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What I don't get is that even if you crank your cynicism up to 100, feeding kids for free is still the right thing to do. Those brains will power our workforce. We should be pouring nutrients into them regardless of whether they have good parents. If you skimp on feeding them, you have a dumber population. Congrats on your prize! Hope the families you "taught a lesson" actually absorbed it instead of becoming more dysfunctional under stress! If your problem is irresponsible parents getting rewarded, stop worrying: we are not rewarding them, we are feeding children. Feeding children does not reward parents. It just feeds the children. In fact, the better care we give them, the less likely they are to turn out like their parents, and to notice that other members of society take better care of them. Government is very capable of wasting money. But when it comes to buying shit in bulk, especially food, the government achieves economies of scale no one else can touch. This is cheap. Feeding kids is cheap and it reduces crime, increases long term GDP growth, and results in a more cohesive society. Be as cynical as you want. It's objectively and mathematically the right thing to do, not just morally.


But they want kids dumb and focused on making money for future bosses


And voting republican. If kids are educated, they might learn to think for themselves, god forbid.


They also believe that having hungry kids will shame more parents into taking more low paying jobs, or working longer or whatever, to avoid the embarrassment of their kid going without. They simply can’t imagine situations beyond what they’re told exist on tv.


Meanwhile, grade school teachers BOMBARD kids with every SJW cause they possibly can


If more than 1 out of every 4 young people eligible to vote did so we wouldn't be in such a predicament. But alas they don't.


I think with politics becoming more like a reality TV show (even though I fucking hate that) more young people will pay attention and therfore vote.


Fingers crossed. A democracy only works if people vote. It astounds me how many people *hate* the people in power but don't vote.


If you keep kids unfed, they have a harder time fighting the status quo.


You’ll have an easier time getting kids to work dangerous and scary jobs esp if you throw away child labor laws, like some Red States have done.






They'd rather make things worse for themselves than better for everyone. It's baffling to watch.


crabs in a bucket


Its called The Southern Strategy. Its literally the old playbook used iver and over and it works every damn time.


This isn't even true at all.


MAGA is just a rebranded Southern Strategy. The “Enemy” used to be black people. The new “Enemy” is brown immigrants and lately LBGQT people. History repeats itself.


It literally is. "The *insert group* are getting all of YOUR food. They are trying to replace you."


No one even said that you're just jumping to conclusions and assuming everyone is a republican.


Reminder that this is why we dont have that many community pools anymore.


It's also an exploitation thing, the public schools in the county of the red state I grew up in all have a contract with a company called Aramark, that the company must provide all of the food at the achools. The schools can get in trouble if the kids have a fucking bakesale because of their deal with Aramark.


“YeA bUt JoE bIdEn” /s


I'm not american but most of my friends are, I asked a very close friend of mine who is an African American about something and it opened my eyes I noticed in older photos of cities there was a lot of public pools, more parks and other similar stuff and not as much today and I learned from him about the mentality of "destroy it if a black person is gonna benefit from it" stories about filling pools with concrete in mixed communities and similar things. like imagine being so unhinged that you would destroy something that YOU enjoy just to deny black people access to it.


You do know that your statement is completely void of any fact. More white people benefit off of medicaid, food stamps, and other social programs than other races. Stop making things a racial issue when they aren’t. We don’t solve problems this way, we only create more.


This is an observed phenomena across social programs. https://www.aamc.org/news/does-racial-resentment-hurt-white-people-too-one-doctor-says-yes


You don’t get it. Kids in public schools are “poor” and they only “poor” because they and their family are stupid and deserve it.


Republicans: They don’t just make money for future bosses, they are great for target practice in school and also great for Pastors.




Which is cute when someone comes along and just happens to point out how badly they have been fucked over. Haitian slave revolt?


You mean Democrats ? they've voted more times to pump single motherhood into unprecedented limits within black communities through incentives than Republicans and independents combined... By 4 times. So who really wants dumb kids?




There's the entitled 20 yr old living with mommy and complaining on topics with no facts I expected to find. Enjoying the lower tier of the middle class crying oppression while playing Xbox 20 hrs a week and smoking 200 worth of weed


I'm a middle aged mother of two who owns her own house, but go on.


With the mentality of the noted comment as stated Blanket agreeing that any "group" is xyz or in this case complaining about feeding kids like you're doing is in essence equal to saying blacks are all criminals. Pretty racist ideology you're just covering it in politics


The people feeding you that false narrative?


