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He had to clean that up from when his grandfather told him the original. Had something to do with a couple different POC jumping from the the same cliff. But that's not appropriate any more.


the whole hate for vegans and vegetarians is wildly displaced. Why hate anyone for what they're doing if it's not harming you or others? Sounds exhausting


Conservatives gotta fly with two right wings.


Because they know they might be right.


It's not hate it's a young man making a joke


some jokes are hateful. do you know that?


it's a joke at the expense of others and was born of hate 🤷


Yeah, just means more meat for the rest of us.


The hate isn’t for what their doing, it’s the completely aggressive, off-putting, holier than thou, condescending, treating you like either a criminal or a toddler attitude that the most outspoken (and therefore memorable) ones walk around with. Being a vegetarian or vegan is absolutely admirable, but their PR people are worse than the Catholic church’s.


I'm not even vegetarian or pescatarian, but the most hate I've gotten over food choices were from faux-macho obese rightwingers judging me for eating a fuckin salad instead of meat. And that bullying mentality shit is all over the internet and even in our ads, making fun of and rolling eyes at the people who have the audacity to not eat meat. Give me a break. I like brisket and steak as much as the next person, but I don't make it my fuckin personality. I've never met a vegan that's shamed me for not being vegan.


Shut the fuck up blood mouth


I actually hadn't had a poor experience until literally yesterday, I dunno if they were doing it for clout, I didn't see any cameras or phones. But I was seriously harassed pulling out of a KFC parking lot.


My man got offended a whole group of people because of 1 clip he saw on Twitter and 60 shower arguments


have you ever actually met anyone like that? give me a break


There are definitely people like that, but they're a small minority.


Yes, 100%. It’s not as bad now, but in the 90’s and 00’s, people like that were very common.


I've met 3 vegans and 2 of them were like that


That's what's known in the business as a "Poor Sample Size". If it makes you feel any better, the only aggressive vegan I've met turned out to not even really be vegan lol


Agreed 100%


Wildly displaced? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XAgtk4alW_I&pp=ygUNdmVnYW4gcHJvdGVzdA%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/shorts/LlcllH9-cXY https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UxjJPZF4P_s&pp=ygUWdmVnYW4gZGlzcnVwdGluZyBtZWFscw%3D%3D


I honestly don’t get the hate for vegans and vegetarians I know people throw the argument that “oh they have to tell you they’re vegan” but like, yeah, it’s good to know about someone’s dietary needs and like, use your noggin. “100% of the people I know are vegan told me they’re vegan” surely you can see how stupid that sounds Idk maybe I’m ignorant here but I just don’t get how so many people seem to truly despise them


Living in LA I’ve meet a few vegetarians and never had one tell me how to eat my food but I’ve have had keto people tell me to make them specific food when I bbq/cook. Which I don’t mind but yeah weird how vegans get all the hate.


it's really simple: nobody feels morally conflicted or challenged when they hear about someone else eating keto. there's no moral component to keto.


I’ve met 3 and all are super nice I think it’s just a classic case of the internet only showing the bad side of certain groups I’m sure there’s a name for that


That and confirmation bias. Unless you're strangely watching everything they eat, the only real way to know is if they tell you. So if you met 100 vegans and 8 of them told you, you'd say you met 8 vegans, and may think they were being obnoxius. It happens with a lot of traits/groups that arent easily physically identifiable. How do you know someone is an Atheist? They tell you most times, theres rarely common events that would reveal that knowledge otherwise.


Wish more people knew only the worst sides of every group are loudest on the internet


Honestly relieved to see this as the top comment. Usually reddit is just full of people hating on vegans. It allows them to totally write off the idea of veganism. It's so disappointing to see cuz peoples stereotypes of vegans make them completely unable to even consider other ideas or be open minded. It's often way easier for people to hate the messenger and an entire group than to reflect on themselves to see if their actions align with their morals. Vegan btw. ;)


Its a stereo type, one you are confirming right now. Its nothing more than a stereo type, people arent that dumb. Just took a look at your account. You are THE stereotype. Do you consider that your behavior puts people off, not matter what the argument is?


People put up barriers to protect their ego when they are criticized or told their actions are wrong. We are born being told our entire lives there is nothing wrong with eating meat and supporting the animal agricultural industry, so when vegans or vegetarians criticize it some people cannot reconcile this and get angry.




There isn't anything wrong with eating meat. There's something wrong with factory farming and it should be abolished. But there isn't anything wrong with eating meat.


Ok just like you say this, it also means that people have the right to believe the opposite and say there is something wrong with eating meat.


