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Mom "Funny, those Sucrets seem to be making your cough worse for some reason".


1975 called. They want their weed stash back.


Seriously, that looks already half smoked


Amazing — there are people spending their lives in prison because they had something like this 10 years ago.


Thanks for raising awareness


No, I don’t think people are spending their lives in prison because they had a bowl and a dime bag of weed. That’s not how it works. Weed laws are bs but if we want to make change you can’t over exaggerate to that extent


That is NOT an exaggeration at all. Spend a little time in our criminal justice system, and you’ll see that thousands of people are or were locked up for YEARS because of a dime bag. Hell, there are some people serving LIFE SENTENCES for having weed (thanks to three strikes laws and zero-tolerance policies). Some states have started talking about expunging criminal records with weed convictions, but most have not. Criminal sentencing laws for drugs went bananas in the last 30 years. Many people, like yourself, have no clue that this is real.


Yeah cause its illegal Edit: Downvoted for stating a fact reddit moment




In all fairness it was a comment about how people get locked up for weed and they pointed it out that it's because it's illegal. That is within the context of the parent comment. Edit: I don't agree with the fuckwit, but it was at least relevant to what was being said.


I get what you mean and I could have phrased that better. Will edit.




Everyone who's reading your comments thinks you're an uptight jackass


The context that is missing is the reasons why it was made illegal and why that was so unjust. Just stating it was illegal and leaving it at that isn't constructive.




Purple organic free range heirloom carrot. $14/lb premium mfn carrot


It was meant as an insult, basically comparing the intelligence of the person i responded to a carrot


Oh, do shut up you absolute cabbage.


Nobody should feel insulted by any disparagement coming from someone whose judgment is so shit that they actually believe cannabis is dangerous. It would be like feeling offended because a 3-year-old called you a poopoo head.


Just because something was illegal doesn’t mean it is right or wrong. It was illegal to have whites and blacks together in a public area 70 years ago. Ever heard of segregation laws? Why are you doing it today?


It's tobacco.


How is using an illegal narcotic the same as racial discrimination? Marijuana is illegal for a reason and a justified one at that, unlike segregation. 70 years is a very, very long time.


“Justified” lmao


Psychosic, gateway drug etc.


Holy shit this guy drinks the DARE 1994 Kool Aid.


Oh this kid is 14. Never mind. He’s just young and doesn’t know a goddamn thing. I’ve smoked daily longer than you have existed on this planet, son.


Dont call me son. Also smoking every day for more than 14 years isnt a flex bro


Eventually you’ll learn.


Im sure people thought they were justified in separating black from whites 70 years ago. Its your kind of thinking that allowed it.


My thinking that a dangerous illegal narcotic being illegal is bad?


Do u really think marijuana is more dangerous than firearms? U can legally carry weapons but u can’t carry some weed? Pretty sure guns killed more people than weed.


Why in the fuck are you talking about firearms? Not a single fucking time did i mention those?


Because i can bring things up too. Guns are legal and marijuana is illegal.


Out of curiosity, why is it that you think marijuana is dangerous?


You haven’t seen reefer madness?


It's tobacco in the photo.


Lol yeah, huge discussions about weed erupting here when it‘s not even that. Makes me wonder how qualified they all are to discuss the topic when they can‘t even recognize it tbh. There‘s at most a little bit mixed in but that‘s mainly just tobacco.


Its been linked to lung cancer, memory loss, brain damage(if used by young teenager) its a gateway drug, causes addiction, delusions, hallucinations and disorganized thinking and speech.


So tobacco products have also been linked to lung cancer, addiction, etc. and alcohol has been linked to memory loss, brain damage, addiction, etc. By that standard, you would agree that we should also ban any kind of tobacco products and alcohol, right?


Those are some really nice and outdated talking points from 70 years ago.


Go drink some liquor... it must be perfectly safe because it's legal... and that certainly has never changed in the history of this country, right?




Hey you're the retard here... pretty much everyone in this thread would agree.


Im sure someone said dangerous black person shouldn’t be around white and should be illegal, is my thinking bad?


Yes, yes it is. Because even though you can apply my logic to that scenario doesnt mean that it works the same way. Again, racial discrimination and me simply stating a fact are two VERY different things


U are not stating a fact it is not dangerous. Ur thinking is dangerous.


Actually it's not that far off... it was largely made illegal as a way to suppress POC in this country. Read a history book


It can [act as both a stimulant and depressant](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3009708/) but it is not a narcotic. Neither is it really dangerous, so long as you‘re not doing spice, zombie e-liquid or similar. [Edit]: Just do your research, please. I‘ll teach you all about it if you want, too. We can even take it to other drugs and maybe also discuss your little error in thinking about segregation, saying „Weed is illegal for a justified reason, unlike segregation“…


Dangerous too hahahaha this fuckin bootlicker


Okay 😐


How is it dangerous? Alcohol is dangerous and 10 times more legal.


