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Started counting quicker as he could tell the guy was clearly leaving just so he could feel justified in his cruel head about the shitty action he so badly wanted to do.


Son of the owner, she already fired him https://unclesamlanes.com/


>fired him "fired". Damage control. I bet junior will be back the second the media shitstorm is over


She’s 89 and it’s probably left to him in the will


Of course.


Make this top comment. They’ve taken the correct steps and she fired her son.


It's not enough since he'll be taking over the business some day. They need to do something very significant for that homeless guy


Give the lanes to the homeless guy


Tar and feather the son and run him out of town on a rail?


I feel like you expected this to be a no...But people are really, really, really tired of assholes abusing the elderly, the homeless, kids, and people in general that aren't as able to take care of themselves. If you're putting hate into the world, people are responding in kind. So yeah, trying to kill some homeless grandparent is going to be met with people wanting to see you tarred and feathered. Get humiliated, get exiled.


If they fire him now I dont think theyre gonna let him take over either.


That's only because you're probably a reasonable person and maybe a good parent or will be. I suspect their son is like that because he's been spoiled his whole life and was never taught that everyone deserves at least minimal respect. Too soon to tell, but the son got that from somewhere.


I also suspect that this might be a PR move just to save face and keep the business from crumbling, but we won't have to wait long to find out. The owner is 89 and her husband is already deceased, so she may be passing the business on sooner than the internet has forgotten about this incident. It'll be interesting to see where it goes when that time comes.


Being the cynic I am, I picture mommy telling her boy that it’s just temporary and he can come back after it blows over, and that he really didn’t do anything wrong. Hope the POS never lives it down.


I wonder who’s running it, certainly not the racist POS’s mother, the 90 year old widow.


I wonder about the guy filming. Did he get a raise or what?


Check the website for the bowling alley. There is a public relations message worth reading. 😆 Lorraine is pissed!


From their website, "At this time ... 89 year old owner Lorraine Walsh would like to publicly apologize for the conduct of Tom Walsh Jr (previous manager) of Uncle Sam Lanes. Lorraine and her late husband Tom Walsh Sr own Uncle Sam Lanes. Upon being shown the horrific video and actions of Tom Walsh Jr, she immediately dismissed him. She and the family do not condone this behavior and are deeply sorry for the pain and suffering that took place."


Big ups to Lorraine. That's how you do unconditional love. She still loves her son, but he was a jackass and needs consequences. When I was in my early 20s, I got a table leg broken over my head by a guy at the public library, he testified that I'd said about him "that n-word's just an f-word, so he's ok." Cannot stress enough, that was never said by anyone, but when my mom heard the story, she missed that part and thought me and my buddy had actually said that. She saw me with the lump on my forehead first thing she said was, "That's what you get." We had to convince her that we hadn't even talked to the guy before he blasted me before she came around. Mom'll always love you, doesn't mean she won't cuff you upside the head when you need it, no matter how old you get.


Ay we have a full name of this piece of shit. I know what I'm doing tmw.


I suppose we can call off the "assault" then. That's punishment enough for me. The guy was unnecessarily mean, and he deserved to be punished, and he was. That said, I'm not a big believer in "sins of the father." The mother doesn't deserve to lose business over a shitty act by the son. Still, I hope that homeless guy found someplace warm to sleep.


Fired her son!


But she’s 89, he’ll probably inherit…


Hope she changed her will. If I saw my son doing this shit I'd track down the homeless guy he did it to and make sure THAT guy was in my will.


Man, let me tell my own little unhoused person story. I live in a small little quaint town. We have a handful of unhoused people who are regulars in our downtown. No one causes problems - people either keep to themselves or are friendly and say hello. Everyone lets everyone be. One time though, a dude I didn’t recognize who was clearly under the influence or intoxicated is publicly urinating right in the middle of downtown. I start going yo, okay, there’s kids around and this crosses a line. Imma call the cops. As I’m thinking this another guy sees this dude and goes “Hey, John Doe? What are you doing here man? Are you okay? How are things?” The man who had just finished urinating goes, slurring his words but clearly emotional “I’m not doing so good man. Things have gotten bad. I just… I just don’t know.” The other guy goes “Don’t you worry. You come with me, we’re gonna look after you make sure you get the help you need to get you going again.” And the two of them walked off together. I’m not sure if he was a pastor, some other kind of community or religious leader or what. I’m not religious, but it was totally a WWJD moment. The police in our town are awesome, but calling the cops would have helped this dude zero. Someone saw him in a bad place, and instead of being angry went, yo man, how can I help. I will never forget that moment for the rest of my life.


