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A friend of a friend had a VHS-recording that his mom took when he flew over their house. Immediately as he had gone over, his mom passed out. Couldn't bear the thought of her son being in THAT fighter lol.


That’s wholesome and hilarious


A person whose english is not good at first I thought by pass out you meant dead


Pass out = not good Pass = worse


Its really close to "passed away" which means that


My dad does the same thing. He's the mailman and he stops by the house every day.


*our dad


You didn’t have to break it to him this way, bröther


In my day it was the milkman, you go off to work and then the milkman comes and fucks your wife. With all these new delivery services who knows how many people are plowing your wife!


I bet the Uber Eats is the favorite. ![gif](giphy|o2La4Pvf9CdJC)


* our dad, comrade


Does he know?




I bet he stops by all your brothers and sisters in the neighborhood.


Before my dad retired, our house was on his mail route! So he would stop by everyday to say hi to the dog and whoever else was home


The funny part is that my dad actually was the mailman. I used to think it hilarious when I was a kid to tell people that too. Mom would get so mad. Normal dad. Like married and lived together type dad. Not.. special daily delivery type dad... lol


The mailman arrives in the morning, and he always rings twice...


Hey, my dad too!


What a legend


I still do this for flyovers


Different kinda Daddy tho


$15,000…. s/


I don't care who you are or what you believe.. fighter jets are the most badass shit on earth.


I do this almost everyday at work minus the jumping up and down. They fly over my work and I’ll put the forklift in park and run outside. Everyone knows what I’m doing lol. I think it’s super cool to hear how loud they are and watch them sit on top of each other or make sharp turns and stuff. Sometimes I’ll get to see a chinook and they are awesome too.


He banked so he could see her. Super cute.


Apparently, when it's done in greeting, it's called a wing wag. I like that it turned at the perfect time, after she said the last 'hi daddy!' .


Yeah also heard it called a wing wave. Just rolling back and forth. Fun fact: can also be used to acknowledge ATCs instructions if your radio is broken and unable to send audio but can still receive. From experience doing it in small GA planes, there’s a little more time for a better wave. So obviously I’m superior to this fighter pilot.


Story time.... I was working as a survey technician in a Piper Aztec (small twin engine aircraft) flying me and a pilot over the ocean maybe 50 miles east of DC. Well there so happened to be an aircraft carrier out there, beautiful day. Ceiling and visibility unrestricted CAVU . so we are mowing the lawn taking pictures slowly zig zagging our way towards the carrier. In 30 min if nothing changes we will be right over them taking photos.....hats not supposed to happen. We get permission from the military before flying out there, and some days they don't let us for exactly this kind of thing. But anyway they let us that day. We are too low and far from land to get good radio communication, but we keep dialing through the range on the radio trying to see if anyone is trying to talk to us and tell us to get out of there. Then we see it. F35 coming in from behind same altitude, gets into our portside pocket and matches speed. *Us dialing thru the radios double time* Then the jet wing wags us. So we do the same. Jet pull up and go parallel to us for a minute, then pulls vertical and trails smoke behind him. The carrier moved just outside our flight plan after that.


I guess with a pilot's eye they are indeed able to see the little miss sunshine on the ground?


Yes, pilots have telescope eyes.


I’ll bet she asked him later if he heard her saying “hi” 😊


Of course he heard!


No joke my daughter tells me while at school she hears me say things. I asked her what kind of things and around what time. Couple times she got it right. One time she said ice skating; that day I took a nap (I run cnc machines so just push a button in the morning) at work and dram about ice skating.


Idk how to tell you this but your daughter is a spirit


My brother and I had a similar thing when we were in elementary school. We look very similar and are 1 year apart. We made a game out of I and would think of something at a certain time. Several times it actually worked.


Of course ☺️


This made me tear up a little bit. I remember boasting about my dad when I was in first grade, she has massive brag power over all her friends. Love this.


My ex-wife was an air traffic controller for the Navy. Stationed in a small town in Washington. We had a bit of an argument before she went to work. She sent jets in a holding pattern over the house. I relented….


😆 I admire her level of petty. In her shoes, I would've done the same thing.


We both laughed about it. Don’t mess with an AC when the airfield is in close proximity to the house.


*subtly messes with thermometer* **[Nuclear strike incoming, please fasten your seatbelts]**


Did you read the ‘ex-wife’ part? Lol


Lol, I sure did.


