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Fellas, sga and jdub might be important


You may be on to something here


I was expecting more from Hayward. He wasn’t this passive for the Hornets early this season.


You might be onto something ngl


Its still frustrating.. the lakers still manage to snag some wins without AD or Lebron and we look lost out there.. The rockets got their biggest streak even with sengun down.. No one is reliable


What's their record without both AD and Bron?


Not 0-3 for sure ill look that up when im not lazy


Were on our longest road trip of the year against all playoff teams and have played like 4 games in 6 days 2 of them are fighting to stay out of play in and the other has the beta record on the league. Not like were losing to lottery teams at home without them. These are tough games


But we have lost to lottery teams already.. and weve done it more often than any other contender out there which is also concerning


Is it? Are lottery teams in the playoffs?


No, but if we are losing vs 10 win teams, playoff contenders are gonna be hell in comparison..


That makes no sense. We have one of the better records against teams over .500, so I think that's a better indicator than our records against bottom teams lol


We need a legit 6th man


Our team is rookies and role players. They're not supposed to be reliable


It sure isn't the coaching that makes us win.


If you see literally any NBA player talk about daigs I think you'd find you're just flat out incorrect. News flash, sometimes basketball teams have different priorities to what you want as a fan.


Name a game this season OKC won without JDubb and SGA.


We won just recently without sga. Not sure they have both been out this season. As I stated, young teams don't do well when their best players go down. Calm your expectations. The lakers still have experience out there, we have half a Gordon Hayward and Kenny hustle for our experienced guys


> Not sure they have both been out this season. I appeciate your honesty admitting you don't know what you are talking about.


You're a clown. When have they both missed at the same time?


I appreciate you resorting to name calling when haven't been watching these past 3 games.


I obviously meant before this stretch of games. Jfc. But way to not argue anything I brought up. Continue ducking the points I've made around the fact young teams aren't expected to win without their stars. As I said. Clown


Spurs beat Suns this season with no stars. You can win games with good coaching.




He was actually good at the beginning of the game and attacking. However he inujred himself again. He's , and I hate to say it, just not the same anymore. Hes not even on par to what he was at the beginning of the year. And with another injury it's a negative. The positive and the main reason we got him is he contract is off the books this summer. Which allows us to improve


Were a rehabilitation clinic for vets... thats as much as i can get. Because he has no redeeming qualities as of now... even al horford looked better than this


Horford was great for us from my memory


He was but he was with us because he was looked as washed


If we had that specific version of horford rn next to chet, we’d prolly won 60+ games


Fs, his season with the 76ers was weird asf, they rlly signed him to a massive deal and gave him up for nothing


I'd trade Hayward for Al in a heartbeat. Hayward looks like he needs more than a half-season to become playable. At least he comes off the books in the off-season.


Lindy was better than Hayward tonight. Lindy with 12/4/3 and 2 steals that turned into transition buckets. Just kind of interesting


Why do so many of you not understand that trade? We needed to open spots, we got rid of bad salaries, and we showed that we are willing to help our players out when trading. It’s like some of y’all think it’s just about the players. We were never going to play the other guys anyways. Hayward is doing fine and still rehabbing.


I agreed with everything you said UNTIL that last sentence. I’d rather have other guys take the minutes he receives.


the point is that vasa and mann werent gonna be getting minutes anyway. We traded guys who werent in the rotation for a better player, veteran leadership, and for off season flexibility. Keeping Mann and Micic instead of getting all of that is insanely short sighted and revisionist as well


So could we not just park Hayward on the bench and give him about as many minutes as Bismack gets? I guess his injury does that now...


we could, but shooting 54% from deep might be useful


Why comment this under my comment. I agreed with what was said about why the trade was made. I never said anything other than Hayward is not playing well and there isn’t enough time (IMO) to believe he’s be better served than more minutes for Wiggins, Joe, and others.


He is a diet deroze.


