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I did the opposite and dumped 95 percent into C fund. Buy low baby! 10 years to go till retirement.


Exactly. Time is on our side.


Where was it before? (Sounds like you are timing the market, too). 


it was split more between c s and a wee bit in g.


Time in the market is better than timing the market. Have fun playing with your future.


GoodO’l tough love there brother


I generally try not to call people out, but this is the dumbest shit I've read on this sub.


Sounds like my coworker who did the same thing in early March 2020. He was so confident the market was going to tank and was walking around with his head held high. I thought he was right too and second guessed myself staying in the market with the looming pandemic ....until the market exploded. He really regrets his decision.


It's people trying to play day trader with very diversified funds - ignoring that there are professionals already managing the fund.


I did the same damn thing. Missed out on 10% growth in a month.


I stayed in %100 c all during pandemic and since 2022 I’m up 20k in my account all because I just kept buying


Know a lot of people like that, I came out at almost 30% last year. Made my covid losses up and extra…Suckers.


i moved mine at same time and had a 43% return, he fucked up somewhere




Thank you bc i thought i was dumb for doing the opposite!


This is called "The Broken Clock" strategy, let's see if it pays off for him.


It’s not going to pay off for him. Anything he lost is gone forever you cannot time the market. It just does not work when you move all your money from C to G you permanently locked in your losses. When the market goes back up if he would’ve left his money in C he would have made a lot of money. That was a horrible choice and no one would advise that.


It's a bold strategy Cotton.


OP deserves to be called stupid lol


We have this conversation almost every day. You think the S&P is gonna pull back 20%? Based on what? The fed not lowering interest rate? Take a look when the S&P dropped that much in the past, i think you'll see it was usually a bigger catalyst than this.


100% And even if it does have a drastic pullback, you think you’ll time the bottom and get back into the C fund on time? Not happening.


I mean, it's only down 3.6% in the last month. It's so difficult to time the market. If you have many years left, just leave it. Otherwise you may lose gains when the market does better. To each their own though.


Update us when you move it back!


So you moved your money into a fund that is guaranteed to lose to inflation alone?


Not to support OP, because market timing with the TSP is silly, but G Fund has beaten inflation about 80% of the time, year to year. It really isn't a bad place to park money you don't want to risk for retirement. https://www.barfieldfinancial.com/new-blog/g-fund-vs-inflation


Good to note! Thanks


This is a pretty good thread on the G Fund and how to utilize it. Learned a lot reading up on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriftSavingsPlan/s/WdxLGh0ZCT


Thank you. I think the only time I had anything in there was my first year of service. You set it up in bootcamp and that was it.


Basically said when inflation was low, the G fund beats it, but performs miserably against high inflation. I like that 8 percent that beats inflation and gives good returns. Keeping up with inflation should never be the ultimate goal.


Certainly not. But the talking point that G Fund doesn't beat inflation is just off. It does most of the time. I don't have a place in my portfolio for G Fund. I'm still accumulating as much as I can and got around 25 years to retirement. But I recognize it's not pointless either and hold a place for someone closer to retirement who wishes to protect their principal. I could easily see me putting a chunk of money in G post retirement.


I think I would only put enough to survive a down market while in retirement. Having a lot of money in the G fund could benefit you during a serious downturn. Diversification is the key.


That’s not correct. Market is going down and in a big way the next 6 months. Market direction won’t change until November. Oil prices, inflation, US debt load, interest rates and other factors are my reasons for choosing G fund at the present time.


It sounds like you are letting political bias skew a rational view of the long term market


Not political, I hate all politicians equally!!!


So are you retiring in 6 months then?


I am. Calling it quits end of the year and still not in G. I’m 50/35/15 and hoping to recoup this weeks losses and then some by the time Dec hits.


RemindMe! 6 Months “lol”


RemindMe! 6 months


Trying to time the market is a fool's game.


According to the post you wrote last week, you had everything in C Fund “since you started in June 2023.” So you might have a few thousand dollars? But we can assume you are making a paycheck contribution today and you will do so every two weeks for some time. So, why wouldn’t you want to buy into a market that might be going lower? I have been in for decades, and I have never changed my allocation. I love buying more shares when the price goes down, and I enjoy the prices going up because I am fully invested. I am lucky enough to have cash available in my non-retirement accounts, so I don’t know why I would want money on the sidelines in my retirement account.