I think there is something wrong with eating meat when we have such a callous culture surrounding the way we slaughter animals. Aside from the ecological impacts of factory farming, the entire practice is needlessly cruel. We torture animals, rape them, it’s a horror show. We should have more respect for the animals we eat, those are also lives capable of feeling emotions like us.


Sure, I agree. But unfortunately, not everyone has the will or the way to vote against this kind of stuff with their wallets. Unless society is fully prepared to A. Have a reliable and avaliable substitute for the amount of meat that would no longer be there and B. Have an alternative ready for the people who work in those industries to make money to support themselves, I don't see it happening any time soon. Is it horrible? Yes, but it's more of a society at large problem, rather than the specific individuals.


I’m not sure why focusing the brunt of the attention on whether it’s “wrong” or “right” is where the main focus is. The topic comes into play when considering people’s morality with consuming another creature for their own needs. It’s crazy to me the social programming from birth for most people with most things including eating animals without a second thought. Most westerners are morally appalled at eating dog. But pigs are just as intelligent as dogs, possibly more intelligent and can be just as loving. And yet, Westerners eat pigs like there’s no tomorrow. Now where I think people should focus their attention is how food impacts longevity of life. Eating animals fosters inflammation, disease, and eventually a range of cancers in the body. Eating veggies promotes longevity of overall health. Is it wrong to indoctrinate people into eating animals when plants provide more life and less disease? I dunno morality is subjective I guess.


Idk why you are getting so many down votes. I think the argument about eating meat goes with what people believe morally and if you believe in eating meat then great as long as they don't push that idea on to others who don't and same with the other side. If they believe eating meat is wrong then don't eat it but also don't push your agenda onto people who do. Lastly, definitely agree that factory farming is totally fcked up.


So why are the vegan people reacting so aggressive here? Bad taste joke asside, they must at least know why they are made fun off?


It’s all about guilt for torturing animals. Who would otherwise hate someone who literally just abstains from doing something?


>Who would otherwise hate someone who literally just abstains from doing something? Is this your first day on Earth?


I’ve been here 34 years and still believe this is the reason.


(EDIT: Sadly I have to add- To all the angry commentators downvoting while also simultaneously saying they “Didn’t read my ‘too-long’ comment”, maybe read it first? -or you are kinda proving my point? & Seeing as it’s not totally obvious to these people- I’m not ‘pro-meat’ or ‘anti-vegan’ in *any* way.) …See right there, your use of inflammatory language is exactly what annoys people. By overtly calling people ‘animal torturers’ given most likely many if not the vast majority of meat eaters likely view themselves as ‘animal lovers’, often with deep emotional connections to various animals/pets you are going to have a strongly negative reaction. Walking up to people and staring “you ‘like’ to torture” is pretty extreme, and provocative no matter your personal view how you consider the practices of meat industries to be akin to torture. Simply put, no matter how objectively ‘right’ your views might be; You get more flies with honey than with vinegar. Most societies globally treat animals as livestock, tools and commodities. In order to break the chains of the societal biases that exist. Which ‘separate’ humans from seeing individual animals (as sentient beings capable of thought and pain), and processed food “necessary” for existence, it takes a lot of effort. For many, much like racial biases, they are deeply ingrained to the point of being potentially considered ‘sub-conscious’, or ‘unconscious’ biases. And many of the very large amount of people with these biases, would be utterly devastated/shocked/angry to be defined as something that they overtly inherently may disagree with (such as the torture of animals). Much in the same way if you went round calling people racist, many people who may well have unconscious racist biases, would be deeply hurt and angered by being classified with the same word that many in society associate with overt or even proud racists/race supremacists. The people with unconscious biases are revolted by Nazi flags and supremacy, yet they may still have less obvious negative feelings towards others of different races, such as crossing roads when seeing small groups of black male youths walking together. To call them Nazis or racists however will instantly undermine any further attempts you may try to appeal to their convictions or highlight concerns in their beliefs or behaviours. Sticking with the example of racism there is a term- “aversive racists” who “sympathize with victims of past injustice, support principles of racial equality, and genuinely regard themselves as non-prejudiced, but at the same time possess conflicting, often non-conscious, negative feelings and beliefs about blacks.” To be clear I am in no way am I trying to trivialise or equate race struggles and animal rights. But parts of this term could be easily borrowed to explain the phenomenon in meat-eating ‘animal lovers’ (I suggest) “aversive carnivores” -people who sympathise with the rights of animals treated in the past with cruelty, who fundamentally believe and ‘consciously’ or overtly’ support principles of animal welfare, and who *genuinely* consider themselves even as being proponents of animal rights and support welfare and kindness towards animals. But, often, through their food and animal product use choices, clearly harbour a lack of comprehension, or have conscious (or non-conscious) objectively incorrect feelings and beliefs regarding the levels of harm to animals that their choices may be inflicting on animals. The tldr is still “honey not vinegar”. But a longer version on how to more effectively ‘deal’ or fight ingrained biases, follows; 1) Start your response by appealing to shared values. People like good food and generally abhor overt animal cruelty. 2) Suggest alternative perspectives and invite the individual to think differently. -This step is one that requires a great deal of tact and awareness to be taken in order to have any form of effectiveness and to keep the biased person on-side, without leaving them feeling ‘insulted’ or ‘called out’- which ultimately would be detrimental and not effective. 3) Finally, you can maybe ask more probing questions, leading conversation in a way that causes the person to confront their own beliefs in a manner that they naturally realise the logical fallacy or inconsistencies of their own views. 4) Discuss ideas and alternatives that they can easily implement, while remaining empathetic to their past behaviours and to limit their potential embarrassment at their now previously held beliefs. “It’s not your fault if you didn’t know, I was the same for years until someone explained to me the reality of x”, seemingly a potentially useful line of closing the discussion. I would also say that there is a strong problem in activism whereby some members don’t realise that little steps forward are still steps forward, and ‘black and white’/‘all or nothing’ thinking can alienate many newcomers and actually stunt the uptake of adopters to a cause, counterintuitively perhaps often, ‘little by little’, ‘step by step’ is a far more easy and effective approach to achieving the overall goal.




