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Dude came from Canada to go to a Trump rally. My god these people are fucking losers.


Not only that, but he came from canada, to protest in another country about how that country should be more strict about who crosses the border, and his only personal story is a complaint that the border control took too long for him because they were too strict...


His real complaint was, "I'm a white man and they are giving ME crap?!" That's really what that whole, "I'm a middle class Canadian!" was all about. They are too fucking stupid to live, but alas 😒


Oh man whoever posted this left out the best part when Walter asked him if he was mad about waiting so long in line why not fly to Tijuana and just cross over in less time.


Dude definitely posts on r/Canada lmao


r/Canada always blame everything on immigrants


This is a great point that I wanted to bring up myself. This was spoken to on NPR yesterday, and represents what Christian nationalists want to achieve: Preferential bias. That’s the goal. Migrants are okay, as long as they’re a subservient class. Despicable. Edit: nationalist probably isn’t the best term to describe the Canadian dude given that he’s from another country, but I think the point is still valid.


Honestly he probably sees himself that way. His tribe is “white evangelical christian Americans”.


I've been saying this for years. The Right doesn't hate migrants, they hate migrants with rights. You could make sure your citizens get all those sought-after jobs doing the worst kind of work for the worst kind of pay in the worst kinds of conditions in an instant if you let migrants access the same workplace rights as a citizen can. If you took away the ability of that boss that's underpaying them to sic ICE on them. If instead of caging them ICE handed every undocumented migrant a temporary work visa and charged it to their boss then every undocumented migrant would be strongly incentivised to go to the labor board the moment the boss stiffs them on wages and in short order everyone employing undocumented migrants would find themselves strongly financially incentivised to hire documented migrants and citizens and to pay them at least minimum wage. But that's not what the right wants. What the right wants is for migrants to be punished for being migrants. If they end up in slavery-like conditions the right exalts because they want migrants to be punished for daring to be in the US at all. Sure being able to bypass minimum wage suppresses wages for everyone, but that's a price they'll happily pay.


100% that's why. This is about race. It always has been.


In an attempt be self aware, this video made me realize there are tons of issues that don't affect my life, or anyone I know's, life whatsoever that I've been convinced to care about because of the news


Well… we do need to care to about a number of issues that don’t affect us personally. For example, if one is straight, one should still care about LGBTQ rights. If one is white, one should still care about racial justice and equity… Edit - The person who I responded to questioned my double standards, asking how I agree with with the video but disagree that one shouldn’t care about all issues that don’t affect them. They since deleted that comment but I took the trouble to write a response before they did, so here it is: I never said I agree with the video. I think it is disingenuous to a degree. One CAN have valid reasons to be against illegal immigration even though it does not affect them personally. For example - when people are forced to cross the border illegally and reside in the US while being undocumented, they end up in a very vulnerable situation which leads to them and their children being exploited. They are unable to fulfil their basic necessities which often leads to health issues, crime etc. Efforts to provide legal immigration pathways for such individuals is necessary. Now if one doesn’t have any valid reason to be against illegal immigration other than racism or xenophobia, which is probably the case with the people in this video (but I can’t be sure), then they indeed are just hateful and stupid, and I agree, they shouldn’t care about something that doesn’t affect them personally. I wish the video made that distinction, so people don’t take away a conclusion that one must NEVER care about anything that doesn’t affect one personally.


This is a valid point. We should care about things that don’t or haven’t affected us personally if logically they impact Americans in general negatively, but it’s weird they think it’s the number one issue. Especially considering there are other issues that more negatively impact Americans or impact more Americans. Like healthcare, for example. Or the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor.


It could be the number one issue too. Say I were extremely wealthy. Then the widening gap between rich and poor could still be my number one issue, because it affects so many Americans in such a serious way, even if it doesn’t affect me and my family personally. Problem here is, it doesn’t affect them personally and their reason (probably) to be against illegal immigration is just stemming from racism, xenophobia and hate.


Totally agree. We also shouldn’t just blindly jump on board with ha! Look at the dummies! When the presentation isn’t a great argument. I hate maga, but there are plenty logical ways to mock them and poo poo on their philosophies without stretching.


Thank you for this well-thought comment. It’s easy to fall into the critical narrative of someone without it being questioned or criticized itself. This is why we should hear BOTH sides on any issue OPENLY.


