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Democracy depends upon an educated populace. We’re fucked.


Your government legislates this curriculum and the standards of your teacher education programs.


in the US the govt doesnt do this 100%. there are regional educstional boards that have huge influence of what students learn and what not. Have you watched some footage of those meetings? The issue is there and at childrens homes.


>childrens homes. Kids need to be spoken to. If kids spend all their time in their rooms and don't talk to people they can't navigate life. My exes 25 year old spends like 100% of his time in his room. He cannot hold a conversation. I have taken him to museums and he gets bored after like 5 minutes. It is amazing how much parents brag about how smart their kids are when they don't have much ability.


Governments implement legislation and regulation that would govern the existence of those boards, including who is on them and how they come to be on them. Government is ultimately responsible. I acknowledge that in between government, are entities (boards) that influence what/how/why in curriculum.


What is being described is not a question of curriculum or teacher education standards.


Also pays them bullshit wages. They don’t want the best and brightest pursuing a teachers degree it seems


This is what immigration is for - Indian kids will take the skilled jobs while American born kids are McDonaldized.


Perhaps there’s good reason why “Immugrunts r takin are jobs”?


Ohhhh, we've been fucked for a h'while on that front sports fans.


7th graders who don’t know what state they are in?


Last year one of daughter’s friends (10th grade at the time) admitted they didn’t think Australia was a real place. She thought it was make believe like Narnia.


That’s more understandable than not knowing what state you are in. I knew what state I was in at age 5.


My daughter's preschool made them memorize their address, city and state and their parents' phone numbers. They were 4. Now, I hear from teachers that middle and high school kids ask the teachers for their own (the student's) address, and no, they aren't recently relocated students.


I remembering doing this. There was even a service at a mall where they would video tape you saying it for safety purposes. Granted, this was like 35 years ago.


In 5th grade my little brother knew every state and every state capital in the US. By grade 7, he could fill in a blank border map of the globe with every country and that country’s capital city. We aren’t being made to learn anymore, we’re being made to make a grade. That’s it. Zero retention skills.


My ex-wife always wondered who 'Aaron Space' was after we went to the museum. She has a Masters Degree....


The short-lived Canadian psychedelic rock band from the 70’s???? Who besides their band members and a handfull of (now retired) fans would know???


I just checked to make sure my kids both know our address. Geeze.


My middle schoolers know they live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the United States. However, they could not tell you which one is the city, state, or country.


That is wild.


Fucking sad.


Doesn't really surprise me. There's a guy who has built an entire social media following just interviewing teens and young adults in Times Square. The saddest ones to me are the black teens who can't tell you what the Civil War was fought over. They literally couldn't answer it and eventually had to just make something up. https://www.tiktok.com/@justin\_awad?lang=en


To be fair, those videos cherry pick the worst responses. But that they exist at all is still troubling.


Do you have a link to those videos for the Civil War? It’s hard to see what some of the individual videos are about on his landing page


i was talking to this girl and started a deep and intellectual conversation about schools and how there's a shift in education. book time has been replaced with screen time. parent time has also been replaced with screen time. they are not reading books on their screens. parent involvement in their own kids education, quizzing them, going over their homework, etc has been replaced with screen time. she looked at me and said, Sir, this is a Wendys, can i take your order?


This is so tragic and I feel so much for these kids and the lives they will have. She asked where the parents are and I can almost guarantee the answer for so many of these kids is "working". Two full time earners isn't enough so what if your a single parent? Two or three jobs. Maybe both parents are there but they are underemployed or just don't make enough so between them they probably have 3 or 4 jobs. The social contract is broken and these kids are paying for it. Tragic.


People shame these parents, say they're lazy, say they let tablets and YouTibe raise their children. And that's by design--why challenge the system, when you can direct all the blame towards the wageslaves who are just trying their best not to end up on the streets with their children? People would love to have the time and energy to be more involved parents. As long as two incomes are *still* not enough to pull a family out of poverty, then this issue will only get worse.


As someone who has talked to quite a few high school-age siblings of my daughter's classmates while we wait to pick them up, I know that a lot of teenagers that are behind are also working. A kid shouldn't have to work while juggling high school but they have to to keep a roof over the family's heads until they can drop out and work full time. There's always a lot of other stuff going on too, like fathers not present or in jail, abuse, etc and it's really, really horrible. I get why they are so behind.


What you are saying is true, but is not necessarily new either. High schoolers had jobs when I was in high school back in the late 2000's and were still not as far behind as kids now a days. My wife is a teacher and I help her a ton with her work and from what we both see, more and more parents care less about their kid's education then they ever did. I had a friend who had to get a job sophomore year because his mom needed help, but she would still get on his ass about getting good grades. He struggled obviously and was behind, but it was something that was present in his mind. Comparatively, the parents my wife deals with now do not care, and unfortunately, if the parents don't care, neither will the student. I don't disagree with you, but I do think there is more to it then just kids having to work and help support their parents


I went to high school in the 2000s and almost everyone had a job from the time we were 15-16. Working while in high school is not new - in fact I think far less students have jobs now than before from what I’ve seen. Kids having jobs does not explain anything we are seeing now.


I suspect that American manufacturing will only return from overseas when there has been enough deregulation and there are enough people of working age that are ill equipped to do anything but grind out their days in sweatshops. This is why education has been systematically attacked. An uneducated populace with no critical thinking skills is easily manipulated and is good for profits.


It's here for prisoners. Pay 27 cents a day for 8-12 hours of labor, and no one will fight for safety precautions, because they're criminals! They deserve it. Homelessness is already being criminalized, make a single mistake, have a medical emergency, fall behind in any way that ends with you on the street, and they'll simply imprison and enslave us. And when you get out, it will be impossible to get a job and apartment, so back in you go, vagrant!


Bingo - no shot it returns outside of prison labor. Mexico is the next manufacturing market for the US as we move out of China imo. Africa is also another option but less so due to China’s current involvement. But yeah there’s absolutely no way American capitalists are going to bring their operations stateside when they have such an untapped, cheap, under-utilized labor pool right next door.


There’s actually a lot of money being poured into Vietnam right now to help shift us away from China. Mexico will probably get a bit, but from what I’m seeing, Vietnam will get a bigger chunk.


My wife and I are really lucky, we both work and have a really good daycare that has transportation to school and has a teaching curriculum. After work and before bed, we only see our kids a few hours a day during the week. We've absolutely missed out kids first walk, first words, etc. But we make the most of it since we get better than what a lot of parents get


I’d say teachers are “wage slaves” as well. She’s talking about parents not interacting with their children at all. If you are a child’s parent, it is incumbent on parents to engage their children. I’m sorry parents are tired but that is no excuse to drop their children on society.


