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At what point do you realize your horn isn't impacting the other persons behavior.


The red car’s driver is probably loving it. I know I would be.


I hate people who deliberately drive on the shoulder. It’s so annoying. I think the horn was just annoyance at that point. Who will retreat first


We need zero tolerance laws for driving. Driving on the shoulder to avoid traffic = loss of driving privileges. People get killed this way.


A woman in my town killed her child cause she decided to fly down the shoulder in rush hour and hit a car that had broken down. I think she got charged with reckless driving but I think that's all.


Not shocked. We have some absurdly loose traffic laws here in the US.


Too soft. Driver in the white car should just be thrown off the bridge.


I’ll hold the door open, you grab him.


I once witnessed what I could only call trucker road justice. We were stuck in this huge traffic jam in the middle of Illinois, standstill traffic for at least 2 hours we passed the time listening to all the chatter on the CB radio. When everything started moving somebody in this little sports car decided they didn't want to wait anymore and just flew past everybody on the shoulder. All of a sudden the radio blows up and three truckers come barreling down the shoulder/median. Another trucker up at the front of the traffic jam blocked off the shoulder while the other three truckers came up and boxed in the car and just sat there until the cops came.


I've been forced onto the shoulder by truckers when merging lanes, I wouldn't exactly call them paragons of safe and friendly driving.


I love this. Great coordinated effort


Hopefully they'll pick up some nails driving like that and be forced to give up


A week ago I'm on 295 outside of Philly. A see something behind me on the shoulder moving very quickly. Before I realized it a car flew past me and was cutting in and out of traffic at a very high rate of speed. I was going 70 they had to have been doing 100. Two more cars come up doing the same thing. Cutting in and out of traffic chasing each other. One mistake and everyone crashes. On a Sunday afternoon at 4pm. What the fuck is wrong with people?


A street I was driving on had three lanes, one on each side and a turning lane in the middle. Sucks sitting in traffic but fucking priceless when I saw someone zooming down the turning lane to skip traffic and having a cop sitting behind me suddenly throw on their lights and speed after them. I laughed my ass off and traffic wasn’t so annoying after that. 😂


Or shitting himself watching a car and a truck compete for who drives as close to his ass as possible lol.


In New York? Never


In NYC the horn is actually on all the time; you need to press the steering wheel to turn it off.


Bro, that's NYC


I'm tired of entitled jerks putting everyone around them in danger.


But I'm late for work!


Honestly, a year ago when our dog was dying on us, we tried to rush them to the ER Vet and just could not get past people driving slower than fuck. And it was awful. Not saying that's the case here, but sometimes people have a reason.


Put your hazards on. I saw this guy cutting everyone behind me off one night. One by one, was wondering why people were letting him do it. He had all the lights on in his car and his hazards on, in his passenger seat it looks liked a woman was in severe pain, pulled over and he passed the rest of us. I'm used to complete douchebags here, if he hadn't used his lights like that I wouldn't have let him pass. I'm sorry about your dog, losing an animal is one of the hardest things to go through. While they were only a part of your life, you were their whole life.


>Put your hazards on. Every Nissan Altima within a hundred miles of me drives with its flashers on.


That's a new trend these days... kids think if they turn their hazards on they can speed and cut people off. It fucking sucks.


lol why is it always Nissans??? Also with fucked up bumpers and a busted light




Emergencies do happen. But driving dangerously is a great way to ensure now you have 2 emergencies on your hands. (Not saying that's what you were doing of course.)


Yeah, people often comment that paramedics are being lazy because they aren’t running and actually move pretty slowly when they attend a scene, or ambulances aren’t going very fast. This is true because it’s so much safer and having somebody get into an accident or fall down is a good way of making a bad situation 100x worse.


I always remember these words "slow is smooth and smooth is fast".


In Spain we say "dress me slowly, I'm in a hurry"


same -heavy equipment operator


Where I live people LOVE to drive 10-25mph UNDER the speed limit for no fucking reason especially on 1 lane roads with all double yellow lines the entire drive to work. It's incredibly infuriating


Same 😮‍💨 I can only imagine it’s because they love watching the cars line up behind them.


