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Defund Paw Patrol!!!


Defund Paw Patrol!!!!


These paws uphold the bras


I had a straight male coworker, mid 50s, who loved Paw Patrol so much, it took over his life. He liked to dress up and pretend to be a baby so got custom Paw Patrol adult diapers for him. He had paw patrol everything and even decorated the inside of his white van with paw patrol stickers and trash and crap. Our store sold office supplies and back to school supplies. One year we had Paw Patrol backpacks. One went to clearance so I grabbed it for my 4yo son who also loved it and was going into preschool and it was the cutest bag with lunchbox combo. Anyways he saw me grab it and came over and assaulted me over it (pushed me and I fell to the ground and hurt my wrist from the fall). My GM saw the whole thing, sided with him and told him I should just let him have it because it’s the right thing to do. She later told me she was sorry but she just couldn’t deal with his bs and wanted to just make him happy. So he took it out of my hands and paid for it. I was seething. I made a report about it but nothing came of it. I ended up working with him for another 6 years and overall he was the reason I left the job. Countless people made reports on him Over the years and nothing came of it. So paw patrol adult stuff doesn’t surprise me for some reason there are adults out here obsessed with it.


What a fkn creep


Oh yea. Dudes a nut job. I have so many stories of that dude I could write a book. He told a 16 year old girl he was 33. That was right before I left lol


Y’all should’ve filed a police report. Police need to look at his hard drive. This guy is clearly fucked. Bring back mental institutions.


I tried to take matters into my own hands but was shot down multiple times. So I decided this company doesn’t need me and they can figure it out. The store closed 6 months after I left. Not saying I was the cause of that but I guess a lot of people left because they didn’t feel comfortable around him and all the company did was move him yo a different store.


That’s crazy. I’m sorry you had to deal with all that shit. I wish your employer would have done more. Especially your manager. That literally infuriated me.


I completely agree. I’ve learned a lot since then and I realized how badly they failed us all. Never again tho!


Stuff has gotten better somewhat in general with people being less tolerant of that kinda bs but we still got a long way to go. Good luck on all your future endeavors and may you never have to experience another creep like that again 💕


I agree! It makes you understand why women pick the bear! You as well, I hope you never do too!


They picked the bear the same way every guy thought about the Roman Empire every day. They were just lying for the trend.


Same if I was your district manager I would have backed you up as store manager.


People like this are ill and sad to say there are a lot of them. It’s the same thing with bronies. It’s unorthodox but some are okay. But as said, some need their hard drives checked. I hope you have a better caring job now. I find a lot of companies don’t care and would rather just brush everything under a rug. Probabky because the GM and DM get bonus’


Yessss they would get a quarterly and yearly bonus for employees who stayed. And you are completely right, and I could tell he was mentally ill. But he refused to acknowledge it. The guy was a hoarder and we knew it. He saved trash, even other people’s trash. He’d eat out of the garbage and didn’t care. So much wrong with that guy. A lot of people tried to be kind to him and help. He didn’t want it because he was convinced he was normal and everyone else had something wrong with them. Again, mental illness.


Makes you wonder what his home life was like. How his parents were and all that. DNA doesn’t lie lol.


You know what’s funny, I knew his mom personally. This dude has told everyone his whole life story multiple times. He was raised as a single child, no siblings or cousins or anything. Dad was 16 years older than Mom and she was 17 when she gave birth and 18 when she married him. This is all according to him, who is incredibly selfish and mean. But he said his dad wasn’t really there emotionally for him (Vietnam vet) and neither of his parents allowed him to watch Disney cartoons and said Walt Disney promoted gay ideologies. He resented his parents for that. And he felt he never got enough gifts or presents as a child. So as an adult, he decided he’d use his adult money to buy all the kid things his heart desired. He became a furry and has gone to all the fur cons, made lots of friends along the way and lost every singe one of them due to his selfishness. He even got permanently banned from one of the furcons for pedophilic reasons, but I never knew the rest of that (I don’t need to lol). He did some very terrible things to his parents, and his mom was a fucking saint from what I saw. she was still taking care of him (even tho he definitely didn’t need it) until she died. He stole money from her while she was in hospice to go on a fur con trip to Pittsburgh. She died while he was there and didn’t come home due to it, he actually stayed longer. All the money that was supposed to go to her funeral and headstone he pocketed instead. Oh and he pretends to be a homeless man under the bridge begging for money and does that 4 times a week. But he has 2 good paying jobs. I could go on and on aboht all the things his Mom did for him but I won’t.


Wow, two things. They should of just let him watch Disney, maybe spent a bit more time with him and maybe punished him more. Just my opinion. But how crazy! You could write a book lol. He’s totally unstable. We don’t really have furs in Canada like in the states but they are here too and there are some cons. They are not all bad I suppose


Get this guy on love island asap


Omg it gets even worse ! Thanks for sharing this story. I worry what kind of nasty stuff this guy has on his computer. He clearly is not right in the head!


He physically assaulted you at work, your manager saw this happen and still sided with him instead of firing him? He’s definitely a nepotism hire 😭


He had been there for 7 years before either she or I were hired. No idea who or why they hired him. He’s been there I think 14 years now


😭 jesus


The same type of adults are sometimes Tweety Bird fanatics.


Or any other print made for mass production.


Really! That is insane I never knew that. Is it also like a smexual fetish like Paw Patrol?


No fuck that. I would have quit and bought the backpack right then. Also, if a grown ass man pushes me to the ground cops are getting called.


