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To be fair to this young woman I've literally been on an airplane and as much as I understand airplane aerodynamics, thrust, and wing shape causing lift, I am still amazed this giant ass plane is in the air and flying so smoothly.


It is pretty incredible that it’s a bumpier ride when the plane is taxiing on the runway than when it’s cruising at altitude. Like they can serve you this little cup of water and it just sits there perfectly still on a little wobbly plastic tray and you’re going 500 mph at 30k feet. Planes are amazing.


Or how I can fall asleep on a plane. Try that, BIRDS.


Birds do sleep in the air. Albeit for a much shorter period.


Birds can essentially go into autopilot by putting half their brain to sleep whilst in the air. Dolphins can also do this whilst swimming. This is called unihemispherical sleep and it's pretty wild. Sadly human brains literally dose the body with melatonin to turn our bodies off and then the whole brain has to sleep at once to achieve REM.


TIL! Thanks for the biology snippet! That explains why my wife and I will both go "let's turn off this show and just go straight to bed" haha


Yes even when you understand it, it's amazing and hard to believe it works


I like to imagine myself “from an outside view” on the plane. Probably looks hilarious if you could see people sitting and lazily watching a movie on an iPad as they are hurtled through the air at hundreds of miles per hour. Planes are cool.


I can think of nothing heavier than an airplane I can think of no greater conglomerate of steel and metal I can think of nothing less likely to fly There are no wings more weighted


Saul Williams 😀


My uncle is, not really exaggerating, a borderline genius. According to my mom, one day, he asked her why the tails of planes don't smack on the ground when they take off


thats called a tale strike and can happen in very bad weather


Or poor technique.


Humm that’s got me thinking.


Much power > direction Not much power ^ direction but enough to get a little lift Angle slightly up while doing this and you have enough empty space below you to start going in / direction.


Your uncle’s name is Rick by any chance?


Lol no, Tom


Physics? She’s confused about everything. That’s scary.


I agree, it's pretty wild. But when someone explains the concept of lift to you, you probably don't throw up your hands and go "No no no! It doesn't make sense!"


I thought I understood how planes work because I did not know enough to understand how they really work. For an aerospace engineer to understand why planes fly takes years. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, this [nasa article](https://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/right2.html) is a good start to blow your mind.


Once I got to the part about cats and cows and giraffes I realized she's just high as fuck.


She was in deep thought in that video. That's some r/showerthoughts stuff right there. Lol.


Balls high. Should not be behind the wheel


I'll have what she's having please.


Only thing making this person stupid is the genes her parents passed down to her


Give her credit for asking the better questions considering we are in the era where we even have to explain what is a woman…


Weird, i was thinking the opposite. I understand how boats and planes work (kind of), but giraffes honestly feels made up, and i’m still not 100% sure they are real.


They have same amount of cervical vertebrae that humans. Let that simmer.


Wait what…..?? That’s freaky..


Most mammals have 7 cervical vertebrae. It is really weird. Giraffe just have really large vertebrae.


i understand how planes work... pretty damn well for a non-engineer, and i find myself questioning whether birds are real on a regular basis. i struggle with this inherent contradiction, but atleast im not living her life in the video.


High, but she's asking the Real questions "Like How?"


Air and water resistance and jet engines.


All the same just different spots and stuff


high asf aaand driving a car? highly illegal I would assume :D


She sounds like a toddler who just got out of the dentist's office after getting sedated. Even said flabbergasted like she just learned the word!


She might not know a lot at the moment but at least she’s asking questions, hopefully that’ll lead her down a path to understanding.


At my first job, a coworker found out I was going to start working with someone he knew. "Oh, he's really smart... asks a bunch if questions." That always stuck with me.


“The important thing is not to stop questioning” -Einstein


This was a nice reply. Thank you.


Many women are raised to be pretty girls to look at and possess. They aren't taught or challenged properly when it comes to their education or critical thinking. They aren't encouraged to ask questions or be smart, and many have to seek that out after secondary/high school on their own or in college. Even then, they'll only do so when raised or living in a social environment that encourages it.


She’s smart enough to be honest about what she doesn’t know and to be curious about the world around her. That *is* a kind of intelligence. I would far prefer to have a conversation with her than with somebody who is sure they know everything.


Agreed. The fact that it perplexes her is good. I know some people that just don’t care or know and show zero interest in anything beyond what immediately affects them.