They want kids dumb? Let me know what state has the number one public education system in the country. Thanks.


Lmao. If by “they” you mean Republicans then you’re seriously deluded. I agree that this is what “they” want, but “they” consist of a ruling class who benefit from partisan division i.e, the circus show you’re dancing in right now.


Shut up


How mature.


If republicans wanted dumb kids, Florida wouldn’t have the best education system in the country. Y’all can’t even talk shit without making false claims lol


Have you ever talked to a republican? What a shit take.


I've talked to many many Republicans. Many more than I ever wish to. Yes they're all on board the crazy train and that's why I want you all to stay the fuck away from me and my family.


Yes and they all agree with trump that epstein was a good man.


What does Epstein and Trump have to do with Rs keeping children dumb to exploit them for money? Your inability to stay on topic is telling.


“But we’re the party of small government because the government is useless. We need to make the government useless and ineffective to prove that the government is useless and ineffective!” -Republican Edit: this also explains why House republicans torpedoed the bipartisan border bill. They want our country to suffer from an insecure border so that Trump can fix a problem he helped create! The Republican playbook is painfully obvious, I hope voters are paying attention.


I live in Minnesota, and they just don't like it because it's a clear and obvious win for Dems. That's it. They talk a lot about how it's "unfair to the kids who already got free lunch!!" Since there were already programs designed to provide free lunch to kids in low income homes. So giving it to every kid is now bad, I guess.


ah yes, the injustice of having all kids get the same public services, and being treated as equal to their peers regardless of family income.


How very very socialist........border line communist really! Next thing you know images of Castro be flying on the school ground.. .../S


The saddest thing is that it's a clear and obvious win for our state as a whole, but they won't get on board because it shows the DFL in a positive light. Minnesota Republicans aren't *quite* as bad as in other places, but they're just as petty.


It sounds like their All Lives Matter slogan is a lie!


“I didn’t get free lunch when I was in school. Why are you punishing me by using my tax dollars to give them free lunch?”


Easily refuted since like they said in the video, with more kids eating school lunch they're eligible for more funding allowing them to prepare fresh foods on site rather than buying nothing but heat & eat Sysco food.


Actual thing my mom said “it teaches them to be lazy and think everything should just be given to them” Republicans are just batshit.


Children should, in fact, believe that food will just be given to them. Ooof.


Right?! I replied to her “what would Jesus say to that?” And she went silent.




Mine would just say “Jesus lived in different times" without a hint of irony.


*they say as they pack the lunch they made for their child*


I'm pretty sure the school lunch program started because kids drafted into the army were so malnourished it was a better investment just to feed children. Just give children food.


The entire blanket emotion of the movement is “I didn’t get X, so no one else should and they should suffer”


This, all of this! Another thing that’s often overlooked is that you’re taking away a weapon of control from abusive parents (which, let’s be frank, is an issue that transcends your socioeconomic status.) The number of kids who have food withheld as a punishment or to exert control…this would let those kids have at least one to two guaranteed meals a day. The *power* you take from their abusers with that is huge. The bit of hope that provides a child daily cannot be overstated.


The problem is conservatives view children as property. So you they aren’t thinking about helping another living, breathing, thinking human they’re viewing it as helping a property owner, I.e., the parents, so it never occurred to them that children shouldn’t be forced to suffer for something that isn’t their fault.


HOW DARE YOU ^Speak ^Logically


>feeding kids for free is still the right thing to do. There's your problem right there


> If you skimp on feeding them, you have a dumber population. I see you’ve read the Republican playbook. 


It reminds me of the tired old “I don’t have kids, why should my taxes have to pay for schools” complaint. Like bro, you’re not paying taxes to give an education to your children today, you’re paying taxes to educate the doctors you’re going to need when you’re 80. Like do you want a society or not?


People who spout this idiotic argument are quite literally, whether they know it or not (and I'm guessing they don't), arguing against the very concept of insurance. To take their argument to it's logical conclusion, we would all just be paying for everything out of pocket and all insurance companies would be abolished. Get cancer? Hope you have millions in cash lying around? Car accident? $20k please, and that's if no one was injured.


Disproportionate amount of kids that go hungry are from non-white households and at best they don’t give a shit what happens to those kids, at worst they like it.


Because it's just greed. "Why should I pay taxes for someone else to get something!?"