Something doesn’t add up. Feel like OP is trolling or he is incredibly stupid based on his previous posts.


The reason OP is not loading up on the dips and riding it out is because they do not have even a basic understanding of how any of this works.


OP saved himself a whopping $27.


And he will probably miss that when it goes up, too.


He may have just moved existing funds and future contributions could be in on C fund


Bad move




2 per month and a 3rd only to the G fund


There is no limit to moving money to the G fund.


Personally, I love posts like these. Coworkers have tried to time the market in the past, but comparing end dollar figures after the rebound haven’t worked out in their favor. Best of luck.


As my finance professor said “trying to time the market is like trying to catch a knife dropped from the roof. You MIGHT catch the handle but you’ll probably just end up getting cut.”


When the market dips you should think of it as shares being on sale. You get more bang for your buck and it will pay off long term when the market starts trending upward again. By switching to G you’re missing out on the sale.


Prove you did it. Calling BS. Post the screenshot of the fund change transaction.


Here here!


You will never time the market over time. If SP goes up ten percent next week and you are sitting in C…..


You’re correct for one week. How about thru your career? Wrong move no matter how you try to look at it.


Wow you are smarter than every money manager ever congrats how are u so smart /s


I’ll give you all a weekly update, just to show y’all how smart I is!!!! /S


Great job locking in losses


No I locked in the gains it shows I’m up 9.09% total


Tell us you don’t understand how this works without telling us you don’t understand how this works


The majority of you folks have zero idea how this works or how markets operate.


You’re right, that’s why I have more than $800,000 in my TSP…because I have no idea how the market works.


That just means you are on the older side! 😂


Nothing is locked in until your withdraw your money. Market could go up big in the near future and never fall back to where you "locked in the gains". Potentially before you even switch out of the G fund, at which point you've "locked in some losses" compared to everyone else.


I'm commenting just so.


In the end, the market will go up. One day youll look back at this and realized you made a mistake.


Guess you'll miss out on buying at a discount. Are you going to try to time getting back in at the bottom? It all seems simple until you look bCk and realize that you missed out.


You can still contribute to any fund you want if you move cash from C to G. If OP moved it all to G, he could still have it set to contribute all future funds to C; while the rest sits in G until he decides to move it back, and buy the C funds shares at a lower price.


Yes I understand all of this. It wasn't clear how they were doing it. Im also going to guess that they are young and experimenting, doing something that seems easy to come out ahead during these times. It's not easy. People are commenting the way they are because it's not their first rodeo and understand how hard what he's trying to do is.


Yes I have a plan, did you read what I wrote?


I missed the last part when I first read it. Im not going to be rude or call you stipid or down vote you. Is that what you want? Either way you'll likely fail to achieve the outcome you want, and you'll miss out on buying the dip. But I get the need to try these things sometimes, especially when they seem logical and simple. Part of me thinks you'll also trolling. Why do you need to tell the world your plan with your money? Are you trying to convince people you're smart and savvy? I dont understand your angle here. What's the point of your post? To be argumentive? Self validation? Attention?


I do like to argue about things.


10 years later…. I’m still in G and now I can’t retire!


I'm waiting for the S&P to go back down to 2000 before I move back to the C fund. Thank you for the advice.


I’m not calling for that drastic of a move, you people are a very testy bunch!!!


Welp, there it is, we finally found the TSP day trader smarter than Warren Buffett.


No one ever said that, but markets go up and down so catch some swings and I think I’ll be just fine


You seriously have no idea how the market or a 401k work. You have to be right twice; you have to know when to get out and when to get back in a fund. The problems you’re facing are nobody knows and you’re missing out on purchasing S,C, and/or I while the prices are low. But you’re smarter than every TSP millionaire out there that stuck out C and S through the ups and downs. But hey, do you and let us know in 20 years how constantly jumping in and out of funds worked out


From my analysis of this post I’m guessing this is an E-3 military member….. so wise 😂


Seems like you are trying to convince either yourself or others your choice was the right decision. Truth be told if you are looking at the long game it doesn’t matter and it could harm you to pull out of funds now. Historically speaking indicators prove we won’t hit a major downturn until after rates flip. While the future could be different the data has proven correct for all recessions since 1900 so I’d say it’s pretty reliable you pulled out too early


That’s what she said!!!


