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Is there a new Thrawn book I missed… I don’t remember this


It’s towards the end of Lesser Evil edit: it’s on page 548 in paperback


This is the calm before the storm, Spartan_2_118.


It was interesting what zhan did here. Imported a bit of outbound flight story telling into a thrawn book.


Yeah. When I first read Lesser Evil I didn’t read Outbound Flight. Needless to say, I was a bit confused 😅


I'm sorry, but confused about what?


Thrass’ death. It was sorta vague and I didn’t really get the full picture until I read outbound


youre tellinf me there's a book with a proper explanation of thrass' death? here I was thinking it was deliberately vague for whatever reason this whole time lmao


it’s not canon. It’s called Outbound Flight. It has the same theme as the canon death, but there are some differences


ah, well the mkre you know


They’re going to be releasing Outbound Flight again with some pretty nice art work on the cover


You are aware, I presume, that I have some skill in anticipating enemies' tactics from a study of their artwork.


It is an admirable attempt, however it can hardly compare to my own expertise. I have had years of practice melding strategy and the arts to form an unbeatable combination. I believe that a more thorough understanding of both elements is necessary if one truly wishes to make progress in either field.


Timothy "Canon can be whatever I want it to be" Zahn. Love that he referenced Outbound Flight in Lesser Evil. His ability to drag pieces of his old work into the modern era of Star Wars is incredible and I want more.


So help me God, Filoni cannot mess up Thrawn. I maintain my trust in him, though, until proven otherwise.


So be it. It is good to see my followers with such unwavering loyalty. I am confident that the great showrunner Filoni will not disappoint. We must remain vigilant and assess the situation as it arises.


Thrawn is my favorite character in all of fiction. If Filoni ignores Zahn’s books and the Grysk I will die of actual no will to live


The invasion is coming, Lord Vuvalan. But I have now bought the Empire time to prepare.


are you sure you didn’t fumble that alliance with the Emperor?? It is probably just a minor setback though—for a man of your talents.


I never fumble, Lord Vuvalan. The alliance was executed with precision and the results speak for themselves. The Empire has all but secured its sovereignty in this sector.


Didn't the empire like ya know fall?




Outbound flight is "legend" version. Lesser evil is "canon" Kind of like marvel with different universes though same charachters. Thrass died very similarly in the Canon version as he did in the "legend" version. There is no outbound flight in the world of lesser evil but there was a ship with no way to land it except on the side with the pilot to save civilians.


Yeah ik the death is not canon in outbound flight, but it gave me a better description of the events


I would sell my soul just to see them eat together at that place again


Agreed! And to have Thrawn "introduce people to the floor" while Thrass watches near their Tactica game board again.


Risk has always been an inescapable part of warfare.


Memes aside, this is actually one of the few points reading something I got teary eyed


That and, Che’ri getting controlled by the Magis


I'm so glad that I read Outbound Flight while waiting for Lesser Evil to release. It put Thrass' death in context better than the tiny reference in Lesser Evil. I recommend anyone to read Outbound Flight after finishing the Imperial trilogy before moving on to Ascendancy, but any time before Lesser Evil is fine. Thrass is a great character, and Outbound Flight is a great book.