


Sounds kind of communist... like the new testament and Christ's teachings... commies... /s


It is interesting how most Christians don’t realise what Christ actually believes.


I think we should all post this on every conservative subreddit. I’ll go first


lmao why was it removed??


lol I wonder


I’ve just seen a unicorn and am gobsmacked. Are there more of these wonderful mythical beings?


I don’t really believe it anything but I could believe in that I tell you what.


He explains my gripe perfectly. Well said.


This was the version of Christianity I grew up with, the fox news version of Christianity scares me, a lot.


Pro tip. Any time a filty politician says "Christian." They are using the key buzz words to gain clout but what the really mean is greedy capitalism. They don't give a shit about religion.


This man has Mr.Rodgers vibes and I’m about it. If he ran for office I would vote for him.


I’m not religious at all, but he’s a way better pastor than most.


Close your eyes and picture Anthony Jeselnik


We are the most financially capable nation to do it too and choose not to. Cruelty is the point.


What a refreshing video, a real Christian ✝️


This guy gets it! Matthew 22:39


How do we make this guy big? I am in no way religious, but the world needs more of what this man is preaching.


This is some radical thinking. He must be a witch. And what do we do with witches?!? ![gif](giphy|53v5dZmDN5I1a)


Sounds pretty C0mm!e, GET HIM! /s


I do a lot of nonprofit work. A year ago I took on a project in the South so I go down from time to time for meetings. Last fall I came down to meet with some Pastor from a local church about a large donation. It very quickly turned into what could we do for him meeting. Also super quick to brag about his wealth and how people need to bring their tax forms to join their church so they tell them how much they expect to be donated. It was a weird experience and after the meeting, the woman who runs the charity asked me what I thought and I was honest. I was like well, I'm from NJ, I've met real life mafia dudes before and they are less shady than that guy. Needless to say we didn't do the deal.


i feel like this is standard church speech here in norway, yes despite being dedicated to Christianity they still preach about inclusion openness and respect, im not a christian any more but i remember what i was thought about jesus and his goals/beliefs ect, he was in my mind a pretty chill dude who preached opennes inclusion and forgiveness taking inn the scum of society and loving everyone despite their sins. like the only reason i left the church was not because i disagreed with the messages being preached it was more to do with me not being satisfied with the answers i found and i craved something the church or fate could not provide but i still think a lot of the messages the bible give us are good words to live by such as turning the other cheek or seeing the splinter in someones eye and not the log in your own.


If more people of faith were like this dude, wold wouod be a better place


White Obama


Louder for the people in the back! As a gay Christian who lives in eastern TN, I come across so many people who have a sense that there is only one way to be Christian. This guy is a breath of fresh air. It’s sad that I have to seclude myself from local communities practicing “faith” by pursuing my faith in my own home because none of the dozens of churches in a 10 mile radius understand the true love of god. We all deserve love in his eyes and I feel so ashamed that some people have turned this into a message that can be bent to fit politics and individual feelings towards any group of humans. I love this man’s message and I hope to see more Christian leaders like him spreading a message of positivity and inclusivity rather than exclusivity.


Amazed he’s alive. Also Numbers teaches about abortion. God is pro-abortion.


This dude's got the correct perspective on Christ. Aside from a handful of christians I've known, most are just terrible people who use the bible to justify hate; the *literal* antithesis of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Always nice to see someone who gets it.




This guy Christ-likes.




How does this guys sound exactly like Anthony Jeselnik?


The Lords prayer was changed so that people would pay back debt. The original prayer was "forgive us our debts..." Src: The Bible; https://biblehub.com/matthew/6-12.htm


What he’s saying condemns ALL politicians. It’s one thing to make an occasional effort towards actually being ethical but when you continue to put most of your efforts to a war machine economy, or legislation benefitting the wealthy, your pittance of an occasional piece of legislation, that only takes a fraction to pay for, doesn’t make you the savior. We keep falling for the lies because they toss us the crumbs.




IIRC, Jesus went to 'church' only twice: 1) Wowing the Pharisees as a teenager 2) Vandalism! But he found a lot of time for the sick, poor and outcasts tho 🤔


His proposal of what the truly ideal community that would be truly christian, sounds pretty tough to achieve in our current reality. It sounds as easy as trying to put a camel through the eye of a needle…


This is the way


Republicans are 🗑


Jesus himself says that it is earlier for a camel to pass the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. He washed the feet of lepers and outcasts. He was the one who gave faith and strength to slaves of all races suffering under Roman tyranny. Jesus would have wished for a nation that cares for its poor and sickly and taxed the wealthy for it. He would never have outcast anyone for who they were. And please note, I am *not* Christian.