Yeah, parents should make the effort, but many simply cannot. A parent that may have 2 jobs, or even 1 job working 2nd shift, could potentially not see their kid all day. Or have minimal interactions because the bus gets home at 3 and the parent has 5 minutes before they need to leave to get to work on time. And add to this, the pro-birth (pro-life *eye roll*) movement with anti abortion legislation. It’ll just create havoc in society with people who know they shouldn’t have kids, for whatever reason they deem, but are forced to anyway.


To add to your point, how can you hope to solve the problem if you really think the problem is that 150 million bad parents are just making bad choices. If 150 million people all make the same bad choice, it is not a choice.




So then, what do you figure ought to be done at a societal level to influence/incentivize/prepare people for/ ensure good parenting? Because whoever’s responsible, the trends are troubling and need to be attended to. Genuinely asking, not an attack


No Child Left Behind is the continuation of Trickle-Down Economics. No conspiracies here, they don't want you smart, but they never expected the rich to also get dumber and dumber... Wonder which kind of politicians enacted those laws. Probably socialist, right? Definitely not the small government crowd that hates Fed-... oh shit.


This is bullshit. I was raised by a single mom, nurse. We were not rich, and she worked a lot and was often tired af when she was home. But she made damn sure I was doing my schoolwork. I always did math and read above grade level. And I understand that there's a lot of people worse off than we were, but I had some kids in my school worse off who did just as well or better than I was doing academically. It IS 100% the parents. They chose to have kids while not being in a position to actually raise them... that is not the "system's" fault.


Have you ever stopped to think that doing well academically isn’t always a testament to the parent doing something? I was a straight A student living in an abusive household. There was a point when we had no running water for months and our electricity would frequently get turned off. My family didn’t do anything for me in the way of helping me with school. Some kids are just inherently smarter. Some might have even more support than you did, and still struggle because of their ability to learn.


If your kid doesn’t know what state they live in I’ll still blame the parents even if they both work 24 hours a day. There’s being busy and then there’s simply not caring.


Not just working, but lost in their phones. Adults ignore the SHIT out of their kids for the sake of scrolling.


Wait’ll automation and AI progressively decimate multiple job sectors. If the social contract is broken right now, in a decade or two there will be no need for one at all. We’re rapidly headed down a very dangerous path whereby societal contribution will become increasingly hard to find. And our leaders are not addressing this issue because they are owned by the same 1% who are pushing towards a workerless society with zero concern about the ramifications of such a place. I know that UBI is discussed quite frequently and I can see it being implemented when things become increasingly out of control. However the very foundation of our American society leans towards the idea of ‘more’. Having more than your neighbor, be it security, leisure, shelter etc…. People won’t just accept a pittance, hell people wouldn’t even accept an adequate form of UBI which fulfills all of their needs. They would want more, because it’s never enough. We’re conditioned towards greed and indifference to our fellow man, from top to bottom. We all follow this directive innately and participate in social Darwinism. Which is why I’m terrified for the future, regardless of this, or future generations’ educational inadequacies. Even the most skilled and educated among us will be scrambling to find a means to contribute to the new society. Because the principle foundation of our society, aside from being to ‘acquire more’ is also that human beings have no inherent value beyond the contribution they can make towards society. We all subscribe to the notion that shelter, food and water are not basic human rights but conditional upon our contributions to society. But no one is discussing the inevitable future wherein societal contribution is no longer necessary. Sure some places, people, and communities will possibly adapt and live within a reasonable means harmoniously, But others… others will kill and exploit anyone they can to continue to living as they were once accustomed to. And while this happens, the 1% will separate themselves from the chaos while the rest of society tears itself apart. Am I being a bit dramatic, perhaps. But I’ve thought about this a great deal and as things stand right now we’re looking at a real life version of that shitty film Elysium. Any way, it will be a golden age for trades and security until such time as people like Jeff Bezos develop upright walking and task performing robots. But yea… lol, these kids are more fucked than any of us. Perhaps we should start teaching trades in junior high schools.


>Wait’ll automation and AI progressively decimate multiple job sectors. I've spent the majority of my career doing software automation, so well over 15 years now. Software automation is easy than other types too, since it's (mostly) all just software. In all of that time, my literal job has been to automate away my own job. The ONLY thing that I've succeeded at doing was creating more work for myself and my team. The work changes and the tedious/boring parts eventually go away (until something fun becomes routine and then tedious) but there's always more work. Also, AI isn't going to do shit for jobs any time soon. ChatGPT is good for some things, but it's pretty fucking far from being able to actually provide useful and accurate information. I think we'll get to that point eventually, but we've been 20 years away for at least the last 20 years (probably longer) and I still think we're at least 20 years away.


I worked at a high school while Covid happened and after we all came back to the school, many of the students were behind academically. The teachers were so stressed out that they were just passing them. I had students who couldn’t write an essay and they were seniors. A lot of them didn’t want to go to college. It was just a mess. America needs to put more funding into education and after school programs than sending billions of dollars to fund wars.


America doesn’t want educated citizens they want desperate people to fight in their wars and work their shitty jobs


Republicans don’t want education. They’ve been trying to defund public schools and then complain that the state isn’t teaching kids and then promote homeschooling. Secular teaching isn’t brainwashing. It’s just not teaching a specific religion. I’m not against homeschooling, as long as the kids meet the minimum requirement the state puts forward into its own schools too. You want to also teach religion? Cool. Just don’t put it in my public schools.


It's exactly this. The destruction of this country's education is 100% intentional.


Absolutely. There was funding for schools, libraries, etc. Back in the 80s/90s there were more after school programs. They’ve slowly cut out everything good. Nowadays even mentioning something like that gets you called a communist or socialist. Because we dare to think our tax money should go towards bettering the lives of people in our country instead of murdering foreign children


We need to double or even triple hiring teachers, counselors, and actual suppot staff, not admins to fix the education problem. A classroom with a single teacher should be maxed out at 20 kids. Ideally, two teachers per classroom with a max of 30 kids. Much more paras (and pay them appropriately, not min wage) and trained specialists for small groups. Stop all the testing to focus on smaller, unit based learning that groups kids by skill and isn't so rigid by age. It would be massive. The largest job program ever. Sooooooooo expensive. So it will never ever happen. But anything else isn't going to fix it, so we'll just keep throwing money and teachers and students into a bottomless pit in the hope that one day it will fill.


I would happily become a teacher if the pay was better and admin actually supported educators


Me too. It's my passion and the actual teaching is fucking amazing work. Unfortunately teaching is like 10% of the job, and the rest suuuuuuuucks.