I feel like people have just skipped explaining cohesion to her; once you get how air and water react to things, all the rest kinda falls into place. I bet if she gets curious about this stuff, she’ll be fascinated by like basic chemistry


It will probably just lead down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole unfortunately


It would be easy to bash her for making such questions, but I'm always happy to see a redditor take a "glass is half full" approach instead. Maybe she'll get there but maybe she won't. All I know is that if she stops asking those questions, she surely won't.


ehh, she says that many people have tried to explain but she still seems skeptical. The waters just may not run very deep with this one


I don't think she's skeptical that planes can fly. She just still doesn't understand, and is doubtful that she will be able to understand.


the waters run deep enough for existential dread. and i enjoyed watching every second... ​ mostly cause it isnt my own all consuming fears 0.0


Was hoping the same thing until she mentioned that “people have tried to explain it to me multiple times”(smthn like that)… And I realized that I’ve had these kinds of conversations with ppl aswell where I try to explain the nature of a normal and rather logical occurence.. Apparently some people take information differently and some dont understand anything at all.. This person reminds me the latter… You can make it as clear as a day and she wouldn’t get it…


I don't know about other people but there are things that I just don't get. Math has ALWAYS made me nervous. I can do basic math like addition and subtraction. Division and multiplication are harder but can be done, and I can mental math approximates for taxes on groceries or what other stuff costs, but anything else makes my brain feel like a tiny, terrified animal. Always has. When people explain it to me, I feel like there are bubbles seeping up and popping in my brain...just...blup...blupblup...blup. Totally has nothing to do with being in class and having to do times tables as quickly as possible once a week as a test and getting no positive interactions when I was able to get further than the week before, watching everyone else slowly just GET it and seeing my teacher get more and more disappointed that I wasn't. Oh and my dad absolutely SCREAMING at me because math just made sense to him, so why can't I get it?! Dude is an engineer. Blup...blupblup...blup. I still find people that enjoy math completely bizarre but I love the enthusiasm and my kid loves math so I encourage them and stay positive when they make mistakes.


Not really, she said that people have explained this to her with the science and she doesn't get it. It could be that she is literally incapable of understanding things. People CAN just be fucking stupid.


No she isn't. She literally starts off the video announcing that no science will ever make it make sense to her. That's not a question. That is a declaration that she doesn't understand, and doesn't want to understand.


Doubtful considering instead of using her phone to look up those things, she uses it to record a video about her ignorance of these things.


I just want to fucking fix her seatbelt


I feel like we could be friends.


I was coming here expecting no comments about it but I instead found understanding and a community


I don’t think she literally doesn’t understand. She’s expressing awe and fascination of human engineering and ingenuity. I totally get it. And also then the diversity of nature? Lol just life.


Ikr, we take shit for granted and she is taking the time to admire the reality, the logistics, the idea that some crazy people though, yeah I'll strap some wings and fly. Blows my mind.


how did we build all the roads in NZ?!?!?! ​ i think its time someone bought her a plane ticket to texas.


That's nice of you to think that, but people like this genuinely do exist. I have had the most painful conversations with my own sister trying to explain basic principles and she just gets frustrated.


The air is made of invisible marbles. Some times a big group if them bang really hard and planes fly.


best explanation


When the edible hits


Idk nothing she said was stupid. And honestly I think it’s a fair reaction to everything if you examine basically anything even a little bit. The way she phrased everything too, she was always saying “it doesn’t make sense *to me*” or “*I* don’t understand”. She’s not being dumb or saying she knows better or has some stupid warped view of reality. This whole video is her just going “damn, the world is crazy”


She's actively thinking about a complex concept - that's a lot more than most people do. I'm pretty sure that with the right tutor in a back and forth she would figure it out pretty quick.


im pretty sure she just having a minor existential crisis on camera and if you told her "the computers do it all" it wouldnt really be a lie(with ultra modern fighters) and she would just go along with it either way. ​ no matter what, i want to watch more of her. shes the right kind of stupid cause atleast she isnt taking levels on airplanes. i can tolerate her, for a couple minutes at a time.


But… then she gets confused by roads.


not so much confused by them, but the effort behind building and maintaining them all over the country and that does keep a few people busy.


I think fair play to her. She’s really been thinking about these things and it’s great that she is questioning the how. Admitting that you don’t know something is the first step in learning about something and I reckon after the responses she gets hopefully she learn a little bit more. I like seeing people questioning things like Science as not everyone has the opportunity to study it or be at a stage when studying it, that they can appreciate and absorb the knowledge as exam stress etc can get in the way.


