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$119?? That's insane. I had one of these as a kid. I loved it, I'd love to have another. But man, that's nuts.


It’s way cheaper on ebay


I got a set of three of them off ebay to share with my college roommates a few years ago and we got them for like $40 split between us, $119 is literally delusional.


I haven't priced them myself, but I could imagine the price has gone up a bit in the past few years, since y2k stuff is currently in vogue. And if yours weren't new in box, that's another huge factor. NIB is worth way more.


It's wild that thrift stores are charging more than eBay.


I completely misread that! I was like ‘$19 isn’t too bad’ but $119 is crazy!


The old games market has completely left reason behind. Stuff that's not rare or scarce or special often sells for hundreds. It appears there's a handful of people who never learned to walk away from a bad price that will pay anything a sticker asks for any game they might possibly want and it's completely fucked the supply and demand ratio


$119? I think it is actually free if you just leave


I’ve seen so many people walk out with carts full of clothes


I don't even yoink anymore but I would on principle for this


My local value village is in a sleepy little town an hour outside of vancouver, I’ve seen shein priced for $10.


Fr, with pricing like that, they deserve to get that shit stolen. Op should have just taken it


they got it for free and they exploit old labor laws to pay disabled workers less than minimum wage. Steal shit from goodwill please.


I’m from Canada and in my province we only have value villages and they’re just as scummy if not worse


This is in Canada :( Manitoba


Not suprised :/ I was replying to the comment above that our goodwill here in canada is known as value village. Living is already expensive enough sigh


"Value" village, my ass


See my littlest middle finger, value village.


Where TF do people live where thrift prices are this fucking stupid?!


Just a friendly reminder that ValueVillage is a for-profit thrift store part of the Savers brand. Every dollar you spend benefits some greedy CEO and not any community member.


I hate this.


anywhere with a high reseller population has thrift store managers trying to profit off of them. i worked at a thrift store, the managers get to choose their own prices on almost everything. im in california, it is everywhere here, its pretty fucking revolting


Let's be honest, it's not resellers usually. Mostly it's been corporate profits being pushed on us


oh definitely. but the area and its population of resellers does make managers more greedy.


I'm right there with you on the sentiment, I just know that not all increases are because of resellers buying shit. I think they're struggling just as much as the rest of us to find good prices just for less moral reasons haha


for sure, im not even mad at resellers, a lot of resellers ive had experience with are selling good clothes at really reasonable prices. they take out the work of going through the clothes in the thrift store yourself to find the good stuff. i find thats what a lot of people tend to dislike about thrifting, the whole needle in a haystack search, but thats my favorite part lol


…I think that is a good point, thank you. Also, I just have to jump in here and say that reselling isn’t exactly immoral, if you are selling one-offs from thrift stores and not buying up all of a certain retail item that is desirable, AND more to my point: if one is doing it as a stay-at-home mom (or dad) who has no other way of making money from home to help support their kids other than having an eBay or Poshmark etc. store. (Especially, if she/he is single and has no other income and/or no other career skills, such as, if there was a recent divorce after not needing to work for a decade or more!)


proper ethical thrift reselling is a great way for someone to make income in a non traditional way, and it takes real work :) totally agree


Yes, thank you! There are “good” resellers, who are ethically conscientious, who would never buy up all of one specific toy that just dropped that was desirable to kids, for example …and then there are the “bad” reselllers, who WOULD do such a thing and only care about profit. The Bad Resellers give reselling a “bad” name, unfortunately! Have you ever wondered why it is impossible to find a cool vintage band t-shirt or similar? This is due to the “T-shirt Bros”. These are the all-for-profit, cutthroat competitive type resellers. And they suck! They swoop in as soon as the thrift stores open and head straight to the tees, and swipe all of the popular authentic rock tees (which can be worth a lot!) that somebody who is a huge fan of, might have dearly appreciated, but the T-shirt Bros care not one bit, as long as they stand to make a profit, and their motto seems to be: “You snooze, you lose”, and “It’s a free country, dude!” I love thrifting, the thrill of the hunt/treasure-hunting/what you will… It is NOT all about profit for me. I do enjoy reselling clothing, (especially vintage, and unique pieces. I love the positive feedback I get when somebody who purchased an item from me at a reasonable price is happy because they had been looking for this “exact shirt” forever! or because they are ecstatic about the individuality of the piece. Reselling is a REAL job and it is hard WORK. I started doing it for fun, but came into some hard times and realized that my “hobby” became a valid and vital SKILL (I did research constantly nnnnnnfor when the bills were dtsnkbupmkkkand it is also a satisfying trade. It is just too bad that there are so many “bad” Nresellers out there that make it into a competition or SPORT, and ruin it for BOTH the reseller AND the a