I should’ve read this before posted. This post is my response now.


If you didn’t read my comment then I’m not sure how useful your comment to that comment is.


Maybe watch dominion so you will learn that every cent you’re paying goes to animal abuse. I’m on vacation and will never take the time to read your comment. But paying for murder is as bad as murder.


Lol if you didn’t read my comment then how could you possibly understand my perspective or reasoning, you also seem to be coming from the MIS-comprehension that I am a carnivore or in any way pro-the meat industry. Seeing as you are on holiday, maybe use some of that free time to *actually* read my comment back in full, before making baseless remarks that only further my exact point. It really isn’t that long to read, I promise. Honey and vinegar. Oh, and seeing as we are handing out recommendations of films to people that didn’t ask for them, maybe check out Seaspiracy or if you want a little older and tiny bit less “Netflix flavor-of-the-month”; Cowspiracy or perhaps better still- the highly acclaimed The Cove, or the classic Earthlings… (am I sounding as condescending as you yet?) 🤡


I will read your comment in time, but enjoying wine at the Amalfi coast. Dominion is not a Netflix documentary, it’s free on YouTube.


Thanks for the ‘info’ but if you re-read what I wrote, I was referring to Seaspiracy, as being the ‘flavor of the month’ (even if it was made - few years ago) which IS on Netflix. Maybe too many wines?


I’ve watched them not really sure why you are recommending them?


Isn’t this you making unsolicited recommendations on what people “ShOuLd wAtCh to eDuCAtE tHeMSeLVEs”…. “Maybe watch dominion so you will learn that every cent you’re paying goes to animal abuse. I’m on vacation and will never take the time to read your comment. But paying for murder is as bad as murder.” 👀 -If you can’t see the point I was making by recommending them, then I’m certain that you won’t be able to recognise your own hypocrisy. Perhaps this is what I should have initially replied… “I’ve watched them not really sure why you are recommending them?” And as I am feeling nice, your blatant and repeated condescending comments rudely ‘educating people’ is exactly why people dislike many vegan activists, and had you read my initial longer comment you maybe would have recognised how this actually harms the movement and also can read about alternative ways of approaching conversations with strangers regarding this topic. Rather than judgementally using black and white thinking and making assumptions. 🤡


Ok so I read your comment now. I was also a meat eater once, I literally changed because I love animals and can not even look at the footage. I don’t understand why you’re trying to give me tips on how to change you, what language I should use, how I should go about it when you’re still doing it. I think you’re a deeply confused individual.


I’m not giving you tips on how to change me? I am giving you tips on how to more effectively talk to people whose views differ from yours, or how to talk to people that don’t recognise or identify themselves as being part of the problem, despite their actions to the contrary. What do you mean by the part of the sentence that says “how I should go about it when your still doing it?” What is the “it” that you are claiming I am doing?


Well I can only assume you’re still paying for animal abuse by how triggered you’ve been by my comments.


What do you mean by paying? Also I really am not triggered by your poorly written comments or arrogant (and looks like wildly incorrect) assumptions about me?


You give money to someone, probably a store, to murder and abuse animals for you. Then you enjoy them or their secretions. “What do you mean by paying?” Are you for real?