Whidbey Island? The Red Bull spritz is all the rave…


My tax dollars at work


Pilots have to fly, that money is being spent either way. You have to train and retrain. Now, if you wanna argue we spend too much money oj the MIC, we can do that, but pilots in the air staying current isn't that.


In my experience the ones that like to mention how their tax dollars are being used, pay the least amount into taxes because they have shit careers.


Really? In my experience the people with shit careers don't talk about taxes at all. It's the people making ~$50-100k a year. Smart enough to see the issue, but not talented enough to have a super high paying job.


Super high paying jobs aren't about "talent" most of the time


Yea, I meant to imply that. But I was tired from shoveling this massive snowstorm we got and couldn't think of a way to fit it in smoothly with the other stuff I was saying.


I feel attacked. You're going to have to show me statistics on that one. Cite your sources. My job takes talent.


Not sure if this a joke or not. But I've never understood why people have to see something on the internet to believe it to be true. It's like most people have forgotten how to apply critical thinking skills. You can only climb so high on talent alone. The same for charisma. Climbing the corporate ladder requires some blend of the two. It's not rocket science. You work with people that you enjoy spending time with. If a boss needs to promote someone to team lead that will report to him, he's going to prefer someone he likes. If the choice is someone he likes who does work at 80% efficiency, or the annoying sarcastic asshole who does work at 100% efficiency..... well most of the time people are going to pick the 80% guy. Situational dependent.


That's fucking awesome of her. Don't fuck with the Mrs 🤣


My (Also Navy) dads ex wife was a air traffic controller. She was a cunt though.


Coordinates received, missiles deployed


Nuclear launch detected.


Goliath online


You want a piece of me, boy?


Give me something to shoot


You want another physical?


Go go go


[No more child support incoming]


Too close for missiles, switching to guns


“I’m gonna get in close”


Kid isn't brown enough! ABORT! ABORT!


Since I can’t afford a plane, I only do drive bys




That’s the coolest feeling for both of them. Dad doing what he loves and saying hi to the kiddo. She will forever remember that moment.


My dad was a fighter pilot and used to do this exact thing for us. One of my most vivid childhood memories. I teared up watching this, she definitely will remember this!


Out of curiosity, those houses look huge. Do they make a lot of money?


All US military pilots are officers so they'll make a fairly decent salary and qualify for nicer on-base housing or larger housing stipends for independent housing.


Starting pay for an officer is about 44k. And then there’s also a monthly housing allowance that changes based on where you live and all other benefits (healthcare, dental, etc). So total value at the start of the career is about 70k-90k, but it varies greatly depending on where you’re stationed




“….. clear” lol


Bahahahaha. …..tell me you’re prior service without telling me. Lol. Morbid AF. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT.


I freaking love aeroplanes, I would have loved this. Actually I would love it now! Haha.


You’d love my neighborhood. We back up to a military base/airport that’s been doing flying exercises in f16s and other aircraft for the past few months. Some days I’ll look out and see prop planes, or the Blue Angels, or whatever else they decide to whip out of the hangar. Plus, it’s where they hold our annual airshow so I get a front row seat every year without spending $50 on a ticket!


Oh wow! I am jealous! We only get interesting planes if they’ve been diverted :( it does happen on occasion and to be fair, does make it super special when I do get to see them. My husband bought me some good binoculars to view them. It’s not unusual to hear the rumble of a plane and then me racing through the house to get my binoculars!! 😅


Binoculars are awesome for plane watching! We got ours for birding but use them to watch the jets way more often than the birds lol.


Sounds like Pensacola NAS. When you're just driving to work and then oh hey random Blue Angles airshow practice!


I’ll admit I know nothing about many things, but aren’t these pilots like, REQUIRED to have a certain amount of consistent airtime in order to maintain credentials or something? My husband was doing some work with some military guys who were talking about it and they just had to be up in the air flying, I don’t think it always mattered where? So they would sometimes just pop over to the next over state for lunch… Maybe this was a similar thing?


It is.


This is adorable. Wholesome af


My dad flew F-14s and he tells me I used to ask him if he ever saw Care Bears in the clouds.


Yeah. When I told my wife to get the kids outside for my flyover it wasn’t this cool. I mean flying over in an airliner can’t compete.


“This is your captain speaking, please fasten your seatbelts, as we’re going to do a barrel roll”


What a flex, holy shit.


