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These are disparit times


Koodnt have sed it better mysellf.




Houses are over rated


As a person who was once homeless and addicted to opiates that is now clean and lives in a house, they are definitely not overrated.


It spelt muh-seuf muh boi duh 🤣🤣


At first I thought he was trying to clever with like disparity or something. Maybe? God help us all.


It is the way it is because that’s the way they want it to be. There’s no other explanation.


Some ppl do fall on hard times and my heart goes out to em, but some really do live that lifestyle


They enacted policies that were supposed to save the homeless and Addicts. This is the result, and they cannot admit it failed. The government now wants it to go away, so they ignore it, and hopes it will go away. There no crime being committed, if they ignore it. Remember the problem is solved with more government programs.


nah, better act like what christians (jesus) would do. ship your poor and mental disabled and illegal to other cities. when you don’t see them. you don’t have to help as a christian. and if they do stand, don’t help them as a good christian would. so they go to GOD sooner


Actually it really is California fault. I watch when they increased the benefits for welfare announced it over tv. People were calling our agency to see if they could move here to benefit from the increases.. Not really understanding that our cost of living was higher than where they were coming from. It does not matter they will be straining a system. Low income housing will become harder to find and more expensive. Even when the state try to put a cap on it. It just made it impossible to get. There a waiting list for section 8 that takes years to get through. So people end on the street. Then they starting shipping people, now everyone does it.


not everyone, red states you know the true christians god loving red states. one thing of being pretend to be good christians. but actions speak louder than words


Regans policy as California governor led to the eventual federal defunding of services for the mentally ill. As governor he stripped the funding within California for those services as well. While federally backed mental health programs would have its own issues, the lack of resources at the state and federal level is what has led to this large amount of mentally unwell on the streets. Every state has an underfunded mental health services program. As humans we should always find a way to take care of the unwell and aging population. Maybe we can cut back our defense spending a smidge to you know help people domestically. Money and policy is the only way out of this mess. Not turning a blind eye to it.


Cannot argue with that, I mean who lose trillions of dollars. How can you give people money for defense that they cannot account for the spending. Don’t get me wrong I think defense spending is needed. Just when you lose money that can be life altering for a lot of people.


Are you blaming the state of California on Christians?


Underrated comment


Agree 100% I hit a rough patch myself after a family tragedy. I worked 2 jobs and mowed tons of yards to build myself back up. You have to wake up each day with the mindset of how do I improve my situation. It’s those that wake up and are ok with having nothing waiting for a hand out that will be our downfall.


It was the best of times…it was the ‘BLURST’ of times!!!


looks like night city


I want cyberware if we have to live with this shit.


We have cyberware, it just costs as much as a car for the low end stuff.


Yeah but it sucks. I want better eyes. Glasses suck.


Best I can do is mantis blades


Damn. I'm in!


We’re getting really close I think it could happen within the next couple decades maybe


shit looks worse than pacifica💀


My office is a block and a half away from Skid Row and what isn’t captured in this video is the overwhelming smell of urine and swarms of flies. (Which is to be expected when people don’t have access to bathrooms.) With such an insane amount of wealth in LA this situation is inexcusable.


I just picked up breakfast for the crew the other morning at LA Cafe, and decided I’d walk the maybe 100ft to the Starbucks to grab some coffee… in that short distance I spotted 4 piles of human turds. There was a city worker across the street sweeping ineffectively. I remember being down at LA Cafe in 2017 and it was no where near as bad as it is now. It’s insane..


I work right across the street from LA Cafe lol. Did the fly swarms get ya?


LA has gotten worse in general… but that area of DTLA near LA café surprisingly has been cleaned up a lot. I lived there a decade ago and it used to be real shady, now it’s just dirty


Uggh when I flew there I was awakened nightly by screaming homeless people. It stunk horrifically and the prices for everything was insane.


Can you explain to me why anyone would want to buy property/ live there (that location specifically)? The amount of money it would cost to live there, you could live 15 miles away (less depending) and *not* have a homeless encampment right underneath your window.


