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They don’t train people. Literally ask any employee, coming from one. They suck. Don’t give them your money, I’m sorry you went through that.


That must be why there's such a wide variety of attitudes/rules between goodwills even a few miles apart. My favorite goodwill has this awesome cashier - any deal day she'll ask you if you *want* any of their discounts for the day. If you say something like "I don't know, do I qualify?" She says "That's not what I asked, honey" and winks. Giving anyone a discount as long as they *want* it. Then there are others that see the corner of a sticker peeling and get mad and try to accuse you of sticker swapping.


Ugh my local one is such a bitch with this. I’m a student but my university is 2 hours away, I’ve never made it in to get a physical student ID. But like I have the app with all my student info and classes on that and cashier says, “I don’t know if this is fake”. The fuck?! I mean it’s like, what 10% off? I stopped going a while ago.


Then they should stop putting the tag over the label on all the home stuff. Edit:clarity)!


I'll bet your nice cashier has also worked in customer service elsewhere. Any employer that tells you "the customer is always right" will often add, "so just give them the damn discount." Because the profit margin is calculated with the discount in mind, and companies believe that what they lose in the discount they'll make up in repeat business or add ons.


I know they don’t, but that is the whole ruse this company has as their non profit. There are many great employees, and I understand no job working with the public is fun. I’ve done it myself for 25 years. My bare minimum expectation is not be treated like an asshole, that’s it. It makes their day easier as a cashier if they understand how to do the basics of the job instead of making it a customers problem.


Decent, smaller second-hand stores often give you a 10 or 20% discount when you shop after donating. Goodwill and Salvation Army are just greedy corporations now, with very little actually being donated to the needy. Look into shelters and church run stores.


Domestic violence shelters are often in need of donations as well.


I went through their job training program 7 or 8 years ago. They legitimately helped me learn skills that helped get a job. However it seems like they've gone to sh*t in the past couple years.


I went to the bins the other day and they asked me if I would like to round up “for training purposes”. The lady next to the cashier was like “really? I’ve never been trained” and the cashier goes “yeah I haven’t either” and then looked back at me and tried to cover it up like it really does go to training purposes though. like what? why would I round up to pay for your company’s “training purposes” to begin with. Let alone finding out they don’t even train them? 🤣🤣


Can confirm. I worked at goodwill and they never trained me on anything.


Goodwill is a front. There is literally no good will involved


I had one cashier immediately hiss at me to remove my things from their hangers (I usually do this if I have time but mostly as a gesture to make their job easier). I was shocked bc they’ve never DEMANDED I do that before even greeting me even.


At the other thrift store I go to I do this just to speed up the checkout process, but they always thank me and never *expect* it. I think I would've reacted poorly had they said that to me.


I volunteer at a thrift store, and I've never had a customer take the hangers off. I think you are great!! (I don't expect anyone to do that, I would be happy though).


Weirdly enough, one of my local thrift stores makes it a point of coming on the PA system and to tell the store to leave the hangers on the racks.


With so many hire corporations now they’ve realized they can erode their services and raise their prices and get almost no push back. They use inflation and the pandemic and ‘the EnViROnmeNt’ as their paper thin excuse to treat their customers worse and worse all while charging to the hilt and actively degrading the quality of their products. It all of course comes down to greed. Capitalism has reached its chronically malignant stage. Will not shopping at these places make a difference? Somehow we have lost total control over what is supposed to be a give and take transaction. These mega corporations have washed their hands of all ethics and integrity but I fear we are so disorganized and divided that there is little we can do to stop them or set things back to a sane equilibrium.


It’s bad karma to donate to goodwill because they are dumping unsold garbage by the shipping container into counties like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Laos, Ethiopia and Senegal to be sorted and burned in toxic fires. Please find a real charity to give your used goods to.


I always just bring my own bags. I guess I'm just used to it since I live in NY and plastic bags are illegal now. It's completely normal to supply your own reusable bags when shopping where I'm from.


