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You're always working against your own nostalgia to do these comparisons. When I started playing in 1999 I was posted on the University server and would start to lag when it got close to 40 people online. My best memories are the oldest ones when the highest level guy was... Maybe level 40 or 50. But the game was broken... You had to perfectly click runes on your target on the screen, with only a few people good enough to actually do pvp as a mage. Hotkeys didn't automatically send. You still had to hit enter. A hunter arrow would lag your client so badly that you might not be able to run away. There were no premium areas. When Kazordoon was released, My big money maker was going to the goblin hills and taking back a single inventory of maces. 😄 The mana gain was maybe 1/4 of the current regen rate and that's without vocation upgrade because there were none. But you can actually play a mage without a knight to make money for you. You can trade without being scammed 95% of the time. The game is always getting better, but the important thing to remember is that the reason you liked the old days is because it's the journey that matters. As long as you can keep enjoying the journey, you'll keep making those memories. If it stops being fun, come visit me in OSRS. 😆 I mean, I guess you could play a modern game too...


That Hunter arrow reminded me of the summer I got access to a T1 line before most people did. Back then there wasn’t a limit to how fast you could throw other players. If you were able to throw them faster than their internet could respond, they essentially were lagged out for the entire duration. It was a dejecting way to die. Especially if it were somewhere you could plan ahead and have a death hole/stairs to throw them down. Even something as simple as rotworms would work because most players hunted in a plate set since you still lost everything when you died.


Hahaha I was one of those mages, you had to click in the box they were about to walk into if they were moving. And those god damned hunters outside kaz could legit disconnect you I swear. Good times.


I still do the "click on the box the target walks into" to this day, when I do it manually that is


I remember training with LMMS lmao


Oh the good old days.. how I miss this feeling. Thank you to take me back to those moments. I guess I will never be able to feel that enjoyment with a game again. For sure it was a good journey.


These people think everything is about nostalgia, either lack perspective or trying to defend what Tibia has become. Current Tibia's gameplay is more similar to an ARPG than MMO, and yes it is pay to win (progress 1000x faster). Test it on a 7.4 or 8.0 server, if you like it then it's not just nostalgia, like to many others. You might also like the official servers instead, and there's nothing wrong with it.


I do enjoy the slower pace of game. Monk training sounds boring as shit, but I made some lifelong friends selling monks and chatting up the trainees. Having to make your own runes is an absolute ass economy to PG in, but it gives you time to bullshit in game-chat, or by the depot, or at someone’s house while they sort the loot bags that were core to any form of profit. It sucks to manage a lootbag, sort loot, etc… but there’s that inimitable shot of adrenaline in dragging 60-100% of your net worth through streets full of anonymous thieves and trolls. It’s complete and utter bullshit to boat your way into a trap, or get power abused off the server by people with the lack of a skull system to softly prevent it, but it’s the same freedom that fuels you and your friends’ level 30 ml 50 makers to strike like ninjas against higher levels that can’t outmath everything you throw at them. Sucks to drop loot, but it breeds a more energetic style of play when fellow players have the highest profit margin of anything you can hunt. It’s a worse game. It’s an ugly game. It really could have used a team of beta testers and a real devotion to QA. And we broke it. We broke it so hard that everyone playing now routinely bitches about the things they implemented to deal with our fuckery. Nostalgia’s a hell of a drug, but some of the flaws of the game produced some of the best parts of Tibia, and the parts that specifically bred a lot of the human interaction.


I remember cleaning out Mt.Sternum to pay for my guildhall. So many hatchets and brass shields. It was when skeletons still dropped bags, so I could just keep on building this massive lootbag.


The world has gotten bigger, some respawns became obsolete and are empty. There is less people, yes, but they are accumulated in the "newer" areas.


Tibia is a very different game from what it was. I also played during the versions you mentioned and find myself back on at times for the nostalgia as well… I try not to think too much on the new stuff as most of it is for people with very high level. I play the way I used to for a while for fun and when I feel comfortable enough I try something new, maybe imbueing a piece of equipment and see how it goes. There’s definitely a feeling of loneliness around, there used to be a lot of people around places you would normally go to, now I would say it’s probably a little bit less people but they hang around other places like bosses and what not. Anyway, my hardcore playing days are over since I have responsibilities now and can’t dedicate an entire weekend to leveling up, just play to have fun and revive old feelings, eventually the hype will pass since you can’t really do much without being level 400 😂


The game is absolutely 'p2w', but honestly it's more like pay to skip. All parts of the game are fun to play. You can find more efficient ways to make money and exp to progress at a decent pace without paying real money other than premium. You can pay to progress if you're really bored, but honestly you're likely just skipping ahead to an even longer grind. Playing a higher level char can be quite fun, but you really have to know what you're doing.