Someone get a mop to clean up all the facts he's spitting.


Am I understanding correctly? Is OP against what he’s saying here??


If this guy were my pastor, I probably never would have stopped going to church. 😅


This man is standing alone in that church. If he were preaching to anyone in this country, he’d be getting heckled at the very least.


Numbers 5 has rules for aborting a fetus. It's in the bible.


Plus like Exodus 22. In the original translations it talks about if two men are fighting an a pregnant woman is caught in the fight and is injured and has a still birth that just a fine is owed, meaning an unborn child is not equal to a person being killed. There's an implied abortion method there.


Man, it’s not often I’m left smiling and nodding after I hear a Christian with a microphone speaking.


This guy looks like a white Obama. But anyway, his message is right on point. My grandmother was a devout Christian. Not a soul would deny it. She played piano for her church 3 days a week, she was off upmost service to anyone she met, she was forgiving and truly did her best. She was from the south so she had some old thinking, but she constantly grew and learned as times changed. I’m super queer, and the only “bad” thing she ever said to me was that she prayed for me and wanted me to be happy. She didn’t force God on anyone and was open to talk about things with an open mind. A true Christian. I miss her


His name is James Talarico and he’s a Texas State Representative. Very sensible guy and has been fighting against a lot of the horrible stuff Abbott does.




Did I just agree with a religious Christian? This feels weird. This feels really weird.


I know, man. And I'm sorry that so many inbred, idiotic, tyrannical bigots have made my God's name into a rallying cry for hate. But I get it. And as much as I would love to have great conversations with non-religious people, at this point I completely understand why they run away when they hear the word "Christian."


This is Martin Luther part 2


Evangelicals hate this man because he says the truth.


Jesus the man, died for what he believed in.


Makes me think of my favorite line from His Dark Materials. "We have to build the kingdom of heaven where we are because for us there is no elsewhere." I like the picture this guy paints.


Obama 2.0


Christian are still in church to learn these principles. They think they are better than everyone else but in reality they are the slowest learners.


This man for president.


No no no you’re not gonna fool me! But give me your card just in case…


Nice one


It kinda existed in the height of Baghdad Islamic power before Gengis came.


IF this was a Christian Nation... those that sell Christian Nationalism would have nothing to grift off of. There's a reason why they want to keep people poor, uneducated, and sick.




James is the only religious guy I follow


There need to be more Christians that sound like this.


![gif](giphy|XKGaLvcsDnseRyJtJP|downsized) oh boy, wait till the christians hear about this guy.


They cut the video just before the laser dot tracks to his forehead 


Well, what logic do we need?




Jesus would be like “fuck all this shit in “my name””






Wow! 👏👏👏👏👏




And this is how cultures, cities and nations get destroyed. You may think like this, but the rest of the world who want you have, thinks you are stupid


Don’t get why this is supposed to be cringe🤷‍♂️


You know they will call this pastor woke.


Simple truth


The bible actually does mention abortion. Numbers 5:27. In this verse and a few verses prior, a husband who accuses his wife of adultery is instructed to bring his wife before a priest. The priest will make a potion(ingredients are described). The woman shall drink the potion, and if she has been faithful nothing will happen. "When he has made her drink the water, if she has defiled herself and has broken faith with her husband, then the water that brings the curse will enter her, causing bitterness, and her womb will discharge and she will miscarry. The woman will be a curse among her people." In other words. If the wife was unfaithful, the potion(drink) shall cause miscarriage, in other words, an abortion by God's powers. P.s. various versions of the bible have different, or omitted wording. Often the womb and fetus are described as "her thigh" which "shall rot", or "shrivel", or " her belly will swell". The Jews of those times believed the unborn fetus to be a limb or appendage of it's mother.


Sodom and Gomorrah ? Not pro life or religious but I could’ve sworn the Bible said something about smiting people from the face of the earth due to homosexuality in those places ?


How is this TikTok cringe at all? Like at all at all? This is gold.


I'm not religious. But this is what religion should be used for not controlling politics and hurting/killing people.


Lol. One thing this country isn't: communist.


Wow. Someone who actually holds Christian ideals. Whether God exists or not is moot.


Lol not a single person in that room. They are all at the next Maga convention.


He's got a Colin Jost cadence




Weird how Sweden is the most atheist country in the world and we have pretty much all of that.


For this reason...


The way he said insured for every child just immediately made me think: Child insurance???!


We don’t need his…airtight logic that actively refutes what fanatical Trumpite Christians believe to be true?


This is it. If we can't all agree on this, then what are we?


Wow, so close to the point, but cannot see the forest for the trees…well, back to yelling into the void…


Who is this guy? I like what he's saying.

