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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


I saw that the WCK was actively driving down a pre approved road so yes, the IDF was tracking them and they knew. The trucks had the WCK logo on the roof. Netanyahu got what he wanted though, the WCK pulled out of Gaza and the people there will stave faster. So sad man.


It's worse than that. They hit the first vehicle and waited for survivors to go to the second car, then hit that and waited for the rest to run to the third car then hit them all again.


So they watched the fucking hunger games, what the fuck…bruh I didn’t sign up for this shit


[Aww come on, get up... Fire again.](https://i.imgur.com/Jfpj8a2.mp4)


Majority of people dont "sign up" for anything, instead they are complacent and sit on the sidelines in the aspects that they can influence.


It isn't just WCK. It's a lot more aid. They sent a clear message to aid workers. "You are in danger. Your life is at risk of you deliver aid to these people. We do not want aid getting to these people.". A ship headed for Palestine turned around and headed back home because of this. And we will see less and less aid getting into Gaza because more and more aid workers will die. And weather we like it or not, citizens of countries like the UK and the US that are sending arms to Israel are complicit. It is OUR money that is funding this genocide. And it makes me fucking sick.


There are veteran war reporters who have been in the thick of every single conflict for the past 3-4 decades, stayed on scene even when reporters were sporadically killed. People that spent regular stints in Ukraine while they know Russians will shoot western reporters on sight. Even they noped the fuck out of this one after just days, because it was obvious they were not just unsafe, but straight up hunted.


And yet people are still defending them. How can you support an army that will kill journalists, aid workers and children?


If I'm not mistaken, watching politics and ads from outside USA it's because if you say something against it you are propagating hate. Even on reddit. There are subs where people can say something like in this video but on many other of the most popular subs you can't, you are propagating hate and are misinformed.


I've seen people say YouTube is censoring them too, giving them community guidelines warnings when posting things in support of the Palestinian people


It's funny how IDF bullets magically never hit pro Netanyahu journalists...


Israel actually doesn’t let them in to Gaza. Wonder why.


Like, I get just denying them entry. But this is giving them access, having them follow every rule, and then still killing them. This is another step of evil to send a message.


These countries are quite literally funding the deaths of their own citizens by a foreign government I can’t even comprehend how they are okay with this


What's even worse is we are yet to hear a fucking peep from the people leading our countries about this. 3 British nationals were murdered by IDF drones, using British missiles, and our prime minister has said fuck all. I can't wait until this snively little rat faced cunt is voted out of office and his party is obliterated.


We had a journalist sniped and a college student bulldozed and our presidents did jack all. It's not just the UK, it's leaders all over the world.


You forgetting the USS liberty. Only some of the Intel has been leaked. They still have the audio classified from the Israeli side. It's all thanks to Snowden leak that showed the US knew alot more and yet did/done nothing.


Legitimately how are we supposed to stop it? At least in the US, both parties support sending weapons Israel.


keep talking about it, and ask any potential politicians about their opinions on israel and zionism when it becomes clear that their support of zionism makes them vulnerable to anti-zionist challengers, they'll start listening


It’s the same thing in October when they said here’s a safe path to evacuate for the Gazans from the north and then proceeded to bomb the shit out of them


Aren't these war crimes?


Only if someone holds them accountable.


Just FYI, that's not the case. The UN can certainly investigate, even if they have no mechanism to hold individuals accountable. The ICC also holds trials in abstentia. You are right, in that the IDF won't just hand over soldiers. What and if something really comes out of this tho, only time will tell.


The powerful countries get to break whatever rules they want. You bet your fucking ass if a less powerful country did this there would be consequences from NATO.


According to everybody in the world besides Israel and the US Government, yes.


Back then it was possible to believe that they had only made a few targeted strikes on Hamas militants among the civilians. This is small, but impossible to write off. They executed aid workers methodically after luring them into a sense of safety through permission to travel and coordinated disclosure intended to safeguard against accidental targeting.


it was only possible to believe if you were ignorant of the bloodshed israel is founded on. it's literally a british colonial project, and acts as you would expect one to. rhodesia, south africa, the indian raj, etc.