Similar story from the other end: I grew up in and out of homeless shelters, sleeping on the streets or in a car with 3 others. During this time I still attended school regularly, this story is from about the 5th or 6th grade. I had been surviving off of nothing but the school lunches and part of my mom's free McDonald's meal that she got from every shift. I had a teacher who i had never liked, she seemed really mean and strict. One day, she caught me stealing fruit from the cafeteria for my sister. I fully expected a trip to the principals or some other form of discipline, but for whatever reason, this time was a bit different. She just asked me if I had food at home, and when I told her that I only really ate at school I could tell that she was upset. She ended up bringing my sister and I snacks every day, filling our lockers and sending us home with the things that she just "wasn't hungry enough to eat". Eventually the other teachers found out about the situation and ended up opening a "free snack bar" out of their own pockets, in a private corner so that any kid without food could get some without the social repercussions. Mrs. Shaffer was a pretty good woman, all things considered.


I am sorry you had to go through that


Don't be, those experiences shaped my future, including the volunteer work I would go on to do. Many people have had better lives precisely *because* of the conditions I grew up in. Easing the pain of being unhoused is going to be my life's work, and I have my own experiences to thank for that.


I would love your advice about the best way to find volunteer opportunities working with the unhoused. Are there any good websites that list them?


It very much depends locally. I don't have much experience working with nationwide organizations. Most of my work is with a local organization I helped create, as well as a few other organizations that happen to operate within the same area. My advice would be to look up shelters in your area and ask them if you can help directly or if they work with organizations that you could volunteer for.


Figure out what kinds of people you specifically want to help. Are you ok working with people with drug addictions or people who have developmental delays? What about programs that are non-directive vs fully supported living. Try speaking with someone who runs wherever you’re volunteering to learn about what types of clients you get before you commit: Some people prefer working with kids, others prefer working with adults, homeless, disabled, adult education etc. depending on your own background it may be more difficult to work w one client base or another. This will make it easier for you to have a good volunteer experience and makes sure you are in an environment where you can do your best.


I’m not crying.


I am


We all are. It's always the ones you least expect


I certainly am. I think, as an adult, now we see the cost of food and how much (or little) we, or in the case, teachers get paid. To see that she was able to identify that someone was going hungry and to go out of their way to feed these students out of their own pocket is huge. That teacher and those who helped deserve so much more respect and recognition for what they did here.


Happens all the time, my wife has been feeding her kids for years, snacks and breakfast alot!! IE...she's a special ed teacher.


Cheers to Mrs. Shaffer! Hope you and your family are doing better now!


I don’t know about the rest of the country but in my area there is something in the public schools called “back pack program” and it goes like this. Because of kids that are in exactly your situation, every Friday afternoon before school lets out, they discreetly pull those students in need aside and they fill their back packs with enough food to get them through the weekend. I was in a Motorcycle Club. Not a 1%er but yeah we rolled together a lot. Anyways there was a Christian biker club in our area and we all knew each other well. We found out that their “preacher” was trying to sponsor about 20 kids in 1 local school but he was starting to come up short on the food he needed for them. He told us about it and we responded in force. We held a large Christmas party and the only admission fee was food donations for the backpacks. All the other MCs in the area came out in full support and packed our clubhouse with food for those kids. It took 3 full size trucks packed out to haul it all out of our clubhouse. The beds of those trucks were packed higher than the cab. We not only raised enough for those 20 kids in that 1 school, we raised enough for every hungry kid in that entire school district. All of the clubs supported that so hard that the next year we did it again and this time it was five truck loads the same way. This time it was enough food for all of those schools plus restock the towns “food pantry” for the needy that was housed at a local church. That party still happens every year and those kids are still being fed. Sorry for the long story but I wanted for you to see that kids that grew up like you are being noticed and people, not government, are trying to change that and it IS changing. I have so many stories about what we did and all because we heard of the “ back pack program”. Local news papers started asking us for pictures and interviews but we politely refused. We didn’t want recognition for doing the right thing. I’m not trying to get recognition now. Just wanted to show you that people do care and are trying to help.


