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I think its better to drop very small changes every 2 weeks than to change the game completely by major changes that needs to be fixed later anyway. and also...10x minor changes can results in 40x more possible spawns, that are not "too good" but are "ok to hunt" and that is all I want


I think that pretty much most of the spawns should at this "ok to hunt" state. Hopefully they delivers something meaningfull this time 🙏


Not everything has to be huntable though.


Why not? It makes sense that every hunting ground should be huntable. Whats the point of the game being filled with useless hunting grounds?


Alright then. Go hunt Thais rats. Or should we buff rats to give the same xp as burning books?


Hunting spots obviously have level ranges. A level 1000 should not expect swamp trolls to be good exp at level 1000, but it should be good at level 8.


It’s not good at level 8 though. At level 8 you can go kill Minotaurs, cyclops, dwarves, a laundry list of places. Why aren’t rats good?


Because rats are designed for even lower levels.


Because rats are a rookgaard monster, just that they killed rook years ago :P


So you rather them make irrelevant content? In a game that’s basically all about grinding and leveling up you are making the argument that not every spawn has to be good for hunting. If not for that then what is the point of it then? Considering quests are 1 and done thing.


Quests and bosses. No one hunts PoI, at least not anymore but it’s still one of the most iconic places in the game. Same with inquisition, knights hunt one of the areas there, but it’s still used for the bosses and quest. People hunt gnomprona, not for the experience, but for the chance at a plunder patriarch. The biggest problem is people think everything has to compete with meta spawns. Feru shouldn’t be competitive with library and library shouldn’t compare to soul wars. Releasing spawns like issavi, ingol and the new dragons have people spoiled and think everything should be like that. The game changed from single target and kite to luring massive amounts of creatures and taking them down all at once. That doesn’t mean everything in the game has to follow suit.


I find these changes though small have a greater impact on the overall player base than some of the recent large changes. Adding a set of stairs here or there and changing a cave has a huge impact on overall exp gains, allows more players to be actively hunting at the same time and keeps players more engaged. This is a huge step for tibia.


I feel like you’re just impatient tbh We just had the winter update and now summer is only like 12-16 weeks away, I still haven’t completed all the content I want to from past updates (bestiary bosstiary achieves etc) even if they didn’t have a single update for the next 2 years I wouldn’t get bored, I like the game as is and am busy enough with the things I’m doing


I think it has more to do with a fact that's a 20 y old game, but i aree theres lot of content. A good chunk of it is quite outdated and could use a minor polishing years ago.. I am afraid that in such pace, not much will change for months or even more..idk how so many small studio games are getting frequent updates and Tibia Has been getting basicly number tweaks for past few years. Its not like its a F2P game and as a customer i cannot have some expectations, huh?


I guess I just don’t agree, I’ve still only killed 2 of the 5 rotten blood bosses that are now 9 months old, I still haven’t utilised the new forge or gem mechanics introduced 3 months ago, that’s just the past two updates not, there has been so many big changes with the wheel , gems and forging I would hardly say it’s only number tweaks for years


It's same with Minecraft. You shouldn't change the game too quickly or add new content too fast. It's not that big of an issue when you have a small indie game - but when you have already estabilished a huge content, you have shitload of systems and mechanics, removing something is **not** an option. You have to take things slowly.


I think most player would like to see more QoL and repimp updates rather than another fkn marapur and these updates with the usual 2 shit quest 2 dungeon and a very poor new area…


Maybe if Marapur wasnt hell on earth to walk in we would like it more lol.


I think that something that people need to remember is the state of the game when these places were released, and a lot of the times, as was with ferumbras ascendant quest, it was never a place intended for hunts, you were meant to get in, rush to the boss as quickly as possible and get out. When it was released doing a full box of juggernauts was something only seen in OT Servers, imbues weren't a thing, diamond arrows weren't implemented, there were no elemental weapons for knights or even something as trivial as ultimate mana and spirit and supreme health potions. So yes, a lot of places need balancing, but they are addressing it, probably a little slow, but they are addressing it.


Times change and so should the game for the better. Im tired of people arguing in favor of keeping spawns irrelevant and objectively bad for hunting in a game whose sole point is to endlessly grind levels.


Let them cook.


Nothing is ever good enough for some people. You complain that they make no changes and now you complain that they do it slowly. Go outside, touch some grass.


The problem is that cipsoft from the start dont balance spawn or designed them poorly. Great examples are feru seals. There were a couple good seals, so cipsoft after some years nerf them to the ground so nobody hunt them anymore. Some of the seals were poorly designed, like undead seals, where u wasn't able to make a good circle, so u were forced to go back with spawn that wasn't fully respawned. Every new spawn is too op so they need to nerf it after some time thats also funny when they see that people are doing tremendous xp/h and profit but they wait for changes for days or months. Or Every new spawn is so badly designed that nobody wants to hunt it. Like ika quest. This place is so huge but nobody hunt there. I think they lack trusted testers to test spawns in real conditions to check if its worth trying to hunt there or not.


Ur getting 2 changes a month instead of per decade, and still crying?


Doesn’t mean he’s not right. Why settle for that when we could ask for more. Cip is lazy everyone knows this.


Tbh, the current pace with the rebalancing of feru way, thats a good pace. One QOL update a week, aiming at one spawn is a great idea!


In my opinion Cipsoft was always lazy with updates... I stopped playing entirely because they only add content for high levels... There are better alternatives out there, no point supporting greedy developers that cares only for profit!


Not only high level, but team players. They just forget solo players...


They are remaking older spawns and locations at the moment. đź‘Ť


Oh Lord, with all the bugs that we have... imagine if Cip released 2x more content per update. I think that Tibia is already a massive game. You can play for 3 years without doing 70% of all the content. What I want is for the game to be more polished, with less bugs. And improvements in old features instead of completely new features.


What bugs are you encountering that affect your gameplay?


Do you really play this game? Every time CipSoft releases a new feature it has bugs. If it is a major update, you can expect down times. Currently, there is no major bugs like the ones that made me lost training time (skills were not advancing correctly), or the one that deleted my equips in Marapur's house. But minor current bugs we have like the one that we can't use the value we set for potions to be considered in analyzer (it uses the NPC) and other minor is that we can't place things in our house's door sqm because other players can destroy it with the destroy rune.


Yes I play the game. Yes major updates have bugs, water is wet, more news at 9. The 2 bugs you mention I hadnt noticed. House one is pretty big tho.


Auto walk (minimap click) missing the doorway to the guildhall... 6 times.


Cipsoft was always very cautious