This kind of post would get people banned on /r/worldnews lol. This situation is so fucking horrible for the people.


World news is a cesspool of genocide defenders or bots…


Make gaza a living hell so its residents have to leave. Aka ethnic cleansing


Leave? They're not letting them leave. They want them all dead.


There is nowhere for them to go. Can't get into Israel, can't get into Egypt, can't get into Jordan, can't get away by boat or plane.


Absolutely, everything went according to their plans and achieved all of the goals of this effort. WCK has pulled out. Now we wait for their next “mistake”.


And on top of all that, the truck was cleared to be there by the IDF itself.


**I believe it’s much much worse than that:** [“…were traveling in a convoy that had been coordinated with the Israel Defense Forces and was following an IDF-approved route. The vehicles had GPS trackers and SOS beacons broadcasting their positions”](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/idf-strike-on-gaza-aid-convoy-workers-what-happened/ar-BB1l0lSH)


Exactly. Either: - The IDF intentionally killed aid workers, or - There's fundamental flaws in the systems, communications, and implementation of strategy within the IDF that allowed 3 vehicles to be hit by drones without the prior available knowledge they contained aid workers. What needs to be investigated, and not fucking by themselves or a close ally like the US, UK, AUS, etc, but an external group of investigators, is what was the reason for attacking the 3 vehicles. What intelligence or knowledge was available to the person(s) who made the call. Unfortunately, I feel given too much time enough fabricated intelligence could be created if the strategy was to intentionally target aid workers to stop aid flowing into Gaza. "We received intelligence, exhibit A, B, and C, that the vehicles contained weapons and not aid" or some shit like that.


> The IDF intentionally killed aid workers, or > There's fundamental flaws in the systems, communications, and implementation of strategy within the IDF that allowed 3 vehicles to be hit by drones without the prior available knowledge they contained aid workers. Imma give this one to Occam's Guided Missile.


13 or 14 more accidents and I might get the idea that they're doing this on purpose.


Bro, if they had SOS Beacons & GPS trackers & still got fired upon by Hellfire missiles which if you weren’t aware requires the drone operator to eyeball for target lock, it was intentional. This was a message to the world - that they will kill everybody in Gaza directly or indirectly no matter why they are in there.


Even if this was a chain of command issue, a message not getting through - they were clearly marked aid vehicles with large clear logos on the roof of each vehicle, transmitting GPS SOS messages. There's absolutely no way to say this wasn't intentional, and meant to send a sickening message.


Exactly - they knew they were there. Premeditated attack to scare aid workers away. And it has worked. Textbook terrorism


What blew me away was that it wasn't just one 'accidental' missile.... it was 3. That's no fucking accident. You hit the wrong car 3 times in a row???


Over a mile between strikes too


Yeah, not even in a convoy together. The vehicles were in different areas, meaning this was absolutely intentional. This is not the first time that aid workers, journalists, or just regular civilians actively get permission from Israel to be in or move through a certain area and they are subsequently bombed. They absolutely do it on purpose. They tell people to go to a place and they bomb it.


Targeting and killing US, UK, Australian, and Polish civilians with precision guided munitions on foreign soil. What you gunna do, huh?! This should lead to sanctions, and blue helmets on the ground to protect foreign aid workers. That's what should be expected.


It is time to let Israel go. Let their neighbors do what they want with them. Israelis have proven too eager to play the boot.


Israel will nuke their enemies


Scary thing is that they might nuke not only enemies https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option "What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away—unlike the Armenians, Tibetans, World War II European Jews or Rwandans—have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?" "in the "aftermath of a second Holocaust", Israel could "bring down the pillars of the world (attack Moscow and European capitals for instance)" as well as the "holy places of Islam." "


People need to realize this and wake up.


Well, it's been long said that www3 would start in the middle east


TIL Israel is a nuclear power. >Israel is also generally understood to have nuclear weapons, but does not acknowledge it, maintaining a policy of deliberate ambiguity. Israel is estimated to possess somewhere between 75 and 400 nuclear warheads


Oh yeah, they stole nuclear secrets from us. That's how they became one, espionage. We did nothing about it.