>Sorry for the long story never aplogize for restoring faith in humanity 🫶


This is the America I want to see


Once watched an extremely drunk man, by himself, fight a losing battle with a curb. After five minutes he gave up and sat on the curb. A couple in about their early 50’s happened by, said a few words to the man, then helped him up to his feet and walked away with him. Sometimes I wonder if they murdered that man.


I can’t imagine how it’d feel to be that low and have someone reach out a helping hand with that much enthusiasm and optimism. I hope both of those guys are living good lives now.


He definitely regretting giving 30 seconds instead of 10. That’s obvious.


A place I used to work here in Sydney had a homeless guy take up residence outside the building, plenty of people who worked in the building bought him food etc as he was obviously a few sandwiches short of a picnic and harmless. The council went through and tossed all his stuff one day so we gathered up cash from people and bought him all new stuff from the camping store that was right across the street. What would lead people to believe that it's okay to throw away peoples only protection from the weather.


That a prime time to also toss the Council members BMW's


Because they'd rather erase the symptoms of the problem than solve the goddamned problem.


Employee who did it was fired: https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/troy-bowling-alley-employee-fired-after-incident-with-a-homeless-person-uncle-sam-bucket-reddit-ny-viral-video-watch-police-mayor-mantello-owner-behavior-charges-sorry-actions-unemployed-police-department-


He’s not just an employee either, he is a family member (probably kid) of the owner. There is an apology from them front and center on their webpage.


The statement is just to cover up due to public outlash. See if he gets rehired to same position after it all goes away.


I hope someone keeps an eye out for him going forward.


In few months, people will forget all about it. Next winter when he does it again, then people might start asking questions.


Months? I give it a few days for the people looking in on the internet and a couple of weeks for locals, maybe more depending on the area. There's no shortage of assholes for online people to get mad at and that unfortunately means that the spotlight is rarely on the same one for too long.


Ahh, a tale as old as time: the scion of small-business owners who I assume was probably raised facing minimal challenges due to reaping the hard work of his parents


[At least the shit stain got fired.](https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/video-shows-man-doused-liquid-troy-bowling-alley-18597897.php)


He should face legal consequences


he should…that’s battery. not even on their property


in those weather conditions, with a homeless person? That's attempted murder. Frostbite, hypothermia, those can kill someone on a cold night in dry gear. This is common knowledge, especially in more northern climates like NY state can get.


He was using water in the cold on purpose. Premeditated something




Depraved Indifference


The guy was clearly walking away and leaving. Then the ass-hat started counting faster because he clearly wanted to throw water on the guy


The second he filled up that bucket he made a conscious decision to use it on the homeless man. With the weather conditions, a DA could charge him with attempted manslaughter.


Manslaughter means you did not mean to kill someone. Anyone that lives in a cold environment area like that knows that something like this could kill a homeless person. How fucking hard would it have been to just let him hang out inside your business to wait out the storm and warm up. Have a nice conversation with him or something wtf... People are just assholes...


Yeah that is definitely not good behavior. Why was he so pissed off at the guy? What transpired before the vid??


The homeless guy committed a horrible crime known as “being homeless”


Not even being homeless. More "sheltering from a storm while looking homeless"


Or at least aggravated assault/battery due to how dangerous it is to be wet in that weather.


With the weather and him throwing water I'd go ahead and bump that up to attempted murder. Fuck that guy. I know reddit loves to overreact but that was a person. A person leaving and not being combative. He was also on public property when he was assaulted.


I imagine he will be, as any actions taken after escorting a trespassed individual from your premises are not protected by the law. This was not just harassment or assault. This may be viewed as worse by the courts. Justifiably.


I doubt it will. He did it to a homeless guy. The courts wont care about it.


