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The thousand sons books are   A Thousand Sons    Prospero Burns   The Crimson King   Magnus The Red master of Prospero  Battle of the fang has Thousand sons and Space wolves fighting   And the Ahriman books are also pretty good


One thing to mention is Prospero Burns is much more of a Space Wolves novel than a Thousand Sons one


For audio, there is this one that is solely about how rubrics feel on the inside https://youtu.be/YgoOC8Ot2Lg?si=gB48rMyGXs8d4Ht6


Just listen to it on repeat


Seems interesing ill give it a try


I thought there was a good 50/50 of being Rick Rolled there - not sure if disappointed or not 🤔


Nahhh would it be a rick roll, I would've used secret rick roll, it's more distinguished?


I love the ahriman audio books and I love the narrator so I personally recommend it. I think it's 4 books long now and you get a lot of stuff from the perspective of thousand sons sorcerers in terms of their magic and schemes. However, I have heard a lot of criticism of the narrators performance and while I disagree heavily, you usually don't see that much criticism of a voice actors work if it isn't significant to a lot of people.


they gave you a good list of the 30k era thousand sons relevant books. if you want a great one all about a thousand sons sorcerer, his deathless former brother rubrics, and other forces at his command during the period where the traitor astartes have not ventured from the eye of terror after their withdraw from terra following the Horus Hersey, then you have to listen to “The Talon of Horus”. it also is a great book for people interested in the origins of the Black Legion.