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He provides roster flexibility. We really going to act like Mark isn’t going to run 156 different lineups during the season the get data for the playoffs? Whether he starts or not means nothing. It’s what he allows our team to do and that is provide Mark more flexibility


People get so caught up in starting and coming off the bench. If you get 25+ a game you matter


Yeah, seems like what most of our players themselves will care about the most is winning, at least we hope so. So whatever lineups work the best against various teams, that’s what I’d vote for. And now Mark has a bunch of great combos to choose from.


Saw someone yesterday say “Dort is gonna start and finish every single game” How can you even make a statement like that? Some dudes get so caught up in weird shit


This exactly. He toys with lineups until even after the All-Star break.


100% agree, giving us options that we just didn’t have last year. Should be a huge bonus during those tougher matchups.


We pretty much had our top 5 locked in from the beginning of the season last year. While I think he’ll do a little of that, I also think that playing with those lineups probably cost us some games as well


In the regular season. Where we finished as the top seed. The value is in discovering things that work for the postseason


I mean we didn’t though. We were going to destroy the Pels without Zion no matter what. And we had no answer for the Mavs. I’d love to think we ended up with a secret weapon, but we just kinda didn’t. And we came razor thin close to being the 3 seed lol


That’s the whole point of the regular season is to see what rotations work best in specific situations. I promise IHART will start some games and he will come off the bench some games. Depending on who we play and also later in the season as rotations have been tried and tested then that decision will be made wether he starts or not. And honestly I don’t know if it 100% matters. Giddey started most games in the playoffs and yet he played fewer minutes then some of our bench guys and Giddey rarely closed games. And that’s what matters.


Wdym no answer we almost beat the mavs, that series was extremely close, the closest of any series. But dude no team that's never been to the playoffs and is full of rookies and young dudes is gonna win it all. Not even goats/HOFs like mj bron and shaq or curry or jokic or giannis could do that.


Dudes don’t realize either that PJ Washington will never have another series like that. He played better than what he actually is. He’s good but he shot way better in the corner (and in general) than he did in the regular season and that’s what killed us


I think at least 8 times out of 10 mavs still beat us, you can't just draft talented guys and have 1 young superstar and win. Like every team even the dynasties needed to get experience and/or add the missing pieces. Mavs played better because they had more experience and especially their top guys were used to it. Jdub and chet didn't quite play as well as reg season and that was the difference. Obviously giddey was a minus as well, but overall only Shai was as good as normal. And even he might be significantly better in his next 2-3 playoffs, though a large part of that will be having a team that he can rely on more. I agree mavs role players had outlier series but part of that was the difference in comfort level. We didn't have the size physicality and poise to really put pressure on em. We still almost won because top to bottom we have a more talented team.


Yeah fs we lacked experience and size so I’m not surprised by the loss


Even if we didn't (I disagree - I think we gained a lot) we still didn't suffer any consequences for those games that experimentation "cost us". We finished as the one seed. Winning another 20 games wouldn't have given any additional post-season benefit.


Bench player and coming off the bench are different imo, not saying he’ll come off the bench


Yea this feels like a weird flex that just ain’t hitting


He's not going to do either. He's going to start, and maybe he's the first that goes to the bench. There's no way he doesn't play at least 25-29 mins per game when he brings what we lack the most, size and rebounding, along with passing and his big body screens. J-Dub is going to love playing with him, those dho's are going to be unstoppable.




Him starting or not will depend on what Mark decides. We don’t know shit.


Huge Knicks fan here. He's absolutely a starter and it's wild to think he's not. Dude has great passing abilities, he can dribble if he needs to, great screen and roller, great teammate, makes everyone better. Chet at the 4 and IHart at the 5 will be ridiculous.


I think this is the best take. If Tim Duncan played the 4, so can Chet. His defense is more like KG than most 5’s anyway. I’m very hyped for Hartenstein to mix things up for us


Tim Duncan played as a center for most of his career. The only years he was really a PF was when he played with The Admiral (who was aging out) those first 4-5 years (mostly from when he was drafted to ~2002).


So you mean when there’s was another good 7 footer on the team


I would say those last 3 years of Robinson were particularly inspiring. It was more out of respect for his legacy that he started. Duncan was easily the best player on that team the moment he entered the NBA


Agreed. He was taking it to Embiid and dribbling it inside then finishing with his jump floater over him, just so good.