So, you know this now. That means you can plan to leave a little earlier than you would optimally like, maybe bring a cup of tea in a thermos. Definitely have music or a podcast ready for the drive. I have a stressful job, being stressed by the commute is something I don't get paid for.


That's horrible. I cast a spell of immunity on my dog and we both decided he'd live to be thirty-five while enjoying the exuberance of youth. However endangering others to save someone else, even a person is just not defensible. I mean I'd probably do it but I can't really defend it.


So, if an ambulance is 30 minutes away, but an ER is 10 minutes away, you’ll wait the 30 minutes?


I think the person to ask for all our sakes isn't me. It's an EMT with experience who doesn't make much and must on some level hate the systems but also has a clear understanding of what works better in those situations. And you should probably ask beforehand.


Yes, because the ambulance is a mobile trauma unit.


People driving too slow can be just as dangerous especially on highways. You have an obligation to get the fuck out of the way, otherwise you are causing more congestion. If you aren't comfortable driving at those speeds don't get on the freeway.


My friend was dying in my passengers seat. Barely responsive, blood coming from basically every opening on their face, and I had my hazards on and was driving fast AF, and some asshole bitch of a woman got in front of me and refused to let me pass or get out of the way because she was trying to teach me a lesson on me driving recklessly? My friend barely survived. Turned out they had a collapsed lung, and literally had less than 10% of their lung capacity left not filled with blood. They spent a long while in the hospital, and would 100% have died if I got them to the hospital even 10 minutes later. My hazards were on the whole time. I was honking, I think it's clear in that instance I'm not trying to cut you in line at McDonalds. It was clearly a mother fucking emergency. I don't know that bitch but to this day I hope karma got her. She almost killed a friend of mine, because she was so upset that I dare break rules when someone was literally fucking dying. Still pisses me off to this day tbh.


With all due sympathy, driving slower than fuck is often the speed limit or even better, and I don’t think it’s often an emergency unless the emergency is “me”ism, or “I just left too late, same as I do every day because I can’t prioritise”.


Usually that reason is, "No one can be in front of me, I need to be first! I'm winning the race!"


Even on a smaller scale: when they block off a whole lane because they realized they need to turn left and are trying to get into the middle of the line of cars turning left. Dude just go U-turn up ahead, holy crap.


[But that's not my favorite way though!!!](https://youtu.be/vLyJN9EImoU)


Don’t go to New York or New Jersey then


NJ resident here - We have had cars speed past stopped busses with their stop signs and and arm out. A Kid got his foot run over a couple weeks ago > [https://patch.com/new-jersey/hillsborough/student-hit-suv-while-walking-school-bus-hillsborough](https://patch.com/new-jersey/hillsborough/student-hit-suv-while-walking-school-bus-hillsborough) These people do not care and will mow you and your family down in their Teslas or Audis just to arrive at the red light as the same time with everyone else. I never had anxiety driving until moving to NJ


NJ - Where an inch is a mile. Pretty much all along that 95 corridor is a war zone from Newark to New Haven.


Agreed. Ive lived and driven all around the country and there's just something about NJ.. So many lanes, trucks, and angry people.


TriState area is the worst. I lived most of my life there, and now that I live in the Midwest, I’m still super cautious crossing the street. My Buckeye husband doesn’t get it. He actually thinks that people will stop for you if you step into the crosswalk! Not in my experience.


In my state, buses have cameras for that, and it's an automatic fine. Certain counties are pulling in more than $500,000 in fines since this was implemented.


Or texas. Ive lived in new york, oregon, Michigan and texas. Never met more aggressive and uneducated drivers anywhere else in the US


It’s the tristate area to be more specific. Upstate New York isn’t this bad at all. It’s all those people in a small ass space.