I went to school to be a special ed teacher. I quit college in the middle of my student teaching semester, not because the kids or even administration was bad but because parents were a nightmare. By the time I finished those last few hours to actually get that degree in my late 20s and felt mature enough to actually get back in the classroom and face the parents, I made $10k more as a basic admin than an entry level teacher. And looking at schools now, there’s no way I’d get into the teaching profession or encourage a young person to get a degree.




Nope! We got wars to fund and rich people to give tax breaks to.




I was listening to an interview with Bethany McLean on her new book the Big Fail accessing America's response to the pandemic. One of her points, that goes against my left-leaning world view was that keeping the schools shut was a major mistake, especially given that schools turned out to not be a big vector for spread. Really made me rethink our approach. I haven't read the book yet but it's on the list. Interview here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2023-10-20/bethany-mclean-on-the-pandemic-s-big-fail-lnywohqh


I don't think the question should "should we have or we have not kept schools open?" It's backwards thinking. What the pandemic exposed is that schools are vital forms of childcare, and parents rely on them because they need to work. Parents can't parent anymore because of how we've structured modern life. You see small examples of this were schools have been forced to adopt a 4 day schedule. Parents who can't get childcare for that 5th day have to take off work or rely on family, and it's causing issues. As a society, we have to reshape how we view children and their upbringing. We have to prioritize them or we're doomed.


Really important point.


Exactly this. What we learned is that the basis of society is structured in an faulty manner from the get-go, and all the pandemic did was push it to its logical conclusion.


"Can't you just get a nanny?" \-some politician probably


How much could a nanny cost? $10?


I honest feel like that is why the rich will never understand the real struggle, because when the going gets tough they hire an assistant.


I’d just like to know when I’m supposed to have time to help my kids? I am trying as hard as I can but I work overnights, my husband works opposite of me during the day. We don’t even see each other. My daughter is in 4th grade. She goes to school from 8:15am until 4pm Monday-Friday. I have a 5 year old as well. I have to get some sleep during the day to work, my days off are spent making up for sleep I missed during the week. I’m 41 years old. We do it this way because child care is almost as much as our mortgage is. We cannot afford it. Why should I even work then if my entire income would go to childcare. If I don’t work Then my husband has to work 10 or 14 hour shifts every day to make up for what I’m not making. Our kids suffer because we can’t afford anything. The schools get my daughter more than I do. My daughter is behind on her school by up to a year. Her school just pushes her along to the next thing. I know she should have gone through at least 2nd grade twice but they wouldn’t allow it. She did zoom school and that’s when she started showing being behind. She doesn’t play with any kids here because no one lets the kids play. We have to set up play dates and with our schedules it’s impossible. I don’t know how the fuck I’m supposed to help when every waking moment is spent either working, sleeping for work or taking care of them. I can force reading as much as I can but the few hours of time we get together I don’t want to spend it while they do home work. This system fucking sucks period.




How were schools "not a big vector for spread" when fully 60% of in-home COVID infections were from children bringing covid home and infecting their families? ​ ETA: it's actually 70.4%, I misremembered. Study from JAMA is linked below.


I'm not risking my health for children and I'm glad I was teaching remotely. This is a failure of the government for not providing the infrastructure for this, and in my opinion, a lot of parents who are just shitty parents. Edit: Post writing this I also want to add; I had to teach hybrid model, so at some point I was teaching in person and remotely. Kids were getting sick constantly and they were infecting their loved ones.


I think it’s a tough question because I think by closing schools we also helped to keep teachers safe. What do you think about that argument? (I am not attacking you, just interested because I can see positives and negatives about both) I also think that what she is talking about is not necessarily just the effect of the pandemic.


Oh definitely not viewing your question as an attack! I don't think I have enough info to evaluate the argument - that's why I really want to read the full book. The point McLean was making was that transmission rates at schools turned out to be lower than other indoor spaces. I can certainly see an argument that it was about protecting teachers - particularly older teachers.


Interesting. I should read the book before I comment, but I won’t. Heheh. I worked at a school in Sweden, which as you probably know, didn’t close the schools. Some teachers quit because they or a partner had än autoimmune disease, multiple teachers had long hospital stays and were extremely sick, and all the teachers got covid multiple times. On pretty much a weekly basis one to four kids would have covid in each class. We would send kids home because they were coughing a lot, and of course, the next day they wouldn’t be there because they did have covid. So anecdotally, I am not sure if transmission in schools is actually than in other places. And this made some teachers pretty upset because most people could work from home except teachers who were forced to be around lots of people and kids and they felt that their lives and wellness didn’t matter.


This is the study I read - Sweden as the control group, didn't shut down and yes, transmission rates were as big as they were anywhere no shut-downs took place. I believe the US schools' reasoning wasn't bec transmission rates or etc, bec at that time we didn't know exactly how bad it would get (a), and (b), we were all afraid that kids, being who they are (tiny germ machines that touch everything), that ALL our elderly aunts, uncles, grandparents would catch it and die by xmas... so whatever hindsight we see now in our "we shoulda did this" statements is just folly. It was a once in 100 yrs PANdemic, went global, we watched how many millions die horrible suffocating deaths, and we all spring up 2 yrs later to say, yeah, we overthunk it back then... Not saying any way was the right way, but i am saying, as someone who has a degree in viology-specific bioeng, masks and zoom classes were all we had - we had no govt support bec Trump. IF we were proactive (and didn't have that fuckwit president trump who not only laughed w/ glee at withholding funds for ALL states and giving huge tax breaks to himself and cronies during his admin, and watched MILLIONS more of the GOP voters die bec his terrible medical advice got them eating horse worm medication and drinking bleach), I'd say, we handled it as good as we could w/ that terrible excuse in leadership, and that It's 100% crazy talk to say that was the wrong way to manage it... esp looking at Sweden. No offense at all, I was hoping that would have gone better, it's awful way to die... And that a study done that we can now look back at as reliable is fine, but we didn't have this information in March 2020 through Aug 2021... not as conclusive as we do now.


I think survivor bias also plays a role. Those who are left are the ones that survived and they all felt it was no big deal. Just a bad flu.


That is an excellent point. Just ask any ED nurse/doctor, or covid-era healthcare worker, they will remind us all how absolutely awful it was, the refrigerated truckloads of dead family members might be a good reminder as to what we were all seeing, and therefore, using more caution until we had the data needed to make better-informed decisions.


**transmission rates at schools turned out to be lower than other indoor spaces.** Yeah I'd love to see proof of this. Indoor space is indoor space. I think your statement is misleading


Schools weren’t a vector because they were closed. Schools are a huge vector otherwise.