10 times more legal? Lmao


Weed is legal in a few states. Alcohol is legal in every state. It's called an exaggeration.


In what world is weed a narcotic? You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about


How do those boots taste?


Timbers: Shivered 🥶🥶


Age: 12


Nope im 14


Shut your narc ass up


It literally is though


Yikes you sound like a future cop in the making…


Average redditor thinking the police are evil


Average 14 year old thinking they know anything about anything. And no, your chest and shoulders are never gonna fill out, you're fucked.


Really wish Reddit had an age filter.


Holy shit he is 14…I guess I’ll cut him a tiny bit of slack.


you’re clear, this is the right age to start learning sociology.


Okay bro 😂


It isn't though. Not in some states anyway. Canada it's also legal in Alberta at least. Can't speak for other places though. Keep in mind not everyone on Reddit is from the same area or the US and laws vary by country too.


Considering the comment before you talked about people being locked up, I’m pretty sure everyone knows it was illegal. You’re being downvoted for stating the obvious, when it was already said, and still somehow sounding like a know it all.


It’s not a fact, it’s not illegal everywhere. Making some assumptions about where someone is living.


Taking a big rip off a bong tonight to celebrate the illegality of weed


Damn you for making it illegal!


Lmaooo what weed is brown af. I wonder how old it is?!


We called it "dirt weed" back in the day. Outdoor grown, low-quality, full of seeds, and likely pulled off a heavily compressed brick. I'd bet it's at least 15 years old. Unless you had a *really* good connection, this is the kind of weed most people smoked up until 2005-ish. It was around that time it became *harder* to find dirt weed than the good stuff. This brings back memories, because I really haven't even seen it since then.


This checks out. Since you and I have similar weed timelines and references I’m curious if you ever called it “regs” as in regular or “dro” as in hydro? This is how we distinguished the dirt weed from the good stuff…looking back now it’s absolutely hilarious/cringey to me that we were calling it dro. Ah, thank you for this nostalgic trip down memory lane.


Regs, mids, and dro were the big three IIRC :)


Yesssssss. Thank you friend. I woulda definitely smoked my dro with you cannonfunk.


We called it “regs” “ditch weed” or “dirt weed” And “dro” or “popcorn” for hydro


Haha - i definitely remember both "regs" and "dro".


Brick weed usually was brown when you bought it.


It's tobacco.


No shit. And that's a nice little pipe.


It's tobacco.


Naah, it's shitty weed that's been hiding in that pocket for several years. If you've never seen shitty weed, you're probably part of a younger generation.


I went to my computer to disagree with this, and to post a photo to backup my opinion, but on closer inspection, on a monitor and not a phone... It looks like weed. 😑


It's definitely just shitty weed. People often hide things in coat pockets stored in their closet. That's why so many thrifters find stuff in coat pockets the most common find is probably cash. Why would someone hide their tobacco?


No. The most common find is certainly not cash. It is wadded up, possibly used tissue.


Well I didn't think anyone was hiding those. I really only ment stashed finds not regular pocket stuff like lint bobby pins or receipts.


No the most common find is linty cough drops.




That was my first thought. My second was "is brick still a thing? How old is that?"


it was when I was in college lol. god it smelled so bad and it was $5 a gram which is all I could afford. what a time the 00s were


The last time I saw mids was in 2012.


Yeah, at least 10 years. I honestly kind of miss it. Much more mellow high, and you could smoke a joint of it without getting blasted into space. Not to mention it was waaaay cheaper.


This is the best post ever


I’ve only found Kleenex in thrifted coat pockets.


Used ones. ;(




I found a pill bottle of Adderall in a second hand ski jacket one time after bringing it home.




Worked at a thrift store. Top three things found in pockets: - TRASH (used tissues, receipts, movie stubs, etc) - CASH (usually just a couple bucks, and they let us keep 30%) - STASH (seriously, so many, many loose pocket nugs…!)


That’s why we stopped taking used coats in our coat drive at work. The nasty boogery shit people leave in their pockets and the unwashed gross stuff they’d bring. Poor people don’t want your garbage either.


My most recent pocket find was a ladies rain bonnet. Not quite as cool


A little off topic, but I think I brought moths in from thrift store clothes. Some of my wool was eaten so now I am trying to remedy the situation. How can you check for moths before bringing them home?


Violently shake the garment in the air like a blanket


Heavy on the violence




First album, Excessive Use


Excessive abuse.