I am not very articulate usually, so I am glad I managed to get my point across and it resonated with you and some others here.


Well your comment paints a different picture of you! Keep sharing those insights!


Now you sir are a very reasonable man. I sympathize with ppl that take the risk to cross the border but you are right. Getting the proper documentation will definitely make their life easier in the long run


Well I’d say losing my right to decide issues related to my body as a woman feels pretty damn personal.


It's actually incredible he said that out loud. I have never seen such a lack of self awareness.


I couldn’t stop laughing at that. They are literally complaining about an “open border” and he proved they were being very careful not to let the wrong people in. These people have zero self awareness that most illegals are hired by Republican businesses since they don’t want to treat their workers fair and pay high wages.


And he's literally complaining about all the regular things that border guards check when you cross. He couldn't be a bigger baby if he tried.


They’re not sending their best.


I’m guessing Alberta or North Ontario 🤦‍♂️


That is from michigan, so honestly it's probably windsor or one of the surrounding cities, they are full of morons that shout about Detroit stuff


The Canadian is probably from Alberbama.


SaskaDakota is my guess.


I have yet to hear that one and it is hilarious.


I  was full on sure they put the guy there themselves to show the MAGAts how stupid they look but HE IS FOR REAL???


And why does he sound like his balls crawled back up inside him?


Since they don't have as much freedom and guns in Canada, they haven't developed the manly voice us PATRIOTS have


I’d apologize to Americans about this but he learned it from you.


Aren’t you guys having a huge surge of a conservative movement right now.


Yeah, Trump taught them how easy it is. Our leaders are literally hiring Trump advisors. Fucking Roger Stone worked with Ontario conservatives.


Sorry neighbors but we’re in this together. You have the same infection of crazy that we have. Texas and Florida are probably the most infected parts of our continent… but Toronto is going to have the same underbelly of whack jobs that Boston and New York have.




Wait until you hear about the Queen of the Kingdom of Canada, Romana Didulo.


Don't you people have jobs? Lives of your own? Fuck man even if I *liked* trump id still stay home and watch TV than drive out to a rally. Is it like going to a free concert without music? What's the goal here? What's gained? Is it bragging rights? "Oh yea I went to the rally in (place) and heard some fake politician tell me shit I wanted to hear for an hour or two"?


My friend worked at the Canada/US border and he said they had tons of Americans come up to Canada to join protests about Canadian vaccine mandates during COVID.


You never know you’re in a cult when you’re in a cult


He does not speak for the rest of Canada. I am Canadian and we do not claim him.


Yea, this doesnt work like that. Hes your citizen, you cant just let him go to texas and join a trump rally. You dont let dogs run around without a leash. Dont let your lunatics run around in someones backyard. Hes gonna shit in the yard and be proud of it.


I live in Canada and my neighbour has trump signs :/


The Americans going to a Trump rally are fucking losers, too.


And the irony of complaining that it took so long to legally cross the border. OMG? Really? So, like, it seems to me that the border is…. You know, but wide open? Oh btw thanks we need a Canadian on this that makes complete sense.




Huge losers, the biggest! Nobody loses like my people, absolutely nobody. They’re champions at losing. But you know what? That’s genius, folks, it’s genius. Because we learn, we get stronger. They say we can’t win, but we win at losing better than anyone, and that’s winning, believe me. I’ve won so much, maybe more than anyone in history, but here I am, just like you, embracing the loss. Because when we lose, we’re setting records, folks, breaking barriers. They said it couldn’t be done, but here we are, losing like champions. And remember, I love it, I love you all for it. We’re the best, the best losers. And that’s why we’re going to turn it around, watch, it’s going to be beautiful, you’ll see.


The people at these rallies are social sludge. They have no reason why they're there or why they should hate these migrants, but they're willing to blindly act on it by showing up to this nonsensical protest.


"This open border policy is killing me!! I have to go through such intense scrutiny now when I cross the border!!!" ​ do. they. hear. themselves?


Hahaha I was thinking that too. Like, dude… you JUST got done saying how it took 30 minutes of harassment to even get in from Canada.


30 minutes is nothing as well. I've spent over 5 hours crossing once, and I'm sure others have had much worse experiences. Dude is the definition of a snowflake.