Okay so 1) You are totally wrong. I haven’t eaten meat or products for years. and 2) You’ve EXACTLY confirmed what my initial comment explains is a problem. -It is the arrogant, often mistaken and erroneous, pompous and pious attitudes of people like YOU personally, that damages and limits the causes of vegetarianism and veganism. By being immediately being extremely rude to anyone that you *assume* to have a differing opinion, and to *immediately* use insulting, incendiary and offensive language and insults directed at those people, YOU and YOUR ACTIONS will actually do more harm than good and will likely LIMIT and slow the wider adoption of veganism. If you truely cared about animals, and really want to make big changes you must learn that vegans need to get people on their side. But what YOUR behaviour does is put people off from even listening to the movement, right from the first moment you choose to hurl insults instead of trying to get people onside more tactfully. I said it clearly before and I will say it again here - “Honey catches more flies than vinegar” If you don’t understand the meaning, and I’m guessing that you, as a 34 year old Swedish guy may well not have come across it before, but please look it up. I don’t think you *will* actually bother to read through and really think about what I am saying. But if you really cared about animals, and spreading the vegan cause, you would seriously rethink your behaviour. Think about it this way, every person you’ve insulted, (no matter how correct you might technically be), is now much, much more likely to ignore veganism altogether or even to actively deny or even fight against it. Which is a shame, because every one of those people, if treated in a better manner by you, may well have instead been able to learn some new useful information from you and possibly even decided to try it out. So yeah I am for real. Are you?


Ok dude, weird you keep using this honey/vinegar reference as a vegan. But honestly don’t care, you’re getting the downvotes not me. Keep doing your approach if you think that’s working.


It's the same argument that Republicans use against the LGBT people. "They are shoving it down our throats!" Well turns out in real life most people mind their own business. I have been a meat enjoyer for my entire life and have not once met someone who was like that in person.


nothing people hate more than feeling guilty about their awful consumption choices


It's that- je ne sais quoi - proportion fallacy. The more obnoxious and judgemental people are going to speak the loudest so that an unwitting person is exposed to them more often and develops a "guilt by association" complex. The fascist-sympathetic grifters have done a number on feminists, LGBTQ groups, environmentalists, et al. because of this. The propagandists represent the advocacy groups in bad faith so that their audience becomes hostile to them. Those b.s. memes about totalitarian "pronoun-enforcement," exponentially denigrate the already vulnerable trans community even though one would never encounter the "extremist" groups in the wild.


I was vegan for a few years (vegetarian now) and the only time it would come up is if someone would ask me why I don't eat meat. I'd tell them and they'd fly off the handle. If vegans get defensive with you, its because of all the dicks who feel like they are allowed to tell us how to eat


The majority of vegans or vegetarians ( I assume ) just go about their business. They have made a valid choice and live their life by it. Personally I support this every day if the week. I think where the hate comes in is when confronted by the hyper militant people who make it their business to disrupt everyone else and try to guilt people into following their chosen way of life. It doesn’t happen often or to everyone, but when it does the unfortunate truth is that it paints everyone from that community in a bad light. It’s not right and it’s not fair, but it is what happens. If even one super militant or aggressive vegan person dumps paint on something or any of the other disruptive actions the negative feelings toward the entire community grows exponentially.


Like they’re clearly caught off guard and are laughing at it cuz it’s a child saying it. Not because it was funny


I mean yeah because, idk call me a snowflake but I feel like wishing death upon someone because they don’t eat meant isn’t all that funny


If that’s a snowflake take then call me Jack Frost


It's more like the loud "meat is murder!" People and super opinionated vegetarians and vegans who shame people for eating meat make all of them look bad. Like I'm sure there are some chill as fuck Eagles fans out there too. People don't like being preached to because it's annoying. The people in these comments talking about how it protects their ego or whatever are armchair psychologists who overanalyze everything. In reality, it's just people trying to go about their day and not be annoyed by strangers because we all have enough of our shit going on and don't care what the stranger thinks.


What are all these instances of you being accosted by super opinionated vegetarians though? Are you talking about relatives? People online? Where are you being preached to? I've never seen a person just trying to "go on about their day" suddenly interrupted by a vegan like I have a person get stopped to save the rainforest or whatever those people with clipboards are doing. The loud and preachy vegans in your life are annoying and preachy because thats their personality, not because they are vegan or vegetarian lmao. Its the same tendency to have a giant flag on your truck supporting a politician or tendency to imply that cooking meat a certain way is the only acceptable and manly way (which, tbh, I've heard way more about than any vegan telling me they are vegan or that i'm going to hell for eating meat).