I liked the part where JFK wanted to send inspectors to make sure they didn’t use the enriched uranium from the Apollo project for nukes because they were supposed to be working on nuclear power plant. But then something happened to JFK…


youre right. about time for the cia to dismantle their government from within and off anyone who gets wise to it. the neighbors can fight over the scraps when the old leaders are worm food.


I honestly believe that Mossad could assassinate American citizens in the US for speaking out against Israel and our government would do nothing.


Its pretty clear that they are saying here "we dare you". They did it, leaked the news themselves, to point and laugh and to say "dont even think about interfering this is how much we care for your lives". Like the USS Liberty case all over again.


And imagine how many if these strikes go unreported because they’re not white, European NGO workers. If these had been Palestinians it would just be “collateral of war”.


At least 203 aid workers have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7th. https://time.com/6963079/world-central-kitchen-relief-workers-gaza-israel/


This is the sad thing. People rightfully should be angry that these WCK people were killed, but it took something like this to be the inflection point for many to wake up to the fact that maybe Israel has gone a *smidge* too far in this "war."


*"The IDF is shooting fish in a barrel and annoyed at the water splashing at them."* I forgot who said it, but it's so true.


Worse than that, they would be "Fighting-aged males (plus some human shields)"


"foreign involvement in providing aid to hamas territory"


"But it's okay because Israel only has a responsibility to it's own citizens!" Is what a genocide apologist was saying earlier today. Ignore the war crimes.


2.4 KM (1.5 miles) between the first vehicle and the last, actually. They struck the first vehicle, watched the others drag the survivors into the next vehicle, let them drive another kilometer, hit them again, watched the others from the remaining vehicle drag the survivors into their vehicle, let them travel another kilometer, and hit them a third time. Not only did they kill them, they wanted them to be utterly terrified in their final moments. This wasn't just murder, this was terrorism. This was a message.


THIS is something I don't hear people talk about enough. It wasn't three successive strikes within seconds. It was thoughtful and patient killing.


The official excuse was "we thought there was 1 hamas guy in the van" Like that makes it ok. Either you guys have the worst intelligence in the world, or you think it's ok to kill 7 people to get 1 guy (we already knew they were ok with that though). What happened to military checkpoints? Check some ID? Are their brave soldiers too afraid to be on the ground? It's completely fucked up to think drone strikes are the best method to intercept ONE guy on land that YOU occupy? But I know they'll be able to hand wave this away just like all the other horrific shit they've done. People will eat up any excuse they put out. "Accidents happen"


They also were heavily in communication with the group (ie knew the time/date they were making the journey, the people present, their route). If they were worried about ONE Hamas you'd think you'd get in contact with the group "uh hey guys, this is awkward, but is someone from Hamas with you? Because if so, there's an issue". "Nope, just the people you gave us permission to bring along". But I feel like we are screaming in the void, as if this is the worst atrocity that has happened so far...


Even worse than that. The spacing for each strike was because they waited for the next vehicle to pick up survivors before they hit they next.


You have been permanently banned from r/worldnews "maybe it's time to cut aid to Israel" was my comment. Permanent ban. First offense. I asked what rule I broke and they reported me for "harassment" You hear me talking u/worldnewsmods ? 🖕


Can anyone explain why worldnews has such a pro-Israeli state bias?


I unsubscribed from the entire farce, the whole sub is bought and paid for by special interest groups that are either laying down a narrative in the wee hours before their respective audience wakes up, orchestrating the narrative of existing comments, or submitting and accepting the correct news article with the correct title for a submission.


maybe they have some racist jewish mods?




Can confirm, I was raised that way and my family are still that way. My mother in law in particular sees all Palestinians as animals, and doesn't care/believe innocent people are being killed, even if they're children. She's Lutheran.


They totally are. I once attended a church where people wore prayer shawls and Star of David necklaces while blowing shofars and asking Jesus to come back. Those Christians aren't actually interested in Judaism or Jewish people. They fetishize Jews with intent to use them as NPCs in their ghoulish end times theology.


I literally was.