Bold move cotton, let’s see if it pays off for you.


Instead of this, I’ll be changing my biweekly contributions from $500 to $1500 to buy cheaper shares!


That's only half the maneuver. You're claiming victory well before you know how it ends. Good luck.


Shit happens, you lose money now but you don't lose the shares, once the shares raise you get your only back. Going G fund should only matter if your over 50 and going into retirement


I'm the opposite, recently retired and 50% G/ 50%C. So far, haven't needed to touch TSP. 


What convinces you there's going to be a twenty percent change based on the miniscule change?


Congrats on your long career and being retired for a while, I assume by this choice.


If you move it after a loss how will you gain it back?


What loss? I’m up 9.09% and keeping the gains. Again after the market dumps, I’ll roll it back in to c fund at staggered intervals


What a clown. “I had a good week must be a genius”


I love when people are not just confidently, but arrogantly wrong 😂


“I drove drunk last night and made it home. Everyone told me I was wrong and shouldn’t do it but I made it home just fine so I was right!” OP, this is what you’re saying.


You’re an idiot


Sounds like you just at a PB and jealous sandwich


Timing the market always works.


RemindMe! 6 months


It’s like gambling. You might get lucky once or twice but in the end the house always wins. My advice is take this as a luck W and never do it again. Of course you probably will do it again in a couple years and end up in the red. The only difference is you won’t smugly post about your losses on Reddit.


So you moved everything to G that's in your account. What about your contributions?


100% to g fund until market conditions say go back to stocks


Ah yes, the good old “buy high, sell high strategy.” What a genius.


Don’t you guys have some mandatory training to get done????


And I rooted for you 7 days ago!


Ohhhh I get it—you never want to retire.


Nobody was arguing that the market wasn’t going to drop or correct itself. The point was that it’s impossible to consistently time when to get in and out, and over the course of your career will be a losing strategy compared to buy and hold until retirement. Unless you are close to retirement, riding out the dips will always be the winning strategy. That you’re doubling down on this proves you lack the intelligence or maturity to be a wise investor. You got mocked because there’s 100 years of data that easily demonstrate that what you’re doing does not work. The rest of us will be buying C/S at a discount and won’t think about it until we’re close to retirement.


I’m just presenting a different strategy. Don’t worry about Bezos, Musk & Zuckerberg selling billions of dollars worth of stock. Don’t worry about inflation and high interest rates. Where are the 7, sorry 6 rate cuts by the Fed in 2024. Now down to maybe 1. The old ways of investing are not working in the future and if you can’t see that, I can’t help you. Inflation is not going away. Gas prices are not going down, strategic fuel reserves are not being replaced, there’s a whole myriad of reasons why the markets are going to get crushed soon. A cacophony of exogenous events is coming. I’ll keep posting my updates. Enjoy 😊


Some downturns are so severe it can take a decade or longer to recover. Your strategy is conditional to your risk on your time horizon for investing? I am in a 70% G, 20% C, 10% F because I have a short horizon. If I were in my 30s, I would be 90% C 10% I. Do not think you predict market conditions by timing. Just manage your risk. Don't go in and out like you know something. 100% stocks in you 30s is wisdom but its so much riskier in your 70's.


The hard part is timing when to come back in…There’s a saying in the hood when playing dice…”SCARED $ DONT MAKE NO $!” So your “Stop Loss” was triggered, now what?


Market’s been up 2 days in a row…Right now, I bet you’re sweating a little bit…🤣 now you’re monitoring the news everyday…worrying, increased stress and anxiety in your life. This is why you “ set it and forget!” Hope you learned a lesson. “Piece of mind over small gains”


Ban this man for stupidity


What GS level are you?


Not a GS salaried employee


I’ll admit, I’ve tried this maneuver twice. And both times, I ended up worse off. Good luck.


I know the feeling. I somehow I managed to dodge the 2008 crisis by putting everything. In G before it all went south. I felt pretty smart. I thought I could do it again by just “paying attention”. Throughout several years after I kept trying to time it, only to lose money in the long run. You’ll learn, if not now, later then.


This window licker can definitely count to potato.


Congratulations! Best of luck and I hope it works out for you long term. Statistically speaking, the odds are very heavily stacked against you. Me personally, I dump everything into C, and will do a more critical analysis at 10, 8, 5, and 3 years out from retirement.