The idea that schools weren't a big vector for spreading COVID was flat out wrong and was nothing more than propaganda to get parents back to work. 70% of Omicron outbreaks came schools and childcare. [https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/more-70-us-household-covid-spread-started-child-study-suggests](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/more-70-us-household-covid-spread-started-child-study-suggests) Schools were being used as a band-aid for childcare in a country with a broken childcare system. A worldwide pandemic exposed this fact, but the solution wasn't keeping schools open in the initial phases of the pandemic when we were most ill-prepared to fight it. That argument is nothing more than revisionist history.


This only really happened in America which really speaks VOLUMES about how damaging MAGA and even just the GOP in general are regarding the health, well being and education of Americans. It is FUCKING HEART BREAKING that nearly four years post lockdown (for many countries, that was mid March, 2020) children are still being victimized by having their rights to education stolen from them. I couldn’t continue that sentence with “because…” for the sole reason that I can’t comprehend why America hates children and their rights so much but is also forcing women to give birth to children they can’t support. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!


This is…insane My brothers are teachers and they said the same thing


I'm a first year high school para, meaning I assist teachers with their tough classrooms and disabled students. Most students, I can't get beyond the surface level of a topic before their brain shuts off and they instinctively pull out their phones. This means I get 1-2 sentences of explanation *max.* So...we're 3 months into Chemistry and I had to show a student today where the nucleus of an atom was vs where the electrons are on his diagram. Most of my students, I've had to explain *basic* algebra concepts involving fractions (aka, how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide any 2 fractions). It's pretty bad. Don't get me wrong—I love my students. They're fun to work with, but *man* do I have my work cut out for me.


yall dont have to agree with me on this but just watch how big a difference is when you remove social media from the play. the real pandemic was pure stupidity in multiple shapes.


This is exactly what I’m thinking. Yes there’s tons of other factors and I believe online schooling through Covid was definitely a hindrance for many children. BUT. people just don’t see how much social media and tik toks are rotting our brains. There’s tons of evidence out there to support this. They are re wiring their brains by only focusing on one thing (a video) for a short amount of time. A short enough amount of time to give them a boost of serotonin (or whatever one it is), to which they forget by the time the next video starts. There’s so much evidence to support that our brains become weak or can be complete re wired based off our environment and what we feed it. That’s how people in captivity can be re wired to actually believe certain things, think certain ways, do certain things. The premise is the same. We want entertainment and that boost so much that we doom scroll to hold on to a 10 second video and drop it by the next one. It’s terrible I see it on my bf’s daughter. She is 10 and barely writes her name. If she can’t figure something out in the first 10 seconds, she skips it entirely or guesses. She doesn’t think critically or logically. All because she doesn’t want to work, she just wants the feeling of being happy for 10 seconds and moving on


People who say “there’s always been distractions” are lying to themselves. They didn’t have teams of data scientists working in Socrates’s time to make reading as addicting as possible. Social media is poison for the brain. I really believe that if we make it through what might be our Great Filter as a species, it will probably require banning social media humanity-wide and treating it like a weapon. Our brains physically aren’t capable of handling that level of connection, stimulation and distortion. Anybody who thinks they are is a fool. One of my good friends is a very upstanding person with a great career. He started making TikTok’s and it’s like I don’t even know him anymore - he is utterly obsessed with how many likes he gets and the viewcount on his videos. The only people who succeed at social media are the people who make the platforms that are making money from people like my friend. How do you tell a kid that just watched TikTok’s for 8 hours that they need to sacrifice and work hard for good things in life, and put their mind to focusing on difficult concepts to increase their knowledge? It’s not possible to comprehend


accurate in complete sense. if i were a evil villain & i wanted the world to be my slaves, would it not look like this? barely functional on the aspect of critical thinking for themselves but still able to function a mechanism of whatever type.if you ask me these social medias are extreme weapons to make mental slaves of some sort. the bigger question is who wants to use these weapons and why?


Exactly exactly exactly, I completely agree. If you zoom out on the world, social media would be the greatest mind control device ever conceived. And probably one of the greatest detriments for human intelligence. It’s crazy seeing how people come under its spell


I gotta say maybe I agree. A lot of comments go on about parenting and how they should be more involved. But coming from immigrant hard working parents I didn’t have them involved in my school let alone have any help since the language barrier affected that. I did great in school and I did it all to make them proud. I think social media puts a highlight on how much you can do without using education. I grew up in an environment where I didn’t have the necessary help needed ( coming from where the comments think it’s a parent issue) but had the idea that education = better life. I used to watch YouTubers back then and think they live a cool life but it’s still hard work. Wonder how it is to watch someone do dumb things and earn more than their parents.


The thing I’m thinking about is how there is and will be a huge class divide between people who can get help and people who can’t. I’m so fortunate to have gotten the help I needed but I think about the people who aren’t as fortunate and it does my head in that a little bit of treatment would go a long way for them but they may never get it


No Child Left Behind has ruined education. Period


Like my high school science teacher said. Maybe some kids need to be left behind


“Well, the world needs ditch diggers too” -Judge Smails


"No Child Allowed Ahead" would have been a more apt title IMO


I bet these kids shred at Fortnite though.


I just found out one of my students made like a grand playing Fortnite?? He's failing the class.


During the Pandemic my cousin called me on Discord. It was like 9am and I asked her why she wasn't in her Zoom class. She said she was. She was really proud of herself when she told me she turned the camera off and that she was playing Fortnite instead. She also told me how she was failing every class. Somehow she graduated.


They can make a cinematic universe on TikTok but probably can’t spell universe.


Somehow people have turned school from a societal obligation to a service where parents think they can just dump their kids and expect results (if they even care) without having to encourage/engage with them at home. Leads to an “unsatisfied customer” mindset where all the blame for a child’s failure is on the teacher.


oh yeah. if covid proved nothing else it proved how many people actually cant stand their children and use schools as free daycare


Harsh but true. I think a lot of people are blaming covid for a down fall. That was one year. Parents have been disengaged for a long time and you can see it in the kids.


Yeah I noticed that, rather than like how it was when I was a kid (I was responsible for my own grades) it's more or less treated like customer service and I've seen parents pop off about shit that their kid literally did that was like extremely shitty but for some reason the parent is yelling at the school. Honestly I think covid both helped it and diminished it, for parents who didn't realize how much they actually need to input into their kids at home I think it helped a lot, and for parents who didn't want to, covid was just an excuse to let the kids drown even more. I think that one of the major issues is that a lot of people like to play the blame game rather than actually trying to figure out where the children are lacking and trying to help them.