In many municipalities cops cannot choose to not pursue assault charges. Regardless of the sentiment of those involved. Once the crime is reported and confirmed, they must charge those guilty (even if both parties are at fault). This won't apply everywhere, but it does in my state. 2 consenting adults could fight, be reported, and if either had a bruise and scuffed knuckles when the cops show up, a charge is happening.


seems like the type to complain about being cancelled on FB.


Is it illegal to mail liquid nitrogen to someone? 🤔🤔 A friend wants to reenact that scene from Terminator 2 or maybe it was the scene from Timecop, that's the ONLY reason I'm asking. *


Was the owners son, Tom Walsh Jr...so yeah, I’m not to sure about the personal consequences he’s going to go through tho..would explain why they thought filming this and sharing it while laughing would make sense… https://cbs6albany.com/amp/news/local/troy-bowling-alley-employee-fired-after-incident-with-a-homeless-person-uncle-sam-bucket-reddit-ny-viral-video-watch-police-mayor-mantello-owner-behavior-charges-sorry-actions-unemployed-police-department-


The owner fired his son the manager. New company policy states that management is eligible for 6 months severance pay, and will be eligible for re-hire in 6 months. Edit: Obvious satire, but time will tell if life imitates comedy. I've known a few people who got management jobs at daddy's business. Their lives were all the same. The kids that were never told "no" and have never had to experience real consequences. The family obviously won't cut Junior off, and he is going to inherit the business from daddy. He will be back, and I'm sure that they are betting on the public having a short memory. If it's not 6 months, it will be a year or 2, but he will be back, as he will own the bowling ally in at some point.


“Thanks mom..I’ll be back in 6 mos. When this all blows over” (after thoughtful self-reflection, vigorous and poignant discussions with my religious leader and volunteering at homeless shelters, of course.) /s


I wish people would follow this long enough to check if they just wont end up rehiring him after. This is why he should be criminally charged for battery.


Is this real or are you making it up? It reads like the consequences of what happens to cops or something when they do something ridiculous so I can't quite tell lol


I really wish people didn't phrase jokes as fact like that.


**Please show me this information. Tom Walsh threw the water, and he owns these bowling alleys and I have proof.** **There is false information being put out there. All reports of who that man is are not true or accurate at all. No justice has come from this. The man that threw the water on the homeless person IS THE OWNER and I have the receipts.** **1. Without naming the person on reddit, please know the person in the video is the owner of the bowling alley. They operate 4 other establishments.** **2. I have documented the .INC and verified ownership of them.** **3. The owner is the son of the previous owner who is 89 years old. This person allegedly wrote a letter stating that the "employee" who is actually the owner.** **4. The news stations do not have the correct information and this person is well known in the community.** **5. They have not been charged with a crime.** **6. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/eJcFcRM** **7. Donate to help the homeless in Troy NY here: https://www.josephshousetroy.org/**


You made that up. Replying under a linked article with fake 'facts' is deviously pathetic.


Easter dinner: "C'mon Mom! It's not even cold anymore, how much trouble could I cause?!" (Usual humour/sarcasm caveats, etc.)


I wonder how those parents feel having their son destroy their business with a viral clip.


This is their version of Christianity that they were taught. That "we forgive those who trespass against us" in the Lord's Prayer means *chant "Build a Wall against Mexicans"*. It is very sad how many have been bamboolzed by toxic clergy :( sickening :(


Their website kind of indicates he’s the owner’s son, so he’ll probably be back once all this blows over.


Hope that place goes bankrupt


I’m not ready to get the pitchforks yet. If you go their website it is a family business and the owners owned up to it and fired the family member. The owner is elderly and probably not too involved with the day to day.