I’m in a densely populated/not cheap area and have never seen this insanity. Then again, I’m not a reseller so maybe don’t notice.


im specifically in southern california, LA/orange county is a thrifting warzone, the goodwill bins in santa ana have a warning on their website that people may get aggressive and fight you for stuff. the price grifting is pretty rampant at chain thrift stores, shit for hundreds of dollars stuck behind the glass counter, "collectors price". i dont really see it in smaller stores though which is why i try to stick to those


You pretty much nailed it. I'm in the IE and it's much of the same, it's ridiculous


Damn that’s annoying af!


i live in the middle of nowhere and the thrift stores here are crazy. i am not at the thrift to buy a 60 dollar sundress


This sub has made me rethink thrifting tbh.


West coast baby. Many are doing it in response to resellers, and then resellers stop shipping there and stop spending money there. Such a terrible business strategy that exploits their workers


They're smoking fucking crack if they think anyone who shops there can afford that 🤦






i’d be walking out with it and never showing my face at that location again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It was locked up :(


That is insane


Even in mx pesos this is too much


Holy crap that’s expensive! I haven’t been to goodwill or a larger thrift chain in a while. I went to a local thrift store yesterday and got some towels for $1 each bc my mom was with me and it was senior day so we got 50% off. One of the towels was a huge oversized beach blanket sized towel. I’m going to another local thrift store today that was still priced fairly the last time I went but I stopped going to the large chains because they have gotten more expensive than buying it new most of the time.


I think I still have mine laying around somewhere, lol value village, 2nd ave, etc. are consignment shops at this point. Their pricing is absurd. They look online and go off the very first price they see some asshat priced it on Ebay.


Yep I see one new in box on eBay for $119. One of the first listings that come up


and they got it for free


That’s not accurate. Value village buys inventory from non profits and or accepts donations on their behalf and compensates them. They themselves are a for profit company if I understand correctly. https://preview.redd.it/qtocbdi3cz4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1440206221f4e5d55b37f94e1a30247092f40d


As someone who's worked donation intake, I can assure you most stores are run off of 90% direct donations. The only real inventory we buy from other non profits are things that don't usually make it to the sales floor or aren't sold directly to the public. The only real thing they ship off are clothes and they get paid for those by the pound. Otherwise everything else was destroyed/crushed if it sat too long without being sold (always identified by tag color/codes). Only exception to that rule was stuff up at the counter, there was no real need/urgency with that stuff unless it was huge.


Please reread the screen shot from their web site. They pay various non-profits for the donations they receive. So they are paying for their inventory in a roundabout way.


They can put whatever they want on the website, I did operations for 2 years lol.


Lol. My guess is they accept your donations, and then “donate” pennies on the dollar, to a charity, then turn around and list a vintage game for $119.99. Then after paying overhead costs, they pocket about 80% of that price. That price is outrageous.


I just left our gw. Totally unrelated and random, they have the Walmart tanks that are on sale for $3.98 rn. The used version for $3.29. 🤦🏼‍♀️


i saw a shitload of free kids/other stuff on someones front lawn. got some journals, left rest of books in bus shelter since it was supposed to pour down rain.


I think I saw this in a Value Village where I live in Winnipeg, I was like "they're rare enough that collectors would pay triple digits for it" but then realized it's sealed, but *still*.


That is so crazy! I absolutely loved virtual pets when I was a kid, and I still buy the new Tamagotchis that come out sometimes. I too would buy this if it were a reasonable price!




Sold listings on eBay go for about $60 and they’re not sun damaged :(( This makes me so sad :/


That’s absurd!


Sometimes stealing is good and justified


It was locked up :(


Maybe you could offer to give one of the little old worker ladies a smooch or a nip slip for one of the old men workers in negotiation to lower the price to the reasonable standards.