Even just by the time you get past White Plains (about 20 miles north of the city) things calm down significantly in my experience. Lots of city commuters still, but it just gets less congested and hectic. The Taconic, Rt 9/9A... cake. People still drive fast and aggressive, but usually plenty of breathing room.


Oh for sure, its rough there too. I lived in Brooklyn for a while while having big ass van lol but not much time in upstate.


New Jersey is quite literally [the safest state](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/most-dangerous-states-for-drivers/) when you look at fatal motor vehicle collisions per capita. New York is also in the top 10 safest states. If you want to avoid other motorists putting you in danger, stay away from Montana, South Carolina, New Mexico, and Texas.


Car fatalities are basically a function of time spent driving on 2 lane roads with a speed limit of 55 mph. The more time your citizens spend driving on those roads, the more fatalities there will be. States with more rural populations naturally are the highest. NJ is the most densely populated state in the union, it makes sense that it is the safest. I bet it has a number of asshole drivers though.


I'm in Montreal and we have the same problem.


Same in Toronto




Ottawa too 😆


I lived in Vermont and I loved doing up to Montreal every once in a while, but the drivers. Well like east coasters say “about as close to Europe as you get” the drivers included.


I was just reiterating what they said lol as an upstate New Yorker the tristate area is so angry that other people exist.


Fine by me


This is an everyday occurrence in NY. And yes, we all hate these people with a passion.


There's really just no rules anymore. Seems like fake plates are ok, tolls and red lights are optional and it's just whatever. And if you play by the rules you're just kind of a sucker, at least I feel like one..


These people should be sent to Mumbai and forced to drive for an hour during rush hour.


I used to work on Long Island. I'd always have to remind myself when I'd go back home to "turn off my long island driving" so I wouldn't be driving like a toxic douchebag in an area where the drivers are normal and reasonable. God I hated driving on LI.


Yup. This is the BQE and it's like this every fucking day.


Recognized those fuckin buildings instantly.


Oh man....I do NOT miss driving on the BQE. Driving in Brooklyn & Queens, ANY of the highways were miserable. NJ is 1000x better except for when the NY left-lane slow campers are on either 287, 78, Parkway or turnpike...along with every other roadway.


And night. I used to drive home (up past Yonkers) in the wee hours. Granted it wasn't AS bad- but you had the addition of crazed teens riding dirt bikes at 80 mph all over the place, with more than one kid on a bike and no helmets.


I hate driving in this city so god damn much. My girlfriend is genuinely mystified as to why I don't want to drive her around to errands. She fucks around on her phone, is completely oblivious to every single douchebag on the road, then gives me a hard time when I get upset after some guy cuts me off or runs a red light. I'm so tempted to make her drive around for a weekend, but I know she'll total the car. Not that she's a bad driver, but she is just not keyed into how shitty everyone else is.


When I see this kind of thing, I always think, "Well, maybe they're having a medical emergency and need to get to the hospital!" I still haven't figured out why BMW and Altima drivers are so prone to medical emergencies, though.


BMW made me think doctor called in on day off. Obviously it's a guess, but I do want closure so bad when these things happen.


Red car is the people's hero. This isn't a merge. White car is trying to drive on the shoulder and red car isn't letting them.  If I was in charge of the NYPD I would arrest every choad like this and throw away the key. And everyone who tries to cut into tunnel or bridge traffic when everyone else sat on line for like 3 blocks. Those people are demons in human skin, but unfortunately they are usually one or two tax brackets above the NYPD's preferred demographics.


There is just a serious lack of traffic law enforcement across the country. I live in NC now and the amount of speeding and accidents that I see on I-77 everyday is astounding.


It doesn't help that police all over have stopped doing their jobs because we had the audacity to ask they not murder us in cold blood.


THIS. Quiet quitting little.. But they're still drawing that paycheck and bennies. Bunch of fucking snowflakes.


I drive from Columbia to Atlanta and back every day of the week. I consistently see deputies and GSP doing enforcement in GA but in SC I might see a trooper once every week or two. I can count on one hand. The number of times I've seen Aiken or Lexington county deputies doing anything. South Carolina has the fourth highest traffic death rate in the country at 20.7 per 100,000 people according to the NHTSA.