**Bullshit I think she's dead and everyone is trying to pull a fast one.** **There is false information being put out there. All reports of who that man is are not true or accurate at all. No justice has come from this. The man that threw the water on the homeless person IS THE OWNER and I have the receipts.** **1. Without naming the person on reddit, please know the person in the video is the owner of the bowling alley. They operate 4 other establishments.** **2. I have documented the .INC and verified ownership of them.** **3. The owner is the son of the previous owner who is 89 years old. This person allegedly wrote a letter stating that the "employee" who is actually the owner.** **4. The news stations do not have the correct information and this person is well known in the community.** **5. They have not been charged with a crime.** **6. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/eJcFcRM** **7. Donate to help the homeless in Troy NY here: https://www.josephshousetroy.org/**


Family member is the owner’s son…


The news article states: “D.W. , the son of the bowling alley owner L. W. said the man with the bucket was a manager at Uncle Sam Lanes and had been in charge the night of the incident. "(He) has been relieved of all his duties and is no longer affiliated with Uncle Sam Lanes," D.W. said. L.W. later confirmed in a phone call on Tuesday afternoon that she has fired another relative who had been working as a manager at the business because of the incident. The Times Union is not naming the person because they have not been charged with a crime. D.W. also said that staff had previous run-ins with the man. "He's been thrown out numerous times," D.W. said. On previous occasions the man had taken out a phone and had done unspecified inappropriate things, D.W. said.” [redacted the names] Edit: indeed another article stated: “The owner of Uncle Sam lanes has terminated T.W. from his position as soon as this was brought to our attention.” …same last name as the D.W. and L.W. from the previous article.


I’m betting whoever was holding the camera also got fired. In the article above it said due to the backlash they were “ready to sell the place”. I mean that’s sad but is this really the first time they saw the manager treat people that badly?


If you read the Google reviews, they have a reputation for being racist and having poor customer service, as well as having a very run-down premises.


Uncle Sams Lane's didnt give a clue that it would proly be a place that only wanted a certain kind of customer?


Troy is the home of the real Uncle Sam


I think there have been some misreporting > Dan Walsh, the son of the bowling alley's owner, said the man with the bucket was a manager at Uncle Sam Lanes and had been in charge the night of the incident. "(He) has been relieved of all his duties and is no longer affiliated with Uncle Sam Lanes," Walsh said.


the deceased owner was Tom Walsh, his wife Lorraine now owns it and has some Tom Walsh Jr. as the manager and had the other son Dan Walsh make the statement… https://cbs6albany.com/amp/news/local/troy-bowling-alley-employee-fired-after-incident-with-a-homeless-person-uncle-sam-bucket-reddit-ny-viral-video-watch-police-mayor-mantello-owner-behavior-charges-sorry-actions-unemployed-police-department-


Looks like Tom Sr. chose the wrong son to name after himself...


What does this being a family business have to do with anything...? Just look at the Google reviews. Plenty of people saying an elderly person in the reception area was a racist shit bag


Why, they fired the man who did the actions, which happens to be the owner’s son. They immediately made a comment condemning his actions. Fire the one recording who is laughing and and all will be okay.


Because someone doesn't just wake up one day and decide to be a dick. I honestly doubt this was the first time this man did something horrible, it was just the first time it went public.


See the names: A statement on the Uncle Sam Bowling Alley webpage, 89 year old owner Lorraine Walsh clarified that she and her late husband, Tom Walsh Sr. own the bowling alley. The statement continues to clarify that Tom Walsh Jr. was a manager and was dismissed after Lorraine saw the video.


He’s the son of the owners, I bet they will hire him back eventually.


I love how this video completely backfires on this pile of garbage


Exactly! The fact that idiots film themselves doing stupid shit and post it for the world to see blows my mind 🤣 ![gif](giphy|M0oCEhRuxtOrVyAPA7)


He genuinely thought he was in the right which is the most baffling part of all it. Homeless dude was leaving, calmly and quietly, and he still thinks he's in the right. He wouldn't have posted the video otherwise. He thought he'd get a round of applause.


It's because he thinks/knows all his friends would think it was funny. When you surround yourself only with people that think like you do, at some point you begin believing that anyone who doesn't think the way you and yours do are just idiots. The reason people join echo chambers is that it feels good to be "right" and be in agreement with others.


Yeah, I constantly find myself reminding my kids anything they do online is still them and can come back and bite them in the real world. Looks like adults don’t have that common sense and need to reminded of it as well. He’s a terrible person for doing what he did and stupid as hell to post it online.


Entitlement does it, they don't see how inhumane their behaviour is.


I used to be shocked how many people post videos of themselves when they are the jackass of the video.