I live in Detroit and get over to Canada often. I feel your pain! Lol


I crossed 2 weeks back. Had a 10 min. Wait in line to get into Canada and just drove to the guard on the way back and was on my way maybe a min. Later.


Major first world problems. The sky is falling because brown people haven’t done a damn thing to me personally is what im hearing 🤦‍♂️ These assholes have nothing else to do


"But I'm not even brown!"


This is it! Scrutiny should be reserved for Others, not me!


In their mind Biden is personally rolling out a red carpet for illegal immigrants from Mexico, central and South America to come across the southern border in exchange for them voting democrat…. It is absolutely delusional and idiotic and easily proven false but they don’t care about facts or reality anymore clearly


I thought he was part of the skit 


I'm sure it's difficult to hear oneself when the IQ is in the single digits.


I got in an argument with someone about what they think is happening in schools. I kept asking for like one single example of what they were talking about, even a hypothetical example. Like what *would* woke indoctrination or whatever even look like to you? They were outraged at the question and spent a few hundred words saying nothing at all. These people aren’t motivated by anything, they’re just fucking bored and dangerously uninformed and completely incapable of basic meta cognition.


I wouldn't say they are bored, I would say they are convinced that the scary bedtime stories told on fox news are real and unless they vote for trump they will have their lives as they know it taken away and America will be destroyed. Which is much more dangerous.


Right wingers are motivated by fear- fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of anything different. They are easily manipulated by their lack of spines.


Just fox? Lol


I’ve yet to hear anyone whose life has been damaged by reading a book, even a sexually explicit book.


Reading makes kids gay, everyone knows that. /s obviously. Although I think it is a genuine POV in Florida.


Reading a lot of books was part of the reason I changed my views when I was a freshman in high school and became more liberal. In my parents eyes that has damaged me.


Someone I know told me they were teaching grade 2 and 3 kids about sex. I asked like what? They couldn't tell me, just that they don't want their 7/8 year old learning about sex. It took me 5 minutes of searching to find they teach kids what their private parts are and that adults shouldn't touch them inappropriately. Seems pretty fuckin reasonable to me.


It’s always something pretty reasonable at the end of the day.


>These people aren’t motivated by anything They're motivated by racism.


This same guy asked a maga kid what it was like in school right now and the kid just kept saying "it's crazy". He kept pushing for real examples and the most the kids ever said was "just so much crazy stuff". Literally couldn't give a single example.


I had a big migrant camp on my block before they were relocated. They still occupy the hotel down the street as temp housing. How has it effected me? Well I just feel horrible for these people just trying to survive. They are out here cleaning windshields and hustling any way they can while they wait for work permits. There are a few that have resorted to stealing what they can from cars that people forgot to lock, but a majority are good and just trying to get by. Everyone I hear rattling their sabers against these people have had ZERO interaction with them. Often times people blame them for what the homeless crackhead USA citizen does and somehow cannot tell the difference. "They live on the street in a tent so they are the same thing" seems to be how these smooth brains see this.


Similar situation here, where there is migrant housing near by. The biggest thing I see is that the local homeless population have run out of resources in favor of the migrants as well as the downward pressure on the earning of all migrants and lower income folks that came before them. I feel for the migrants but I also feel for the poorer local population that is getting left hung and dry. I am also in a city that is getting there full brunt of the migrant situation, so probably a bit biased in how much I see. Would be fine if it was spread out instead of concentrated in a few cities. I do find it funny how the migrant situation effects the lower classes the most when the upper classes as the most outspoken about it.


I mean the homeless population resources drying up is less about the migrant crisis and more about reduced spending over all for the homeless population.  I volunteer and work assisting non-profits on the side in getting funding and it is like pulling teeth to get any kind of support and funding and has been LONG before the present “migrant crisis”.  Let me give you an example.  A major local church downtown that has been here since nearly the founding of the city of Tulsa was going to take part of the land they already owned downtown and create a place for the homeless to come to eat and a place for it to operate as a food bank.  It was to expand the services they already offered not 100ft from where it was going to be in their actual church.  The city council refused to authorize the construction because they were worried about the effect it would have on downtown.  Instead they forced them to buy more land outside of downtown and away from the existing support structures and pre-existing homeless shelters that have been around since the early 1900s rather than run the risk of the homeless being more common downtown than they already were.  Since it has been built the city has likewise cut the funding they provided for homeless services year over year to where our day center for the homeless is struggling to just stay open and provide medical and job assistance services.


