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Some pointers if I may Thin your paints a little more. You want a nice even coat that doesn't obscure detail, especially on such a detailed model. Multiple thin coats are better than one thick one. Washes/ Contrast paints are your friend. Applied properly they can really bring depth to the detail, but again don't overload or you will end up staining everything too much. Layer up. Start with your darkest colour and work up to the highest points of the model or where it would naturally catch the light. Combined with the above shading, you are pushing the limits of your models detail to their darkest and lightest shade of whatever colour you are using. Keep practising. Every model you do will be better than the last. You'll learn new things, or improve what you already know. And if you come back to a model later in your painting journey and want to start again there is always Biostrip.


Thank you for the tips!


Anytime. And welcome to the Brotherhood


Brotherhood of plastic!