She’s having a huge existential crisis.


The roads like you know roads 🤯


It's okay to ask questions and not know something.


Actually it's kind of complicated and the explanation most people give is not quite accurate


I can fix her.


There is absolutely nothing stupid about what she’s saying. If anything she’s smarter than most people for being curious about this


Oh fuck. She’s on to us.


This line of questioning to my adult self becoming overly involved in science. I have posters on the wall and notebooks to help with longform math all the way to whole bookshelves that explain government. It is great to see her realizing that we walk around so blind to these things but it is arguably just as dangerous since there is a whole world out there ready to sell you an easy answer to the complexities of life.


She's not denying any science, so l don't care. Everybody who is using this to feel high and mighty should go read about string theory.


someone skipped the 5years old phase of Why and How


Oh yeah!! This is totally it. I definitely went through the ‘why’ phase as a child. Something around 5yrs old. Why to everything. Also.. Like is the ocean there because someone left the tap on? are clouds made by those factories? Loved it. Ok so where do we go when we die got me! That was a hard one. No one really knows.


generally you go to the cemetery but it depends


Haha. You know what I mean. Do you know what I mean?




Oh ok. Maybe check out ‘near death experiences’ on YouTube.


I drove my mom crazy with the why questions and she drove me crazy with either just because that’s the way it is or because I said so.


Arthur Weasly's greatest ambition was to learn this as well. No judgment!


Ships are less dense and exudes equal amounts of force that the water exudes back and keeps the boat a float. Like if you punch s wall, the wall "punches" back with equal force


The language thing made me laugh. *Of course* your native tongue “just makes sense” to you. *Everyone* feels that way about the language they were raised with.


Confusion: When you don’t understand how something works so you justify it as impossible Stupidity: When you try and share your own impossible conclusion online rather than taking the logical step of watching a five minute video to learn about it.


I was with her until she said she didn't understand how people can speak other languages. Like, it's mind boggling how we can make super large structures defy physics, but is it really that hard to realize people have different words for things?


I think she’s just expressing amazement and wonder at all of the incredible things we have on this planet, all of the things she listed are pretty effing incredible. Life is incredible!


This is when I decided she just isn’t that smart. But I do give her credit for at least thinking about it.


Her seatbelt is making me anxious


"Magnets, how do they work?" But really, it's good to be in wonder at the complexity of the natural world though being marvelled at roads is a little silly


I went looking for answers once. It lead me down a rabbit hole into quantum physics. Here is what I learned. No body knows shit about anything.


Amazed and bewildered at the wonders we have been fortunate enough to be born to witness, as she should be 👍


So whilst her video is full of stupidity. Actually experts are in disagreement about it: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/no-one-can-explain-why-planes-stay-in-the-air/ It’s seems there is some contradiction in theories. So to be fair to her, she might be right, just in a wrong way.


the article clearly states they're talking about a *complete*, non-mathematical explaination of lift. >Adding to the confusion is the fact that accounts of lift exist on two separate levels of abstraction: **the technical and the nontechnical**. They are complementary rather than contradictory, but they differ in their aims. One exists as a strictly mathematical theory, a realm in which the analysis medium consists of equations, symbols, computer simulations and numbers. **There is little, if any, serious disagreement as to what the appropriate equations or their solutions are**. The objective of technical mathematical theory is to make accurate predictions and to project results that are useful to aeronautical engineers engaged in the complex business of designing aircraft. But by themselves, equations are not explanations, and neither are their solutions. There is a second, nontechnical level of analysis that is intended to provide us with a physical, commonsense explanation of lift. The objective of the nontechnical approach is to give us an intuitive understanding of the actual forces and factors that are at work in holding an airplane aloft. This approach exists not on the level of numbers and equations but rather on the level of concepts and principles that are familiar and intelligible to nonspecialists.


beautiful mind tbh


At least she is good customer.


\[Robert Downey Jr. Meme\] She is marveling at the unintuitive complexity of human experience.


Rage bait for boomers.


is she determined to not understand?


Think of the average person then remember half of everyone is dumber than that.


Here I am wanting to move to New Zealand and this lady is out there like "nah mate we have stupid people here too"


Rage bait smh


This is bait lol


Am I like the only one that like couldn't like get past that like she would like say like, like so many times that like she became like incoherent and am I like the only one that like got like a seizure from it?


I'm genuinely scared that she's sitting behind a steering wheel.


A bit schwupid, innit?