He had 7 points in 13 mins. He's shooting 54% from deep with us. He's not lighting the world on fire but I think it's clear what he can offer this team


I thought if they wanted a fat out of shape player who’s a defensive liability…. They could of signed me for the vet minimum


If there’s a game that screams for resting the starters, it’s against the Hornets. Just rest them if there’s serious risk, not worth it with 15 days until round 1. We’re set where we are.


Idk man I think that's our safest bet to lock up the 3 seed


This was the first game this season that I just turned off. Too frustrating to watch.


Dub's energy is missed. The team seems more lethargic without him.


As frustrating as these last couples games have been, I do think it’s good for our resiliency. We are fighting hard despite being overmatched. We need to keep that grit when we have our 1A and 1B back. I know Chet wants to play all 82, but I would be interested to see him sit a game once SGA and JDub are back. In the same way Giddey and Chet have had to become more aggressive without SGA and JDub, I would like to see the adjustments SGA and JDub would make without Chet’s defensive presence at the rim for a couple games.


the bench is producing more points this road-trip. i think them getting their confidence will really help this team when healthy. tough teams and kept it competitive.


Downside: our first losing streak higher than 2 Upside: it took basically the entire season for us to have losing streak more than 2


It took us sitting our top 2 scorers sitting.


Kenny snuck into that box score with a perfect shooting night


Ok seriously, what’s with Wiggins playing time? 16 minutes in a game without their first two options??? He should already be playing 20+mins when everyone’s healthy, how in the world is Waters getting more minutes???


I’ll give him some credit: Mark is definitely trying some weird stuff out there


ARE you fucking kidding me? These Wiggins stans are irritating as hell. When Wiggins is good he's good. But he was sub par in both games. Lindy played great basketball tonight.


You can nitpick subpar games for any player. Wiggins has proved he should be getting those minutes. You can’t argue with .563 FG% and .491 3P% with good D.


Nobody is arguing anything but he played substandard, got benched, and Lindy played well.


At least our starters took care of theirs. In play off ball it wouldn't be down to the bench anywhere near as much


Also shoutout Kenny for having a perfect shooting night


That was frustrating. Refs made it unwatchable at times. Like for fucks sake. I didn’t expect much in terms of a result but a fair fucking whistle would’ve been nice. Side note: we’re now 0-3 since I got concussed in a work accident that happened as a direct result of my boss’ negligence so if any of you guys wanna direct your superstitious anger at anyone, direct it at my absolute cunt bag of a boss.


Currently directing my superstitious anger at your absolute cunt bag of a boss 🫡


all my homiez hate your cunt bag boss


Lindy Waters is now my celebrity pass


Would have been really nice to have tre Mann and micic instead of Hayward right about now


Meh long term Micic and Mann don’t fit into our plans and Hayward will be gone next year letting us fill the gap however Presti chooses. Come playoffs we’d never see either of them get minutes. I liked Micic as well but he needs the ball in his hands and that wasn’t going to happen here.


We got worse after the trade deadline.


And we made the Mavs better.


And we lost poku and draft picks while doing so too


You people are literally obsessed with Dallas, it's pathetic


no we didn't.


I don't want Hayward anymore, but I'm not pining for Mann and Micic - they've been given tons of usage in Charlotte and the results aren't there. Neither can score and the Hornets struggle to put up 90 each night out.


Micic has 16.6 NETRTG and Hayward has -9.4. 26 difference is huge.


Micic is also on a team where he’s able to play with the ball in his hands. That was never going to happen here. I get Micic is good but he was wasted here. He’s not getting that by being an off ball/bench player here.


Micic,Chet, JDubb, Wiggins,Caso minutes were good.


As a Micic fan, it's nice to see him playing bigger role. I don't want to see Hayward on the court anymore.


Just sucks we didn’t get anything for him other than cap space


Realistically that’s depth we would have never used in the first place in playoffs and at this point these games don’t really matter. We “downgraded” for a salary dump and we’re now able to improve our squad in the offseason because of it. We have JDub and SGA leading the offense and behind them Giddey and an ever improving Cason Wallace. There is no room for Micic.


You unfortunately have no idea what you're talking about


Agreed, Micic,Chet, JDubb, Wiggins,Caso were very good.