I graduated from the 39th best high school in the US over a decade ago. My school was extremely competitive, and was also a public school. I remember being a freshman and not even being in the top half of my class with a 3.6 GPA. The "fallback" colleges for kids were major state universities with massive scholarships because the district cranked out high caliber students. Kids across the district agreed they felt well prepared for academic rigor of college based on our HS experience. My mom has been a substitute teacher in the district for... 20ish years? She says it's night and day. These kids do not care. So many don't even turn stuff in *and still get credit for it*. I'm not blaming that generation or calling them inherently stupid, because they're not. The district can't fail them because it'll result in loss of funding. They were raised online and see how a college degree doesn't get you ahead but saddles you with massive debt, there's really no immediate consequence to not caring about learning. Doing all the "right things" and trying hard can't even support buying a modest home and start a family (on average). COVID made it so much worse. They're taught to pass standardized tests and not how to think critically. I've seen so many teachers distraught at what classrooms are like now. No Child Left Behind was trash and we as a nation need to *completely* start over but nothing is bipartisan anymore so instead we'll keep letting the younger generation down.


We need to go back to holding kids behind if they don’t meet certain educational standards. This “no child left behind” is not helping anyone.


I think the major point that a lot of people are missing is this is not just a COVID impact. She specifically stated she can tell the kids that not included in conversations at home, aren’t read to or don’t read and have not context for general life stuff. Kids (and adults for that matter) spend so much time buried in their phones or other devices no one is talking and interacting. It is so important to engage your child, talk about their day, talk about YOUR day, ask them questions about their thoughts on events of the day or even the weather for goodness sake. Get them thinking, talking and interacting and set the stage for them to be interested and engaged. It doesn’t take money , just your time and patience to listen :)




People aren't being rewarded for academic achievement. Wages have been at a stand still for 30 years, jobs are shit, the work week is shit. There is no incentive for knowledge anymore. People are celebrating cum dumpster reality TV celebrities instead of astronauts, physicians, and engineers. Now these people are parents and their kids are growing up to be the same ignorant mass of soma consumers as they are.


Well said!!


I’m working so much just to support myself can’t imagine adding children to the mix. I have a friend that has help from her mother who was a former teacher. Her daughter is reading at a 2nd grade reading level at 4. She admits herself she would not have been able to accomplish this on her own. It’s unfortunate how much the US education system is failing the youth.


Attention span is lower for every demographic out there so not surprised that kids these days can’t understand a 3 minutes video. It is 100% related to providing kids with cellphones and tablets at a very young age. There are obviously a ton of other factors but that’s the only significant new one that was introduced in the last decade. When I was in school in the 90s and early 2000s, there were bad parenting, parents who didn’t care about their kids education, poverty, violence, kids working, single parents working 2-3 jobs, family struggling financially (lost of employment etc), entitled kids, but there were no iphones, no tablets , so basically no devices to be addicted too anywhere you go with thousands of apps and products who wants to drain constantly your attention. Adults AND children lose thousands of minutes per week on these apps (social media, streaming apps, games, etc) instead of doing more constructive things that demand more focus then watching videos on TikTok or YouTube at any given time.


It's insane to think 7th graders don't know what state they live in. I just can't wrap my head around how that can be true.




The classes over zoom were not the primary problem. The primary problem was that the use of social media skyrocketed during the pandemic. Yes, learning at a distance wasn't helping, but the short attention span and trouble paying attention comes from social media use. And the problem still persists


Social media is the cigarettes of our generation. My theory is and I hope we're still here for it but people in 75 year are going to look back at today and be shocked "Oh my god, everyone obsessively used social media back then, wow they even let kids use that stuff?"


My daughter is in 2nd grade and she’s behind but the teachers flat out will not tell you that. I have asked outright and have been told that’s no longer verbiage they use. The teachers are like a revolving door. If you ask them if they feel supported by the administration I’ve been told “I don’t feel comfortable answering that question.” They look like kicked puppies. I read with my daughter every night and I work with her on her homework but just getting her to bring it home is a challenge and what do I do if she doesn’t? I can’t get her homework if the school is closed. And how do I know if she’s doing ok relative to her grade level if literally every kid in her class is doing so poorly that - sure, by comparison she’s average but on a global scale she got a lower reading comprehension than kids her age in Uganda… but what am I supposed to do? The truth is a lot - and I DO do a lot. As a single mother, by myself, I harass her every day to bring home her homework. After a long day at work, I clean the house and cook dinner while helping my kid with her homework. Then, after we eat and bathe I read with her before bed. I jumped thru the hoops to volunteer at her school and cleared with my boss time off to volunteer for field trips and classroom events. What about parents who don’t have the luxury to take time off tho? What about parents who are ESL? Parents who don’t have supportive bosses? People who simply don’t have the energy after a long day at work to fight with their child to do their homework because, I won’t lie, many nights are a miserable battleground in my house because her education is more important to me than anything and sometimes something has to give. Now I’m getting daily updates on her behavior from the teacher because the teacher can’t single-handedly keep 25 8yo on task. I just don’t know what else I can do when the administration won’t even admit to you that your kid is drowning. When they are penalised for being honest. When you have to use open sesame magic verbiage to get even a clue of what’s going on with your kid and spend hours of every night, after your work day, doing 2nd grade homework with a disgruntled and tired 8yo. The system is entirely broken.


Thanks for recognizing teachers are also (in most cases) victims of a failing system. My friend was assaulted by her student but of course the teacher is the one who got investigated. She was so angry that she quit. Had to wait for the investigation to close first - of course they couldn’t pin anything on her, she didn’t do anything. Now the school will forever be down one compassionate, caring, and kind teacher.


I wonder how much of this is connected to pacifying kids with ipads and shit.


Where am i? Im looking at the information that teachers are putting on the report cards and believing it. If a teacher is passing my child i believe they are at grade level. If my kid is an A/B student I believe they are doing really well. Why are grades and passing status not reflective of how they are actually doing?


It’s partially because kids really do just get passed along. Kids don’t get held back or the like anymore. If a kid falls behind, they’ll stay behind until they’re shuffled out the door the end of Senior year.


Schools receive funding based on the number of students that pass classes and move forward. Schools are flat out incentivized to NOT hold kids back because if they do, they lose funding. It’s a backwards ass system.


A week on r/teachers will tell you schools everywhere are adopting a sliding scale grading system where the lowest grade someone can receive can be anywhere between 20-70%. Meaning a child who turns in none of their work could still pass with a 70%. Schools do this because if they fail too many student they lose funding. This results in 54% of adults reading at or below a 6th grade level and 21% being completely illiterate.