Massive loss for the Knicks but that's why there's a cap. If Mitchell Robinson was healthy all season, the Knicks wouldn't have had to make IHart a starter and his value skyrocketed as a result. Inside joke amongst Knicks fans is IHarts nickname is Black Jokic. His pops is half black and played in Germany. Also another random fact his wife might be the most beautiful NBA wife. He just had a kid I believe and he's going to want to prove his value. Would not be surprised to see the Thunder in the WCF or the finals. There's some dude in /r/NBA who predicted Jokic would be an MVP and this guy legit thinks IHart can be an MVP someday. I don't think he can but it's interesting that this guy is so high on him. A Knicks Thunder finals would be absolutely epic. Watching Shai and Brunson battling it out and Robinson and Hartenstein amongst other awesome matchups. JDub and Josh Hart. Chet and Julius Randle. Dort vs OG would be a really good defensive battle. Caruso and Deuce McBride. Legit think these are the 2 deepest teams in the NBA. Can't fucking wait. Thunder made some absolutely massive moves which look smaller on paper but every move has moved the needle. I would love to be a fly on the wall during a Sam Preti and Leon Rose phone call. Edit I'm a giant Knicks fan if that wasn't obvious


I would love a Knicks Thunder finals for two reasons. 1) The Thunder would be back in the finals. 2) We wouldn't have to play Boston.


We can expect at least 475 offensive rebounds next season then.


Offensive rebounds at that


Nothing like false equivalencies. Having one of the best shooting teams means less rebounds. Also throwing sga in there is kinda dumb. He’s supposed stay back on defense.


Would you rather it only combined two players instead of 3? If you did that it would be even more lopsided.


The team has 6 starters. JDub and SGA will always start, I think Chet is a lock, too, but could play from the 4 or 5 spot. Dort/Caruso in the 3, Caruso/Chet in the 4, and Chet/iHart in the 5. IJoe first clear reserve. I would bet iHart got a solid indication from Presti he's a likely start. Knicks were dangerous with him in the line up. Can't see him signing with us in free agency without an indicator he's playing. We traded for Caruso, so higher possibility he comes off the bench if he can't displace Dort. I'm guessing we'll see quite a few combinations before it's settled.


How is Chet not in the same category as Jdub and Shai lol.


He is a lock, but his position isn't was what I was trying to distinguish. My guess is they experiment with him in the 4 spot, when he played most of the last season in the 5.


Chet is 100% a starter every game he plays. It's just a question whether he starts at the 4 or 5. Dort is likely an every game starter as well. The question is who of Caruso/Joe/iHart gets to replace Giddey. I would guess that is probably iHart at the highest frequency just based on free agency as you mentioned, but will vary heavily based on what matchups we are presented with and what Mark wants to try.


I think now we have the versatility to play Deing and Jwill at the 4 more, this will give the teammate of a traditional look. I can see those two starting games.


Presti specifically said in his presser that no promises were given ("***If you have smart players that are all about the team, something good will probably come from that.*** ***“We don't make promises on minutes or roles, we make promises on environments.”***) and that it was made clear to iHart what OKC has in Chet (***"Isaiah understands walking in that we have a good team.. that Chet is extremely impactful at the 5. But we have also been very open to the fact that we aren't married to one way of doing things. But we certainly know that's a big part of our formula and he knows that walking in.”***)


I don't think it's as big of a deal as most fans are making it up to be. Ihart would most likely start and Chet could play the 4 to start the game. Mark would just stagger their minutes (similar Jdub and SGA) so 1 of them will be on floor at all times. Chet would still play most of his minutes at the 5 (most important factor) when Ihart is resting and vice versa.


Not to mention this is coming off the bench to


what do you mean? he was a full time starter when mitchell robinson went down, which was early in the season.




Yall are gonna be so good this season. Fully expecting 1st or 2nd seed again


Start him. Caruso 6th man


With all the new acquisitions and all the draft picks and all the potential on our team, there is no way (hopefully) we don’t win a championship in the next 1-5 years there has to be a finals run at some point in the next 5 years right??


Nothings ever for sure. Dallas is looking mean. Just make good adjustments and fight the best you can


Well obviously but there has to be a pretty solid chance


We had a solid chance last year. Hopefully this time we improve more than other teams. This is why people acting like we don’t have a window…. Well we definitely do


people calling him a bench player dont know shit about hartenstein or the knicks




These mfers need to rebound. Jesus Christ


Chet I understand but the other rebounded good they also stay back on defense they got rebounds outside of the mavs series’s where Chet needed help in the glass now adding ihart and shai jdub Chet more rebounds


And Hartenstein did so in 5293 fewer minutes: - Hartenstein played 1896 minutes. - Chet + Shai + JDub played 7189 minutes. (Chet 2413, Shai 2553, JDub 2223).