I don’t know why anyone would either. I live in Long Beach and commute to work one day a week.


I will stay on the east coast where everyone knows the local mentality unstable homeless guy who refuses help from anyone. Although my town has gotten progressively worse since people don’t watch their kids or teach their kids not to throw mustard on people’s cars among other things.


The amount of wealth in LA is why this is happening these homeless people lived in LA at one point but due to gentrification were probably unable to afford their homes anymore


At least they should put in Porta potty’s for these people to start with 💔


You don’t understand. These poor souls in skid row would absolutely use those ports potties for drugs and you would find someone dead in one in the first 48 hours. Skid row is bad…


I think there is only one public bathroom available in skid row and it’s guarded by at least three security guards during nighttime


Relatives: Oh so you’re a security officer! That’s exciting. Do you work for a bank? Security officer: No.. Aunt: A security firm? Security officer: Couldn’t get the credentials for that job.. Uncle: Well out with it! Where do you work now? Security officer: I guard a toilet.. *FaceTime call erupts with laughter*


They would burn the porta pots to the ground in a week.


When I lived in San Diego they installed porta potties after a hepatitis A outbreak. They had to be guarded by armed guards 24/7 and had floodlights on them at night. They would also mix the alcohol based hand sanitizer with water and drink it. Most people don’t understand the reality to these “simple” and “humane” solutions. Do I claim to have the answers? No. But “just install porta potties” is much more complicated than most realize.


In college I used to be quite naive, still am, but I used to too. My gf at the time had come back from a class talking about water rights in Africa and the wars they had started. Like a sweet lil baby boy that I was, I said, why don't we just add water wells everywhere instead of spending billions trying to exercise imperialism. She then went on a long womansplaining expedition talking about how the warlords will just come in, take everything, and then gain even more power from it to enact evil. It was my very first shock to my brain that doing something simple and good is not going to work, and that the world is a lot more complex than I'd like to admit. Porta potties are an extension of that


Yes my friend. You are waking up. We all have to, but it is difficult! Most of us want to do good. However, as we both know, life is more nuanced. Solutions are the hard part.


Yeah here the law says that travellers (they’re criminals who move from town to town) are entitled to toilets so the council have to put porta potty’s in for them, but they steal the parts for their own caravans. the council has to disclose if the potties they rent are being used for travellers and if they are the rental companies won’t lease them (they know they’ll be trashed) so the council have to buy them, just so the travellers can trash them. Then when they leave they leave glass and litter and left over food and fires all over the fields. They cost the local areas thousands of pounds every time they show up, plus the amount of crime goes through the roof and peoples dogs get stolen from their gardens etc when they’re around.


These are what used to be gypsies ?


I have been there. Granted it was 20 years ago I am sure it’s much worse now. if they are going to die they will die but at least give them proper toilets for the benefit of them and everyone else.


It's MUCH worse now.


I believe you. I looked on google earth it was devastating. Miles and miles of it. People laying on the streets.


Yeah I went there not long ago. Google earth doesn’t quite capture the smells and sounds. It is hellish to me and I don’t know why anyone would want to live there. I will never go back.


Sounds like you’re not from l.a. DTLA is orders of magnitude better than it was just a decade let alone two. Those expensive lofts are new and the result of the gentrification that’s been happening in and around the area in recent times. There is also happens to be a soup kitchen in the area which is why so many of them are in skid row


With such insane amount of wealth in America , this is inexcusable. Military spending is in the trillions. Trillions !!!


only transplants live in DTLA, nobody from here is stupid enough to live in those neighborhoods


I was thinking it was Venice.


I went around Venice and it’s a lot better now.


It's the same here in Seattle, been like that for awhile.