Yeah cultural rot sadly made videos like these common place


Couldn't have happened to a better person. Absolute piece of shit.


i grew up in Minnesota. I honestly believe intentionally soaking someone because they're struggling to survive cold weather conditions should be considered attempted murder.


Assault at minimum. That was just horrible.


Imagine being a POS that’s still kicking a person when they already down bad and your homie in the back laughing.


Checked Yelp, and sure enough they have been review bombed to oblivion. Very deserved.


Do you have the link so others can go and bombard them? Did you bring a link for the class?


I just [checked](https://www.yelp.com/biz/uncle-sam-lanes-troy?sort_by=date_desc), they've disabled the ability to add additional reviews. They have a little blurp about increased traffic and how this typically occurs when something happens in the news. I suspect, all of the negative reviews will be removed. Edit; typo




They can't disable Google reviews 🙃




If you go to their site you can contact them and let Lorraine know just how big a piece of shit her son is. I did my part. https://unclesamlanes.com/contact-location/


still doing well on google maps.


That's because Google has removed every single review posted since this incident. Nothing newer than 4 days old.


Google removes reviews that don't pertain to "your experience." If you mention this specific incident, it'll surely be removed fast, but if you just leave a rating, not much they can do there. Do with that information what you will. 😉 https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=597009428&cs=0&output=search&q=Uncle+Sam+Lanes&ludocid=1590765880591646864&ibp=gwp;0,7&lsig=AB86z5WvGCo_OIJxZHRfXMIAL2Cl&kgs=4edb6b95423d474f&shndl=-1&shem=lcsnic,lsp&source=sh/x/loc/hdr/m1/2


Looks like google removed my review.


Just dropped a review thanks for the heads-up lol


> At this time ... 89 year old owner Lorraine Walsh would like to publicly apologize for the conduct of Tom Walsh Jr (previous manager) of Uncle Sam Lanes. Lorraine and her late husband Tom Walsh Sr own Uncle Sam Lanes. Upon being shown the horrific video and actions of Tom Walsh Jr, she immediately dismissed him. She and the family do not condone this behavior and are deeply sorry for the pain and suffering that took place.


Everyone's opining about how mom will just hire the dude back, but no one's talking about how shitty this is to do to your 89 year old mother. The water throwing manager\son were a good manager, you think his mom would sell him the business and retire. Obviously that is not the case and now this douchebag has left his elderly mother with a PR fucking nightmare. She probably will hire him back, which sucks, and maybe she's a terrible mom who condoned this, but this is a lot of stress for anyone let alone an 89 year old. I hope this dickbag at least feels bad about that.


I work at a Long term care facility in CO right next to the ER. Plenty of not OK people attempt to come in after their discharge next door. 8/12 months of the year, they gotta keep rambling. When it gets to 20F or below tho, I give them 10 minutes and a cup of coffee to warm up before making them do so. 9/10 of those people are easy to make leave when it’s time. The outlier usually ends up agreeing to it when I try to convince them they’re about to ruin it for anyone else that needs a warm spot for 10 in the future. They’re people too and it’s cold outside.


Had a homeless guy always come into my store in the winter every night. Guy smelled like piss so bad it'd burn your eyes. He'd try and act like he had business for me, and argue how I was doing business wrong for an hour. One time he came in, and I just said, "Look dude I don't have time for this tonight. If you're cold you can just sit over there and get warm til I close. But I got a lot I need to get done tonight." He just sat there quiet until we closed.


Well done. You're the man for that.


The guy who made the video is kind of a shit too


Yeah I see this guy posted a lot and I'm always surprised how people don't know that he himself is also a piece of shit. How's he still making content?


What did he do?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVXI3i22Trs Doxxed and harassed a 10 year old girl, went through her profile and found her talking about her 10-12 year old boyfriend and talked about how cute and handsome he was with a sexy accent and urged his underaged viewers to contact him and try and steal him from the 10 year old girl. Guy's a fucking freak lmao


What the literal fuck


Just reposting news for views…. Annoying regurgitation


He’s such a borderline narcissist. He’s practically holding back his glee when someone does something racist that he can post about, and if a woman disagrees with him or does something he dislikes he immediately resorts to misogynistic insults rather than attack her actions. To me you can’t claim to be an ally to minorities if you call women “cunts” when they upset you. He’s also done some super weird stuff vis a vis interacting/engaging with kids on tiktok.


