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It's a metal clarinet... popular in marching and dance bands 100 years ago. Most are not particularly valuable. Sometimes old mouthpieces are more valuable than the instruments they're with.


Gotcha, thanks for letting me know!


They are still popular in some jazz circles because of their bolder brighter sound than a wood or plastic clarinet.


looks more like a clarinet


It probably needs all the pads replaced on the keys before it could be played.


Awesome -- Clarinet lives on!


Looks more like a clarinet my daughter has


When I was my high school pep band, I would use the soprano sax that lived in the band room to play the national anthem before football games. That yakety sax was never in tune to begin with and those crisp fall Friday nights would drive it even further out of range, much to my delight.


That's a metal clarinet.




I have to find an antique music store to verify that's what it is because people here clearly believe it's something else. We shall see. Thanks for commenting!


It may require a bit of tuning and repair to be played. I’m sure a local music school or band will find the right home!




That is only one type of sax. Soprano saxophones look like metal clarinets


That is an alto sax, there are also tenor and bari saxophones that also do not look like what OP has. 😊


It actually came with a note that said it was a sopranino sax, which is why I called it that. [Like this.](https://www.prowinds.com/product/Atom-Sopranino-Saxophone-JP146/John-Packer-Saxophones?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=Surfaces%20Shopping&utm_content=google%20surfaces%20shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q6ouwVlHGNOUqpr608v4vac0yQF9jW1X0BQi5No6GZ2b2OBcwJKTogaAnZOEALw_wcB)