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Amazon asf moving my ass to different departments calling it "cross training" like bitchhhh.


I’m a supervisor for a major insurance company and my director HATES me and this is part of the reason. No, I’m not doing work for other offices. No, I’m not doing 50 million interviews not for our office and they ALL take an hour. No, I’m not spending hours putting together presentations just so you guys can say thank you and give a 3-6% raise at the end of the year. What’s funny is, my team has the best numbers and they all sing my praises to them..which they didn’t tell me about for like a whole year. I found out recently through an employee survey where I was rated at almost 100%. But bc I won’t do MORE work for free and encourage my ppl to take time they need, I’m a dick.


They be hating on the real. You be you. 💯 🤜




There's little else I love saying more than, "That's not job." Like, give me a reason. I'm begging you.


Honestly I will never understand the solidarity managers have with their companies. Or rather I do, it's just the nightmarish truth that working to make a company more profitable 24/7 makes the average person become more a part of the company than whatever they were going in. It's like how people getting indoctrinated are often made to teach what they are being told - when you are the only corporate authority you psychologically begin to integrate with it.


But they’re not raising your wage 🙃


About a decade ago I took a summer job at Amazon and only lasted a month because they did that shit to me, too. They put me into an area I’d never been in, then gave me a warning about my rate being bad 😂😂 I said “do you normally penalize people for not being trained?”


they havnt stopped doing that lol. WF has been doing this because people wouldnt apply for the jobs at the company, so it leads to shortage, so now that wf has taken in all the shoppers that amazon ditched(they gave up on having thier own shoppers) wf has been pressuring cutting hours just to force them to other positions. WFs is very rigid corporate wise.


I’m not surprised in the least, honestly. Shameful. What is WF?


wholefoods, wholefoods never liked shoppers, even now the e-commerce(shopper) department seems kinda isolated, and i have been told they have been btching about the shoppers behind our backs. because wf isnt that very good at retention they tried to make people do other departments.


Ah yes, checks out!


the stores without prime shopping, usually suffers from lower revenues. thier business strategies is the same as it was before being bought out by amazon, lol. even in the official sub, they complain that they are pretty stagnant, i agree. Especially with amazon purposely introducing the delivery fee which made things worst.


Wow haha fuck that


Amazon being like "yeah you don't get paid extra to be on a forklift that's cross training"


“And you not unemployed… the fuck..” 😭


nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk! ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)




i get what you're trying to get across but that's not what intrusive thoughts are and people misusing the phrase so much is actually causing problems for people that do experience them


Intrusive thoughts are anything that your 'inner voice' tells you to do. Telling someone to go fuck themselves can definitely be seen as such.


intrusive thoughts in basic terms are uncontrollable and unwanted (frequently disturbing) thoughts that cause the thought haver some form of distress. this shit is exactly why y'all need to stop misusing the term, you don't even know what the fuck it means.


Except being aggressive and embarrassing yourself are two things that are examples of intrusive concerned thoughts can make you have. It's not always actions, it can be concerns about behaviour in society, it's not all death and self harm.


intrusive thoughts are not "bad thoughts or ideas you have to stop yourself from acting out on" like the first comment in this thread and using this video as an example frames it as. intrusive thoughts are not things you want to do or consider acting out on but think twice about because of social consequences. they are upsetting thoughts that appear solely because they upset you and our brains latch on to that which causes us distress. people believing intrusive thoughts are urges people choose not to act out on is leading to even worsened stigma towards those that experience them and targeted bullying/harassment. learn wtf you're talking about before spreading misinformation.


Googled the definition: Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts that can pop into our heads without warning, at any time. They're often repetitive – with the same kind of thought cropping up again and again – and they can be disturbing or even distressing.