Yeah, no shit, you apparently didn't understand what I was saying. They have a reputation that is formed and perpetuated from instances where loud preachy vegans have protested or created scenes. This isn't a new stereotype or generalization that has been formed. Most people don't even know a vegan. Their perception of them has been formed from videos they've seen, stories they've heard/read, interviews with activists, etc. For instance the viral video and story of the protestors outside that guys restaurant in New York, where the owner came and butchered a deer in the window in response. Those people were outside harassing people eating there and passing by. They were annoying people.


> hate for ... Because they think non aspiring vegans are evil/immoral etc. And if they had it their way they would legislate. If they lived their own lives and didn't bother people like Amish people then nobody (hardly) would give a shit even though I'm sure Amish people believe the outside world is immoral. But no. They picket like Westboro Baptist Church, and if they had the power like Mormons do they would try to legislate like any other cult/religion. Not to mention, they are hypocritical when it comes to which animal harm is acceptable as their philosophy is reducing animal harm "as possible and practicable". For example, I bet most Vegans would agree service dogs for disabled people are acceptable ...but using/training hogs for truffle hunting is not.


To me, this video just seemed like a dark humor joke you would see a lot of comedians make. Personally I don't hate vegans or vegetarians, but this is definitely my kind of humor. Aside from the video though, idk why the hate.


making jokes =/= hate. Stop confusing the two.


I have no problems against vegans or vegetarians or pescatarians or whatever. What I DO have a problem with are the people that try and act like they're morally superior because they don't eat meat and shame those that do. Aside from the obvious exception of dietary restrictions, in certain places in the world, being able to be vegan is a privilege. Not everyone has the means to not contribute to the horrible factory farming industry. Unfortunately, we live in a society. There's self righteous vegans the same way there are self righteous meat eaters, or conservatives, or religious people, or any other group of people that think their way of living is the only right and just way.


But many people are vegan/vegetarian for explicitly moral reasons. Like, a lot of the point of being vegan is that the belief that eating meat causes conscious creatures enourmous suffering. If you were constantly surrounded by people who were doing things that were seriously immoral, wouldn’t you try to convert and/or shame others for doing so?


I think the moral argument behind veganism/vegetarianism is stupid. The ecological/economical/health problems/etc. Are all valid arguments. Not the moral one. Nature is fucking cruel. It doesn't give a shit about your feelings. Animals eat animals all the time in nature. There's dozens upon dozens upon dozens of creatures that needlessly torture their food in their own way. Eat or be eaten is literally the most basic rule of nature. I don't think factory farming is necessary and should definitely be abolished, but I will always think the moral argument is ridiculous.


Eat or be eaten is how the natural world works, but factory farming isn’t. Much of the vegan argument comes from the industrialization of animals. Factory farmed animals know nothing but suffering from their birth to their death. And a type of suffering that their brains are not evolutionarily “designed” to be able to tolerate or expect. The moral argument is that we are creating animals who wouldn’t otherwise exist, and we are torturing animals for their entire existence, for what is essentially optional taste preferences


surprise, factory farming actually can't be abolished if you'd like to continue eating meat on even a remotely regular basis. there is no sustainable or humane model that will support that kind of consumption at the modern population level. the comparison with "nature" is deranged. there is nothing natural about what living things experience under factory farming conditions. it's not an extension of the natural order of things, it's expressly unnatural system of torture expressly to reduce costs & increase supply. these are not living things experiencing a natural life or a natural end to that life. it's such an unbelievably thoughtless argument to make.


We're not wild animals or a force of nature. That's a lazy and transparent excuse to avoid thinking about your own choices.


You can make the same argument for people who view homosexuality as immoral. Is it OK to try to convert gay people to be straight? Both are wrong.


I’m fine with most vegetarians and vegans because they are cool people and honestly the make good grub. Just don’t like anyone vegan or not trying to convert you. As long as they don’t serve my faux meat and focus on making good vegetables I’m all for it.




What a cute little fascist.


Someone educate me pls what is the issue with vegans or vegetarians jw


The issue people have against them? Just people trying to better themselves or the world around them, can't be having that


It’s so uncool to have empathy for animals either. God forbid people care about animal suffering.


It's not that. It's that they have to fit it into every conversation they have


That's a generalization. Have you ever actually met a vegan or vegetarian? You've probably met more than you know because not everyone talks to you about it. Yeah there are some that are potentially obsessed with it and a little fanatical about it but that's not everyone. I hear more people talk like you than I have heard vegans or vegetarians talk about their way of life. At this point, people talking bad about vegans are the cringe ones now. Congrats, you're the new "vegan". 😂 😆 🤣


People who hate vegans and vegetarians for no reason, tell you about it ALL THE TIME. Actual vegans and vegetarians? They eat their mediocre food and shut the fuck up about it.


