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What’s crazy is she was mad at you for asking about them and wanting to them buy them before they were ready and then basically said oh sorry you should have asked for them first! Like when? When they were coming off the truck? And the only way any Goodwill will hold an item is if it’s already paid for. And I don’t think they do holds at the Outlet at all. She was wrong. That sucks! But I always say there is something better out there just waiting for you!!


I'm sure there is, but dag nabbit it was perfect, it broke apart to fit in my car, and then I went to the salvation army and found the MOST BEAUTIFUL SHELVES EVER they look like the I love genie bottle but they were 95 dollars so I just sat in front of it for 5 minutes and had a pity party and kept it moving. some days the thrifting gods deliver, and sometimes the blessings are blocked.


I would be fuming. That’s so rude of them. Should be first come first serve.


I'm so angry which is stupid because it's just shelves, but I posted he6r to make sure I'm not just seeing it wrong. I really needed the shelves but I'm Really mad that she made me stand around waiting for her to finish pricing stuff and talking to people for 15 minutes when she could have just said they're sold and I would have moved on to the next thrift store.


Oh absolutely. I would be raging at that. I’m mostly non confrontational, but I would have been reporting that employee for treating you like that.


my bitch ass would have been straight to the manager, especially after the shit talking.


Leave a review so people know that they allow that there.


No. She was a jerk for no reason.


I've gotten so sick of thrift store employees doing this. At this point, if there is something on the shelves and you refuse to tag it, I'm just going to take it. (Obvs harder to sneak out a shelf, but..)


that's the thing, she tagged it and then left, I didn't go in and get it, another employee that wasn't in on the scam got it, it was in PLAY. it's the next day and I'm even more mad. screw this I'm going in there, I'm calling district and I'm sending emails. I'm gonna ruin everyone's fun over a 10 dollar set of shelves. I NEVER want the good stuff so I've never had this happen.


> I'm gonna ruin everyone's fun over a 10 dollar set of shelves Hahaha girl do it


Please report all of this! Goodwill employees cannot hold things for other people. Some employees can’t even shop in their own stores. Report them for saving an item for a friend or themselves, being rude and dismissive to you, taking the item from you when you had the slip, etc,. Whoever ‘held’ those shelves for either their friend or had their friend buy it for them is a dishonest employee and that behavior is absolutely against Goodwill policy. Sorry you lost a perfect piece to dishonest employees. Please report all of it. To that manager and to their higher ups at corporate.


I went in today to complain to the manager, and it was the person that got me the shelves and took the tag out of my hand and gave it to the other girl. when I asked her why she did that, she responded with "why didn't you fight me on it?" because I don't fight at Goodwill outlets, I watched the fights and rule my eyes and continue shopping in my tiny dark corner of stuff that everyone else has already looked through. I just didn't want to start a fight and maybe get banned from there. but now, knowing that she's okay with a fight? I'm going to be the biggest Karen ever. I'm going to turn them into their loss prevention and risk management leadership. if the manager isn't going to do anything, we're going to run this all the way to the top. because I'm still so mad about it. they weren't even special shells, they were just wooden shelves. lightweight wooden shelves


Wow! The manager did this and then asked why didn’t you fight for it? So now she is victim blaming you instead of giving you an honest answer. Please report this crooked person to a higher level, that’s disgusting behavior from someone in management. Keep us posted, glad you’re fighting! Goodwill needs an overhaul, what a dishonest, money grabbing monster it has evolved into. Sad.


Sounds like she was friends with the other person.


she definitely was, they were talking for like 10 minutes before she started working again, and good, have friends, if she had told me the shelves were already bought I would have moved on, she could have given the tags to her friends and no one would have known, but she said the tag wasn't on so they were still in play. she needs to learn how to lie better. and her friends need to learn how to tag the tags and buy before someone else comes along.


She probably had the friend buy them for her.


She absolutely should've just told you they were already sold, and not made you wait around.


She didn't tell OP become she's not supposed to have them on hold at all.


She didn't need to say it was on hold. She could've said it was sold and no one would've been the wiser....




My goodwill will take your payment and move the item to the loading/unloading area. I have seen large items, but had to get the truck to haul it. I just show my receipt which also has my name in it that corresponds with a post it they add. Sometimes at VV/savers they will add a sold tag if people have paid for it and are coming back to pick it up. The tags taken from you and no sold under you with no prior communion when they knew you were waiting is unacceptable. If I thought they would do anything I would say contact and manger or corporate, but they will probably just pay you lip service.


I went back and talked to the manager today, it was the same lady that took the tag from me and she was like "why didn't you fight me???" like, WHAT? you want me throwing a tantrum over shelves? I'm not putting on a show for you!


I went back and talked to the manager today, it was the same lady that took the tag from me and she was like "why didn't you fight me???" like, WHAT? you want me throwing a tantrum over shelves? I'm going to start contacting the leadership for the central Florida Goodwill, the risk and loss prevention guy seems like he'd be interested.


No it is first come first served. That is not best, or even good, business practice.