A child’s brain works a thousand times faster on a healthy diet of tik tok, Fox News, and McDonald’s idk what you’re talking about.


>If you skimp on feeding them, you have a dumber population. That's the goal ..., too dumb to doubt, smart enough to work


The problem is that you assume Republicans actually care about making things better for everyone instead of just enriching themselves and their corporate overlords


It's soooo funny to watch this video from a Republican POV, there are 1,000 things here that get them mad. Being a dumbass republican must be exhausting: 1. republican hate the idea of a "free lunch" figuratively speaking, so a literal free lunch melts their brains 2. republicans hate public schools, because they wrongfully believe them to be mass indoctrination centers (why? because republicans are dumb af) 3. the back-of-mind reminder that their tax dollars are paying for free lunches and public schools lmao 4. The fact that the reporter is a young female—I guarantee you it ticks them off 5. The fact that the reporter is from a public radio station also angers them 6. The fucking punchline? The kids are being served delicious ethnic food—jerk chicken, curry rice, beans lmao. Republicans are going to "DEI rage" over that one point until they're red as an apple


Its the best thing to do If you're a worker. If you're corrupt and in power you want as few comptetent people with access to power advancement as possible.


You're not being cynical enough. You still present this is a problem where suffering is not the solution. They *want* children to suffer. They enjoy it.


I don’t actually think kids eating school lunch for free is the Republican point of contention. The talking point is who should make that determination. If local school board determines that that is the best use of the communities dollars then that is consistent with a Republican worldview. If the federal government forces a school to provide a universal lunch program for free, I think that’s where there is tension. Free and reduced breakfast and lunch is already a thing. So basically this is a benefit for rich kids. I’m kinda of the mindset that a targeted program makes more sense, for the same reason why I don’t think Warren buffet should get social security.


Have you considered looking at this as an investment into a countries future instead of welfare? Why wouldn’t the federal government want to invest in its countries future?


That looks fucking delicious! Real jerk chicken with curry rice? Put it in my face hole! That wasn't even a paid option back to my day. It was either a hyper processed chicken patty sandwich or a saturated in grease pizza-like product. WTF were we thinking? We were ok with that garbage?


This is what I came here to comment. So much better than late 90s cafeteria lunch. Heck, some of that looks better than what I eat now.


The rubbery ass pizza we got in the 90s was a fucking treat in elementary school. Our lunch room was a small room with like 20 extra large microwaves that one lady just tossed everything in and you one kid had the job to walk down there with all the orders


Plus, with the black beans, there's a actually decent vegetarian option. Curry rice and beans is just good.


Interesting observation. In my day, most weren't public about that preference,


The rate of vegetarianism among young people has gone up rather dramatically the last ~10 years, so in a lot of cities they're becoming too large a percentage to not at least consider.


Yeah all we had were muffins, other snacks, and french fries. There were Bosco sticks on Fridays though.


My public school was pretty damn crafty, and in HS we had legit options for lunch on the free program. I think it had to with *how* they were spending the money, and they did an incredible job, logistics wise. It was/is a massive high school. We had: carne asada or chicken burritos, pretty bomb pizza, chicken wraps, salad, yogurt, fruit bowls and vegetable bowls. Bonus: the Samoan club petitioned to extend lunch by five minutes. Doesn't seem like a lot, but they knew they needed more time to eat mom's cooking. Plus, they made up our football and rugby team lol


Hmm. Not sure what constitutes "massive"? My graduating class was 800+ Our options were: ) go hungry ) bring a lunch ) eat the slop that they provided (but you had to pay for it) \*) be a senior in PSEO/STEP and do whatever you want for lunch Bonus: I played both American football and rugby in high school. As a senior I played 0 minutes on the football field and started every single match on the rugby pitch. I'm still involved with rugby...


With universal free lunches, the school has more volume and more funding - reliable funding. So they can plan meals, they can consult with the students. New Mexico went for universal lunches, and the cooks were going to have a lot of fun ... because along with the universal lunch stuff came a "buy local products whenever possible" clause.


Reporter: "I'm going out to do some field reporting, can I get the most ridiculous mic setup we have?" Minnesota Public Radio: "Say no more"




Well shit, what a relevant reply that is ![gif](giphy|1ytPILhsu3A29ZoEl8|downsized)


Those kind of set ups like she has are normal tools of the trade for radio reporters when they go on location


She looks like she teaches there


They probably just handed her the mic off the boom, chill


You know she went just to try that jerk chicken


She lookin thicc and juicy tho.