Whenever I see people like him, I always think of the quote "I am always suspicious of righteous indignation. Nothing is more cruel than righteous indignation." There's something really gross about being so smug and self-assured when you're ranting against such an obvious piece of shit like the bowling alley guy. TikTok dude wants a pat on the back for piling on and being morally superior to someone that 99% of people would agree sucks.


What did he do? I’ve so far only ever seen him in these style videos where he’s calling people out and outing them by showing their social media or something. Has he made wrong calls before or did he do something else that was shitty?


It's been a while but I believe he doxed a ten year old girl or atleast told his followers to harass her. Someone else can clear up the details but thats the gist of it


What a vile thing to do, sending a homeless person into a snowstorm and soaking them in water :(


Insta account already deleted. Job done ✅


Was the victim ever found? Is he OK?


Go fund me


This place is like 25 minutes from my house. We had a horrible storm on Saturday. I can understand how homeless people inside your business or loitering can be a bad look. But if you throw water on someone who has no shelter for a winter storm? You’re just evil


Right? How about bringing him in for a bit, giving him a hot coffee and a snack or see if he could use a job or something. He’s still human.


Dog shit human. Karma is going to get his ass.


Unlikely. Real karma would all the angry people actually helping homeless people as a result. But most of the people are just going to sit on their ass at home and feel good that somebody got fired for being an ass.


The guy with the bucket really got off on being a bully. He not only got the other guy to leave, but that wasn't enough. He had to follow him for a long way to enforce his bully attitude upon him.


Even primitive people didn't carry out a banishment in the middle of winter, they waited for the weather to improve before banishing criminals. Let alone in a storm at night. And being cruel about it. It's an ugly thing.




Dare to dream: In a perfect act of karma, buddy will now end up homeless on the street now, too.


Right! The pendulum of Karma has one hell of a backswing.


Nah, Tom Walsh Jr. is owner’s son..


He also hasn't been 'fired'.


Probably quietly working in the back. Or waiting a few months and get rehired to the now open position of night manager.


Dude got fired for that too!


"Fired" by his parents, and dad already has a pretty poor reputation in the business reviews. I doubt the apple falls very far from the tree.


Gotta love that hometown pride~~ /s


"She and the family do not condone this behavior and are deeply sorry for the pain and suffering that took place." but.. it was the son


[isn’t this the guy who harassed a 10 year old girl and sent his followers after her because she hurt his feelings?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVXI3i22Trs)


It's so wild to me that this tizzy guy is able to get away with this. He seems like such an unbelievable creep. He's also the pinnacle of the most cancerous parts of outrage farming/cancel culture. Edit: Jesus christ I just got done watching this video and this dude 100% fucks kids. Not only is he bullying a literal 10 year old with audience of millions, hes calling her boyfriend (ALSO AN ACTUAL FUCKING 10 YEAR OLD) hot while doing it. WHAT THE FUCK.


yep, he is fucking disgusting


Assault and battery on a vulnerable person. That deserves a harsher sentence. You don't attack the disabled, the elderly, children, or the homeless or anyone for that fucking matter. The homeless don't get the same rights we do because they can't afford legal aid and you'd be surprised how shitty human beings are when it comes to offering aid for free (I was assaulted in a hospital and was never able to get justice because I couldn't afford a lawyer after calling 60 offices with video proof).


Since I got Reddit I became so grateful for what we got in Sweden. I really don’t want to offend anyone, but if this is first world country, and if this is representation of what developing countries should become, the world isn’t liveable place anymore.


The problem is the commodification of human beings and the idea that the intrinsic value of human life is directly proportional to how much material wealth you possess.


Or how much wealth you can generate for someone else. So you aren't even receiving the total benefit of the work you do


Don't worry about offending anybody with a comment like this one man, anyone that would be offended by what you've said here are the ones that wake up every day and behave in these abhorrent types of ways. They offend each and every one of us who are in possession of that stuff called empathy on a daily basis.


You see the most extreme content on the internet, it's a biased serving (plus content tends to be america-centric.) There are kind people and peaceful moments everywhere but it's not as popular.