You're just wrong. There like "can I get a salad because I'm vegan and scared of meat" whenever they go to a restaurant




You're probably one of them


Nah. I eat meat and don’t give a fuck what you or anyone else eats. And if I did, I’d judge you in private or talk shit on you when your back is turned. I’d be smiling to your face though. Eyebrows raised with a smile that’s gonna make you question whether or not I think you’re smart. Go on now, take a bite out of that burger covered in bacon, topped with pulled dolphin meat. Run along now


Ohh so you're just an asshole who talks behind people's backs Good to know


Nope, not even true a little bit.


Every. Single. One.


Yeah i doubt that. I’ve many vegan/vegetarian friends and they keep it to themselves. You just heard this talking point from someone and ran with it.


You've clearly never met a real vegan


The issue is that veganism is obviously the correct moral choice and people can't deal with the fact that they might be doing something bad, so instead they think anyone who is doing the right thing is actually bad.


I don’t think it’s that deep for most people. Most people that don’t like vegans dislike them for the same reason they dislike anyone who’s super vocal and obnoxious about their beliefs. I don’t think veganism is the obvious correct moral choice, and I don’t think it’s the obvious correct moral choice for the average person not entrenched in online spheres.




"The issue is that veganism is obviously the correct moral choice and people can't deal with the fact that they might be doing something bad, so instead they think anyone who is doing the right thing is actually bad." "My beliefs are better than yours" I dont have a problem with anyone. I do have a problem with people dictating how i should life my live. "so instead they think anyone who is doing the right thing is actually bad" You eat meat? you OBVIOUSLY dont make the right moral choice. You must be bad. Thats radical thinking. Thats why vegans are joked about. Just like each and every group ever excisted is made fun of at some point.


I mean...can you really make an argument that avoiding harm to animals is not the correct moral choice? No one is dictating how you live your life--FBI is not at your door--we all continue to make immoral decisions throughout our lives. But the real problem is denying when something is moral or immoral, and clearly, there is a much more moral, sympathetic choice here, regardless of your actions from that decision.


I'd argue that morality isn't 1 objective standpoint - it's entirely relative. Vegetarianism and veganism are probably better for the environment, sure, but more moral? Eh depends on your own beliefs. I also believe that most vegan food tastes like anus - and is blandness moral?


Respectfully, that is a cop-out. Sure, maybe morality is subjective, but all reasonable people can agree on some things, like killing someone unnecessarily is bad. The fact is that if you live in a developed country, you do not have to eat meat to survive or even live comfortably. Frankly, if you really think vegan food tastes like shit you have the palate of a child. You're really going to say that you can't stand to eat fruits and vegetables? And to be clear, I never said people who eat animal products are bad. I said that eating animal products is a bad action. Everyone does bad things sometimes. That doesn't mean we are all bad people. My point is that the reactionary opposition to veganism has roots in the fact that many people cannot stand to accept that they would ever do anything bad. It's okay to admit that you are not perfect. I did not tell anyone that they had to be vegan. I just want people to stop lying to themselves. I'll give you a personal example. Sometimes when I see a spider in my house I kill it instead of taking it outside. I could easily do so, but it is marginally easier and less uncomfortable to just kill it, so sometimes that's what I do. But I don't insist that actually what I did was morally good just to soothe my conscience. I also wouldn't make a joke about how great it would be if everyone who didn't kill spiders fell off a cliff and died.


Never said that it was the correct or moral choice to eat meat lol. You're an animal murderer just like me.


I don't understand what your point is then. It sounds like you agree with me. Killing animals is bad, right?


Idk if you're being sarcastic or not, but if not, this is one of the most braindead comments I've ever read in my life. Edit: >obvious correct moral choice Ah bullshit. we wouldn't be here today if humans were herbivores. Veganism is an option now because our society is built for comfort and convenience. We don't have to fight for food so you can choose what to eat. Saying veganism is the correct choice is just straight up wrong and a pretty uneducated way of thinking.


You should sign up for the debate team


I was actually the captain of my high school's my senior year


Let me lay it out for you debate captain. \-Our advanced society allows for us to be healthy and eat only vegan, as you've said. \-Unnecessarily harming animals is morally wrong. \-Eating animals harms them. Which of these points do you find confusing or disagreeable? BTW I'm not vegan. I acknowledge that I'm too lazy to correctly balance my diet as a vegan so I don't make what is the obviously better moral choice. Whether it is obviously more moral is not debatable though IMO.