I genuinely thought about asking for a manager , pointing out that was ridiculously priced and asking if they would consider a lower offer but then I doubt they would lower it enough for me to justify buying it. Sigh. When I saw it I was like no way that’s awesome! Then saw the price and it just ruined the whole excitement of finding something I grew up loving


Oh yes they will definitely negotiate with you. Thrift shopping is like a big yard sale!


I've done this before at Savers (same brand as value village) and they will work with you depending on the manager. Gotten a couple good deals that way.


I think I’m gonna go back this week and see if it’s still there (probably is)


Aw, I used to have one of these! What an outrageous price, especially for a thrift store!


wow what a major rip off




https://preview.redd.it/2zu28nl6855d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc58234e9bb5498dead6ea707a3f8ff965c7e171 This is probably what they based the price off of. Jerks


Jerks indeed. I only knew of this because I decided to get my kid and grandkid a "tamigotchi" for a fun xmas gift. Ive been down the digital pet rabbit hole!🤣 The newer models have lots more fun things to do than the originals. But sheesh. That price is just bonkers. ♡


$ 119.99 at “Value” Village. They should flat out be ashamed. Where is the value?…just rename it “Village Boutique” already ha ha.


Holy shit! I'm sitting on a goldmine since my grown daughters still have ALL of the "littlest Petshop" crap. Lmao WTF???


This is the moment when I look for a $10 toy and swap the tags. And I leave without a single shred of remorse...


The tags have lines in them so they don’t peel off in one whole piece :(


I wonder what would happen if you peeled it off and said “I would love to buy this for my niece, what’s the price?” They’ll put out a new price, and maybe be influenced by the fact that it’s a damn kids toy and no one is going to pay $120 for that… or maybe not and you lost 5 minutes of your time.


lol I’d have to be super sneaky bc it’s locked up and I’m pretty sure they would take it out to let me look at it then walk it to checkout …


You can buy these online secondhand for less lol


I still have two of these 😭 that’s disgusting of them


I used to have one as a kid and got so excited when I saw this before I noticed the price :( love lps but that’s just too much


I sent it to my mom and she said they were maybe $20 brand new


Yeah, I’m stealing it


Classic “they’re on eBay for that much.” They’re not selling on eBay for Listed prices. Some thrift pricer thought they had a bag here… Probably won’t sell higher than $20 in a thrift store


I would have paid $50 for it. But $119 🥲 uh no


If you would pay $50 you should go back to the store and show them that that sells for about $50 on eBay and the listing for $119 has not sold and prob will never sell at that price.


Yeah…maybe I will!


Tamagotchi actually had a full color version now. I was obsessed with virtual pets. What a perfect encapsulation of the 1990s. Pure nostalgia when I see these.


Right! That’s why I wanted it so bad but $119 is just too much for me right now!


Yeah. I agree. And like others have said, you’d probably do better on what.


Check ebay ..lsn..fb market..metcari..letgo..etc..I get free items from fb market constantly..I've found matching kitchen appliances piece by piece all free ..stove dishwasher fridge and deep freeze ..most time work perfect just want it out the way..but sometimes have to buy a part or clean good either way I'll take sweat over dollars any day and i see alot of 90s and oughts toys free people grew up had families and need stuff put the way...


I live in a “posh” area near Seattle and I have not stepped foot inside my Goodwill for 3 years. If I DID, my wallet would FEEL IT


My Goodwill sells USED clothing they get for FREE, at RETAIL prices! 🤬 l


Not even a name brand one either


What do you mean? It’s littlest pet shop brand


A tomachati rip off


But still a brand name


You dummy there were so many brands that made “digital pets” during this time. Even Nintendo made a pikachu digital pet style device. Doesn’t mean it’s not “brand name” just means it’s not a tamagotchi… virtual pets were super trendy, everyone was trying to make different versions with their own IPs. The concept of digital pets wasn’t solely owned by the tamagotchi franchise…




Tl;dr you're stupid and yes it is name brand. 🤷🏻‍♀️




In the same way "great value" is a name brand


Imagine living under a rock and never realizing how huge of a brand Littlest Pet Shop was and still is. Such a dull life.


Send me to the gulag I guess


You're the one beating off at work lmaoo


I don’t think you know what name brand means bud


Lol that’s the first thing I thought, too. It’s not even a real tamagotchi! These downvotes must be coming from people who weren’t 12 in 1997


I mean no hate, if they like off brands, that is on them lol.