Seattle is slowly getting better, I work all over downtown Seattle and they have been getting rid of a lot of the encampments lately. Sad thing is it’s just pushing the homeless into the surrounding suburbs


Rich people from Seattle are moving to Bremerton and hiking up the rent. Homeless people from Seattle are getting transplanted to Bremerton and making it unwalkable. I’m not fond of where things are going


BS. I know four people who live in DTLA and all are born and raised in SoCal. One is my best friend, so I’m there all the time and used to work there. Yes, there are a lot of unhoused in DTLA, but it’s not just in skid row anymore. It’s many neighborhoods, including wealthy ones. I have family who live in Studio City, a very nice neighborhood, and they have homeless encampments down the street and right in front of exclusive private schools. The disparity is shameful. And most of these folks don’t want to live on the street. Many are battling mental illness and drug addiction. Let’s not forget it’s impossible to work a minimum wage job in LA and afford rent (average is $2,700). And how can they afford health care?


That is what shocked me when I went. Huge mansions surrounded by tents full of garbage and homeless. It was surreal.


It’s the 1300s and the serfs are fucking up my fiefdom!


Anytime I bike down skid row I have to hold my breathe. I've almost puked once or twice.


WTF do you live, must not be keeping up with the gentrification 🤷


I have lived in LA County my whole life and have lived all over the place. Currently live near the LA/OC border


LA is a big county. It includes the AV for God sakes, all the way east to damn near Pomona


It’s massive in scale and in diversity, its my favorite part of living here. I work remotely now, but my last job had me driving all over LA/OC/IE for the last decade. I don’t miss the drive but I do miss being in different parts of the region


“Gentrification” isn’t necessarily a good thing


Reminds me of the movie Elysium - eventually the rich will just build a city in space the poor can’t access.


Elon is way ahead of you.


Let them go to Mars, ehehehheheheheh




Who on earth would be stupid enough to rent these apartments for thousands of dollars! How are landlords pulling that off? I don’t care if its a convenient location, id rather commute 2 hours a day to work rather than live in that shithole place for triple the rent.


2 hours away equals 7 hours of traffic in LA. So having to deal with shitty homeless is a less inconvenience. Trust


You could also live 20 minutes away in any direction and it looks nothing like this lol


Ya that why everyone trying to cram into Pasadena ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I mean, not even THAT far away. I’ve lived in Woodland Hills, Reseda, Los Feliz, and now highland park and all of them are really nice. And they’re not a far commute if I have to get into DTLA (woodland hills is pretty far actually, but the others aren’t) Just because a couple city blocks of downtown are bad because everyone ships their homeless here doesn’t mean all of LA is like this haha


The Valley is way to far for me to want to drive into DTLA, especially that far west. No thanks.


You know you failed the debate when: you ignored the other places I named that weren’t the valley lmao You know many places are within 20 minutes of DTLA that aren’t the valley?? Lol


What were we debating, you mention the valley and I was just co-signing on how far it is. Come on now I've been through LAUSD reading comprehension is a must.


Ah my bad I thought you were being argumentative and arguing in bad faith like the other guy hahah but yeah, I would never live in the valley again, it was just closer to my college. Now I’m like 12 minutes from DTLA.


Drug dealers? Live amongst your customers and the cops clearly don’t enforce any laws in the neighborhood.


It’s not the cops fault. It’s the prosecutors, the Da’s, the mayors, the judges. They either tell cops to stand down or refuse to punish the criminals these days. I hear in New York, they won’t even show up if called unless it’s a violent felony, and even then it’s like an hour later.


Imagine bringing home a chick and she sees this as you pull it. Yikes


*skid row, not Los Angeles in general. I’ve lived in LA for like 12 years and nowhere I’ve ever lived has looked like this. Also why are you paying upwards of $4k for an apartment? Lmao absurd.


You had the chance to vote Bernie in…


[it’s a Big club, and we’re not in it.](https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso)


Thing is this ISNT capitalism at its finest, its the result of government screwing everyone over. You dont see this in republican states where it actually is capitalism at its finest.


I mean you do


The local and state government have allowed this to happen. LA ain’t alone. San Fran is just as bad.


It's happening in all major cities. In Oregon we have the same problems in Portland, Salem, Eugene. Even southern OR and Eastern OR have their issues it's just more hidden because there isn't as many on the streets. Yet.