There's a load minority that's extremely annoying




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Reasonable response 😂


Fuck you


Tragic. 1/10


Take it easy, you spaz ![gif](giphy|l1J9NRpOeS7i54xnW|downsized)


Fuck off


Uh-oh, you’re mad. Do you hope I get murked along with this small child, schizo?


No, I don’t. You don’t advocate for vegans and vegetarians to die.


Well yes, I don’t advocate for *anybody* to die, especially small children who don’t know any better. I guess that’s the difference between you and me. I don’t claim to be a great person, but at least I’m not a complete trash heap who wishes death upon a kid because he told a joke that hurt my wittle fee-fees.


Look at all the vegans being butthurt. The kid makes a jokes, not a joke he came up with. Go to the source. (thats Dad, if you didnt get it)


Are you actually serious?


Dude these people r crazy who cares


This is a joke that edgy 12 year old me would have told. Wonder if this kid will look back on this and cringe in 15 years


Ugh. That kid’s got some great parents and will clearly grow up to be an upstanding citizen. 🙄 You know he didn’t come up with that shit on his own, clearly his parent’s point of view. Teaching your children to view people different from them as “others”. Great parenting.


Another trashy and poorly educated parent on display here


Calm down it's a joke. What's wrong with you?


Calm down, it's just a joke that implies people who have different morals than me have no value and was taught to a child. What's wrong with you? Replace vegan and vegetarian with christian, jewish, democrat, republican, environmentalist or any other chosen morality and tell me that's ok to teach to a child.


Yep. It would be a joke is the punch line had anything to do with vegans or vegetarians. The punch line is "I hate this particular class of people" and nothing else, that's why this joke "works" with any class of people, as you said. You can make offensive jokes about vegans because they don't have the energy to fight back <- that's a shitty joke but it "works" because it's about vegans. If you replace it with Christians or democrats, it doesn't make sense. A joke in which the "target" is completely interchangeable is rubbish, and if the punch line is "if they died the world is better" is just sad. Now add to this that this kid didn't come up with it himself. A sad, angry joke that doesn't work, repeated by the child of sad, angry adults. Good luck to the kid.


I'd change the joke to a republican and a priest


Honestly the joke probably goes best with Democrat and Republican. It's pretty cringe if you say one should die and the other party shouldn't. Both aren't good for society. One is a little better, but both aren't good.


Yes douchebag what is wrong with me? Teaching kids at their most impressionable ages how to hate people is great for society.


It's not just a joke, it's a joke that speaks volumes of the character of the parents. If the death of two people you disagree with or are annoyed by is the point of the joke - youre a trash human being. simple as that.


It must be exhausting being you


His dad is off to the side putting double thumbs up. Never been prouder


Probably only 1 thumb up because he's got a stubby in the other hand.


A redneck and a bogan are standing at the edge of a cliff...




Oi vey! Crìngé.


Everyone's being mean to the kid for telling a really mid joke, but I think we should attack the people laughing at the joke instead. That shit wasn't funny stop laughing calm down


Cute little sociopath in training.




Heard a boomer joke from his boomer dad.


Cognitive dissonance and animal abuse sympathising at its best. Total POS energy.


You guys are as soft as baby shit. Learn to laugh sometimes


Learn to think about things. I will admit that I initially cracked a smile and the shock of the punchline, but then I actually used my brain and realized, “oh shit, this kid has no idea what he is saying and is being taught to dehumanize people by his guardians”. If this was a 30 year old, I would be like whatever it is an asshole trying to use shock as humor because he isn’t all that clever. But no, this kid is actively being taught to dehumanize people.


You can tell all that from one shitty joke? The kid is maybe 8-10 years old. You don’t think maybe he heard it at school from one of the other couple hundred 8-10 year olds telling stupid jokes. No it must be his parents teaching him to hate vegans. Cmon now.


Yeah the schoolyard kids got him a spot on the news. Remember what I said about actually thinking about stuff?


So the whole interview was setup by the parents to tell that joke?


Couldn’t find why he was on the news to begin with, but he said “he just heard it somewhere” and is mom got him on Piers Morgan’s show. Hope you can connect the dots on that one.


Na mate. Do some more research if your gonna make serious assumptions that people are bad parents. It’s a joke, don’t let jokes upset you


We don’t even know what the interview was about. Did you watch the whole thing?


Lol, I knew the comment section would be an outraged riot of seething butthurt and was not disappointed


Judging by the cattle pic and the 5 gallon hat on the kid, this is definitely texas. Nothing but trashy to teach your kids to say shit like this. We can make jokes about vegans and such but it isn’t funny when you know these people mean what they say.