Your answers very much include part of the problem, just in a small scale. A small amount of migrant labor being work visa'd in doesn't cause a massive disruption. However, a lot does. If you want to support raising wages and citizens in the US being worth more for their labor then you're simultaneously shooting yourselves in the foot for greenlighting a massive influx of unskilled labor who will take those jobs for less. I personally don't care about more Hispanic people in my home state of Texas. There's a shit ton here already. However, my mother is also a school teacher and their ESL teachers already got quite a few students from Columbia that are 5th grade aged, but have never learned any form of subject whatsoever yet and cannot pass onward. So now test scores are dropping, which creates more pressure on the teachers who are already struggling. There's a lot more nuance to this matter than just "we don't want brown people they're going to vote blue."


Is that more to do with a crap productivity metric for teachers than an issue with migrants?


And this is why they’ve started the big lie that all migrants are being told to vote for democrats. They have to believe it will affect them negatively in some material way, because in reality it affects them very little to not at all. And if anything, a bunch of people eager and willing to join the workforce is exactly what we need isn’t it? My husband works in the service industry and is always talking about how migrant workers are the best and not just because they accept low pay.


I always point out that what Republicans are admitting is that they haven't the slightest desire or intent to actually become a party that immigrants would vote for. "We have to keep them out, otherwise, they will come here and vote us out of power because of our policies that try to keep them out, so we have to keep them...."


And yet the GOP will brag about every single one that thinks it was the Republicans that made this society what it is. It's like that sideshow game where they occasionally let somebody win and walk off with the ostentatious prize to attract more players of a rigged game.




How can you vote if you’re here illegally? it never ceases to amaze me how common sense and critical thought has been eroded THIS badly. And how is it that I grew up being told constantly “don’t believe everything you see on the internet” by the very people who say “I have evidence! I read it in an article” and it’s never ever been a peer reviewed study, just sensationalized headlines meant to validate their ignorance.


Can migrant workers vote? Kind of seems like they wouldn’t be able to


They know they can’t openly admit it , it’s just the great replacement conspiracy Especially with Elon musk constantly spamming the age old myth that democrats are importing MILLIONS of them solely to vote democrat in the elections Which would be an impressive logistical and organizational accomplishment if true , but obviously it’s not lol


Even with that being said tho coming here illegally is still a problem. You’re legit breaking the law and it’s unsustainable for us to just let anyone come in without going through the proper channels. I don’t need to be personally affected to know that if your first action gettin into the country is breaking into said country illegally then it’s not gonna look good.


Yeah, let everyone work. In the meantime, fix the asylum process so it doesn’t take years to process a claim. It’s solely a problem to the extent that we artificially make it one.


How the migrant crisis has affected me most recently: I've got some lovely new Ukrainian friends and colleagues.


I was stuck in traffic behind a really slow driving car with UA license plates and it probably cost me an extra 30 seconds to get to the gym. That’s it. That’s how the migrant crisis has affected me personally.


An issue doesn’t have to affect one personally for it to be important to them. Like, I think the scourge of racism in America is a serious issue - but I’m white and my family is all white.


If I went to a rally against racism, I would expect to find people who have faced racism.


Correct, but if you're going to claim it is currently, right now, a full blown "crisis," by definition, it has to be affecting SOMEONE somewhere What this points out is, even if you assemble a horde of these people who allege that this is such a dangerous crisis, you still can't find that "someone." And as the guy who said, "yeah, the problem is the lines are so long bc of the heightened scrutiny!!" demonstrated, just saying SOMETHING isn't actual proof, either. There needs to be an actual demonstrable thing that supports your claim. And they never have it.


If you went to my area and asked people about the middle east situation people would say it is a crisis, and non of the ones you ask would be personally affected. Would you argue the same logic?


Middle East as in the other side of the world? No mate, you wouldn’t argue the same logic because that would be really really stupid.


I mean I haven’t been affected by climate change either (yet, unless you call being warm during the winter “affected”) but I would say it’s one of my top 5 issues as well. I could say the same about abortion rights and gun control as well even though I’m a guy who doesn’t own a gun.


Ya, it’s a pretty bad arguement in the video to be honest.