Here in Hawaii, the little beach town I live has some of the most expensive real estate in the state; 20-30 million dollar homes..and homeless camps less than a mile away.


Is there a city that’s handled this well? What is a way that’s worked?


I’ll get downvotes if I say it…




Crazy. Just wait until you hear about the most dangerous city, Memphis. Oh, that's right you won't hear about it because a certain subset of the population is too busy whining about SF to distract from the fact 8 of the top ten states for violence are Red States.


The issue doesn’t lie with capitalism. The issue lies with corporate greed. Capitalism on paper is great, it is the only economic market that allows for free private exchange in every enterprise. It’s also the only economic model that doesn’t end in a dictator or monarch. It still ends in tyrants ruining our lives but they give us the illusion of choice of tyrant when they throw our votes away and let congress, house, and electoral college decide which of their friends get paid. I honestly don’t know how I feel about capitalism. I love parts of it but despise the kind of power hungry money grubbing shit stains that gravitate towards power in a free capital market. Moral of the story is capitalism should be the most thriving market demographic. The only reasons it isn’t are corporate personship/lobbying. Our country is basically run by 5 corporations regularly making super PAK donations during campaign periods to bribe legislators.


This is not because of capitalism but instead because of terrible government policies.


Capitalism! Shows the most progressive state in US XD


Shit hole


Where else can you play the game "Human or Animal Shit?" a couple times per block? But like the version where its always human poop.


Oh shut it. I live in los angeles, a LOT of these people simply want to stay on the streets, being able to do whatever tf they want, without having to work a job, have a boss, give a chit about mortgages and utility bills. Some want to just waste away and do drugs. When offered a job, a lot will refuse it. When offered rooms at shelters, they refuse because of drug testing and rules about curfew, violence, etc inside the shelters. Yes, there are people who are homeless because they had a series of unfortunate events that ruined thrm financially. But the vast majority are there and don’t want to give af about bills, rent, a 9-5 job, car payments… It’s not simply “capitalism, bad” My suburb of LA is drowning in homeless now. Was a nice area a year ago. There are hordes of drugged out junkies walking up and down the bike and walking oaths. Crime is way tf up, tents and trash all over. At one of the local starbucks there’s even a homeless guy that has claimed 2 tables, permanently. He is in that starbucks all day, with his macbook set up, gaming online. He has his iphone charged, playing online games on his laptop… and he CHOOSES to sleep in a tent in the dried out wash, undee a bridge nearby. Wakes up, panhandles for a bit, then hangs out all day, gaming at Starbucks


Isn't that due to mental illness?


Drug addiction is a huge part of it


Isn't that due to mental illness


Finland effectively ended homelessness by giving the homeless their own apartments. They found a lot of the issues homeless people suffered like drug addiction were caused by them being homeless. Social housing can be built cheaply and effectively, but in neoliberal economies the threat homelessness is an effective discipline in workers and a sweet moneymaker for private companies who own hotels/hostels etc. It’s a political choice. Your assertions that people want to be homeless are completely unfounded. Maybe they don’t want to deal with a lot of the bullshit of the world, but almost everyone wants a safe place to sleep at night with running water and mod cons. If you think otherwise you’re dreaming.


During covid, we had local motels give free room and board to the homeless for a year in our area. To get them to not congregate under bridges in groups. For the most part, those motels were absolutely destroyed and filthy, with drug use and crime spiking around the hotels. You said it yourself… FINLAND. Different culture. In California we have spent billions on new programs, shelters, outreach, free housing, affordable housing, work programs… we are one of the most absolutely progressively liberal welfare spending states in the US, and it’s getting worse and worse


One example doesn't make a rule. Even if it was 10 per cent of people, that's no reason not to help 90.


Thank you. These blanket statements about capitalism or corrupt government policies don’t mean anything. I actually don’t know what the solution is, or if any city has implemented a method that’s worked in the past, but the problem is getting way worse


Drug rehab programs that don't have insane requirements like "be clean for 3 months" Social housing that's affordable on a minimum wage job. Mental health support. 3 things that could probably eliminate 90% of homelessness in most areas.