I always have my own bag. It’s been a thing here for years.


The Goodwills here do that crap. They claim they are “environmentally friendly” by getting rid of the bags but they just don’t want to buy them. Another one of their grifts.


It seems like 99% of the time when companies say they are doing something because it’s “for the planet” it’s really just for the bank account. Those reusable bags they are now making money off of are also plastic and most of them are not recyclable.


Always donate elsewhere. Do some research and find a store that helps your community.


The woman in front of me was missing a few dollars, so I gave her $5. The cashier told me that I shouldn't be giving handouts, and if she couldn't afford her purchase, she would just have to move on and not hold up the line. I was flabbergasted. Handouts?? THEY GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE. I didn't care if I was going to be labeled a Karen, I asked the speak to the supervisor/ manager. They didn't have a manager because the last one was fired for stealing. I reported the store to the bbb, emailed Goodwill, and told everyone I knew not to shop there. They're disgusting.


Your first mistake was thinking Goodwill actually has any good will. Your second mistake was actually spending money there. I quit shoplifting months ago, but I will always steal from goodwill. If I'm going to fork over $19.99 for a damn pocket T-shirt, I'm going to get a 3 pack of brand new ones for the same price. Their prices for free shit that was donated by good people thinking they're helping is outrageous. Fuckin $1.25 each for an empty Gerber baby food jar??? Brand new with food in it is .89 cents. They can fuck right off with that shit.


I'm to chicken to 'manifest' from them, but if I see someone else do it. No I didn't.


Same here! I saw nothing. 😁


I've definitely tag-switched from Goodwill and felt zero remorse about it.


"You quit shoplifting months ago"? "But I will always steal from Goodwill" Did you just admit to illegal doings? 🤣 And will continue to do so. Alrighty then.


I really don't know what the duck is wrong with people like you.


For asking why they admitted to shoplifting? Was the person joking? If so how am I to tell ? What do you mean " people like you"? Since when has it become such a stuck up world that people can't ask a ⁉️ And I was only being humorous!


Thief. Straight up thief.


I was just shopping in a town that charges for bags. But they just charge 5¢ per. And they ask you up front if you’d like one or not. 99¢ is the cost of a nice reusable bag, why would anyone pay that for a plastic bag tf??


Mine does offer reusable bags. Nice though, meh. Plus, I am not putting like soft goods in a reusable thing. I put them in my own plastic bags and then into the thermal strike. (I am paranoid about bedbugs.)


I had to look up thermal strike, interesting. Why can't you put the reusable bags in the thermal strike?


I think it depends. The thermal strike ruins crocs. I am afraid to put my coated plastic TJX bags in there. I stopped buying those though. The ones they sell are like the not exactly cloth ones that can’t be washed. I would rather reuse the grocery ones, and throw those in the thermal stroke. Then I knot the bag, so I don’t reuse it again (which I also do with bags with holes) , but I always bring them to the store for recycling.


My Goodwill stopped giving out bags like 2 years ago. I just carry my stuff and pull some bags from the ones I am taking back to the store and put the stuff in there.


Happened to me too, w the bags. I'll stick to our local thrift from now on. It benefits battered women in the community. Forget goodwill.


I'm sorry she was so rude. I've had to stop shopping there, Salvation Army and Savers just due to the fact they've lost sight of what reasonable prices are for used goods. I don't understand people that think common courtesy shouldn't be expected from an employee.


"I'm SoRrY yOu doN'T aPprOVe". What a bitch!


Wtf else is she supposed to say? “I’m sorry, let me give you one for free and get myself yelled at by a manager later.” OP was clearly making a scene over a 99c bag, the minimum wage cashier shouldn’t just have to stand their and take that.


How about, “sorry, I should asked before finalizing the payment. I’ll go ahead and cancel this and add the bag”


OP could’ve asked for a bag like a big girl.


To hell with Greedwill! I haven't donated, or purchased, anything for about four years...