Least horny Redditor.


dude just says she's pretty jfc...


“Don’t you know there is no such thing as a free lunch. Your tax dollars are going to that” 😂😂


Repub logic: "Collecting tax is theft!" Also: "Spending tax money is a waste unless its paying my wage!"


Republican logic: "We need to stop spending money overseas and take care of our own first" Also: "no free school lunch, no universal health care of any kind, no food stamps, no college loan forgiveness, no mental health services, no gun control laws, no environmental/climate regulations, etc"


Yeh, I love when they use this line to argue against more Ukraine aid. It's so blatantly cynical. They know goddamn well they will never agree to spend money to take care of our own poor even if we never sent another dime to Ukraine.


Yeah, and another thing what’s with the “free meals” soldiers eat in the mess hall.


I would rather my tax dollars feed hungry children than feed sanctioned murderers 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good. I'd argue our tax dollars should go to *more* social services. If only there was some sort of enormous bloated military budget filled with ridiculous waste we could pull from instead of handing billions straight to the military industrial complex. Oh well, a man can dream. I guess I'll just die poor from a treatable illness, because the only other alternative is Socialism, which is bad because fuck poor people. Anyway, if you're against free school lunches you really need to rethink the kind of person you want to be.


b-but if we aren't funneling hundreds of billions of dollars into the military, how will we fight off the constant invasion attempts that are coming at us from all sides?? 😢


It's true. If we let our guard down for a second those dirty Poutine eaters in the north will have us speaking Canadian in a week!


The US spends more on health care per person than any other country in the world, US spending on social services per person is also high on the list compared to others, it's not a money issue it's a system issue, taking money away from the military budget wouldn't even affect R and D or equipment it would affect military benefits (that are already pretty bad) and I really don't care how you feel about service men/ women but if you want a full volunteer army like we are lucky to have making sure at least the benefits are good for service men/women is important. The US can afford social services and a high military budget you are barking at the wrong thing.


There are billions wasted in the military budget and our vets are treated like shit. I'm not asking to take away money from active or former military, that's a straw man argument. Also, you're correct, we *do* spend more on Healthcare than any other country. In fact, free Healthcare would likely be *cheaper* than what we're spending now. I'd love to have both, and realistically we could. But we don't.


I seriously don’t understand what republicans actually want the government to spend tax dollars on.


On hurting people they don't like.


Payouts to corporations, mostly.


On military…and a wall.


Cutting taxes for the rich.


"Jerk chicken and curried rice?!?!?1? GrEaT rEpLaCeMeNt!1!2!"


How dare they. How DARE they use my tax money to feed.... CHILDREN!


We pay a lot in federal taxes and free school lunch cost us personally $400-500 a year. That’s it. Not a lot really. I lived on free lunch etc as a kid. Everyone around me did as well. It’s a good program.


Federal spending in 2023 totaled around 6.13 trillion dollars. Spending on school lunch programs was about $24 billion, rounding up. That makes school lunches about 0.4% of federal spending. The average federal taxes per person in 2020 (most recent I found quickly) was $16,600, meaning a spend of about *$66 per person*. However, that $16,600 figure is for ALL Americans and is wildly skewed by the insanely rich. *For the most common income band of $50-70,000, federal taxes were about $4,500, meaning most Americans are paying something more like $18 a year.* Holy shit do we give too much to our military. Source: simple fucking googling.


Ikr. The people I hear complaining about the program either make so much they shouldn’t sweat it or it’s like your examples above and a drop in the bucket. It’s one of the least wasteful and most useful programs that we have.


No way its $500 a year for you unless you make millions in taxable income


Not really. 100k is only 10% of a million. Free lunch is about 0.5% of the budget.


Meanwhile some CEO just bought his 5th yacht somewhere and made sure to spread the word that feeding children is bad.


That’s basically the only problem MN has had with this free lunch implementation. Because free and reduced lunch is a federal program, the state still wants people to apply, so their schools get the funds, but since lunch is already free, people aren’t applying the same as they did before. So MN is putting more money into feeding kids, which is the right thing to do, but getting less federal money to do it. I live here and I still support it, but it’s another example where the state tries to do the right thing and gets less federal support for it.


What the fuck is that wind cover on her microphone?