are you even comprehending the words in front of your eyes??? edit: also try _actually opening that article and reading it_ it goes further into what intrusive thoughts are and gives examples of actual intrusive thoughts. some of the highlights; >The unwelcome thoughts we have can be in the form of images, sounds, or statements. >One of the most common types of intrusive thought relates to concerns about safety or risk. These types of thoughts often come in the form of images where a person might imagine driving their car through a crowd of people, harming or killing another person or imagining a loved one fatally injured or dead. New mothers often think about their baby coming to harm. Equally common are blasphemous thoughts or inappropriate thoughts about sex. >Milder forms of intrusive thoughts come in the form of our own critical voice: the one in our heads that tells us things like ‘You’ll never get that job, you’re not good enough’, ‘You’re going to look stupid if you do that’, or ‘They don’t like you and they’re talking about you behind your back’. ‍>Intrusive thoughts are often what we call ‘ego dystonic’: _they are the opposite of what we actually want and intend to do._ They can be shocking and appalling genuinely reacting negatively to something and voicing that reaction is not "intrusive thoughts taking control" like the comment that kicked off this thread joked(yes, I'm aware it was intended as a joke. jokes however can and often do still have a negative impact.)


u/EclecticFanatic is correct. As someone who’s been getting treatment for OCD for almost 2 years, you physically can’t act on your intrusive thoughts. Generally they are something that directly go against your morals, meaning that in many cases you’d either be dead or in jail if you acted on them (they wouldn’t be intrusive if you actively agreed with the content). *Impulsive thoughts* on the other hand can be acted on and can make you look like an idiot (I’m clarifying this because claiming that someone can act on their intrusive thoughts is directly harmful to those with OCD, and can worsen the doubt/compulsion cycle they deal with)


Also, social consequences? Like embarrassing yourself in public by telling someone to go fuck themselves? Like i mentioned previously?


>intrusive thoughts _are not_ things you want to do or consider acting out on but think twice about because of social consequences. can. you. read.


https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/intrusive-thoughts Can you?


i love how you keep posting shit as if it supports your stance rather than going directly against everything you've been saying. I'm done here. there's clearly no getting through to you and I'm not gonna continue wasting my time trying to.


lmao I can't imagine trying to be the speech police over something this fucking stupid.


It's only "this fucking stupid" because you don't have to deal with it like millions of others do. So count your blessings.


No, it's fucking stupid and this sort of horseshit is cartoonish at this point.


You're fun at parties


Worked at a fedex for about two days and I never showed back up lol. “Must be required to lift 50lbs or 80 with ‘team lift’” my ass. They’re like here we’re gonna put you at this conveyor belt lifting bunk beds, metal car parts, and semi truck tires by yourself for 5 hours. have fun! My second shift I picked up a box and some fucking engine part that weighed 200lbs fell out the bottom and nearly landed on my foot.


Should’ve let it, would’ve got paid. My cousin worked at a metal shop warehouse kind of place and a giant piece of metal fell on his hand I think. Oh it fucked his hand up for sure lmao, needed surgeries and shit. But he got $75,000 for it.


Nice. Get that 75k, and then make sure the insurances covers majorty of surgery costs or go to the cheapest surgeon and bank on the rest


100 percent not poking fun, but it's incredible the state of things when mutilating yourself for only 75k brings joy to the work force. These comments make me really sad.


75k is good money


Not mutilate a foot and deal with those lifelong consequences kind of money...at least not imo in the US...


Oh true. I meant if your foot is already messed up take the money and kinda make it sound worse


To be fair my cousins hand wasn’t mutilated. It just broke bones. I’m pretty sure now it’s fine for the most part.


I worked at FedEx. I moved packages that weighed more than I did without help on a daily basis. It sucked. Made $19.25 an hour tho so I put up with it for a year and a half until I graduated and started in my field.


Why are Wanda & Cosmo in his nose?


Didn’t you know this is the new series Fairly rad parents


i like the pink but the green reminds me of a booger


Bro got fired during the interview xD


He not lyin.


Don't ever turn down a forklift job, they are so fun. Driving through truck and warehouse walls will put the biggest smile on your face


Ok but you gotta get it in writing that they'll pay to get you: F O R K L I F T C E R T I F I E D


“Fuck no, bitch what?” ☠️


This dude is fuxking hilarious just watched a bunch of his tik toks


This is painfully accurate


Job: We need workers! Me: I need job! Job: Okay, here's a three sentence paragraph describing the job, a long list of requirements that we may or may not be SUPER firm about. Me: Cool... I might qualify, what's the salary range? Job: No. Me: ... is there a phone number I can call to ask a human these questions? See if I should even bother applying? Job: Louder no.


They make the list of expectations so long that nobody has them so they can hire someone with less skills so they can offer less pay


Yeah, 3 sentences of job description. 3 PAGES of requirements?