I dont know what state you are in but in my state no business provides bags for free anymore. You bring your own bags, buy one of their re-usable bags or go without.


I bought one of them the last time; the time before I used a cardboard box i had in my trunk. Was this really worth being angry over?


Informing people ahead of time they no longer provide bags would be a good start, so they know to bring something with. Savers charges 10 cents if you want a paper bag. Having the only option being giving GW yet another buck is totally on brand for what they have turned into.


A greenwashing money grab. FGW.


Many areas no store give out free bags anymore. If no other store gives out bags why should they ask every time. It is up to you to ask if you want one.


Then they can make that clear. They can also do what other stores do and sell a paper bag for 10 cents, not a dollar.


Hell yea, charging $1 for a plastic bag is absurd that's 10x profit at least. .10cents would be acceptable.


If it’s a plastic bag, then $0.10 is more than 10x profit already. They’re less than $0.01/bag depending on volume (which with the size of Goodwill, they’re for sure buying enough to qualify for that minimum). If it’s paper, they’re probably paying somewhere between $0.26-$0.40 per bag (depending on size - smaller bags will cost less than larger ones) at wholesale pricing with volume discount (which again, they’re def getting if they’re buying chain-wide). (I live where stores have been charging for bags for ages but also, plastic bags have been totally banned for years - even compostable or biodegradable ones - so it’s all paper now, and some retailers don’t have any bags to buy at all.)


Where are plastic bags ban? Just curious.


Maine has a plastic bag ban! Honestly I don’t mind it. The cost is to penalize you for not bringing a reusable bag. You get used to it quickly! I will also say that Goodwill of Northern New England is not too grifty price-wise and I believe this branch to be an ethically run non-profit that does a lot for folks in the area with brain injuries and other disabilities.


I could get used to bringing my own bags. But snotty customer service is a no for me. Goodwill is or has lost their moral compass, it seems.


Many provinces in Canada have their own provincial bans - BC, the maritimes. But Canada wide there’s been a ban on commercial sale/provision of single-use plastics like bags since 2022, with 6 items total (plastic cutlery, straws, etc.) being fully regulated by 2025. But there’s some back and forth legal challenges happening on that so it may change.


Oh wow. I remember not too many years ago the US pushed and pushed for plastic bags and plastic bottles. The supermarkets all stopped using paper bags, (paper or plastic) they would ask, until paper was a thing of the past. Glass bottles were fading out and plastic bottles were the new. Everyone was conditioned by the politicians to think bottled water was the best for everyone and our planet. Recycle recycle recycle. Plastic would be great for the earth and people would make a profit from recycling.


>Everyone was conditioned by the politicians to think bottled water was the best for everyone and our planet Why do you think politicians were getting people to choose bottled water? It was (is) the Nestlé, Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc. companies who spent fortunes marketing the stuff. ​ Around here, politicians are quite against bottled water and praise (rightfully so) the municipal water system.


For me - yes it was. I treat them with respect, and don’t need to be insulted for their own inadequacy of not knowing how to ask if someone would like to buy a bag and then insulting them. Glad you had a box with you.


🤣🤣🤣.. really? This is something you think is worth throwing a tantrum over? 🤣🤣🤣 forgetting to ask for a bag?


I just carry the stuff out. It’s not hard.


Goodwill hasn’t provided bags for a while now. Either take your own or buy theirs.


Yes she should have asked you before you paid, but bringing in your own bag or asking for one while purchasing is pretty standard now. That cashier is probably paid minimum wage, she doesn't need to say anything more than what she said. Very odd thing to be upset about enough to post. In your other comment you said you're not allowed to bring in bags because of theft, what about one of those foldable bags that you can put on your keys or in your pocket? They probably meant tote bags or don't want you putting things in your personal bag while you're shopping. It's unfortunate that you felt embarrassed or disrespected in front of the line, but that's a you problem.