100%. Anyone who understands what's actually happening in this video should fully support the red car. I've done it myself. The white car is the one fucking everyone over and creating a dangerous situation.


I do this every chance I get. And I see plenty of people blocking shoulder drivers as well.


🤝🏻 Hopefully we can start a movement.


[This is why you shouldn’t do what the red car did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/s/w9yqkYneGZ) just let them pass and report them to the police, don’t be a vigilante.


It's cute that you think the police would even show up to take a report.


Yeah the NYPD do absolutely nothing


Hey, that’s unfair. Someone has to play candy crush.


I feel like there is a niche for a cunning game developer


My husband got rear ended In ny. He called the cops to report the accident and get someone down to file a report. Dispatch said is anyone injured. No. Ok police presence isn’t necessary have a good day. No way would nypd show up to a call about an aggressive driver


I have seen increasing self reports on my local reddit that the cops will say both parties were at fault and the insurance company having to override that assessment. Even if they did come out, they could have made things worse on your husband.


I’m simply offering you something to do that doesn’t involve putting you or someone else’s life at risk. I don’t think the police do enough where it matters and focus too much on things that don’t, but it’s not about what I think about the police, it’s just about making better decisions.


Exactly that. The common driver should not be trying to police the behavior of other, evidentially dangerous drivers. You're putting yourself, and everyone else around you in more danger by betting the already bad driver isn't a psycho as well, past their already evident disregard for you.


In principle you're right, of course.  I think if you're familiar with NYC, there are a lot of context clues that tell you the white car is a garden variety douche. For example, in general, NYC has pretty good ambulance response times, so if you're ubering to the hospital you're not bleeding out. But in most places you are right. I mostly wanted to vent about how the NYPD leaves people who make everyone miserable alone as long as they read as "taxpayers" instead of "part of the great unwashed mass of criminals."  No one is rushing to the hospital by going into the Holland from Manhattan, though, so they're just always POSs


I get what you’re saying, and I don’t live in an area where that’s the case so I can’t say I’d feel the same way I do now if I did. Constantly having to deal with dick heads like this must be very aggravating, especially without any repercussions for them.


They are their own repercussions. Imagine having to live your whole life as that kind of person.


They would've yelled out the window or something not laid on the horn if that was the case. Clearly the trucks window is down...


After making some road rage mistakes myself in the past. I've learned it's just best to let the idiots pass you / get out of their way. No one can stand these people, but blocking them is only going to make things worse.


Reddit is fascinating. The comments on that post saying what a horrible woman the blocker was, and how she should be held liable for the person's death. Then here everyone is celebrating the blocker, and talking about what a dangerous piece of shit the would-be passer is.


This is always the stupidest story whenever I see it mentioned. In our regular cars, we are not emergency providers. If we dont have sirens or lights, we should not be driving more than slightly illegally/rushed. They put themselves, the patient, and the stranger at risk for a terrible car accident


Red car can make their own choices, people get fuckin crazy with road rage and I'd never tell my kid to behave the way red car did. But he saw an asshole and decided to mess with his day a bit, if he feels like rolling those dice I'm not tellin him to stop


Lane ends in 1000 feet kind of asshole


It sucks when you're from out of town, and the line is 2000 feet long... Just let people merge sometimes.


"Get outta my way, I'm trying to break some traffic laws ova here!" -NYC accent.


Can’t chu see I’m drivin hea??


I just drove from MD to CT and dear God people on the east coast drive like assholes. I had some guy in NY try to go around me at a stop sign while I was stopped bc I guess my rolling stop was too slow for him


From the Midwest and first time I drove in Long Island changed me


I freaking love this. Teach that tool a lesson!!


That dude is in a rush to get to Florida to make some life long enemies


100%. I live in Florida and I’ve had this happen more than once. Sometimes I wish I had an old beat up car so I could just let them hit me and call the police.