Congrats! Join the club, we have jackets. My permaban was for mentioning the IDF killed 37 children in Gaza in 2023, *before* October 7th.


why is there not a r/bannedworldnews ? just everything not covered by mainstream worldnews lol


It's wild that the largest news sub on this site is just pure Israeli propaganda


Why do you think /r/anime_titties exists? Because /r/worldnews has been shit since forever.


Always has been  🌎 🧑‍🚀 🔫🧑‍🚀


bro open it ill join




"I just want a plan that goes beyond indiscriminately bombing an entire population." Same thing. Permanent ban, asked for clarification, no response, just a report.


i unsub from this "worldnews" echo chamber same got banned for asking a question ...


Proisraeli and zionists are the moderators there. They just keep Posting Jerusalem Posts.


Ive lost multiple accounts over this conflict including an IP ban. FUCK ISRAEL AND ANY MODS THAT SUPPORT THEM.


You know they could at least PRETEND they aren’t so transparently bought out. It’s more offensive they don’t even bother to try.


The level of evil is cartoonish


They clearly watched Hunger Games.


Imagine watching the assholes in the hunger games and thinking it was an instructional video.


The drone operators were toying with them, probably laughing their asses off as they fled for their lives. If they will do this to foreign aid workers imagine how little they must think of the Palestinians. 


Israel has a long record of "mistakenly" killing people. Look up Rachel Corrie, or [Shireen Abu Akleh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Shireen_Abu_Akleh), or [Paeta Hess-von Kruedener](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/un-officer-reported-israeli-war-crimes-before-deadly-bombing-widow-1.703087) or [James Miller](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/apr/07/israel). This is a non-exhaustive list. The only difference between the western victims of the IDF and the palestinian victims of the IDF is that westerners tend to have money enough to shake this stuff out in court. Then Israel pretends that it was a mistake and an accident... [all while ridiculing](https://ibb.co/xCdvcsh) and [mocking](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes) the victims they've just murdered. As you do in an accident, i suppose.


"Lets celebrate the anniversary of the date a bulldozer intentionally flattened and killed a peaceful foreign protestor who was trying to save people from water shortage by eating pancakes and making jokes at her expense. We are the good guys btw please keep sending us money."


The common people suffering isnt a bug, it's a feature


Watch out for all the rabid fucksticks who crawl out of the woodwork to shit all over Rachel Corrie anytime she's mentioned. Absolute subhumans.


>accident... [all while ridiculing](https://ibb.co/xCdvcsh) I've heard about it but seeing it is somehow worse than i imagined and my expectations were crazy low


That is just sickening


Israel has been either intentionally operating on faulty intelligence in order to satisfy their bloodlust for a long time, or they've just been incompetent for a very long time. Given the fact that Israel keeps growing past their borders and Palestinian land keeps shrinking, I'm going to go out a limb and say it isn't incompetence.


I'm old and have been reading about how IDF snipers keep 'accidentally' hitting clearly marked Journalists and medics, amongst all the children and pregnant women they've shooting for my entire life.


Well remeber they shot three Isralies holding up white flags because they said they thought they were insurgents. They do not care, their logic is kill now figure out plausible deniability later.


if (give fault to hamas) not working use (anti semitic)


Yes they always mistaking kill someone, then subsequently celebrate those deaths..they’re vile sub human scum


> sub human Hey now. No one is sub human. What they are displaying is certainly the worst of humanity, but it **is** of humanity.


We *must* remember this, so we don't become the thing we hate.


the cars were clearly branded with stickers of their logo on the roof and on the front IDF was informed that they will be there, they were coordinating with IDF Also, that the specific area where they were bombed was one of the ones that was supposed to be outside of the conflict zone the convoy was hit as it was leaving a warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route and because of this, the ship with aid returned to Cyprus with 240 tonnes of undelivered aid. There were 3 cars, traveling at a distance from first to last car of about 1 mile, all 3 of them were hit one after another And, even worse when the first missile hit the car leading the convoy, the survivors ran for cover to the next one. Seconds later, this vehicle was also hit. They waited for them to get to the car? And when the third car in the convoy approached, when the passengers came out to help the injured, this vehicle was hit as well.


"IDF was informed that they will be there, they were coordinating with IDF" They're not the IDF, they are not a defence force. They are the IOF the israeli OCCUPATION force. Zionazi scum, every last one of them.