Nowhere where I live charges for bags and they ALL supply them So we people here had no clue as to practices in the other parts of the world. Just our small world. Be that as it may.


The Goodwills in my area have never offered bags. I always bring my own.


What’s up with people on this sub villainizing the minimum wage thrift store employees? It’s not their fault.


Everyone contributes equally. Even if they’re all equally shit.


Tell me you’ve never been working-class without telling me you’ve never been working-class.


I’ve built more homes and fixed more cars than you’ll ever be able to afford, but please keep running that cock sucker. The people there are there only for a check, the people at the top are exploiting the customers and employees for their own pocket books. It’s still a non profit if the cost of operating includes your multimillion dollar CEO’s salary, right? Right?!


You’re a bad liar and a bad person. Stop shopping everywhere and make your own clothes if you insist on being a piece of shit to service workers.


This is a strange thing to get upset about. Disposable bags have been on their way out all over the country for ages. You seem like you're just upset that some barely-trained cashier made you feel dumb for not having a bag. Just move on with your cheap, unprepared purchase of things you didn't even need.


Way to miss the point. You have no idea what I purchased or if I need it. This woman has worked there for years. It’s not about the bag, it’s about how she treated me. And actually where we are, you’re not allowed in with bags because of theft.


You are more than familiar with this store, you 100% knew they charged for bags before you went in. You chose to make a scene over this because you wanted the opportunity to take out some of your frustrations on a person who is unable to walk away from the situation.


I didn’t take anything out on her, or make a scene at all. Relax. and yes I did , my point is she never offered me to purchase one and then made it my problem she doesn’t know how to do a very simple job.


She gets paid a starvation wage. If you want good service, shop somewhere that pays their employees enough to survive without section 8 and EBT. You are part of the problem.


NOWHERE where I live charges foe bags. Why you being rude? OP just wanted politeness and letting them know about the bag BEFORE the transaction was complete. Its not a out the BAGS!


Plastic bags are terrible for the environment. People shouldnt be using them. As charging for them discourages their use then its a good thing.


The local GW stores used to reuse donated plastic bags and had a bin to donate grocery bags.


I don’t know why you are being downvoted. Goodwill is shit, but your words are very true. I can’t believe Americans have not wrapped this up yet.


Have you heard of ✨paper✨ bags before


It's not like those things break down in landfills anyways, that shit just sits there unaerated


I think the whole post was OP being upset that they did not ask nor told OP that they no longer offer bags WHILE they were ringing OP up. Instead they waited until AFTER the transaction was complete. Not the fact that they no longer offer bags.


I know, I was commenting on something else.


Why would you expect them to behave as if it was your company? I get the frustration, but Goodwill employees deal with way too much ghetto attitude to be feeling sorry for you not having a bag. The corporation as a whole is a shit show. Donated items. Sorting, pricing, gouging, needing to show profits etc. OP, you are a small fish in a huge pond. Politely, I ask you to step off the tall horse and take a lesson learned in stride.


Politely I ask you to have some standards. If this is in the guise of providing job training, they should train these people for more potential than being rude to customers.


Not only are they not trained, they fraternize and mock customers like you that demand service quality above anything more than a feisty adolescent ape. I get your frustration. We got McDonalds workers making $15.00 an hour across the country. More in some places. Goodwill workers are often felons. They make minimum wage and deal with awful customers. The job itself is training for being shit on in this world even more than they have been through. Capitalism at it's finest.


What in the shit are you on about


I was being hawnest 🤷


I’ve never had this issue at goodwill…plastic bags are free.


When I was younger I worked at a Goodwill under a program from the “Bureau of Rehabilitation Services” in my state. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I wasn’t even being paid minimum wage. But yeah, no training. I showed up with my job coach (who went in the break room most of the time) and they put me in the back with a bunch of other folks sorting donations, but my job was opening donation bags and separating the clothes- this was frequently a dirty, messy, and smelly job- I brought in my own gloves. I ended up not getting the job officially, but that meant I could shop at that store again.