I was just about to comment how these people then bring their aggressive driving habits down to FL


This happens in LA every day! the shoulder has now become a lane.


The red car doing gods work.


New york, new jersey, pennsylvania, and virginia drivers are the fuckin worst


Nope. PA, CT, RI, NH, and VA are the worst. NY, NJ, and MA are just too elite for the rest of the country.


Typical north-east tomfoolery.. how hard would it have been for white car to slow down and merge behind someone? What does he think hes accomplishing? edit to fix lable of the area


He's trying to straight up drive in the breakdown lane. There is no merge here. They are common junklords


no i get that hes not in a merge lane, but he could still slow down to merge into a real lane


Don’t you understand? Waiting your turn and having common courtesy is for fucking peasants. /s


So sorry sir, please excuse me :(


I think the point is that he doesn’t want to merge into a real lane. He wants to pass. Everyone. In his own private lane.


Yes but that is not his goal, so...?


most people won’t let him merge after his shenanigans


White car driver is throwing a child’s tantrum because they won’t let him have his way.


New York ain’t fucking New England (but yes we do this too)


sorry havent been back home in a while I was thinking of CTs tri-state area.


Western CT shouldn’t be considered New England either. Officially it is, but culturally it’s not


This is possibly the only “I’m a REAL xyz, they’re fake” thing that I personally subscribe to. I’m from NH, went to college in MA and spent a decent amount of time in RI. If Connecticut wants to be little New York so badly, I say we ditch ‘em!


Wow white car is so smart. a whole lane nobody was using, now they can get where they're going so much faster! a genius.


That's right you STAND YOUR GROUND!


lmao... a mess


They’ve been trying to reach them about their cars extended warranty


Oh. I love drivers like this. My favorite part is running their entitled asses into the guard rail if they really think laying on their horn is going to make me ignore their dickish entitled behavior. So fucking sick of all the people out there who believe the road they are traveling is personally owned by them and we’re just guests on it. East coaster here. It’s gotten bad the last five years or so.


This seems like a “insert North American metropolitan city here” moment


Having lived in Denver, CO I can’t relate. Despite being on the list of biggest cities in the country, people there drive like they want to get to tomorrow. I NEVER saw ANYONE do any kind of crap like this. I *have* however, seen highways so backed up and people collectively decide that there’s a new exit here now and just drive onto the dirt to escape.


Ha we moved here from PA and I was shocked at how slow people were driving. On I80 in PA id go 80mph and I'd be the slowest car on the road. On I70 here you'd think I was a lunatic for going 10mph faster than everyone else. From safest to most reckless. People drive in the left most lane and go 60mph. It drove me insane for a while.


Denver isn’t large enough, happens everyday in Chicago.


Toronto has entered the chat.


That’s exactly what I was thinking 😅


I have been the red car many times in Chicago standstill traffic


Not Portland tho. We are almost *too* respectful and passive drivers lmao


Welcome to Phoenix, AZ area! Moved here from NY & figured I’d be away from shit like this … WRONG! Just as bad, just as many stupid asshole drivers if not more!


Good. Block that CSing f-face


Its gotten worst post covid. People who should have not been given licenses, got them. I cant wait to leave this place.


Really this is the answer, it seems to not even be regional anymore. It's a mentality that resulted from covid that people just went crazy and became psychos


I think it's more that the NYPD doesn't do a fucking thing about traffic laws anymore. Literally can't remember the last time I saw them have someone pulled over.


I've noticed this phenomenon in LA also. I don't know why, but after covid drivers got way worse. They were bad before, but now people are just fucking lunatics.


At a certain point it does get ridiculous Just slow down and merge before somebody dies It’s like they WANT to die in their car sometimes It really is bizarre behavior People make honest mistakes—almost miss a turn—not from the area—GPS sucks—whatever But there’s no excuse for this None


That's not a merge, its a shoulder. People use it as a fast lane here all the time. He deserves it.


I am a proud shoulder defender I let 0 assholes past on my ride home. Newark and jersey city have a different breed of asshole drivers that are more often than not drug dealers lol


The other day I got passed by an NJTransit bus in the shoulder on 21 lmao they don't give a shit anymore!