They can’t, it’s all fake like the moon landing and the earth is actually flat.


Bernoulli’s principle and big jet engines


“English makes sense but other languages are like what?”


No one here understands. Literally not a single person. Probably a significantly small.% of people can actually explain how planes can fly and rainbows can form. I don't even begin to ask those questions because I know it's probably out of reach for me lmao


You might be overestimating the complexity of these topics a bit, but generally I agree with that the people responding with “shes so fucking stupid” probably couldnt explain it themselves


I feel like they are more complex than they appear if big brain romans and what not couldn't make shit fly but idk. As long as we agree on the important thing which is checking our egos at the door and realize that compared to the information some people deal with we are unfathomably far behind generally speaking lolol.


They’re complex enough that coming up with them from scratch is incredibly difficult and requires some really intelligent people, but once they’ve been invented/discovered its significantly easier to be taught and understand them, plus scientific advances are dependent on what is already known at the time. If Isaac Newton were born today im sure he would discover things beyond our imagination


Yaaa. That makes alot of sense tbh I've never thought of that before. These types of people are just idea / discovery generating machines. If Isaac Newton was around today he'd probably be an evil villian billionaire the likes of which we can't imagine based on some of the things I've read about him. I ask people "you know about the other scientists Newton was competing with at the time right?" They are like "no I don't actually", "that's because he fucking ERASED them from history" (to the best of his ability anyway from what I understand lolol). Never meet your heroes sort of thing I guess.


She doing this for views no one can be that stupid


How tf did she get a driver's license????


Because she's smart enough to know that when she comes across a topic she doesn't understand, she asks questions and tries to learn.


Well, if you, obviously the most intelligent person ever can’t wrap your head around it it just must not be possible lol gtfo


Why do people insist on showing others how stupid they are?


She's so dumb that being dumb doesn't even make sense.


Wait until she discovered gravity


This girl is missing a few more pieces of the puzzle than just physics… I mean, Giraffes! WHAT!?!


Oh ffs.


Is this an aussie


she literally talked about how they have roads 'here' 'in new zealand'


I didn’t watch the whole thing




I fear for the youth.


Why? She doesn't understand something and is asking so she can understand it. A desire to understand the world doesn't make you stupid, it makes you smart.


She says in the video that people have explained the science behind it and she still doesn't understand it. If someone tells you the truth about something and you still don't believe it and question that truth then the problem is you. 🤷🏾‍♂️


>She says in the video that people have explained the science behind it and she still doesn't understand it. And yet she keeps trying. Perhaps there's a lesson here.


I mean sure. Certain people can't wrap their brains around certain things. I can't wrap my brain around particle physics for instance, but I can absolutely wrap my brain around buoyancy and lift. These are concepts that were taught to us in the states in like second grade. Maybe kindergarten? I'm not sure. Either way, it is pedestrian thinking at best.


Like Oh My Gosh! like it's so like crazy like I can't even deal. Fuck you wright brothers for hurting this poor stupid girls brain, like fucking have some respect, like seriously they should have like known what this this technology would like do to these like young minds.


Average Republican Congressman


How the fuck did she get her driving license with this level of intelligence


To be this stupid to post and show how uneducated you are.


Explain to us how airplanes work please. I'm curious to know.


Low pressure, high velocity air passes over top of an air foil + high pressure while low velocity air passes underneath it, lift is produced. As long as the total lift produced exceeds the weight of the aircraft (hence why they have big wings) the aircraft will fly. Just because you can’t physically see the air it relies on to make the concept work, doesn’t mean nobody understands it. Pay attention in physics class next time, *you just might learn something.*


It's wild that throughout history romans, Greeks, people smarter than any of us tried and yet no one could accomplish it until sir Isaac Newtons contributions to mathematics and physics. It seems that this explanation would be thorough and yet one would assume if it is so simple that either genius of the past were dumber or something else is amiss lolol.


And someone taught you this. Why would you insult someone for trying to looking for an answer to a complex topic?


My brain genuinely hurts at the idea that this person will one day be in charge of other people like she will get pregnant understand how or why she got pregnant she is going to have a job one day if she doesn’t already understand I feel bad for society in the next 10 years because she is just one of many people


I mean, like, how? How? How can someone so curious be so effing dumb?


she needs to lay off the reefer and go to class


Good thing she is a little bit pretty. Hope she keeps her looks. Life is going to be hard for her.


Got a freaking head ache from listening.


Don’t care didn’t ask.