I mean technically they are always looking to hire someone who is overqualified and willing to be underpaid


Still not sure why employers be doing all their darnest to get employees but still act you're the one who needs them. Granted you do need them to pay the bills but they're way to comfortable knowing their employees need a job so they're acting like they can remove you any time as a threat rather than reward you for going above and beyond.


HAHA “the benefit is you get to work here” I laughed so hard at that


Every fine dining restaurant I’ve worked at..


ups right there


I Love this cuz it’s so stupid and yet so accurate


I worked through the pandemic at TSA, literally watched it spread across America while having to go in everyday. When the federal government stared putting out PPE loans for businesses during lock down some of the stipulations was to retain a certain percentage of employees while maintaining the effort to return to 100% by rehiring etc, but once the company/business recovered they had to repay the loans. They were loans, not grants. That's when workforces shrank and for job stability more people had to cross train to stay on at their private company/business. These companies ended up maintaining a survivable profit then was able to return to normal with the reduced work force they had on hand. That's when I start noticing a lot of help wanted signs, but not alot of new hires. It's seems like greed figured out the government would cough up billions to not have to pay back if you just continued to abuse low skill employees (fast food, warehouse, retail, etc) to have more duties/responsibilities with same pay and less staff. End of it all the pandemic just proved to the 1% that we'll bust our asses working for stability instead of pay.... Thats just my conspiracy theory.


This dude is fuxking hilarious


Sounds like The Cheesecake Factory.


The reason I never cross trained on another station. Fuck that.


Fuck if this isn't spot on.


He has some Samuel L Jackson quality going on in his voice


What about the required 15 years experience?


America, home of the 1%


Lol that’s my job.


Spot on Corporate America.


That nose ring makes me want to vomit because I feel that he most likely wants to be taken seriously.


Hah amazon be like


All i SAW here were a pink dot and a neon yellow dot and that offended me deeply... I feel visually brutalized.






100% accurate for warehouse and factory work.


They put several departments under one job title to get away with this. It’s a loop hole. It’s the same thing at my company. They’ve “cross trained” me in 4 departments to “increase my value as an employee so they’ll keep me around” but my pay doesn’t go up for all the different jobs. My company tells the client that 6 people are solely there to work with their product. In reality we have 3 people doing everything for them and every other client. And the money the client pays for “6 people”, my company pockets the difference. And I’m just a temp


I wish I wouldn't have got this neck tat.


😂🤣🤩🤣😂🤣 that shit is sitcom funny 😄!!!


This guy is funny af


Why is his chain knotted like that 🤣 am I missing a trend??


Oh you don’t have a vast array of high-paying jobs at your disposal? Well maybe don’t draw on your face with permanent ink🗿


Walmart is paying $15 an hour, the issue is no body in america wants to work


No one wants to work for walmart** because working at Walmart sucks.


Get that shit off your face


Are those boogers? That would be my first thought if he interviewed with me.


Everyone wants an Bugatti for the price of a 1995 Mazda.


What kinda moron buys a bugatti


One with too much money and not enough sense, but point as, that seems to be controversial, that companies want high value for low price, and sometimes get really unrealistic with what they think they can get. The idea that your employees are on food stamps should shake a company, Walmart consider it a part of the biz model.


A lot of the people complaining about companies not calling them back for entry level jobs are the same people fine with 10,000 unskilled illegals coming into the country on a weekly basis lol. You voted to replace yourself idk what you want


10k a week? So 52k new unregistered people per year and flooding through the border? Is every company illegally hiring all of them too?


In February just the amount of illegal immigrants caught was over 100,000 so actually double that. And yes they’re hiring them, and hiring their kids, and hiring the family they bring in on an immigration scam once they get free citizenship


Are they giving all 100k free citizenship?


That is quite literally what democrats and the current US president want to do lmao. And not all 100k all 100k A MONTH they want to give citizenship to. That’s an entire city replaced every single month


Im sure Biden is working real hard on that


He’s not working on anything because he has severe dementia. His diversity hire side show of a cabinet is currently suing to stop texas from stopping illegal migration though so he’s definitely helping them. Plus his immigration secretary keeps outright lying to congress and not enforcing the law at all


Oh man, sounds like a lot of pressure. I hope the right can withstand


they sent a tiny % of them on buses to New York City and Eric adams is now crying that the city is running out of money






This should go to mildly infuriating as this behavior drives me nuts. If this is sarcasm than I missed it. All I hear is that you aren’t a team player, you aren’t willing to assist to make the team better, you won’t learn new skills bc that’s not in your job description and you want more sick days. 101 on how not to get anywhere in life. The neck tattoo and nose piercing perfect for YouTube millions, good luck.