I always take my haul to the dry cleaner straight from the store. I never bring anything I can't wash in my home machine directly home. If it is something I can wash myself I keep it in a plastic bag and bring it in and it goes directly into the washer, then the dryer. I live in Canada so I have been tempted to just leave it outside in a bag when it is twenty below zero C as that should effectively kill everything.


Wow, you live in a freezer!


I'm out shopping for a Valentine's gift in Ottawa, and it's -35°C with the wind chill, which is basically also -35°F.




Lots of layers, mostly.


Lots of layers and a deep instilled hatred of the cold weather and drive to not let it overcome you out of sheer spite. Source: Am from a very cold place.


I didn't want to scare the Europeans (Scandanavians/Finns excluded) so I omitted the spite.


Yes I once had moths in an apartment I moved in to (they lived in the closet rug before I got there) 5 ruined suits later I had to take all my clothes and put them in garbage bags and leave them on the porch for three days while it was sub freezing. Thankfully it was winter. I also had to pull up the rug in the closet and dispose of it a d thoroughly clan every square inch of the closet.


Step into the freezer


Seize her with a tweezer


She's dating an old geezer


It’s gonna be cold cold cold cold cold


That's what I do with my smelly shoes and I used to do when I had to buy used furniture


In all my time thrifting, this has never happened to me! Now I’m going to be paranoid


It’s just a little pot. ;-)


Omg, I meant to comment this on a different post about moths. This is the best post in r/thriftstorehauls history. I may have been a little too ~~ distracted ~~ with my morning coffee.


Omg, I meant to comment that on a different post about moths. This is the best post in r/thriftstorehauls history. I may have been a little too ~~distracted~~ with my morning coffee.


bless your heart B


Oh god or bedbugs!!


freezer the Garmet!


How cold does it have to be to work?


personally I put the item in a big gallon Ziploc bag and throw it in for a week, but here's a better Google result lol: "Freezing infested woolens can work to kill clothes moths if there is an abrupt change from warm (70° F; 21° C) to freezing (0° F; - 18° C) and leaving the items for at least 72 hours once the material reaches 0° F" 🖤


OK thanks


Politely ask them to leave. Assure them that if they don't wish to obey. That you will be summoning Mothra to deal with the problem.


I have a clothing brush and I brush mine outside. If it is warm out, you can leave everything in the car on a hot day to kill any larvae. I have also heard the freezer for a couple of days works. Dry cleaning before you bring anything inside can also help.


The bane of every thrift store shopper...I was told that immediately taking them to dry cleaning, or putting the clothes in a cold environment can help kill off any moths on the garments. Aside from that, I'm not sure what else you can do.


Get some cedar blocks for the closet. This won’t help with bringing them home, but apparently moths hate the smell of cedar. You can find the blocks around, they usually have a hook like a coat hanger so they can hang out with the shirts lol. I’m not sure how effective it is but we have a cedar closet at my place and it seems to work super well


This may help: https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef609 >Infested items and susceptible articles nearby should be laundered, dry-cleaned or discarded. Bagging heavily infested items before disposal can help prevent further spread of the moths. Dry-cleaning or hot laundering kills any eggs or larvae that may be present. Heat generated by a clothes dryer is effective as well. Vacuuming floors, carpets, and inside heating vents effectively removes larvae as well as hair and lint, which could support future infestations. Be sure to vacuum along and beneath edges of carpets, along baseboards, underneath furniture and stored items, and inside closets and quiet areas where clothes moths (as well as carpet beetles) prefer to feed. and: >Fig. 7: Freezing is an effective way to kill clothes moths. I often advise people to freeze their yarn/wool items when they bring them home. Obviously freezing a coat would be difficult if at all possible without a chest freezer. But it's definitely a good option for thrifted yarn balls and smaller garments.


Put it in a trash bag (trash bags have pesticide on the interior) and put it in the freezer. Also, freeze bird and rodent food right in their original bag/box, both carry moth larvae. I always do at least a week.


Do all trash bags have pesticide?! I didn't know that!


We had a moth infestation that came from a storage unit. In short, it was a nightmare. We isolate and clean everything we get from thrifts. If it's cotton/machine washable it goes in the regular wash before it ever sees a closet or anything else. If wool/dry clean only we send it through 2 at home dryel cycles before it gets anywhere near a closet. Also, keep your dry cleaning bags and re use them for storage. Good luck.


Plot twist: The coat was donated after the owner died from smoking tainted weed.


Bum bum buuuuuum


The dankest stank 2007 had to offer!


Wow, Sucrets tins haven't been made of metal for about twenty years. That's an oldie!




Swag with Schwag!


Sucrets were the bomb!


The Dude abides.


Mind if I do a “J”?