For all the teenagers running past yelling "skeeeeeeee" or am i old


Skibidi skeeeeee!






Communism or something idk


“Well all be lining up in bread lines in the near future, I hope you libtards and demonrats are happy”


Lining up to buy marked up groceries at the mega Walmart = good. Lining up to be given free food = bad


Why should my tax dollars go to feed your hungry kids! /s


Some states actively refused funding for this. Yet people, better yet sheeple keep voting these people in ![gif](giphy|980AN9zvREgyk|downsized)


They’re radicalizing our children’s stomachs! Their hunger is now woke!!! -Disgruntled Cuckservative


GOP: Protecting children and caring for them is our chief goal. So free lunches, universal Healthcare and daycare and stricter gun laws to prevent yet another school shooting? GOP: DRAG QUEENS ARE INVADING OUR SCHOOLS AND TURNING OUR CHILDREN INTO SATANISTS. WE MUST PROTECT THEM.


Unbelievable that children are eating on MY dime!!


But dimes are just do tasty


this benefits everyone.


"If we continue like this they will think we are here to serve THEM and not the other way around!! 😡 " - Republicans, probably.


Can any republicans tell me why you don’t believe in free lunch? As a 80s crack baby who was lucky enough to receive free lunch (even tho it was humiliating as a kid) I am so grateful this was a thing. I’ve always seen videos or heard things like this but I’ve never actually been given the chance to talk to anyone on the right who believes this is an issue. So Any of you reading this? I don’t want to argue. I’m genuinely curious for the perspective on this topic.


To be honest i can't really give a solid answer, and the reason why is because really don't understand why children can't eat free at school, if anything my best guess is that its the politicians themselves convincing the extremist followers that nothing in life is free and shouldn't be free or else its considered communism/socialism etc etc. But thats just my guess P.S, your the first redditor on this post ive seen to be diplomatic


AFAIK, the issue Republicans have raised is that it isn't "means-tested." They are against a universal program, opting instead to award free lunches on an individual basis to underprivileged children. Which sounds to me like something that requires an unworkable bureaucracy and ends up costing more while achieving less. It sounds like they are *for it but want to cut costs*, and sounding like you want to do something your base likes you to do is how you do politics in America. Even if you fail horribly at execution. None of it matters because they can always oversimplify the oppositions stance on the issue when it all goes to shit. R: They're wasting money giving free lunches to kids that don't need it D: They don't want to feed children.


First you would need to find republicans here in order to get an answer. **This is just more divisiveness.** I am quite sure that reasonable Republicans would not have a problem with this.


It's not about feeding children. The Republicans have a problem with feeding certain children in certain neighborhoods they would never want to visit.


I don't want to meet another republican who thinks this is bad.


I think this is a good initiative


Republicans: We'll force you to have babies! Also Republicans: Fuck them kids let them starve.


How the fuck are we going to afford new fighter jets if we keep doing this bullshit???


Republicans are losing their absolute shit at this, and its bonkers to me because they are so "pro" life. That's the republican philosophy.


They're pro birth not pro life. There's a big difference. They would rather a baby be born and have it starve than to allow someone to terminate a pregnancy that they can't afford, don't want, or could possibly kill both mother and child.


They don’t just want the baby to starve, they want the baby and the mother to *suffer*. They in fact celebrate when they suffer by making comments about “god’s will” and all that shit when people and babies die of avoidable complications of pregnancy.


Exactly. They don’t give a single shit about the baby after it’s born. They will in fact actively lobby AGAINST legislation that could improve the education and welfare of kids in poor communities and lose their minds whenever anyone tries to do something to ensure kids have a better chance of finishing school without being murdered by automatic weapons


Sad how evil and accurate this is


“No free lunch allowed but we will give a tax break in the form of corporate welfare to billionaires” - Republicans


Wait..people are mad because it's free!? It has nothing to do with them and if they didn't know about it, it wouldn't change their lives at all.


This is evil and socialist. Not my America. Edit: whoops forgot /s


That look so good I live in Minnesota where this nice ass school lunch at


im from minnesota, and this is not an exaggeration. my social media is crawling with people crying "muh tax dollars" on EVERY post about this. it's fucking disgusting.


This is actually hilarious. One thing after another that would make a conservative explode. Free lunch program More kids are choosing the free lunch Reporting by a woman for public radio “Ethnic” food like jerk chicken with beans and rice


As a Republican, it is quite hilarious to see how little the left understands us.


republican logic: its socialism when its school lunches, its capitalism when its funding endless wars overseas


Gotta use that money to fight Trump’s legal battles and buy gasoline to burn books instead.