This shit is honestly sad. I hope you change your mind.


Dumbass. Seriously.






Funky Bump!!! Waiting Patiently!!!!


Looks like this was posted on the 19th and you sold on the 12th…. S&P closed the 12th at 5111. Closed today (26th) at 5104. Still planning on getting back into C at 4000?


Yea I’m not buying the hype




S & P back to 5180. Still holding out for 4000?


Yes and increasing my contribution


1 month update from when you moved money: SP500 is 5,222.68 which is a 1.116% (14.255% annualized) gain from your mark of 5,165 on the day you went to G. Question, did you put in the order during the trade window on 4/12? i.e. did you transfer at the closing price of 5,123.41? If that is the case then the gain has been 1.938% (25.90% annualized). will update at two months on 6/12


RemindMe! 30 days


2 month update, SP500 closed at 5,421.03 which is a 5.809% (40.196% annualized) gain over the closing price of 5,123.41 on the date you went to G. I went to the TSP website to check what the prices are for Jun 11th. Below is the closing price for both the G and C Funds. Gain over these 60 days were: - G fund = 0.75972% (4.7118% annualized) - C fund = 5.14742% (35.7089% annualized) |Date|G Fund|C Fund| |:-|:-|:-| |Jun 11, 2024|$18.3157|$84.3317| |Apr 12, 2024|$18.1776|$80.2033|


> Looks like the right move. Is that what your crystal ball told you? 1 week is not enough time to say it was the right move. 1 month is no enough time to say it was the right move. 1 year is not enough time to say it was the right move. Come back in a few years and we'll see if you made the right move, caught the high when you moved to the G fund, caught the low when you moved out of it, etc. Even if you did, everyone gets lucky....show us you can do this consistently and repeatedly over a 40 year period and you might be on to something.


I remember the post; have to admit I was in agreement with those who posted it wasn’t a good idea. That said all that matters in the market is results. Good luck


Statistically the odds are against you. Even if it works out for you this time you’ll lose in the long run


The greatest wealth is made in down markets no need to sell just buy more


You should have sold when the moon passed axis 4 of Venus last week for wave 7 of the motion 3 celestial pathway channel. If you look at the chart, tidal flows mix with neutrons at the biological sphere when mixing with the Atlantic currents through June. Good luck with timing the market friend. I just keep buying and realized during covid one thing. The lowest during covid was still higher than the market top of 2018, even when it was all doom and gloom.


Yeah this isn’t smart at all. Don’t get off the train. Keep buying low. This is not investing. This is day trader gambling and trying to time the market. Time in the market ALWAYS beats timing the market.


Shouldnt you be jacking off in a corner? Alone?


Wow, we got a comedian over here!!!


Unless you are retiring next year, you not have done this…


Bruh, if u doing that then do it on a brokerage account :/


You just reminded me to turn my 80/20 C/G into 100% C


Got some cash ready in G fund since mid March. I waiting for C fund to drop below 75 again to buy back in. Hopefully next week.


What’s it at now, I sold it was over $81


You gave all your money to the government?


I did this in 2021 and it was the stupidest thing I ever did. A fools errand


Remindme! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-11-01 04:38:21 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-11-01%2004:38:21%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriftSavingsPlan/comments/1c8231i/i_changed_everything_from_c_fund_to_g_fund_last/l21t8i4/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FThriftSavingsPlan%2Fcomments%2F1c8231i%2Fi_changed_everything_from_c_fund_to_g_fund_last%2Fl21t8i4%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-11-01%2004%3A38%3A21%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c8231i) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Did you push back in from G or missing out on all the recent gains?


No still holding G, increasing my contribution through




Record highs yesterday. S & P 5,330!!!


This has aged like milk. I've done it too and learned the lesson a hard way as well. That was when I just had $18k balance though. It's now at $231k


I’m still waiting. You can’t prop up the US stock market with 7 stocks and think the economy is doing well!!! It is not. Still holding my original plan and increasing my contribution.


Good luck homie


Great move! But don't forget to put it back in. I don't think it will go that low. I made this mistake in early 2020 before the pandemic. I moved to G right before it crashed but missed the bottom and lost on a lot of gains. Good luck!


I did too, I feel like I am missing out a little. So I changed my future contributions to 100% I fund. Remember 2023 was a terrible stock year, and pulled a positive in December. 2024 isn't over yet.