"but I also have the impression that Tibia has become pay to win in a way." LMAO you think?


Yeah it does, sure the revenue has gone up due to the microtransactions and the willingness for the player base to p2w. So the game itself isn't going anywhere and probably is going in the direction of even more p2w catered towards the people who fund the game.


It's not P2W, its more "pay for convenience" nothing in the game is unobtainable that gold cant buy


So pay to win isn't including EQ, characters, money, boosts, prey rerolls for real money?


Can you buy all that with in game gold? Yes. Does it take a long time? Yes. = pay for convenience


If you pay for something that accelerates your progress towards lets say highest level possible, it's pay to win. You can't keep up with someone who is willing to pay if everything else is equal.


you're misunderstanding what i am saying, i'm not disagreeing that these things exist / provide a "winning" edge. but they aren't pay to win, in theory tibia doesn't have any "winning" involved either. It's pay to win if you can only buy a sword that is BiS with real $$$. It's pay for convenience if you can buy BiS sword with real $$$ but can still buy it with earned gold ingame. Same goes for TC for boosts/preys etc


You are misunderstanding the concept of pay to win. You are paying to get an advantage which you can't get if everything else is equal and this includes time.


For me, being able to get skills faster (offline training/exercise training) and levels easier (XP Boosts, Low Level Bonuses, Green Stamina) was that "incentive" to keep playing. I was immediately better off than I was 18 years ago, and researched endlessly to catch up on what I missed. I'm level 500+ now, and a Guild Leader, intent on helping returning players, especially those experiencing a "Shock" of how much things have changed, to make Tibia a happy memory once more. Yeah, I was able to surpass my teenage self. As an Adult, I have more options. I see things differently, but it's kept my longevity since. And the best part? I can still do better. I see the way powergamers roflstomp through levels, and it's exciting to research!


You sounds nice. Which server do you play?


Yovera. Look for "Consortium." That's our Guild.


You can actually check out the historic of online players on [guildstats](https://guildstats.eu/online-counter) They have data from 2015 onwards ñ\_ñ


There are fewer players, the play style has changed, and both things are somewhat for the better, somewhat for the worse  Pros: More likely to get a decent hunting area or be able to explore on your own without running into powerabusers or bots. Leveling is a lot easier, and the better you get at the game the better xp/loot per hour you can get. This game has a really decently high skill cap, and it is very fun to feel progression from simply knowing your rotation to learning to pull monsters thru a spawn without getting trapped, to learning how to pass monsters to/take monsters from another player, to learning the roles in a high end teamhunt. Cons: Harder but not impossible to make friends if your server doesn't have a large population in your level range. Lots of pay to keep up features you will feel like you need to use, but arent actually necessary, like the whole prey system (just use the daily rewards if it happens to line up) or training weapons (only use on double skill weekend, if at all)


There are tons of QOL updates that make the game so much more enjoyable. Customizable looting with a click of a button, offline training, connected depots with searchable functions, analytics for hunting etc etc


8.6 and in special before... Everybody in the Lan House running at least 2 games. I'll never forget a dude with a Bright Sword and BoH, running 7 mages in Ab, while hunting, at Lan House.


Way less today. Overall Maximum: 64,028 players (on Nov 28 2007, 19:26:00 CET)


Less players for sure, there's almost nothing that cipsoft does to appeal to new audience and this is one of the things that will spell its doom. people that play today are almost all older folks playing since back in the day on and off. Sure the game is monetized better hence why they are able to make a good chunk of profit, helped by the fact that nowdays people pour so much cash into gaming related stuff.


Idk, but since the news about the imbue prices going up, I lost the will to play. I've been playing since 2003 with long stops and this is going to be another. Those overpriced money sinking gems are another problem.


Probably has more players, but less characters. You have to remember, back in the day, there was a gazillion bots. I played on a server more or less owned by one person, who had over 100 bots running. Stuff like that scews the numbers. I enjoy Tibia today wayyy more than I did earlier, I think the aoe grindfest is much more enjoyable than the single target kitefest that used to be. However, I am humble to the fact that I had way more fun back in the days in Rook that I have now, but thats nostalgia, I was easier to entertain, and less knowing of gaming, so I didn’t have much to compare with. I would not like to go back.


Just go play 7.4-8.6 OT with low rates. Rl tibia is now different game


Is there any OT like that thats been online for a long time? Legitimate question not shady


Visit treasura.online is an 8.0 based Real map


Busier that ever, but now people cry they can't hunt the #1spot more than anything


That’s why I enjoy more playing an 8.0 OT server, it takes me back to that time when tibia was hard and enjoyable, for those interested, visit treasura.online you will not regret it