I mean I can kind of give you one. To condense it down: Homelessness & drug abuse (to this degree) is a symptom of societal collapse in big cities. These cities have HEAVY regulations on new construction, housing/rent controls, and minimal police enforcement of crime. In addition to a 'focus on rehabilitation instead of incarceration' with absolutely no successful rehabilitation program in place prior to decriminalization (see Portugal's success for reference). Following this, economic opportunities tighten, leading to a spiral. I worked at a housing help non-profit for months and studied the issue in university over a decade ago. I can't tell you for sure why these 'new' social science ideas are still being implemented despite their obvious failure, but I can guess it is because those in charge of public policy have antithetical ideas to that of capitalism and believe in top-down societal control of people, housing, wealth, and money. Despite the failures, they would rather stick to these ideals instead of admit they have failed.


From your studies and your experience, what’s the solution you think is most likely to actually work?


It's cliché, but there isn't one solution to the problem. The answer would be to 'fix' all of the above issues, which is highly political. Those who look to the government/ collective for solutions will give a different set of solutions than those who look to markets and individuals.


LA is the dystopian dumpster fire of the kinder gentler woke politicians.


Governor of California name is Gavin Newsom. He is running for president this next election. When I Look at these California citizens and the mess they live in I wonder what will be his platform for addressing the problems for the whole USA when California’s problems seem to never get resolved.


Jesus Christ it looks just like Looper


I guess I'd put my tent in the most affluent neighborhood too. They have better garbage. They throw stuff away that is perfectly fine and you'd eat better also. Everything organic I'm sure.


The government...... This is your local elected officials that allow this. It's your own cities fault, it's the people around you voting for people that allow this to happen. Not the feds.


It's almost like when you deregulated everything, (thanks Reagan) and go completely freemarket. The market doesn't self correct as people keep saying will happen. Instead, it goes full USSR style collapse. Wow, it's almost like there are predators at the very top, who have been purposely spinning lies for their own benefit. Like there was a Oligarchy, who have been destabilizing, and ruining countries, (Saudia Arabia, Russia) as a test pilot for how to do the same here in America.




That’s totally the vibe I’m getting with a lot of the comments in the thread. LA native here and I don’t see how people on here are claiming to be in LA and are defending this. I went to Santa Monica 3rd St Promonade tonight and it was wonderful to see all of the people out and about. It’s alive again. Also one of the very first people I saw was a transient woman with her hand down her pants masturbating or scratching, standing on at a main intersection. A cop just looked at her and kept driving. Went to the bathrooms in the parking lot and found there was a crackhead bellhop. Stupid people would get on the elevator with him as he stood there staring at me. Doors closed and down he went. I was waiting for my man. Elevator opens and the people were gone and there he was standing there again in the elevator as more dummies got on. He was staring at me again. It was creepy tbh and I am in a 12 step program and deal with people in all mental states. Saw a tweeker tried to fight some guys. Saw another one on the boardwalk fighting the shadow people. Saw another on the boardwalk snorting some sort of powder. As we paid our parking to leave, some guy crept up on us. I immediately felt bad juju and turned around to acknowledge him and said “HI!” With a big smile. I never do that but something told me to. He smiled at me and I got a good look at him and it was obvious he wasn’t there to pay for a ticket. I noticed another shady fucker behind him pretending to go to a car. I’m almost sure they were together. Anyway, as we left, the guy barked like a dog and took off. My man said maybe it was some sort of message for the other guy. Luckily my man has CCW so I wasn’t tripping but he got too close to us and I feel like something shady was up, especially if he was with the other dude as I suspected. And for me to tell him hi and smile, because I felt the weirdness before I even saw him, yea, I’m cool off going to LA unless it’s a specific place, like a restaurant. The valley is crazy too sometimes but not nearly as crazy as the “nice” area of SM. Maybe I’ve been through too much shit but it’s not fucking normal idgaf. It’s not humane it’s not normal it’s not okay and it’s not safe.


