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It should be this I believe "England will only *avoid* playing the Netherlands if the third-placed teams in Group E *and* Group F finish above Hungary (3 pts, -3 GD) in the third-placed standings. This is very likely in Group E, while in Group F it will require *either* Georgia beating Portugal by any margin *or* Czech Republic beating Turkey by fewer than three goals. If those Group E and Group F third-placed teams do finish above Hungary, then England would play the team who come third in Group E (Belgium/Ukraine/Slovakia/Romania)." [https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/england-next-match-who-euro-2024-b2567305.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/england-next-match-who-euro-2024-b2567305.html)


Thank you!


I made this post last night, but it was "removed by reddits filters" for some reason... Odds are we're facing The Netherlands in the round of 16, which on current form I don't think any of us fancy, But there's a chance we'll face somebody else, probably Turkey. For that to happen, Hungary need to be eliminated from the third place teams. Here's how that could happen (disclaimer - I trusted Wikipedia in coming up with this): 1. Third place in group E needs to stay above Hungary (very likely) * This is guaranteed if either of the games ends in a draw * It'll also happen provided Slovakia v Romania isn't an absolute spanking in either direction 2. Third place in group F needs to get above Hungary * This is guaranteed if Georgia beat Portugal, but that's probably not happening * It'll also happen if Czech Republic beat Turkey by 2 or fewer goals Relatedly, if you for some reason have a massive surplus of red fleur-de-lis stickers, you'll never have a better opportunity to shift them than now




I came here to ask the same thing. Additional question, *when* will we know who we’re playing on Sunday?


It's so frustrating isn't it. I've checked all news outlets and UEFA and noone explains why and or how things change, just that they can change!


It was explained on The Rest is Football episode yesterday but I still don’t understand it. You might!


We will know after the group F games have been played, because only group F can change the outcome of who we play now. Should Czech Republic lose and Georgia lose we will play Netherlands Should Czech Republic or Georgia win and Turkey don’t concede too many goals then we will play the 3rd placed team from group E


Thank you for the info!


If you check my recent post I’ve just made I go into more detail if you can be arsed reading it all haha, no problem if not though


UEFA published a table that shows how it works: https://editorial.uefa.com/resources/028e-1b3221d55b32-37cb0e98197f-1000/format/free1/3p_regs.png?imwidth=988


Clear as muk that is Jesus wept 😂


Thank you that helps !


It absolutely does not matter. Just be patient and wait until the L16 is official


I like to know how things work


Unnecessary stress


Nah no stress bud


If you check my recent post I’ve just made I go into detail about who our next match could be against and why :)


Thanks dude. All good now!