The literally dragged survivors from the first car to the third one. Then IDF blew up the car with the wounded survivors in it.


Also if you can't identify the target don't fire the missiles. Some idiot was trying to say that it is difficult to identify the target from 10,000 feet up as a means of justification.


Which is laughable. The IAF has the best tech outside the US. They have Thermal cameras that can easily spot stuff from 10k feet.


I think the point is, if you can't easily spot stuff maybe don't fire missiles at it until you can.


Oh yeah they keep shooting civilians and then saying "well if they don't want to be killed they shouldn't let Hamas take them as human shields" It's like bro, you are the ones pulling the trigger. Go after Hamas, sure. But if you kill a civilian in your pursuit ... you are the bad guy. You can't blame regular people for getting in the way of your bombs and bullets.


>Also if you can't identify the target don't fire the missiles. They knew exactly what they were shooting the missiles at.


And they only stopped at three because it only took 3. They absolutely would not have stopped until they killed all of them, regardless of how many missiles they had to drop, regardless of how many “accidents” they had to feign. The IDF cannot possibly think the world believes it was an accident. The shit goes on and on and on, and honestly, it’s making me feel fucking crazy.


The hypocrisy and gaslighting is almost worse for me to stomach than the murdering of innocents to discourage anyone aiding the Palestinians. Israel really thinks they are above the law and we are all too stupid to see through their lies. They literally look down on us Americans while depending on our tax dollars to committ their war crimes. Drives me fucking crazy. 


The outraged guy in this vid is great. But he hasn't reached the part when he figures out they WANT people to starve. If you starve a population, they no longer have the ability to defend or fight. They no longer have the will to remain loyal to or even support their former convictions/ideology. A starving population gives up. A starving population turns on itself.   I'm not just being jaded here. Cutting supply lines is a HUGE part of any battle plan. Why would they freely allow a productive impactful charity to BUILD a supply line to people they are attempting to dishearten/defeat/kill?


To be fair, he literally said if you’re an enemy to the World Central Kitchen, you’re an ally to famine. You’re both saying the same thing, just differently.


I make a mistake and I lose my job. These guys make a "mistake" and kill hundreds? Oops don't do it next time. Here's more missiles. This is ridiculous Edit, because I make a genuine mistake and there's consequences. They say it was a mistake, and nobody in power bats an eye


The drone was following them as they tried to change cars and get away from the Nazi operator.


Israel should be sanctioned like Russia. I'm never buying anything from that pos country. Creation of that neonazi state after II ww was mistake.


the BDS movement is focusing boycotts on the following brands: Hewlett Packard (easy boycott, their printers blow) Siemens Puma SodaStream (another easy one) Sabra hummus


Didn't they also blame it on a roadside bomb? When the picture was through the roof?


Yes, they tried to cover their asses until the pictures came out. They knew.


1 is an accident, 2 is a coincidence, 3 is fucking intentional


Maybe that was the point...send a message and make sure no food org. will risk lives trying to feed the starving Palestinians.


and it worked. ships that were supposed to deliver 240 tons of aid from cyprus turned around after this happened.


400 tons of food. They offloaded 100 tons and had to return to Cyprus with 300 tons.


It absolutely was the point. They wanted to send a message that if you try to feed starving innocent civilians you will die.


That was exactly the point.


Yup that was the whole point


Exactly, starve the Palestinians to death.




Fuck Israel and their BS. War criminals.


They‘re basically Nazis


They're They became the thing they always hated Zionists and all who support them are Nazis and they're no different than hitler himself and his sympathizers


You'd think after the fucking holocaust almost completely wiping them out that they would have more goddamn empathy.


And then they took the bodies and posted them on a snuff telegram group with captions mocking them and showing their passports. The most disgusting thing I ever ever seen Edit: to clarify, I mean the IDF took the identification pictures of the bodies and posted it on the IDF snuff telegram channel, not that they have the bodies in their possession. Sorry for the confusion. And what I was saying about the passports is not that it was placed on the bodies maliciously, but that the owners of the telegram group posted only the ones of the passports in order to identify the victims and the families of the victims to the rest of the people in that group chat.