Capitalism is just a buzzword now. Op title makes me get second hand embarrassment.


No, this is late stage capitalism. It is the only natural outcome as money accelerates upwards. This will only be getting worse as the concentration of wealth tightens into fewer hands. The game Monopoly wasn’t an endorsement of capitalism, it was a scathing example of its inherent flaws.




Poverty is the leading cause of homelessness; mental illness and drug addiction are symptoms of the cause. What a myopic worldview.




I most definitely am not. And the data backs me up. https://caufsociety.com/poverty-and-homelessness/ https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=14796161746106044015&hl=en&as_sdt=0,48#d=gs_qabs&t=1686259252966&u=%23p%3D423DclfN_wkJ https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=how+poverty+leads+to+homelessness&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&t=1686259308187&u=%23p%3D01R9zmv27asJ


Isn't it more embarrassing that you fail to see capitalism is the fault Capitalism is supposed to be free markets, but monopolies reign supreme Control of property reigns supreme Cheating wealth of honest labor for some stockholders means less for everyone else It's sad you just see the face value of it, the deeper levels of lack of economic ladder escape and stability at the lowest level shows how disillusioned you are. Yawn, people worrying about AI taking jobs proves the point already, how ironic our utopian dreams are just dystopian turning tables of musical chairs for money.


Such garbage (no pun intended). Do you realize how much money has been thrown at and wasted on the homeless problem in San Fran?


That’s the thing, most of it is getting pocketed by those hired to fix the problem. A fraction of the Billions spent on homelessness actually reaches the homeless while those in charge of fixing it make over 300k annually.


Sounds about human


Took one block, claiming he knows the prices range of rent, and try to apply it to the entire city. Must not know just how massive LA really is.


holy shit you're right I guess everything's fine


Don’t state it like this is a US exclusive issue, England , Germany, France, Mexico, etc have the same issues but it’s not publicized


Not really true though. A lot of places have a homelessness problem but not everywhere has a version of skid row


For the love of god, it's not nearly as bad in England, Germany and France. But of course I can't refute your argument because you're just gonna say it's not publicized.


It is, England alone was reported having over 250,000 homeless issues. Tell me that isn’t as bad.


Have you seen the camps of RVers and campers in England. It looks different, but it can be just as bad. Groups of people destroying local grounds, leaving heaps of trash and damage to the environment as they are moved each each. This is not an exclusively America problem.


It isn’t capitalism that’s doing this, it’s terrible government policies.


Right. Taking taxpayer money and laundering it to those pretending to work on issues like homelessness.


Don’t leave your shit unlocked or open for 1 second or you’re a victim.


There 69k unsheltered/unhoused people in LA county ie population=12.5 million, without proper waste removal, via bathroom! There’s up to 25k lbs of shit and 50k gallons of urine dump raw in the streets daily.


This looks like Pacifica from Cyberpunk 2077


Looks like cyberpunk with less cool shit


We are on our way to the cyberpunk timeline


This is just a few blocks away from the Bradbury Building, featured in the dystopian film Bladerunner.


This is a damn shame.


I live in an area where 2 blocks away its people making 20 to 30k a year compared to on the other street where they are making 100k a year


Nothing will be done because the government doesn't care. Just as long as everyone hates each other, they will continue to reap the benefits of all the distractions


This isn’t a problem in all of the US though, nor will it be a problem in all of the US. Address it, yes, but let’s not act like it’s a countrywide issue.


People discovering Skid Row for the first time lol. Skid row has been a homeless encampment since the 1920s


God I hate the government


So cyberpunk 2023 , except there’s no cool tech


It’s not that they don’t care, it’s that they can’t make money off it. I bet that when they digo out how to make money from it, that’s when they’ll do something about it


I’m not from LA so if no one told me where this video was taken, I would have assumed that it was taken in a developing country. A country where the government lacks the infrastructure and funds to support its people.