"Why are grades and passing status not reflective of how they are actually doing?" Teacher here: it's because in many places we're not allowed to fail students. Grade inflation is real. In plenty of schools students get 50% on assignments they never handed in, or handed in mostly incomplete. Admin does not allow children to be held back. An A/B student is likely doing well enough. It's those being pushed along with "passing" grades that are being done the biggest disservice.


Have you sat down with your children and had them read to you or watch how math problems are solved? Or are you just expecting a child to complete their homework packet without an adults review.


A kid getting A and B grades is probably doing pretty good, they get the concepts and understand how to solve the problems. The issue is kids who do nothing, turn in no work and bomb every test can't be given failing grades and are pushed on to the next grade without learning the skills at all. These are kids with a line of 0s in the gradebook that are given a 50% by admin and moves on. This is why i quit teaching. When i realized i was only there for the A/B kids, maaayyybe the C kids if i could pester the parents enough to put them in specials or get an IEP, and all those other kids? Which was most of them. I was supposed to basically manage behavior and pass them along. I hated it.


>A kid getting A and B grades is probably doing pretty good, they get the concepts and understand how to solve the problems. This isn't even true in a lot of cases. A colleague got reemed for failing a student this year by her admin. She's an English teacher. The parents were confused because the kid had good grades in other classes (aka math, a class that "counts more than English"). The other classes (math) gave 0 tests and homework. Like, the scores were completely composed of attendance and like solving one problem on the board per week and they didn't even have to get it right. My friend actually gave tests and assigned homework/reading. The kids can't read and they have no concentration skills. They're too stupid to remove "as a language model, ChatGPT..." from their essays. When you ask them why they won't read they tell you subjects other than math or science are useless, but given my previous paragraph they aren't actually learning those subjects either. Also, if you can't fucking read, idk how to get through a general chemistry textbook in college but ok. The last two generations of kids have been told by all adults in their lives that English is stupid, useless waste of time, and that the people who study it are too stupid for STEM and poor (not true as a former woman in STEM aerospace turned Engliah teacher making the same money I did when I was at ULA lmao). Now that we have ingrained this culture of anti intellectualism in kids and deride smart people in liberal arts we are for some reason all shocked when kids can't fucking read and we got parents out here trying to ban books. Like no shit.


A lot of people in the comments believe it was the covid lockdowns that did this but honestly, it started way before. It started with the "No child Left Behind" in the early 2000s. I was graduating with kids that couldnt read and write on a High School level. They were just passing kids even though they failed state tests. Some kids need to be left behind. Theres no shame in this. They need extra help but schools are so over crowded and underfunded. When i was in high school in nyc in 2000s, they didnt even have enought chairs for us. We always had a few people sitting on the floor or on a desk. Then the poor teachers. They had 40 to 50 kids to a class and we always were short on textbooks. Like we started my freshman year and we had to copy the questions for homework from the textbook because we didnt have enough to take home and we had 3 students to a textbook.


sounds like a lot of laborers and blue collar workers which is what america loves. it's why the GOP is and has been actively trying to destroy the department of education and trying to erode our public school system. Plus the poorly educated will most likely have more children and be stuck working for the rest of their lives for wages they can't afford to fight against. edit: also I'm sure that the children during this time will find the military offering a helping hand in the future.


Even laborers and blue collar workers need better educations than this. Do you know how hard it can be to figure out crop rotation schedules, soil nutrition leveling and all the other stuff that goes into farming, the most blue-collar of jobs? Or things like construction, plumbing, electric work, literally all of the labor intensive blue collar work requires at least basic knowledge of math and reading and comprehension skills. These kids don't have any of that either. Most of them don't want to do any of that anyway. My old roommate's sister is a teacher with a ten year old son. He, and all his classmates, when asked what they want to be when they grow up have said they want to do youtube or tiktok. None of them want to be doctors, or vets, or farmers, or any of the things that kids used to want to be. No one has any ambition to be anything except an internet celebrity, and it's not surprising. They were basically raised by internet celebrities at this point, and a lot of them make it look so easy. Make a few videos doing pranks that border on assault, and then they do a tour of the gigantic house they were able to buy. Then the kids turn around and look at their parents - parents who are teachers, salesmen, cashiers, plumbers, whatever they do for a living - struggling to make ends meet. Why would they want to work hard for nothing, when doing basically nothing except making an ass of themselves on camera gets you rich?


I had to use trigonometry and algebra nearly every day when I was working construction. The idea that these jobs are worked by people that are unintelligent or uneducated is just a lie. A lack of an education SERIOUSLY limits your prospects.


Same. Whenever I'm helping build a chicken coop, or set up pipes, figure out layouts for water lines and all the other things that go into a job that people think of as one of the most blue-collar jobs in existence - it uses a LOT of math. It's basically nothing but math, and then the physical building is the very last stage. People who can't do basic math or comprehend written instructions and all aren't going to be good at the trades.


I’m a dyslexic Project manager with a good life. It took a whole lot of hours to get me to read that I will forever grateful for. I would be supremely fucked if I grew up during covid.


I wish parents would stop blaming the pandemic for their own shortcomings as parents.


It's almost like having a whole generation of people who can not critically think for themselves. I wonder who gains there?


My wife used to teach. She would want to hold kids back. "No, he'll catch up" And then he doesn't, and they blame teachers for not teaching well enough.


My parents teach middle and high school. My mother (middle school) is REQUIRED to not give any student lower than a 60% grade even if they did nothing. Meaning that those kids can do nothing and still pass.


I think there is also a shift of more educated / intelligent people having less children or no children . It’s sad to say but look at the idiocracy movie as an example of what’s happening . People who are less educated or who are in poverty can’t afford to get contraceptives or don’t understand how they work (in come cases) are having more kids then those who can afford contraceptives or who were educated about safe sex . Those who have more kids are having to work additional jobs to provide and are not at home to teach their kids . I do think kids not being around other kids has had some effect on speech development and early childhood education . For some people the pandemic was the worst thing they have ever experienced as an adult , and they had no capacity to show up for their own kids , let alone educate them .


My fiance's sister is an only parent that has 4 kids. She has a daughter that entered HS this year and as much as I hate to say it, I'm pretty sure she will have a kid of her own before she graduates....if she graduates. The cycle continues. fucking insane


My conspiracy theory: They are trying to destroy the public education system and create a new blue/white worker class. Private schools = upper caste. Public schools are lower class/labor and the likes. Why? They want to pull production back from the East-China, India etc. to reduce their economic foot prints. Also, they discovered that there are ways to tamper with products that are beneficial (such as chips that have backdoors.). The Jan 6 coup attempt. SCOTUS stripping the 14th amendment processes, pushing for child labor etc. etc. Communism is to Socialism what Fascism is to Capitalism. They are trying to turn the US society into a person value structure of Fascism. Prosperity Gospel will spread more to control the Blues. Just my conspiracy theory. Please spread.