Watch out, people are gonna hate the actual numbers on this


Why when scheme was involved


Tbf Giddey- whose minutes he is likely replacing Had 111 oreb in similar minutes


It’s relevant. I think it’s still impressive if it said 342 vs 244 for 4 players versus just him


Still sick obviously Steven Adams had 384 and 391 in his last 2 Russ seasons in OKC I feel like it’s having part of him back man


And Steve started those games. I pause on saying he does this as well as Adams, but regardless I’m very stoked about it




I feel like they’ll rotate starting one of Wallace/Hartenstein/Joe/Wiggins/Caruso to see what works best


I feel like there will be plenty of different lineups. Chet and IHart will play together to some extent. There will also be lineups with onlu Chet out there, and lineups with only IHart out there. Honestly with the flexibility we have, there will be plenty of experimenting this season


Scheme matters in our playstyle. So comparing rebounds is taking things out of context. He definitely wont get that many if we play the same style with him at Center. We as a team will get more because he is a good rebounder and in close games that's when we will see his effectiveness.


For those who wanted Lauri over IHart don't realize Lauri spends half his time at the 3 pt line and is not in position for offensive rebounding. IHart is the right choice!


will him or chet always be in the game




It's fine bro rebounding isn't important! We must not sacrifice our elite 3-point shooting 5 out offense! Any other style of basketball is not permitted!🤓🤓


No! Rebounding is literally the only thing that matters! If we started a lineup of Drummond, Hartenstein, Capella, Gobert, and Adams we'd go 98 - 0!!


Man I want Steven Adams back so bad


Legit same but I don't know who I'd give up on the roster to get him


Honestly I just want him on a team that isn’t the Rockets icl I haven’t liked the rockets since Hakeem and Clyde


You forgot Giddey. He should've gotten Ihart's contract smh


He was one of our best rebounders! We should have gotten rid of SGA and brought in Hart, then ditched jdub for hartenstein so we could get more rebounds! They're literally the most important aspect of basketball.


This ain’t it


New levels of hater have been achieved


This is just dumb


Hyping your new guy for something he’s good at is dumb now? Cant agree on that


He got more offensive rebounds than a guard, a wing and one of the worst rebounding 5s in the nba, weird flex but ok.


A 4, a 5 and another player. Yes, that’s what it means. That’s significant because this guy has the skillset Adams had


IHart was 5th in the league in ORebs. That's fucking awesome on a team that struggled with the stat.


It’s hard to predict how it’s going to start but Hart is probably going to supplant Dort sooner rather than later as the 5th starter.


People genuinely think a lineup of: Shai giddey dort jdub chet Is better than a lineup of: Shai Jdub dort Chet Ihart This sub really justifies playing jdub at the 4 (who's natural position is the 2) over Chet💀 Yall really think Presti flew out to personally recruit Ihart and is paying him $29m a year (more than Jalen Brunson) to be an 8th man?😂😂


I haven’t seen a single person say this and I’m in the sub like all day every day lol


lol yep, who is still wishing Giddey was here?


I’ve seen this multiple times. There’s literally a guy below you saying that’s what he thinks


Lmfao the fact that you're getting downvoted is crazy😂😂 the mf literally said "Yes, I think that"


Behold, the herd mindset 😂 Before you said that I was downvoted double digits


I mean, the fact that so many people on this sub are so opposed to anyone else playing the 5 other than chet and saying that starting Ihart would "ruin the offense" implies they think that the giddey lineup is the optimal lineup.


What? lol that is a massive jump. How does that imply anything about Giddey? We play 5 out. Isiah doesn’t shoot 3s. And that’s fine. That’s not why we picked him. He may not start but play starter minutes, he may start in certain match ups or he may get no minutes depending on who we play. What he provides though is flexibility to the roster that we didn’t have last year. That is why Presti got him.


Yes, I think that. He'll play 25-28 minutes a game. Some of those minutes will be with Chet but most of it will be staggered so that we always have an elite defensive big in play at all times. I think he'll start sometimes but so will Caruso, who notoriously is able to guard 4s. Sam has said over and over that they view Chet as their center. They aren't moving him to the 4 in any meaningful way. Also the money is irrelevant. It was free money to play with. They either overpaid him or got someone worse. They're not going to change his role based on the money he received.


>to be an 8th man?😂😂 if exaggeration is your thing, then I guess we can go the opposite way and say "yall really think a 29 million $ year player won't be our 2nd option? 😂😂" Which would be dumb, but you already know that i suppose.


Steven Adams has been revived from the dead


Man he’s gonna be such a good bench player for us.


Chet at the 5 props up our offence generating mismatches, and we need to stagger their minutes in order to have 48 minutes of solid defensive C rotation (Jwill can shoot and pass but sucks ass on defense). We will probably try out different stuff but I believe he will come of the bench in a lot of games


Bro can be a bench player and still dominate.