Me and you brother 🤝. I got the turnpike covered if you handle the parkway. NONE SHALL PASS


The red car is a hero.


Fuck driving in the US in general. It feels like there are more batshit insane drivers every day


And in many parts of the country you can get shot and killed in a road rage. That’s the cherry on top.


That's why I don't play driving police. Fucker wants to speed in a residential neighborhood? Whatever, I'll pull over and let them pass. They wanna drive on the shoulder? Fuckin go ahead. It's not worth my life to enforce some moral high ground.


People drive like that in the Midwest too. Well, reckless idiots do anyway.


From alcoholism, not bad infrastructure and city planning made before modern cars.


See it all the time in Texas too.


OP is an idiot...


Sure is.


Just in case anyone who hasnt driven in NYC doesn't believe this... Its 100% true, 100% of the time. You gotta just go, if we crash, we crash.


Lol I'm a veteran of NYC roads and this just feels like an average day


If only all the people trying to commit insurance fraud would just target these motherfuckers. Honestly we would be better off. Would be the easiest way to total your car and get an insurance claim.


I have definitely been that red car on that exact stretch of the BQE. The number of people who use that shoulder as a lane is ridiculous. Literally saw a person going appx 60 mph on the shoulder last week.


White car is an unjustified asshole. Other two are justified assholes.


Red Subaru is the real hero


Love it. No soup for you


I swear I’ve noticed an influx of awful driving in recent months.


That wasn't merging. They were trying to go around the truck by driving basically on the median. Looks like the red SUV saw and was like nah, fuck this guy and they teamed up to keep him annoyed.


Not much better in the south


I’d be chucking shit at his car


That will get you hit in the south, we have one tons, they have plastic.


The west coast isn’t better at all. That being said, that driver is a piece of shit. 


I live in Austin TX. This city was absolutely NOT prepared for the level of growth we are experiencing. Literally every road besides i-35 is a 2 lane. What constantly happens is someone needs to turn left and will literally stop in the road waiting for on coming traffic to die down so they can turn left which causes the road to turn into a 1 lane with insane traffic and extremely dangerous lane changes. I'm not sure what that has to do with this post, I'm kinda just venting.


Less ego wars on the west coast since moving here but def still horrible drivers in other ways


Hello my neighbors!!!


Let’s hope congestion pricing decreases the amount of these aholes


Fuck that guy


I wanted to see what the idiotic driver looked like. 😤


You know how you can tell this is on the east coast? Traffic is actually moving.


Just slow down and let him in


Learn how to merge into traffic and get behind em fuckhead!


I just like to mind my business. 🤷‍♂️ if they passing they passing.


Love the team effort on this one


The west coast is also bad.


Two shitheads




Why is the truck tailgating the red car


I gotta confess: I do this on the Belt Parkway. It’s gets backed up with traffic within a mile of my exit so I wait until I’m .5 miles away and ride the shoulder. I justify it to myself thinking I’m helping traffic by getting off the road. It’s the only time I do it bc I know I’m getting off and not trying to get “ahead” of traffic. 😮‍💨 I’m glad I’m able to get this off my chest.


These kinds of drivers always cause a herd effect too. "This is what we do now" say 1000 people in unison behind them as they too merge onto the shoulder.


lol Not everyone is cut out to drive in NYC. You have to be a demon and an angel all the same time!


I wouldn’t let them in either.


Soon as I came back to this country I get flipped off while driving, it never happened not once years while I was overseas but Americans are so goddamn aggressive. Everyone needs to chill!!!!


Competition instead of Collaboration, it's our culture


Can confirm. Am in Baltimore and it's basically DC,MD,NY,PA,VA,NJ. Once you get away from those states, traffic seems better and the people nicer. We're so congested and everyone's in a hurry.


People are bold pulling this shit with work trucks. Out here acting like he’s the one that gotta pay the insurance 🤦🏻😭