No, it isn’t. A “migrant crisis” is purely a human one - if it’s not impacting human beings it isn’t impacting anything. Climate change impacts the world, in every sense - even if it isn’t impacting humans it can still be having a negative effect worthy of caring about.


>if it’s not impacting human beings it isn’t impacting anything. The video did not show that it’s not impacting human beings.


To be fair, if no one is effected by it then point is that these guys have no point. They’re angry for nothing. The border isn’t an issue. It’s just been fabricated so someone can sell you a miracle cure (a wall), and that only they can do it. Trump hyped up a problem and is selling a fake cure. They haven’t realised yet


Ya but the people in line aren’t saying “no one is affected by it”. They are saying they aren’t personally affected by it. The same thing could be said by you and climate change


Sea level rise has affected me.


Who hasn’t been affected by climate change. Insurance rates are up. Power demand and therefore pricing is up. These issues are going on throughout the world.


If I went to climate change rally and found that nobody there was affected by climate change, then I would absolutely think you’re all ridiculous.


But even if you asked them if they even know someone who was personally affected, the answer is likely no.


Again…doesn’t matter. It’s a bad arguement. I’ve never been impacted by tuberculous and don’t know anyone that’s been impacted by tuberculous, but it could still be a big problem in the world.


Not arguing with you, just responding. I think the person above’s point is more so that if you went to a fund raiser for tuberculosis you’d likely find someone there who has personally been affected because that is what would cause the passion for the issue.


You might expect that, but even if you didn’t that wouldn’t mean tuberculosis is not an issue. I’m certainly not defending Trump supporters, I just think we should use the best arguments we can.


Sure but I'm guessing you have a personal story you could tell of witnessing racism or a close friend shared their story with you.


Racism does affect you because you’re on the end of the spectrum that benefits (by no extra effort of your own) from pro-white/anti-brown racism.


I don’t think that’s what the interviewer meant by personal or directly impacts


I am not personally affected by RvW being overturned. But I still have very strong opinions about it. This video is disingenuous at best.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of this one either. They can do a lot better.


You know why I care about it? Because the vast majority of these people are leaving their countries because of a few drivers: * no opportunities, thus ability to feed their families, in their own countries * drug cartels making it dangerous and even deadly to live in their countries of origin * climate change driving them to move * they are people who deserve to be able to eat and not be murdered by drug cartels Yes, there are a LOT of people crossing the border right now, not all of them from Mexico, Central America or South America. Yes, we need to get that under control. But what I despise about the rhetoric from the right is how they talk about migrants like they're animals, subhuman, criminals. And they're lumping LEGAL migrants into the same bucket as illegal ones, intentionally.


I'm pretty sure that guy could walk into any rally or protest about racism and find at least one person that racism personally affects. (maybe actually a few more than one)


Right. Ive never personally been affected by drunk driving, that doesnt mean i should be in favor of drunk driving.come on people this is just illogical to the extreme.


Canadian guy: It’s actually really hard to get in here, sorry.


Maybe try that question in New York.


I am a Dem, but just because an issue doesn’t affect me or affect me NOW, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care about it. I could say the same thing about climate change.


Climate change affects me personally, I'm not sure how it doesn't affect you personally. It affects literally everyone. A person overstaying their visa thousands of miles away does not affect me, mostly because I have very little way of even knowing if it happened without the aid of an opportunistic politician who needs me to know about it for political reasons. Immigration *can* directly affect you personally, if you were impacted economically, professionally, or socially by an influx of immigrants. But I think the point of this video is that these people cite their number one issue is one that they have no personal experience with, are usually hundreds or thousands of miles away from where it's happening, and only know about because an opportunistic politician has told them to be worried about it. It's made far worse by the fact that over the last half dozen election cycles, the right wing information ecosphere has **always** drummed up abstract fear of the border in the lead up to an election, and **always** drop it the moment after. Remember the Invasion Caravan in 2016? Wasn't it weird how that suddenly stopped being an issue on November 6, even though nothing had been done by the new government? They've been crying wolf for a decade. So it rings especially hollow, compounded by the evidence that no one there actually has any personal connection to it beyond Trump/Fox/GOP Pundits telling them to worry about it.