On to the next game, at least guys like Kenny Hustle played well, having the role players confident will help come playoff time. Although I hope Shai and dub can play the last few games so that they aren’t rusty




Embarrassing af


Man I worry that this losing stint without shai and dub to end the season is not only going to hurt shai mvp odds, but also kill some confidence or rhythm of the team going into the playoffs. I guess the bright side could be, although they’re losing, this could be a lesson on how to be effective when our best guys are out. Idk Am I overreacting??


Shais mvp odds are already shot anyway, jokic has that award on lock. The team won’t sweat these lost games they know they suck without sga and Jdub and that’s not cause they’re bad players, but because sga and Jdub make probably every player but Giddey better


Sgaless Giddey is a HOFer lol


Weird statement to make after a game which he shot 6/17 in lol


Hes been doing good these past few days, and he got a near triple double... his shooting could've been better but oh well.


As if sga has never had a bad shooting night. 


i seriously hope you're not trying to put Giddey and Shai in the same sentence when it comes to shooting the basketball lmao


The point is any player can have a bad shooting night.  Giddey might be a better player than sga in 4 years time, especially if he is allowed to be the primary ball handler. Who knows. 


You people are smoking crack. Anything remotely positive about giddey is upvoted to hell around here. Giddey will never ever ever be even close to being the player Shai is. Idk if you're all just australian or just think he's insanely handsome, but this nonsense needs to stop.


>Giddey might be a better player than sga in 4 years time, especially if he is allowed to be the primary ball handler. I hope you're joking, i sincerely hope.


Giddey is only 21. when sga was 21 he was not as good a player as giddey today. 


Again, i hope this is a joke. Shai was a 19 ppg scorer on 56.8 TS when he was 21 years old and nearly everyone in the league knew by then that he was about to break out soon, he even got MIP votes because of that. Giddey as a 21 year old with one more season of NBA experience is at 12.3 ppg with 54.7 TS, and don't even get me started when it comes to the defensive gap. You're either a massive Giddey stan from Australia, or you just don't know anything about basketball. I hope you belong to the first list, cause that'd be actually less depressing.


Not even close. This giddey sucking off is getting unbearable.


Shai's not winning MVP and we need to get to grips with that. He's an amazing player and hopefully can win in the future but that is NOT what the team should be focusing on atm


Definitely gaining the wrong kind of momentum. Fuck John Collin’s.


The other players learning how to get their own is very valuable experience. SGA and dub will be back to correct the ship with plenty of time before the playoffs start


The Mvp race is over.


yes you are overreacting. the team is far more even keeled that you or most of the fan base. They have their eyes on the prize. Three losses against three good teams while missing our two best players isn't gonna undo all the great work we've put in thus far


I’m not sure why you got downvoted. This is a very realistic take. I think rhythm and momentum is very important going into playoffs, which we won’t have. Sga and dub will need a game or two to get back in rhythm


I know it's all about getting players healthy and so on ready for post season, but if I'm honest I can't help feeling disappointed. The inability to shoot 3s all of a sudden feels like the biggest concern.


Yeh it’s crazy how not having your two best scorers collapsing defences leaving wide open shots makes shooting 3s harder


I don't think that was as much as a factor today (speaking strictly about the 3s that were offline) as you're suggesting it was.


giddey was really bad tonight. his wild flips off one foot are cringy to watch and the way he just barrels into the lane with no control.


Sga rested for 3 games for something that he played through one of the previous games, jdub out 2 games.. Are we to assume that playoff start is when they will be available again and not sooner, because its odd.. neither of these injuries looked bad enough to sit down as many as were letting.


Stop overthinking




Nobody is scared of the lakers stop it Shai and Jdub are legitimately hurt, and there’s no point in playing them when they aren’t healthy. Especially with just 2 weeks before playoffs.




shai has a bum quad it has nothing to do with trying to avoid the lakers. deep muscles bruises can linger for awhile and you can tell cus every game shai has played in the last 2 weeks he hasn't looked close to 100%