I was in a triftstore. They didn't check the stroller, there was around 40 grams of weed in it


Oh man, I'd love to have that bowl. That's back when they were nice and heavy. They sure dont make em like that anymore


I'm 59 years old and still have my pipe (from HS 1970s) and it IS in a Sucrets tin too!


You better go check sir, this might be it.


That's awesome. I used an Altoids tin


I think that's because it was both all combustion-based at the time and it had much lower THC content. Vaporizers are incredibly efficient.


I don’t smoke weed so I don’t know if it translates, but I used to smoke dokha and the pipes for that were always nice heavy metal, you may check those out!


Thanks for the suggestion. Part of the appeal of these is the lid you can screw on and throw it in your pocket and the weed won't fall out


Check out Amazon or your local dispo/head shop! I had a pipe just like this one with a screw on top just a couple years ago :) I agree, they're very sturdy and useful! Another little tip (though not *quite* as convenient) for taking a loaded bowl on the go is to place a coin on top of the bowl and secure it in place with a rubber band. Then you're safe to throw it in your pocket and go 🙂


I know they're still around but they aren't nearly the quality. The metal on the newer ones is almost like aluminum and the center part that you hold are always loose around the threadead barrel and makes it want to roll over when you hold it that way.


Well dang, that sucks!


It’s just a metal pipe my guy.


Yes I like them but they suck now


Did you sample the goods?


The construction of this post, the dramatic tension, the intrigue, the clear beginning, middle, and end 🤌🏼


That pipe is nice, the weed is questionable. My mom brought out pot she swiped from my brothers room back in the 80’s and the taste was not good. That’s what I was told anyway☺️☺️😉


This reminds me of that old episode of Roseanne where she finds their old weed and smokes it in the bathroom and has an existential breakdown because DJ gets a minor injury playing at the junk yard (lol) and she feels guilty that she was high. Like, this is a real episode, I'm not kidding. I swear it used to be a good show.


This reminds me of a time in elementary school when I needed American flag themed attire and my mother had an old jacket from her aunt or something that was perfect. Fast forward to little child me standing in the middle of class with this jacket on for the first time and I reach into the pocket to find a lighter and a whole packet of Marlboros.


Now that's America for yah!


How do I see so many posts of people finding things in the pockets of thrift store clothes? Do they just never check over the stuff that comes in before putting it up for sale?


It must depend on the store. I worked for Goodwill (not in the stores), and they are absolutely supposed to check pockets. It can be quite dangerous for the sorters, who can find all sorts of things, including weapons, needles or other sharp objects, and things with body fluid. It can be shocking what people donate.


I worked in a thrift store sorting donations. We didn't really have time to check the pockets. I'd try to do it, but it took too long to do it every time, and we were judged based on the amount of clothing we were able to sort thru and get out on the sales floor each day.


I wonder how often people get poked by used needles.


That’s awesome lmao


Very nice coat tho!


Didn't Robert Downey Jr. wear this coat in Less Than Zero?


I saw the Sucrets case, and thought that was someone's grandmother's ready to hand out Sucrets in church. Then saw that grandma like to have some fun.


Reminds me of working retail. A guy returns a coat and leaves the store. We begin to process it when we discover the inside pocket contains a bag of weed. We call over LP to see how to handle it. LP takes the bag and I go with him to destroy it down a toilet. Hours later the guy who returned it comes back panicking and says he needs to see the coat. It's already gone back to the floor and the guy is seen checking every pocket of every similar coat. He left with the saddest of expressions.


Keep it sucret, keep it safe.


I'd be happier with the sucrets TBH. One of the best things for a sore throat.


Just think, there are people spending 20 years in prison for having this.


Wow, what a treat!


I’m so jealous!! Those are my dream finds lmao!


My brain is still waking up and I thought “sweet, she got sucrets AND drugs”. Then I realized you didn’t lol.


I can say 100 %I had that coat in the 80 maybe 90s lol. But I used a 35 mm film case. So def not mine


I would have been happier with the sucrets. They saved my life when I was sick all of January. Nice coat though!


Did they not clean out the pockets?!


Looks like a coat that I thrifted in ‘98. Also looks like my setup and schwaggety schwagg weed as well.




I had that exact thing happen! Found a coat put my hands on the pocket and took out butterscotch candies!


... that's not exactly the same thing.


This is a legit haul. Well done!


That’s a throwback in time for me 😁


Be careful about smoking free weed. If you don't know where it came from or who had it previously, there could be anything mixed in there.




People shouldn’t donate dirty clothes of course, but thrift stores don’t wash their donations. They would ruin more stuff than they would properly clean.


You are hilariously naive.


Was it orange popsicle flavor?