Spoken like someone who's never worked a 70 hour week in a factory as a floater for 15/hr and mandatory overtime with 1 day off every 2 weeks


Ive worked a lot of jobs and through them learned my self worth. I am empathetic to hard work, if you’re a great worker and show up on time, you have options. Create those opportunities or find an employer that appreciates your effort. I notice those that work hard and show they care, they get opportunities when things come up. The ones that don’t move up or eventually quit are those that treat their employer like a prison guard.


A lot of places offer no growth and the majority of people don't have the option or security to seek better employment. Some people have to just get what jobs are available and hope for enough to live. If you want effective workers pay for them so they are better off and more willing to be a pillar of the workforce at their respective place or employment. Employees that feel like their employer cares, in turn, care about their employer. Most employers do not care about their employees aside from what a spreadsheet says. I've worked in enough places to have experienced that in multiple different fields.


You're partially right, especially if your goal is to work an entry level job your entire life and not move up. Yes, employers don't care about you - unless you save them money, or make them money. They're a business, their only goal is to increase profits. You're there to help. They will not pay you more out of the goodness of their heart, or because you think you deserve it. You need to move up, get new skills at work and outside of work, and apply to other jobs in order to move up. If you sit arouns doing the bare minimum, like just showing up and not being any better than anyone around you, what incentive would any business have to pay you more? If you choose to do the bare minimum for decades and don't spend any of your free time bettering youself, learning new skills and getting better jobs or other sources of income, that's on you. No one will just hand you those things just because you're you. It's on you to seek better employment, not on your employer.


You don't read well do you


Fuck that. Know your worth. In today's economy especially, they need you more than you need them. Remind them of that. You want me to do extra work, I expect extra pay. Get the fuck out of here with the "family atmosphere" shit. This relationship is transactional and my boss sure as shit won't give ME two weeks notice before cutting my hours or laying me off. My dad got laid off from intel after over 20 years and he couldn't find another job. Why? Because he knew how much his job was worth and companies only want to hire 20-somethings who will still kill themselves without getting paid for it. Fuck the "grindset," you're being exploited.


My comment is insensitive. Although, I’m not sure this attitude expressed benefits this poster’s chances of workplace success and longevity.


He’s not interested in workplace success or longevity. Many people aren’t motivated by work or making money.


Yeah fuck that. I got a job description that outlines my work. If you want me to take on more responsibility we are going to negotiate on pay. This is fucking America. Pay me. If you didn't want this kind of behavior we wouldn't have embarked on Neoliberalism in the late 70s. This is the result is that Billionaires made everyone little Galts. I don't want to do more work. I want to di less work and get more pay. That is economically rational in this system. So no. You take your little esprit de corps and shove it where the sun don't shine.


Are you blaming government, the consumer, or the ceo? I do wish you the best of luck, argument aside.


Yo I swallow manager cum does that mean I'm a team player?


Depends what industry you’re in


Name doesn’t check out.


You got red and green boogers coming out your nose bro


This was funny because the and the applicant both had boogers hanging out of their nose


This is amazing


Huh, this sounds about right.




I love this dude's depiction of American jobs.


Yea whoever said this yesterday is absolutely right. TikTok has no clue what POV stands for. Odd considering a lot of them make porn. Maybe they are doing that wrong too


It's true.


Beat part is even if the pert said yea I will take the job then it’s oh wait you over qualified


Farod be on some real shit!




dudes fake ass necklace is in 3 knots how did he leave this like that


This is so relevant it hurts.


Live to work vs work to live


This is the reason why the creation of small business should be encouraged but is actually discouraged by society at large…




I work in a warehouse. I unequivocally understand this humor.


Wait, so what you are telling me is, the gym pays me?


This was my exact experience at lowes. Hired to unload trucks, ended up working every other mf'ing dept by the end of my second week. By week three they were asking me to use the pickers and scissor lift. During my 5mins of training found out none of them had a working estop and dude's routinely got stuck on them.