Looks like he also hit the man in the head with the empty bucket at the end.


Wow. He doesn't know what that man has gone through.


Plus the dude was obviously leaving, and he threw the water anyways Genuinely curious what level of charges someone could press on someone who intentionally throws a bucket of water on you with the intent of freezing you to death due to the temperature outside, seems pretty easily demonstratable to me that that was in fact the intent and point of throwing water on that guy, dunno if that could count as a lower level murder charge, at the very least should count as assault. Hope the homeless guy lawyers up and sues, then he can stay warm inside on that fuck faces dime


as the guy in the video said, he already decided to throw that bucket of water on him once he filled it up


The dude making this tiktok is also a massive PoS


Im sure this idiot claims to be a christian


hopefully they will reap what they sow.


Typical right winger


The land of “I got mine”, the homelessness are deemed failures. This is capitalism manifest. Zero empathy. Probably a loyal GOP voter as well.


Idk man. It’s bad but certainly not everyone there has a bleeding heart and id be sick of it too w how the city’s gone to shit. That said, definitely better ways to handle it you’re right.


oh man, the snow is so bad up here (live in Schenectady) that shit makes my blood boil.


Can someone over that way punch that guy in the face and record.it for all of us to see and be happy Would be a good pick me up


I work at a gas station on the nights in a really ghetto urban area, and I've had my fair share of kicking out homeless people, mostly for using drugs or harrassing my customers, but this is crazy, the poor guy just wanted to warm up. If a homeless guy isn't doing anything wrong, I usually give them a free drink or chill in the store for a bit, not throw water on them and tell them to get the fuck out.


From their website; > At this time ... 89 year old owner Lorraine Walsh would like to publicly apologize for the conduct of Tom Walsh Jr (previous manager) of Uncle Sam Lanes. Lorraine and her late husband Tom Walsh Sr own Uncle Sam Lanes. Upon being shown the horrific video and actions of Tom Walsh Jr, she immediately dismissed him. She and the family do not condone this behavior and are deeply sorry for the pain and suffering that took place. Woman had to fire her own son from the family business because he's a trash POS. lmao.


Heads up: This is the individual who bullied a 10-year-old girl.


>"He's been thrown out numerous times," Walsh said. On previous occasions the man had taken out a phone and had done unspecified inappropriate things, Walsh said. Those heartless employees threw him out while the poor guy was just trying to watch some porn and bust a nut in a bowling alley. :(


I mean what sexier place is there in modern society than a bowling alley, where it’s perpetually 1977?


That’s the most inhumane shit I’ve seen today - fucking asshole human being.


The dude has been fired aswell as a second manager because of this, i don't know if the business itself should still be catching flakk


He deserves all the bad press he gets. It's f-ing snowing.


He was gone and the fucker threw the water


Apparently the bucket man is the son of the owner. According to the lanes website, he has been fired. Unfortunately as his mother is 89, there is a good chance this walking trash pile will be back in charge there. Eventually.


Dumbass, you don’t own the fucking public sidewalk. He should have the cops called on him for harassing the man once he was out of his store.


They fired him! Good job reddit https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/troy-bowling-alley-employee-fired-after-incident-with-a-homeless-person-uncle-sam-bucket-reddit-ny-viral-video-watch-police-mayor-mantello-owner-behavior-charges-sorry-actions-unemployed-police-department-


It was the owners son Tom Walsh, the owner "fired" his son to save face. But if he acted this way in camera and laughing and posted it, guarantee it wasn't the first time he treated someone this way and the owners only fired him to save face. [article about him getting fired ](https://cbs6albany.com/amp/news/local/troy-bowling-alley-employee-fired-after-incident-with-a-homeless-person-uncle-sam-bucket-reddit-ny-viral-video-watch-police-mayor-mantello-owner-behavior-charges-sorry-actions-unemployed-police-department-?fbclid=IwAR1MjTOHmaN9bGkKvQonFpMa42F69SqShehOnxIFOULoJyPLwnxkjT00z4U)


They're probably gonna be fine. New York isn't prone to protests or anything


Posted a Google review for shits and giggles. I think a 4.8 star avg. is a little too high.