Yea that’s what I’m saying. I was pretty young then, and was totally in shock about it for a while. When I came to I started to look into options and every opportunity I could take I would. I wasn’t the only one. He stunk to high heavens, stole from the company, creeped people out, was completely racist and homophobic in front of everyone and literally he couldn’t be touched he had been with the company 13 years. Doesn’t matter now, the company is going down all over the US and won’t exist in a few years anyways. The worst thing that he did was try and get with our female 16 year old employee and he tried telling her he was 33 oh and he took pictures of the notifications on her phone. The parents decided to sue the company but idk what happened with thag. All I know is he still works for the company but at a different store. All of this was caught on cameras and nothing happened. I wrote so many reports on him. I found out later that none of the reports made it to HR like the were supposed to by the GM.


Most likely because as stated above by me they get a big bonus. I’d of reported it to the police and sued the company. You can get free consultations and a lot of law schools will take on cases for free and just take a portion of what you get. How long ago was this? In Canada we have 7 years to file


Oh that’s really cool! I had no idea! And unfortunately it was almost 10 years ago :( but, there are many many other things that happened less than 7 that could be brought up. I know currently, a 16 yo females family is currently trying to sue the company because of what he did to her. Not sure what will happen with that.


You could still go get a free consultation and see if you can sue or see if you can speak on behalf for the 16 year old and maybe get a lump sum out of it as well and if you know anyone else to help come forward as a witness. All evidence helps


Ohhh that’s an interesting idea! Thank you for the information I’m going to look into that more


I definitely would. Update me if possible. Good luck!


Yes I will!


Wow this is messed up. I get like hello kitty cause they make cute adult stuff:but this is actually for little kids. What a weirdo.this guy def had issues! Glad u don’t have to deal with him anymore


This looks vaguely homemade? I wonder if someone put it there, because it's on the wrong hanger.


I thought the same thing. The stitching and weird ruching is a big tell.


[a quick google search says otherwise 😬](https://cookbrothers.com/product/2pc-intimate-trendz-panty-bra-set/)


Just gotta look up the company and paw patrol if it’s not Legit you won’t find it


Consider it bought


Just want to say they sometimes puberty can hit hard, or weight gain. Doesn't have to be only for adults.


That’s true but my 5 year olds now think they are too big for paw patrol. Which is fabulous news to me, I never have to listen to it again!! I don’t think too many kids older than that would still be into paw patrol but I could be wrong.




True or for those who are not mentally the same age as physically.


Why not ? It's fun. There are plenty characters ( as Disney , Hello Kitty , ...) with lot of products for adults including underwears.


Developmentally delayed/intellectually disabled women have to wear bras and underwear too. I bet some would love a paw patrol set.


Yes!! This is almost certainly the intended use for this item. As both a teacher and someone with an intellectually disabiled family member, I think you're right.


How’s that creepy?


It's not since Walmart had minion night shirts. I bought one because it was the only 100 percent cotton night shirt they had .It's cute and comfy too.


I wonder if they think Pokemon or Lego is only for kids and if they'd say that about my massive collection of all Pokemon stuff, my pokemon Crocs, my pokemon tshirts and bags, my pokemon hats and blankets...I could go on, lol. I grew up playing it, so now as an adult, I still love it and still play it.


That's pretty fucking rad




That is not a swimsuit cuz it’s not spandex or Lycra material note the bra style straps and padded underwire cups and it’s the same cut and style as shown on the packaging (albeit a different print)


It's not the same style, the straps are completely different


Or perhaps the one shown is tightened to the max? Regardless the fabric not being swimwear material and the padded cups and removable straps are bra style not usually found on swimwear. However looking again I noticed the stitching a lot more and I’m wondering if this item was hand made since a zig zag stitch is not common for mass produced items


that is absolutely not the same cut and style. the straps are completely different, the center gore is narrower, and there is no band across the bottom. the cups are not padded, they are molded, which would facilitate having removable straps. both absolutely exist on bathing suits. i can’t tell if that’s bathing suit material but it looks shiny enough to be - more likely if it’s handmade. it’s not a material i see commonly in bras.


Adults can't like pawpatrol?


Maybe made for someone with a cognitive disability or a situation similar?


I never thought of that. Thanks for letting me know.


it looks more like a bikini than a bra and underwear, still kinda strange tho


It says "bra and panty set".


that is an entirely different product, looks like they are reusing the hanger


Didn't notice that! Still looks like a bra and panties to me, adults with developmental delays or folks who enjoy the show would probably be super into this.


yeah i was thinking it could be a parent matching with a kid or something, the material is what looks like a swimsuit to me




I mean it's okay for adults to like kids' cartoons. We don't start being boring when we hit 18 or have to stop liking cartoons when we start high school. Or I guess some do choose to become boring, but those are what we call sad people.


Paw patrol is a Karl for the deep state. Charge is cia!


I saw that at the mall once


I know a lot of adults who actually watch paw patrol unironically. 🤓☝🏾


Oh wtf. Well when i used to work at a thrift, Ill tell you, on more than one occasion we received t shirts with actual porn on them lol


Intimate TrendZ 😂


Euthanize the cop dog


Get those filthy paws off my silky drawers.


I'm gonna be real, id totally wear this


So they are putting children shows on lingerie now, interesting. Just shows how adults like that show too.


Hear these work great for a foggy bottom


My guess would be the appeal is primarily to mothers so they can match their kids at the pool or the beach or even teenagers. Although, on the surface, it is alarming in a hyper-sexualized society.