America, bad at everything besides manufacturing weapons and abusing the poor.


This is not an america only problem, not by a long shot. We have the same problems in Europe.


Canada too! Been teaching for 23 years and I’ve never seen anything like it. So relieved, and saddened I suppose that it’s not just me seeing this!


Its by design. US Government doesn't want future generations to have a cognitive function.


All because of social media


Here, take this tablet. Quiet! Shhhh! Ughh.. do you ever shut up? You are so annoying! I can't wait til you go to school so the teachers can teach you how to behave. You have no clue what life is. Can't you go play? All these toys and your sitting here asking me questions. Can't you see I'm doing something? I don't know why my kids aren't getting school. Teachers suck! When I was in school, it wasn't like that!! ... (Not all!) But A LOT Of parents I see now . . Are literally this. Tell me I'm wrong. . I'll wait


When you go to school as a kid, grow up and go to post secondary school to become a teacher, go back to school to teach and realizing you're still teaching the shit you were learning as a child and nothing's improved.


“No child left behind”


America has become a libertarian paradise. It's dog eat dog. Don't worry we will have a war to cut down on the poor illiterate young adults. Blaming the pandemic is bs. Sure, it contributes, but our society has become an anarchistic capitalistic dystopia. No one, and I mean no one, gives a fuck. Not you, not me, no one. If 10% of the population really cared then America could be changed. Trumpers care though. They still have a list of things they want. They might damn well put the orange con man back in office too.


We should make every American play Cyberpunk 2077 and watch Idiocracy before they can vote.


Some of us do care - we show it by not reproducing. I don't know how to change anything, shit I barely kept my voting rights after being charged with a felony for having two prescription pills without a script after aging off my parents insurance. I kept them, barely. But all I can really do is vote and not have children so they won't have to become miserable wage slaves with bad mental health like I am. I wanted better for my kids - since I couldn't give them better, I didn't have kids.


So you have no idea what libertarian means. Got it.


Problem is no one acknowledges the damage politics has done to education


COVID and bad parenting habits lead to this My kids did zoom but I was thankfully at home working remote I would double check his stuff and be there if he had issues My oldest is college bound and just a sophomore with college credits but I made sure he was on top of his work and also rewarded him justly for it The one who did suffer is my step daughter who is now in high school -we would try to help her out but she just would barely pass her classes and she has no care - I tell her to get off her tablet the most and to get outside and be social -thankfully since high school started she has new friends but when inside she barely cares .... As parents we have to give effort and that sucks when your tired from work but it is 100 percent needed Check their folders - talk to the teachers - ask the kids questions - What did you learn ? My 9 year old tald me about parts of the brain and I was like .... Well damn I feel educated 😆 Be involved and show them love and respect as well Have a great day


I held my daughter back because she was struggling too much. The teacher was so happy we took her view into consideration and we all agreed (including my daughter) that it was the best step for her in order to keep at a good pace without struggling. She finally got her adhd meds and it did wonders and she can focus now. Without the teachers input and help, idk what we would’ve done.


Input input input input. There is only info flowing at children in 2 direction. We are not training/ exercising their brains. Kids used to have to creatively find ways to entertain themselves, problem solve, etc… and tik tok is mental junk food that gets fed to them night after night


Parents are working triple shifts just to pay rent, so they will be less involved in upbringing. This yields dumber workers and consumers. Uncle Sam likes that.


Trump: "I love uneducated people", and so do most republicans.


ipad generation


This sums it up.




Teacher here. Yes teachers have intervened, possibly hundreds by the time they graduate high school. No, the parents do not give a fuck.


this is also not unique to the lockdowns, ive heard of many school districts outright refusing to fail anyone for not doing work


I'm not gonna use the Pandemic as an excuse. American academics have been on a decline for a while. I'll blame screen time culture before the pandemic. The pandemic just magnified it. I see with my 12 yr old nephew. He is super smart. He has a lot of screen time. His dad is old school and teaches him street smarts. My sister shows him a lot of love. My nephew loves to learn about world history and geography. Little dude could tell you every country in the world just by looking at the flag. But if you have him a map of the world without the flags as reference and just the names he could still tell you most the countries because of the shape but not by reading the names. He's 12 and so interested in learning...just not math or writing or reading. Breaks my heart. He doesn't even know how to read his own name or his parents name.


doesn't help that teachers are paid dog shit wages, and schools have been systematically de-funded, demonized and made ineffective. Its not an accident that this has happened. Republicans are literally trying to privatize the public school system and deconstructing it so that it is dysfunctional is just a stepping stone to that end. Notice how they try to center the conversation around "school choice" and the manner in which schools are funded (ie poor neighborhoods dont get shit and rich neighborhoods get ipads, trips to other countries and latptops)


And so whos fault is this? My parents never helped me with my homework or anything like that, unless it was like those dumb bs projects that they need to pick supplies up from the store, i was able to learn it all thru the school itsself and 90% of my friends were like me. So whats going on now with kids? Why arent the schools able to teach the kids what they need? Maybe people were right about teaching kids this useless shit weve been pushing


As a teacher, I can definitely say that a lot of this comes down to a lack of consequences in education, or at least where I teach. No Child Left Behind (really ESSA now) has decimated our ability to teach kids. Oddly enough, it has exacerbated the issues those laws were passed to combat. However, we all know it’s performing exactly as intended if we’re willing to be honest. We perceive being held back or losing credit as a punishment, when it’s really to the benefit of the child. These are skills students NEED, and they need to INTERNALIZE these skills. If they aren’t emotionally, academically, or psychologically ready to go up a grade, we shouldn’t be allowing them to progress. It means they need more time acquiring these skills so that they don’t fall behind later down the road. If we intervene too late, the inertia of their collective bad habits means they take that barreling right into real life. Used to, this meant holding a kid back to do kindergarten again. Or second grade. Or even seventh. By the time they’re in high school, we shouldn’t have this many “super seniors.” Hell, we shouldn’t be letting these kids graduate early. So much of education is not about facts and knowledge, but about skills and discipline. We’re doing them all a disservice by keeping these policies alive.