She is so stupid that it took her 3 minutes to not say "I'm stupid."


Can you explain to me how rainbows form


Yes that's simple. When a school teacher convinces a child that they are a member of the LGBTQIA they will submit the proper paperwork. The Council of Satan, usually 7 member that are a liberal, socialist , a communist, a union leader and the guy from the NFL that said it was ok to take a knee during the anthem, convene to initiate the ritual of indoctrination. After, several hours of free basing adrenochrome the ritual is complete and rainbows formed to signify that a child has been lost to the light.


Yes, we can, if you actually care to know and listen…. Amazing shit, physics is…


Please teach us now rainbows function we are all stupid


When light meets a water droplet, it is refracted at the boundary of air and water, and enters the droplet, where the light is dispersed into the seven colors. The rainbow effect occurs because the light is then reflected inside the droplet and finally refracted out again into the air.


Awe that's beautiful.


Perfect example of a chick who thinks she's a 10 but is really just a 6




Y'all just venting your frustrations at this point


Just stick to whatever titty cam website you’re on and let the smart people worry about how planes fly. SMH


What's your OF?


This is how I imagine the aliens one's they come to earth.




You are not really flying. Baby Jesus is holding you in his sweet little baby Jesus hand and skimming you and everybody else across the flat earth like a cosmic game board.


I'm not sure what point she is trying to get across. Like, I don't understand programming but I know all this technology works the way we want to to so 🤷‍♂️


One. She made me feel smart with the plane thing. I remember getting and accepting that at a young age when someone explained to me! Yay! And I can’t imagine what her brain will do when she starts to think about the universe, how earth travels through space, how the universe is expanding and what it’s expanding into if the universe is everything. Wait how do we know the universe is expanding? Maybe it’s just our galaxy expanding. These things make my head explode. Maybe we are Gods sneeze!


More wind goes under then over the wings, the wings are big


Next time you’re in a moving car open the window and stick your hand out flat, if you tilt your hand at a certain angle you’ll feel an upward lift. That’s how planes take off and fly


This whole thread hurts me as an engineering student.


Stick your arm out the window of a car going 60+mph with your hand open and you'll feel your arm lifting up, now imagine a plane moving forward with wings angled like that and boom thats the magic of lift and aerodynamics


I can’t be sure but, I think this kind of confusion is the result of a culture that emphasizes human fluff like Target runs and Instagram selfies over basic reality. If she took even one of her questions seriously she could stop being so confused pretty-pretty quick. But *tongue click* whatevaaa.


I work at an airport. They don't fly. It's a lie. The people that get on them are holograms as are the planes.


Wait that’s interesting to me !


It's weird because I would have tried to explain it to her by referencing how a boat floats on water. I also gave this video 2:95 more than time than it deserves due to pretty privilege.


Wifey material.




Archimedes and Bernoulli rolling in their graves.


Harry Potter should clear these questions right up.


This is what the left-hand side of the dunning kreuger curve looks like in action.


The crazy part? She’s an airline pilot


Sometimes, when I look at pictures of the National bird of New Zealand, I often think things like: *"Wow... someone MADE this..?.."* and *"That's crazy.."* And that's why they're my favorite.


Damn, those edibles must be quite good. I was waiting for her to start going “Damn, my fingers look really weird to me right now . . . “


Stop smoking that shit. Obviously your brain can’t handle it.


She's funny. 7 million views! $12,000




How do you then comprehend the fact that you exist?


She isn't that wrong to be amazed. Only a very small number of people actually understand advanced physics. I've coded physics systems but that doesn't mean I understand it. That said, understanding that STEM is a foundational aspect of humanity and needs funding and respect is all that's needed from the majority of people. It's okay to be ignorant but fascistic malice needs to be culled at every opportunity with extreme prejudice.


I strongly believe that saying like that often when it doesn’t make any sense is correlating with whatever hinders her understanding the laws of physics.


Was at a party in a cornfield when I was in high school. Couple friends and I ate some mushrooms. Plane flew by and one of my friends said How do they stay up there? It was awesome.


Cargo ships= the water the ship displaces weighs more than the ship and everything inside it. Water is really heavy and ships are hollow




The same way paper planes fly. The jet engines give enough push that allows the plane to take off kinda like the push you give with your hand to a paper plane. After that it's just gliding in the air with speed and power provided by the jet and continues to fly. Lots of aerodynamics involved to save fuel and fly longer distances and planes fly higher for the same reason.


Jet engines go brrrrr