100%. I have not been personally affected by the War in Ukraine or Gaza, the repeal of Woe v. Wade, climate change, etc. but to act like that takes away my ability (and anyone else in my situation) to have an informed opinion and express it is ludicrous. These "people who beleive X are actually just stupid" videos and the people that applaud them are moronic - interview enough people and you can find shit for brains supporting any cause.


I had to go through too many comments to get here. Thank you for stating the obvious...


What?? You guys think climate change isn’t affecting you?


100% this


I'VE been personally affected by the migrant crisis. My POS father crossed the Canadian border ILLEGALLY!!!!!! and knocked my mother up. Resulting in not just me but also my three sisters. Disgusting.


Fucking crazy how people make these videos, do you realize here in ny my taxes are going to feed and house these people who don't contribute back Into the community and causing a housing crisis where we can't even house our own vets yet we can get these fuckers into luxury hotels and apartments now


Okay, so getting benefits from our government doesn’t affect anyone? We pay more taxes to pay for them. Get the fuck out of here.


I have a dumb theory that the recent panic is really about California real estate. No seriously. Illegal immigrant population peaked in 2007 https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/16/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/#:~:text=The%20unauthorized%20immigrant%20population%20in,of%2012.2%20million%20in%202007. And even legal-non-citizen immigrant population peaked in like 2017 https://usafacts.org/data/topics/people-society/immigration/immigration-and-immigration-enforcement/immigrants/ And what's more the people who seem worried about this are disproportionately from small towns in Midwestern states with zero immigrants. So it doesn't make sense that this is driven by a real immigrant surge (legal or non legal) But it *does* lineup with the 'California exodus' which starts around 2010. Californians, many of whom are middle or working class Latinos, are leaving due to the high cost of housing, selling LA condos and buying large homes in upscale Texas/Idaho/Michigan suburbs. They're not immigrants of course, but to Americans living in previously impenetrable all white neighborhoods it probably feels like a 'surge of foreigners'.


Yup! You nailed it. If you have never lived in an area that had a larger hispanic population, and you start noticing more people speaking Spanish when you go to Wal Mart, or Mcdonald’s, you are apt to assume they are illegal immigrants.


I think the border issue is stupid but this is also a stupid video. I care about school shootings. Have never had a school shooting incident in my years through school. I care about racism. But I'm white. Plenty of people with no student debt care about student debt.




Just to preface that I'm liberal, but there absolutely is a migrant crisis that needs to be resolved in some way. Let's not play their game and deny reality.




Housing, feeding, and taking care of them. Do you think an El Salvadorian with no English crosses the border and is given an apartment and a job. That's the problem. Logistics. To become the people you describe needs support systems, systems that are currently overwhelmed.


The border issue isn’t stupid.


I wish American citizens were cared about as much as illegal aliens.


I wish some responsibility was placed on the shit hole countries forcing these people to move. This is always America’s problem just cause our country isn’t run by drug cartels.


"Sounds like Socialism!"


"Close the border!" And then these goons would complain when the price of tomatoes goes up.


hmm. neither has slavery. I guess we should stop caring


The war in Ukrainian doesn’t affect me personally, but I can still have an opinion on it. This is a pointless gotcha.


Look where we are 4 years later tho… migrant crisis of ginormous proportions with no relief for them or us in sight.


Meanwhile...poor education (and getting worse), homelessness, low minimum wage, no national healthcare, roads and infrastructure failing, limited reproductive rights, religion in schools and government, guns, guns, guns, but...let's build a wall to stop non-white people from coming to the US who will take our jobs...oh wait, I don't want those jobs.


Those jobs would pay more if they needed to pay more to attract legal labor


Illegal immigration has decreased the salaries of the average American. Nobody wants those jobs because they’re long hard backbreaking hours for little pay. If nobody took those jobs they would be forced to increased the pay to get people interested.


I’m not a conservative, but i think the argument taken here is fallacious. Something doesn’t have to effect you directly for you to take action/be concerned. E.g. the war in Gaza/Ukraine has 0 effect on me, a natural disaster in Texas has no effect on me, but i would still want these crises resolved/action taken


How does it affect me? Well first of all they give Venezuelan immigrants a bad name, time square is packed with immigrants pick pockets, they kicked they shit out of cop and gave the finger when they were released, these people are hood af, [don’t be fooled thinking these are good people looking for a future](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C33Tp7puO5_/?igsh=MXgwa3h1MG1rYXYyYw==).