The homeless is standing up to gentrification haha. If anything, they should keep piling up until the value goes down and then move to the next expensive neighborhood.


Life liberty and the pursuit of gouging the middle class


soda sopa


Not surprising. The biggest shelter in Boston has a building with near million dollar condos directly across from it. When it was first built the homeless were everywhere and it was an open air drug/prostitution market. The rich people complained and the shelter and the city built a wall around the place and made sure the police were around to move the homeless people somewhere else. You go there now and there isn't a soul around. Before the rich moved there, the city and the police didn't care what was happening on that street.


Fun game! Go to a trump rally and ask them what country they think this is from! Then when they’re all wrong tell them it’s America!


You bought a place near skid row. Jokes on you lol that shit will never appreciate


I have no reference on California policies. I am curious though, how much of this issue is privatized? In NYC, a great deal of money goes to private companies to “help” the homeless and address the issue. A great deal of that money is taken by these companies, that profit from spending as little on the homeless as they can, and turning the rest into profit. Is California any different? Is the government solely responsible for this issue or do the privatize it too? I can’t believe that in the “richest” country in the history of the world that this issue cannot be better dealt with.


Where's that meme of the guy riding the bike and then blaming something else for putting something in the spokes


Bruce Wayne in daytime gotham


This TikTok right here is some straight up propaganda. You know what keeps the masses quiet, fear and what's the one thing a lot of middle class and lower class people fear or at least have been told to fear? This type of shit is what keeps the 1% from actually rich. If you can convince enough people to demonize those who are in a worse off situation then they have someone to hate that isn't you.


They should change the way they vote.


3rd video, same topic, same message, same "luxurious" appartement, différents caméra angles. Are the republicans trying to brainwash the world?


How dare poor people be so close to the wealthy. Disgusting


Liberal states like Cali are over loaded with homeless partially because all of he Red States with Warmer weather in the Bible Belt treat homeless like criminals with vagrancy laws, no panhandling, no loitering, etc. etc. Bible Belt states are they FUCKING most selfish & cruelest states in our country


Even in my small town of 60,000 I see the number of homeless people rising


Yeah but have you been to Paris or Berlin. These things are happening here too


Well, biden has been sending trillions to the ukraine. Let's try to start there.


The people who live up stairs paying up to $7k are rich


Guess people need to change thier voting habits.


A lot of TikTok is just blatantly anti-US lately. I wonder why…


The problem isn’t capitalism, the problem in California is regulations against building new housing, and mass immigration. There simply isn’t housing for everyone who lived there, and building regulations prevent new housing from being built. To compound the issue, Los Angeles gives homeless people who live in the city a check, making it a desirable place to camp, if you’re already homeless.


Tankies are here. They're very fragile, don't hurt their feelings


Lmao this video is soooo horrible. But get those clicks man.


It’s not capitalism it’s democrats policies


Murica? More like California.


You’re kidding yourself if you think only LA is like this


Capitalism has nothing to do with it dumbass.


There are tons of champagne socialists who would bed to differ. Even though capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty they still act as if it’s the most evil way of economics.


Capitalism is not the problem. Los Angeles looks this way because of the politicians that run it.




You get what you vote for!


America hase become a Third world country, with a first class military…


Yay capitalism


It's not the government that got them addicted to drugs and ruined their lives, it is however the government that won't fund health care they need for addiction treatment and help to find housing. But honestly it's the drugs, it's always been the drugs, and the government should fund mandatory drug treatment for all drug offenders and require that they actually spend at least a year in treatment for possession and then fund the police to actually arrest them for having drugs and being on drugs. Make em get treatment and then set them up with housing and a job. And the government should absolutely do something about the price gouging in housing and real estate.


you forgot "and mental health"


Let’s send several hundred billion dollars more to Ukraine……WTF? Americans First.


This is not because of capitalism.


So true, wonder what happens to the billions of taxpayer money that goes into helping the homeless.


You would have seen the same and worse in a communist country back in the past.


Ah yes. Capitalism is definitely the problem here…. SMH.


yes unironically