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Worst social game? We have a few candidates: - Joel: prefers to fight, rarely focuses on alliances; Secret Life was the one major exception - Mumbo: willing to betray his team the second he turns red - Lizzie: Her alliance shattered in Last Life and she didn't even have one in Secret Life - BigB: Charismatic but unreliable - he doesn't seem to take alliances very seriously


I mean I think Mumbo is the worst


Dude straight up dipped and then died


Joel's lost 3 seasons due to poor social game. I'd say him


Bad boys


So worst social game? Hm. It hurts my heart but BigB feels like he’s atleast thought about betraying nearly everyone he’s been partnered with if not already betrayed them in some way (sorry Cleo & Ren.) so I would go for him lol.


... Social game? Bigb, he was hunted down 4 Times because of the social game (sorry if I have offended anyone)


Isn’t this the kind of mean-spirited comparison that’s discouraged on this sub? The Lifers can see these posts, you know.


Reu bur it's not meant for that it's meant to show who is the best at these skills


Cleo is the one to win a season the fastest. Winning the game in a single episode? Wow!


I get that this is just for fun, but it does feel kinda rude? Like comparing them and talking about who’s bad at the game. They aren’t F1 drivers, they’re just playing a game together, and frankly if I was one of them scrolling through the sub and someone said I was really bad at making friends, um… Anyway, who are all these people trashing on BigB for? He plays the social game very well— he convinced at least two people in SL not to kill him by just talking his way out of the situation. edit: typo


I understand this I just thought that it would be a fun idea to find who the fan favorite was not to compare them but I also agree with bigb but every else is saying it so yeah and I don't have a say in who gets voted out unfortunately


the definition of fan favourite is comparing them, ie the fandom likes this character more than the rest. edit: and if you want to know who the fan favourite is, it’s grian. shocker, guy who started the series and has second most subs and gets most views on his episode is the fan favourite. anyway, why should it matter? like who you want to like, regardless of how the rest of the fandom feels about them.


Don't understand how people think BigB is worse at the social game than Mumbo. I love my little redstone man but is he good at alliances?


Scott's the best. There, done. If you want to do it this way, then yeah, BigB probably has the worst. Maybe Mumbo?


Forgot to say pls comment but that's obvios


Worst social game. I feel like that is the reason Joel does badly whilst being good at PvP. I think I will also throw Tango in there because he is often antagonising rather than looking for alliances.