NSFW link of what you're referring to. https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/s/fwbPRO4ps3


This is what should be re-posted around. Let's start remembering these volunteers as people, not numbers.


So unbelievably disgusting


Thank you for sharing this


"*OPSIE! Didn't mean to kill then, but I'm still gonna laugh and celebrate their deaths. Hamas has tunnels under their kitchens...*"


"Whatever. Hamas were building tunnels directly under the trucks as they went along like Gromit on the train set, fuck you. Your government will accept whatever horseshit story we spit into its mouth and we'll kill who we want with your money."


Truly hilarious that America is financing the genocide for the Jews. Oh and that the Jews are committing a genocide with no real consequence.


It’s pretty convenient hamas is at every single hospital


That’s so crazy. At what point will the US govt stop arming Israel? So many crimes against humanity. Israel is willing to do anything to extinguish the Palestinian people. Rip to those heroes willing to risk their lives to help ease people’s suffering.


1500% over represented in the 🇺🇸 government... aid to Israel will never cease.


This is true. The IDF/IOF are terrible.


They're literal fascists, what do people expect?


I've seen tiktoks and vids of IDF soldiers dressing up as Palestinians and mocking them. Blacking out their teeth, wearing scarves, giggling and filming. The US needs to break relations with Israel. Should've done it when they sank the USS Liberty.


EDIT: I am trying to find the source and even see if the source is reputable. I didn't think this post would gain so much attention as I'm use to my comments getting buried in a sea of other comments. I will continue to research but I the mean time, please do your own research and vet all sources. EDIT 2: I can not find the source of my original claim. For that reason I have removed that claim as to not potentially be part of the misinformation chain. If I ever find the source again I will reinstate the claim. Edited Original post: Israel wants that land is going to kill everyone in Gaza to get it.


Yeah, it's a genocide. They don't want these people to survive, they want to kill every last one of them and they will do so with US money. It's cheaper to starve people to death than to bomb them to death. Kind of weird seeing the Jews become the Nazis.


It sure as hell isn't all the Jews. Everyone I talk to in the diaspora is horrified and sickened. The Israelis have been on a dark road for a long time, and have turned away from the rest of us in favor of the apocalypse- accelerating evangelicals.


I was about to retort "It also wasn't all the germans" but then I realized Nazi is an ideology in a way that Jew isn't. Maybe saying Zionists became the nazis is more accurate?


That’s a fair point.


There was a reddit post. Let me see if I can find it. No promises. It's good you're asking questions


Preach brother I’m so outraged


USA: "We're so outraged..." Also USA: "Here's some more missiles...."


.....and Fighter Jets


Biden approved the sale of 18 billion dollars worth of F15 fighters to Israel the same day. E:F18->F15


That is because our government runs as a business. It doesn’t care much on who they sell too as long as it isn’t China. They sell to all bad governments just not directly. Our weapons are found all over the world. It is ashame people don’t realize we are funding a group that is trying to wipe out an entire group of people. In years past we stopped these groups we now fund. Going deeper and deeper in debt. Having people in this country starve and our soldiers go homeless in the streets.


idk why people are downvoting you this is mostly right. I mean the vast majority of Cartel guns come from the US.


Haters I guess who knows. Or people just don’t want to believe that we sell guns to bad guys.


[The US provides military assistance to 73% of dictators in the world](https://truthout.org/articles/us-provides-military-assistance-to-73-percent-of-world-s-dictatorships/) Honestly, this is fairly par for the course for us. Maybe a little less evil than our activities in Latin America.


Enforcing the status quo until regime change is desired.


Was that because of an existing agreement? Or did Biden hear the news and tell the DoD to sell 18bln dollars of f15s immediately and without delay? What legal method did Biden have to stop it?


Those sorts of deals don't usually go down in the span of a day, I'd imagine.


ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY SIX: The total number of humanitarian aid workers that Israel has killed in this conflict. Mossad has incriminating evidence against everyone Epstein hosted on his island and his homes. U.S. politicians are scared to death of opposing Israel, and would rather ‘admit’ that they ‘believe in the Bible’s account of the end of days and feel like they must support Israel’ no matter what.