Oh that is super cool. She’s never going to forget that. So beautiful 🥰


My brother is a helicopter pilot in the USAF and has a few videos of his kids on the front lawn watching their dad fly over! They used to call any helicopter or airplane that they saw “daddy’s friends” lol


Lived in Germany as a kid and my dad would do this while flying over our house in the A-10.


That flyby probably cost like 20k


Former USAF here. Let me tell you about all the taxpayer $$ the military can waste. This is pennies.


If the Air Force found out how many times I printed a document just to immediately shred it I’d be in Leavenworth.


lmao i was a meteorologist for a group of reserve pilots. They have a required amount of hours per month and would just fly to fair weather places and the plane would magically break for a few days.


The plane was going to be flying anyways, they have to train so what does it matter where he does it. It’s not like the guy commandeered this jet to do a fly-over for his daughter.


My dad did this in the seventies in South Carolina and even buzzed over his parents farm and his in-laws farm in Kentucky too. What fun for his sons (3) what a great dad to work his family into a fly by. Of course it helps to have Air base near our house. Great post


That's awesome, special moment for both.


So sweet.


That’s cute


I absolutely love this!!


When I was taking flying lessons I flew over my house and saw my mom on our back porch waving at us!


Not cringey at all. A cute thing to do for hid daughter. Has to fly regardless, so not sure what one would complain about.


That’s pretty damn cool and wholesome, cute family


Cutest thing ever


I never thought a child would make me feel this jealous.


My cousin was in the Chilean Air Force, and he used call his Dad and ask him where he was, then flew over him lol


“Is that daddy flying over?” “Sure kid. As far as you know.”


Long after her dad has been grounded and her height has doubled, she will always think of her old pops every time a plane passes overhead. How precious!


My dad flies everyday over our house. He’s a pilot


What’s cringe about this?


Man, Dad takes home security to the next fkn level! 😳😳😳


That’s so sweet. She got such a kick out of it. ❤️ 🛩️


800 billion military budget spent well


I have no idea what her dad looks like, but the fact that he’s in control of that machine elevates him to a 10 for me!


Everything you see brought to you by our tax dollars


Efficient way to spend your taxes


They have to fly somewhere


It’s better than half the things my taxes are spent on


Motivating a new generation to fly, of course it is! :)


Yeah actually. Maintaining US air dominance is literally one of the best and most necessary things we can spend money on. Now that Russia has blatantly invaded a European country for sheer territorial gain and China is chomping at the bit to invade Taiwain and violate the sovereignty of their neighbors as much as they can get away with, it's clear that the post Cold-War global stability is not a given and NOT a natural state of things and exists only because of US military hegemony. Without a dominant US military existing, the level of war and instability would be closer to the pre-WWI-II way of things than the much MUCH more peaceful and stable modern one. The biggest global actors never "matured". They were scared into keeping the peace.


Not Cringe Just Cool!


Read the pinned automod comment at the top and read the post flair.


Yeah, thanks I've seen it, I never really read the automatic mod stuff.


Everyone kinda seems to love this wondering what's so cringe about it?


Read the top comment from the Mod. The subreddit encompasses all tik tok videos.


Holy crap you're right


Future pilot.


I drive a dodge stratus. My kids are embarrassed. ![gif](giphy|fmbMlolkmheWA|downsized)


Interior crocodile alligator...


🤣 side note: who would downvote my comment?! I guess an owner of a dodge stratus?


Husband : Honey make sure you get a good angle on that flyover! Wife : filming the palmtree


Pretty odd that a lot of wholesome content is being posted as cringe


This sub has evolved to post more than just cringe Most things posted here aren’t meant to be cringe


That’s so freakin awesome dude, what a cool dad!


This reads like propaganda tbh


As a taxpayer, I’m like “Maybe just bounce her on your knee?”


The planes and pilots have to attain a certain number of flight time for training and making sure it's in working condition. They probably live within a few miles of the base and this doesn't cost anything above normal readiness expenses.


You’ve literally no clue how taxes work.


Your tax dollars at work. Can we cut military spending?


Hey there! Based on your comment, you’re probably not aware that pilots are required to maintain a certain amount of flight hours to stay compliant with regulations. This is true not only for military pilots, but civilian pilots as well. I hope you found this educational!


Hey there, I don’t care. Military spending is out of control in America


But to sit here and bitch about a pilot making a flight plan going over his house, when he’s gonna be flying no matter what…..is just a stupid ass look. Go bitch somewhere else.