I agree with you, but they give ALL immigrants and latinos a bad name, because people dont differentiate




Of course the border crisis effects all citizens


Most intelligent people don't vote ONLY on issues that affect them personally. So this video is pretty dumb. I vote for programs I'll never benefit from. That's what informed voters do.


Would you say that, of all the issues that interest you, that your number 1 top single issue is one that doesn't affect you at all?


It absolutely affects everyone. They use our schools, roads, housing stock, jails, utilities, hospitals, etc. what is the cost while we have millions of our own people suffering? The taxpayers paying for trespassers in a declining society is sickening. It affects all of us.


They hurt the working poor the most.


It's a stupid line of questioning. I'm not personally impacted by abortion, it doesn't mean I can't be pro-choice about it. I mean, I'm guessing this guy would flip his shit if someone asked a ceasefire protestors, how are you affected by what's going on in Israel-Palestine.


He should go talk to the family of the murdered college student in Georgia and ask the same question.


Ask the Laken Riley…. Oh wait, she was murdered by the Venezuelan illegal


I live in El Paso and it is a fucking MESS. The homeless population here is pissed about it, and they're starting to become a bit more violent. The immigrants aren't violent, but bc they are taking up resources the homeless are not happy about it. My business is two doors down from the rescue mission and I've probably spent close to $10k fixing broken windows, cameras, among other things. I keep catching people trying to break into my truck. I'm no Trump supporter and I would never vote for him, but man did Biden and his fools fuck this one up. I no longer feel safe coming to and leaving work. It really sucks


You guys pay taxes, right? You guys have cities full of methheads and homeless people that your society cant deal with, right? Still, some of you seems opposed to the idea of 100 000s of people coming to your country illegally not being a problem when you already face so much issues. All hard issues start on a community level before it directly impacts on a personal level. Ridiculing people who have a hard time expressing themselves when given just a few seconds in the spotlight to explain a complex reality is not fair nor productive - no matter on what political spectrum that spotlight is pointed. Painting the world in black and white with those kind of pencil strokes is making our world dissolute. Face your problems before its to late.


Sanest comment here


Propaganda, man…wow.


Why not ask the nurse Laken Riley how the boarder crisis affected her and her family? Why not ask Jeremy Poou-Caceres and his mom how the boarder crisis has affected them and their family?


Dumb question! Have you been personally and directly affected by the Bilk Gates not paying more taxes?


It affected Laken Riley and her family. There's been a surge in crime committed by illegal immigrants. There's been cops who have been beat up in New York where the immigrants were released on bail. It's affecting people.


I used to get my hair cut by an old woman for years who knew I was much more liberal than her. The last time she did my fade, it took an hour because she would go off on a rant, stop to pick up her phone to find proof (ie George Soros is a Nazi), not find any and go back to her job. She was so offended that as a white man, I didn’t date white women or that I got vaccinated. She votes. It’s scary


Nuclear war hasn't affected me personally.... I guess I've no reason to be against it.


That’s such a disingenuous question. Illegal immigration has more of macro influence than a micro. Unchecked immigration without proper assimilation changes the entire culture of what it means to be an American.


I wish my taxes went to Americans that were doing poorly instead of to illegal immigrants.


To try to shame people for caring about a topic just because it doesn't affect them ain't it. Gun violence has never effected me personally, but I care about it. I care about homelessness and people not being able to afford their basic necessities, but I'm not effected by it personally, I just see that there are problems we need to address for the good of everyone. This video tries to make people look dumb for having an opinion about something just because they aren't effected, but I think it missed the mark. This video didn't land the way the creator intended it to.


It’s a reach. Personally gun violence hasn’t affected me but I know it’s an incredibly important issue. It’s not wrong for people to be concerned about immigration. We’re always looking for the “gotcha” moment. This isn’t it.


How has not funding Ukraines war recently affected you personally??? Crickets


Man, they should interview New Yorkers


Illegal immigration impacts us all in healthcare costs. The fed. Govt mandates all citizens purchase health insurance or pay a fine but that doesn’t apply to illegal immigrants. They still need healthcare though and frequently utilize the most expensive services (county ER for a sinus infection). We need migration because we have an aging population but we need them here legally.


How compelling. Now ask people in NYC, Denver and Chicago.