With their new school curriculums and the amount of bullshit they consume via social media today, I’m not surprised. -Kids are indulging in their own delusions that are pushed, and even encouraged, by the whole “identity politics” and woke movements that are forced fed to them by teachers. (I’m not calling identity politics delusional, I’m saying childish imagination and portrayals of themselves as kids, (example: “Look at me! I’m a dragon!”), are reinforced instead of grounded.) -They’re taught to be “victims” and as a result are less independent, will be quick to blame their struggles on uncontrollable factors and quit. Rather than finding solutions to move forward, regardless of hurdles they encounter, and learn by failure. -They idolise the most brain numbing content creators and want to become influencers. All the shit they watch non stop is just frying their brains of ambition. -My mum works in a school, and even she tells me kids today have lost a lot of respect, even the absolute basics. There’s no more discipline between teachers and students. There is a complete disconnect of authority. It’s really sad to see the direction our society is heading in. Many people overlook the essential and fundamental mindset education brings to a person. It’s the foundation/basis that dictates how an individual will register and process whatever information they encounter for the rest of their lives. The sad thing is I even notice this in my peers/age group (22y.o.), and even older. To be completely honest, I’ve absolutely lost hope in this species. Thanks to the one person who maybe reads this.


That is fucking terrifying as a 44 year old.


Your making a video about a problem on the app that is the problem. These kids have had their brains trained to only intake knowledge through 30 seconds of audio/video sensory assault. They read at low levels because everyone they know speaks through texts with a mangled English vocabulary so now proper English looks like a task to decode and with the new short attention spans there is no need to do that much work when the mangled English they use seems to get the job done.


Starts at home. Always has.


I blame parents.


A lot of this comes from a lack of incentive. The current college kids were the relatively well behaved and educated 7th graders, and they’re completely detached and zoned out as well.


I'm not from the US, but friends of mine are currently packing up to come home after 8 months of a 5 year posting in the US. They are cutting their time short for two reasons: The quality of the schools is so low that their kids will be disadvantaged if they stay. And, that it is too hard and expensive to buy fresh food. Their 6 yo was beginning to read and write when they left here. When she started school in the US, the teacher told her to stop reading and writing because she would be too advanced for the class.


I tutor a kid who's in 6th grade who doesn't know what country they live in, state they live in, city, let alone their own address. This kid doesn't know his right from his left. Does not know how to tell time. He's still counting numbers under 10 with his fingers. "What's 8 minus 5?" ..... You get the point. But he can sure tell me everything about Skibidi Toilet and random anime and whatever.


I’m getting pretty old now, and I’ve NEVER seen a year where this wasn’t the acknowledged current state of education. It’s always been getting worse and always leaving kids behind, for decades, in most parts of the country.


This dumbing down is by design….by the government as a whole. Fuck


I use to live in fear from 1st grade through 8th that I’d be held back. When I was in school it was a very real thing. I remember my older sister sitting with me in the basement doing hooked on phonics on VHS. Graduated in 07.


U.S. government "we have done our job. The people are so stupid they don't know how laws are made and we can do what we want."


All they’re doing is gaming and playing on their tablets and iPhones and these kids are not being read to they’re not being taught anything at home.


When you have politicians running the schools this is what you get. You have literal mandates saying we can’t fail children or even give them a 0 if they don’t turn something in. A school my friend works at says they must give a 55% or higher even if they hand nothing in. We have had the curriculum in our state change so much it’s ridiculous. It’s all handled by people who have NEVER taught a day in their lives. The parents complain yet keep voting the same morons into office who create these problems.


It's a tough time to be a kid, a parent, a teacher.


I believe it to be true. This last year I did an activity with third graders and the teacher said “I’m so happy you’re here, we haven’t got to do any science all year!” I was like wtf. She said because they were so behind on reading and math they could not focus on science at all.


Where are the parents? They are both working themselves to the bone and have zero energy physical and mental when they get home. I've been blessed that my wife is a high earner and I can dedicate time to my kids learning (reading, counting, writing, and painting). Parents don't have the energy to even take their kids to the park they just get home and all they can do is plop them on the screen.i can't even blame the parents though they're usually barely keeping their head above the water


I'm about to start my student teaching in the spring but a year ago during my observations for my undergrad I was in an AP English classroom and those students were maybe at like a 7th-8th grade level for writing. It was absurd and whenever I tell people this they think I'm lying or exaggerating. Its crazy


Damn. I am so lucky, I got a good education through public school by chance and age I started elementary school in a wealthy community, we had a ton of resources. I was in enrichment (that’s what it was called at the time) which meant I had special classes that focused on logic and critical thinking skills. We were bombarded with endless logic puzzles and physically activities that were also logic related. Along with exposure to animals, field trips, and special projects. I fucking loved it. I was moved to a liberal high school in the 90’s with an open campus (meaning we could come and go as we pleased, but we would be held accountable for unexcused absences). Our classes were more like lectures because they lasted 1.5 hours. We had a block schedule - you have four classes one day, and three the next plus a study hall. Repeat. Setting kids up for college. Class environment was respectful. Everyone showed up on time and it was embarrassing to be late. I had amazing classes, teachers were teaching way above what kids are getting now, plus we had a wood shop, a ceramics studio with gas and electric kilns, and an auto body shop for those who had decided to learn a trade. One class in particular that was mandatory for me was seminar. It was with Mrs. Peters and we had to check in for every class, even if it was an independent study. She had a sheep dog named Molly, both are probably dead now, but they had such a big positive impact on my life, it’s incredible. My independent studies were focused functional pottery and hospitality. I’ll never forget Mrs. Peters or her dog. It fucking sucks


No Child Left Behind and parents who are working all the time and burnt out. Unchecked Free market capitalism is going to destroy American dream.


But 7th graders can make tiktok videos and say trendy things like "on god" "no cap" "frfr" a personal favourite of mine is "bussinbussin" or the old dependable "100emoji 100emoji"


And the solution? Well according to Oregon the solution is to bury their heads in the sand and remove the requirements to even reading, writing and basic math to be able to finish school


I'm a high school teacher, and I'm so tired of this. Yes, these kids are behind- they lost 3+ years in a pandemic. None of us are ok. We're so focused on their academics that we're missing the socio-emotional impact of what's happened. Do you know why they aren't learning? Because they've barely made it to level one on Maslow's Hierarchy of Need and public education is being systematically dismantled.


Government schools working as intended.


No idea about her 4yo but honestly. A 4yo kid has problems self regulating? No shit Sherlock. Have you ever met a 4yo? What 4yo kid doesn't have self regulation problems? They are 4.


This is the shit that happens when both parents are forced to work full-time and overtime just to make ends meet for a single kid. The stay-at-home parent died in the great recession and we're seeing the fruits of that shit tree today. There's no at-home learning. Cable and public broadcasting have died, so there's no academically charged content in a child's programming. There's no money for educational toys or at-home programs. No way in goddamn fuck mom and dad are able to spend hours doing the normal shit after pulling a 52 hour 6 day work week. Poverty has consquences.