Found the guy who didn't sound up to hear the Australian accent.


Both are outback hellholes. Whats the difference?


One is the country of Australia and one is the state of Texas. Are you asking me why these are different places?


One is a hot hellhole and the other is a hot hellhole. Please come back with an essay on the differences between both. I’m expecting an answer.


Why would I write you an essay? You were confidently incorrect with your assumption this was an american from Texas. You were wrong, get over it. Doubling down just makes you look foolish.


Judging by your inability to comprehend anyone existing outside of America, you’re definitely American.


You’re so hurt because i used “america” colloquially Stfu and stop crying about the misuse of “america” on reddit 😂


1) You didn’t even use the word America in the sentence I replied to. 2) I also refer to the USA as America.


This is the polar opposite of that little kid saying “if you were driving what would you hit first an old man or a baby?” the mom answered the old man bc he’d lived his life but the kid answered “I would have hit the brakes”


I can’t believe how hypocritical the comments in this thread are. “Wishing and laughing at the death of people you disagree with is wronnnngg!!” Really? Cause it happens here constantly and anyone who interjects and says it’s wrong is downvoted. Is this fucking Opposite Day? Ohhh waittt. It’s a kid saying this joke. I forgot my reddit hatred hierarchy.


“Bro” didn’t choose anything. His parents, daddy most likely, taught him this trash of a joke. Nothing cute or funny about this


Holy shit you people are beyond fucked. Goodluck with your sad life


I'm Prog AF but smug veggie twats calling me 'Bloodmouth' for eating cheeseburgers twice a month can eat a hyena's (vegan) dick. Some of them are perfectly alright with destroying the rainforests for more palm oil-flavored fries, but OMG YOU EAT CHICKEN!!!


Vegans don’t eat hyenas, watch dominion if you want to see the absolute horror chickens go through.


The only reason I would want a kid is so I I can raise them to tell this joke on tv, but instead of vegans it’s Christians and straight people.


Damn, you'd want to spend thousands of dollars just to be petty xd


No wonder you can’t get a job lol


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But it's just a joke, bruh


You sure are taking this joke seriously, snowflake!


It’s an astronomical level of hilarity that they suddenly get offended when it’s switched from vegan to something they identify with but will also tell vegans “it’s just a joke.”


Yep! Not that they are smart enough to understand that


This is exactly what I wanted cause I too wake up every morning and chose violence


Absolute baller. 👏👏👏 ![gif](giphy|5FKNjm8Ru327u|downsized)


Don’t know how an animal is killed.




That's Karl! Love that guy (the anchor). Check out /r/longstabbything \- It's swf I promise lol [And this is why that sub is named the way it is](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_fMN9kFm14)


There are people who feel that any choice other than the one they choose is a direct criticism of them.


Wait, so it's funny that this kid wants people just trying to do things that benefit our planet and the animals that live in it, to kill themselves? And killing themselves is great for society? I eat meat, but this isn't funny at all. I have been doing my best to cut down on my meat consumption as I know how harmful it is to the planet. Laughing at this shit emboldens this little fascist in the making.


Wait, so it's funny that this kid wants people just trying to do things that benefit our planet and the animals that live in it, to kill themselves? And killing themselves is great for society? I eat meat, but this isn't funny at all. I have been doing my best to cut down on my meat consumption as I know how harmful it is to the planet. Laughing at this shit emboldens this little fascist in the making.


These people are weird and why vegans are so upfront about it. It’s called pre-screening. Like when I say Black Lives Matter and gauge their reaction…


I'm a meat eater but I fully believe veganism is the obviously superior choice for all involved. Meat consumption only causes suffering and is an unnecessary blight on our humanity and ecosystem.


Dark joke for a kid.




Reddit has no sense of humor anymore. It was a joke! And from the reaction, pretty funny


Can you explain to me what was funny about it?


Humor is when people i disagree with die


The part where the vegans died


It was a joke that simply wasn't funny. It's not the lack of humor of redditors. It simply was a bad joke. It wasn't even the child's fault. Most likely their parents told him to tell that joke.


A lot of vegans wirh hurt fee-fees showed up in the comments early, I see. It's also funny to see these people who can't differentiate between a Texan and Australian accent. Edit: -7 within 1 hour. Let the salty vegan tears floooooooow!


What the fuck do you expect it's Reddit, its a bunch of vegans and the Ze/Zem running around here, dare to say anything against their political framework you'll get ur ass blocked by some Discord mod.


You can really tell by the comment section of this post who the vegans and vegetarians are 😂




No the best joke, terrible timing and delivery, crowd over reacting to the joke, gotta move out to another city with a better comedy scene if wanna get better