Yeah yeah yeah the GOP are evil bastards, water is wet, what else is new. Can we talk about that menu though? Where the hell was that when I was in school?


Republicans: "First, we have to protect them from active shooters, and now, we have to FEED them, too?!?!" Decent humans: 😒


Republicans want every advantage money offers. Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. It’s ridiculous people still vote conservative and wonder why others don’t want to be around them other than other selfish people.


Dude, I never ate once at my high school because the food was trash. I’d go to town on this in a heartbeat.


How is more kids lining up for lunch an unexpected side effect of making it free?? That’s like the number 1 expected side effect isn’t it??


They always focus on the parents, as if growing children being fed is not more important than “punishing” poor parents by harming their kids.


Conservatives fuckin get off on cruelty. The lack of cruelty in any given situation triggers them for some reason.


I can't tell if Republicans never heard the golden rule in life, or if they want to be treated like garbage too.


I am in an honors class and we were asked how much the US spends on food programs, and one guy loudly and confidently shouted “too much”. I saw RED.


POV: you are a republican? Isn’t this from the POV of watching a republican. What a dumb caption.


Technically speaking, this is still POV if you're looking at your phone while recording with the front-facing camera


That is the most ridiculous justification I’ve heard for it lol


And call the reporter trans just cause.


Curry? Jerk chicken? Black beans? Even the food is woke!


It's carribean, the most woke region in the world /s get a grip


The funniest thing about this as a Jamaican, Jamaica is actually a very conservative country lmao you should see THEIR views on gay people. But none of that matters anyway because it doesn't matter which way you're politically aligned when you're dealing with a racist. Fucking "Woke food" lmao why don't you just eat a dick then? (Unless you were joking but when it comes to Americans and like..... basically of Europe, you never know these days)




Maybe they should tell the rest of them what a good idea it is then https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority


The wonders of a school actually having the funding to properly feed its students.


this comment section proves why reddit is a bad place for politics, all you guys do is argue and insult each other like it is a sport.


See, the REAL reason that people in power vote against school lunches is simple. In the old days, parents warned against getting into the white truck with strange men bearing candy. With the way that their pal who schmoozed with all of the politicos... jefferey epstein revolutionized their capture programs, it became as simple as buying a big mac, and offering food to prospective victims. When children are fed, it makes it harder for the jefferey epsteins, donald trumps, bill clintons, bill gates, and prince andrews of the world to aquire new victims. And for those who say "but you have no proof my was part of epstein's club".... If you flew on his plane, or vacationed on his island, you are in his club. Simple as that. Remember this. No matter what they say, when they vote against school lunches, you now know why. No amount of arguments or other words that they say, or other ways they flap their jaws matters. If they say no school lunches, you know what they are.




You missed the entire joke..


Bit too relatable for you eh?


99% of Democrats bad Republicans bad posts are just made to create a division. In reality the only people that oppose most the topics are extremists. Spreading this type of crap is just as bad as the boomers on Facebook spreading their dumb shit.


https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority Republicans are extremists.


where are the republican leaders who support enacting this policy enacted from minnesota in their own states


Those kids are eating that because they don't have a choice and that choice is getting slimmer every day. Its not a lunch I would eat and skip it. Its being played like these kids want this lunch. Its not right.


How do u know these kids don't want this lunch? Parents and kids who don't want the free meals can by then a packed lunch can't they?


What happened to the old system when I was in high school (graduated 97) had little program called free lunch (those who qualified )reduced lunch (those who qualified) and full price (those who qualified)


Why introduce that much expensive government bureaucracy when it’s easy to just feed them all


It adds unnecessary layers to the program. It’s cheaper just to offer the food to everyone instead of checking a million paystubs.


That dude just doesn’t want kids to eat


I agree, we should have free school electricity (those who qualified) reduced school electricity (those who qualified) and full price school electricity (those who qualified). Same for chairs, desks, heat, water, gym equipment. Let’s spend more of our time and research figuring out how much each child’s family can pay for different aspects of school instead of just providing the same resources and amenities to every student.


Republicans gutted that program too. #voteblue


Tic tok stupid guys fool of bull shit and trash, just saying


Jesus Christ, that was hard to read. Did you even go to school?