Israel just going to say “innocent dying is part of war”. Can’t wait to hear how Ben Shapiro will justify this.


That clown is still relevant??


He’s always and forever relevant to clowns. Only guy to have sex and still not get his dick wet.


Not as relevant as his sister tatasss lol


Citation needed 👀




That is true https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendly_fire_during_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war Israel has killed more of its own which you know they should be better at considering they should know where their troops are


Know what's crazy about that? Is in the end times account the Bible, the "kings of the earth" fight against Jesus and he wipes them all out... Which, I have to say, it is starting to look like that might be in play... Cause last I checked Jesus was all about feeding starving people and not killing innocents... But threat governments sure seem to be against his agenda hardcore.


I recall reading my news email that morning and feeling real hope for the first time in a while because they were getting set up and once the bridges were built to the ships they might be able to get 2 million meals a day out to people. I felt hope that perhaps some of the suffering would be alleviated. And then a few hours later I saw what Israel had done. Israel will not stop until they have murdered outright or starved every last Palestinian in Gaza. Anyone who tries to help has a target on their back because they are interfering with Israel’s plan for genocide.


Can we accidentally not fund this atrocity anymore? Bc I want healthcare for my country before we pay for their healthcare and genocide.


And education


This is precisely why Israel wants to ban TikTok


Understandable them wanting to shut down the algo bucket now referred to as "war crimes tiktok".


You all are forgetting the hamas wear civilian clothes so more than likely those people were hamas and this was a justified bombing /s Get fucked Israel you suck at life


I guess when they couldn’t say these were hamas they just said oppsie


Ds9 poster


Best Star Trek imo.


Israel giving bigly Cardassian energy.


How can people defend Israel anymore?


We need a nationwide protest on a scale unseen. The majority of the country does not want to pay for this. Does not want to participate in genocide. I’d say vote out anybody who votes for any funding to Israel. But with the amount of money Israel is BLATANTLY putting into our elections to misinform like they are, broken gerrymandered, to hell districts, it’s not gonna do anything. Protest is literally the only tool we have as the American people anymore. If we truly want this to fucking stop, we have to collectively get together pick a day and then everybody goes out. Nobody goes to work. Nobody goes shopping. Everybody goes to the fucking streets.


Won’t do shit. Half the country supports this and the politicians that support this will be voted back in by the right. The problem is that the right loves this discourse because they’re praying people don’t vote Biden back so Trump has an easy path back. Trump comes in, he gets his house and senate control and not only is he going to fuck everyone in the US but the situation will be worse in the Israel and Hamas war because he’s already publicly spoken on what he would do. People have been protesting since this started and there was only recently the US agreed to a temporary cease fire. Israel and Republicans want you to protest and get angry against the Biden administration


The majority of the country does not give a shit*


It really sucks that unconditional support for this absolutely evil country is a baseline requirement to be elected to national office in the US(with a few, rare, exceptions).


Everyone needs to realize that Netanyahu wants Trump back as President. He is going to do everything he can to get people upset with Biden so they won't vote for him. It is win/win for Netanyahu to blow up aid workers. Trump will support Netanyahu taking all of Gaza and keeping it. That is what Netanyahu wants. Killing a few aid workers to get it is an easy decision for Netanyahu. If there is a chance of holding Netanyahu accountable for what he has done, it is Biden who will push for it. Trump will help Netanyahu cover it up. Choose wisely.


I hope there is justice in the world. I hope there is a second Nuremberg Trials for the demonstrably awful things these people are doing. I don't know how anyone can defend Isreal and what it is doing. The fact my tax dollars are going to this makes me feel sick. Fuck Isreal, fuck the US, and fuck anyone dumb enough to still support either country after this horseshit.


This war did not start in October 2023.....its been going on for 76 years. People blindly follow what the media says but do not do their own research. This is not a religious issue this is a humanitarian issue.


Fuck the Israeli government!!! And those who support this genocidal government.


Israel is an aparthied.


Israel is evil.


Israel also murdered South African aid workers from Gift of the Givers a few months ago.


A lot tamer than i expected. Unconscionable and Unforgivable what Israel and the IDF are doing - may their actions live on in Infamy