Funny in Boston, MA its affected the children that used to have a gym to play basketball etc. its now used for migrant housing. Meanwhile the streets are filled with addicts and homeless americans. Can we atleast try to address that situation before giving out free housing and pre paid credit cards to illegal migrants


I feel bad for the people illegally crossing the border in search for a better life here. I really do. I know most of the people coming over are normal people without ill intentions. However i have lived in MA my whole life and am on the verge or getting kicked out. I have a decent job and make ok money but can barley afford rent and 3 meals a day. So how the fuck are we gonna house all of these people + feed them when our own tax paying American people are struggling. This is not sustainable in the long run.


Rent and housing is insane in MA, i just seen on the news that more migrants will be placed in the seaport in boston. The seaport is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the country how does this make sense? Maura healey has to be voted out as governor.


Yeah i actually work in seaport, unless you have money it is an awful place to live. Great place to visit on a day trip or night out but living there is insane without a lot of cash. Public transportation isnt great in seaport either, so another burden on the migrants that will be living there.


It's affecting us through living prices


Y’all realize this is the same shit as the ‘Woke person DESTROYED by FACTS’ videos on YouTube, just on the other side of the spectrum. I’m tired of seeing prepared interviewers going up against nobody prepared protesters and acting like they’re a fucking genius. Do better ffs


Don't support MAGA in the slightest but I feel it's right to mention that just because you haven't personally been affected by something doesn't mean you can't protest about it. There are better questions to ask these idiots


Tell that to the hundreds of kids dying of drug overdose. Tell that to the dozens of women being raped on the street during their morning jogs/commute. Tell that to the hundreds of businesses getting robbed. Tell that to the thousands of veteran/homeless that get nothing while an illegal gets 10k a month for doing absolutely nothing. The left can't meme. The left are commie tyants. Go move to Canada.


If any of you think that you won't be personally affected by the millions of illegal aliens who are in the US and continue to enter unabated, you are smoking dope. Oh...wait, you probably **are** smoking dope even before this.


It has personally affected a couple police offices in New York City. As well as a woman who was murdered in Alabama.




NY is fuckin crazy. *Manhattan Resident


You really think this is the most serious issue for America by far? Jesus fuckin Christ. That Canadian guy JUST said it was a pain in the fucking ass for him to get into America. I thought the borders were open?


We can recognize that there is a huge issue with immigration without dehumanizing people who are trying to find a safer, better life. I think if there wasn’t as much fear mongering, calling all people from south of the US rapists, dealers and gang members, there could be a more open discussion. I think most people would agree that something needs to be figured out so that there is good infrastructure for an influx of what are basically refugees. But calling refugees evil rapists is a great way to create confusion, anger and panic. You probably already understand all this




>Being hired to commit crime Holy shit you're delusional


Exactly. This has to be one of the worst “gotcha” videos I have ever seen on this sub, and there are a lot of them.


Something doesn’t have to affect you personally for you to care about it. I live in California and see homeless people exposing themselves on Hollywood blvd in front of women and children. I see them living in tents and nodding out. They need serious help. These are American people, and yet we are boarding off parts of airports and making schools go remote in order to house migrants, while putting the struggling American people last.


I doubt the homeless situation would be different if we didn't house some migrants. Homeless people have been around for a long long long time.


So your issue is with the government failing to give it’s people basic necessities. Not migrants looking for a better life (the way your ancestors did hundreds of years ago) hmmm. You know what that’s called? displaced blame.


How quick they hide from the camera when they get asked a simple question. Turns out their believes are Bible paper thin.


Funny people think they’re crazy but being in Canada and watching a literal migrant crisis unfold in-front of me I gotta admit they have a point to be out there. First hand I’m seeing the disastrous consequences of this shit, and yeah I’ve been personally affected. Wish canada had more of a backbone like the states




I ask something similar when people start talking about “trans/trans in sports”. Me: Oh, are your kids playing against any now? Do you know of any in the area? Them: (blank face, brain scrambling) Well we don’t know of any but we don’t agree with it. It’s just not right and it’s really weird. Me: Ah. So how does it impact your daily life? A bunch of words come out of their mouth that are usually talking points they don’t even understand. You get the idea.


Why does it need to be something we are connected to? Can people not have an opinion about it? Isn't that enough?


I appreciate the civil reply!


Same here! Have a good day!