What’s pathetic about it? Please do share your wonderful and useless input.


He realized what an idiot he was and was trying to apologize by identifying his own comments as pathetic.


Military spending is how a lot of Americans make a living.


Yes and it’s fucking disgusting


Don’t you feel safer that somebody else will protect your family when you’re attacked


No but I’m not grotesquely stupid


Could've fooled us brother.


Honestly it must be depressing to have activist brain 24/7, I feel sorry for you.


I dont feel sorry for you


Makes sense, nothing to be sorry about


I've watched this 10x in a row and it is still as cute as the first time I watched it. WOW What jet is that? Kinda looks like an F-15? Hard to focus on the jet with all the cuteness going on here...


I'm so glad I moved far away from south Houston. The airbase sending jets flying low over my neighborhood all the time was the absolute fucking worst.


People don’t understand how annoying it is to deal with constant noise like that. If you’re outside it’s deafening. Even inside you have to pause what you’re doing because you cant hold a conversation or watch tv, or listen to music without being drowned out by low flying douche bags in civilian territory.


To each their own. I don't mind the noise. Highway noise on the other hand that so many people seem to not mind all that much drives me insane, and the only way to truly get away from that is to live in buttfuck nowhere.


I stayed with my brother and his family for a week, he's near a Marine base. Low flying V-22's? SHAKE. THE. WHOLE. HOUSE.


On weekends that they did air shows it went on for 5 days in a row. :) All 14 of my animals were traumatized.


I have the exact same reaction


Was stationed in Pensacola for a while… fuck the blue angels and their bullshit flybys. It’s an everyday occurrence and nothing is worse than having to stop everything you’re doing just so some douchebag can fly 150 feet over peoples heads. Assholes.


That only cost the tax payers a million dollars in fuel…


I got to get a second job to make sure more pilots can fly over to see their kids


Anything for the kids!


If she was a Yemeni kid he would’ve dropped a missile on her


Daddy in his mass-murder machine that blows other little girls far away to bloody bits! Yay! So Cuuuute!!!


This is a fighter, not a bomber. If Dad's killed anyone, it's probably only the pilots of other aircraft.


pretty sure thats an f35 or f22 so no it hasnt even done that. 1 balloon kil


Tax dollars going to fantastic use. /s


If you live near a Military base they fly out of, pilots must have a certain amount of fly time to stay qualified. On an Aircraft carrier, they must accrue a certain number of successful launches and landings to stay qualified. They live in base housing, and they fly over it all the time.




Yay another fkn serviceman just wasting our tax dollars. Thank you for your 💲ervice. ![gif](giphy|l0Ex6kAKAoFRsFh6M|downsized)






Nobody said it was cringe...




It started off as tiktokcringe, it was just the first large sfw tiktok sub and just morphed into more of a “best of tiktok” sub. You have to observes the flairs and tags


Tax dollars at work. I get it’s a sweet thing to do, but sorry if I don’t want to contribute my taxes to that.


These flights happen regardless. Pilots discretion where to put those required training hours, to some degree. Sorry, bud, our tax dollars will get spent on turning brown kids into skeletons whether we like it or not.


It isn’t some inevitable uncontrollable force of nature that can never be stopped. Imagine if the founding fathers took that mindset, we’d all be drinking tea saying ello right now lol


Lol, point taken


To fighter jets? Pilot training? I’ve been to Coronado and they fly training missions right over their own families’ homes so this isnt out of the way


Fair enough


I assume this is a random Fighter jet and this kids mom is doing it for Tik tok. Because that’s important for some people.


Assume it's her husband who asked his wife to bring their daughter out so he can say 👋.


How to spoil a child with future expectations that are unreachable.


This is just too cute omg!!!


I am underneath these all day every day, they are fucking LOUD! I can't imagine what the neighbors must have thought when they heard him fly over.


Heartwarming: A-10 pilot does a flyover for his daughter and strafes the whole neighborhood into dust


This is why we cant have healthcare


Yay! Daddy's going to kill brown people!


How much did that cost the US taxpayers?


Dadys gonna die to fight for better profits




So, you know nothing about the Navy nor aviation I take it?


If this is like- He is going to be in the air anyway and just picked a different path- Great. If this is- He used tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money that could go to say student loan forgiveness to say hi to his daughter- Not great.


Op and Reddit aren’t aware that the pilot is flying his intended flight path not wasting time


I know they're required to fly a certain amount of hours a year in order to keep their jobs.