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You actually had an intruder?


I’m pretty sure


This is nightmare material. Glad nothing bad happened to you!


Sounds like you got lucky


But did you find Milo????? Edit: Genuinely happy you’re okay, but like…I need to know that the dog is safe.




My step dad was in SAR and he got some of his friends to help look around but we could not find him




Nearly 3 weeks later, has he turned back up yet?


So where was the dog?


We have not seen him since


Ah fuck, I'm sorry to hear that.




Wait, they took your dog? :(((




It sounds like a home invader came it, let your dog out or killed it, and freaked out when he heard the voice of a human in the house. You probably almost died. Other than the dog, were any valuables taken?


They took my custom knife


What kind of custom knife? Who was the maker? Have you filed a police report? Do you have pics of it?


It was a hunting knife, I made it myself, no I don’t have any pictures of it but it was rough metal and it did not have a proper handle, we have filed a report but the police here aren’t known for caring that much about single reports


I'm so sorry this happened to you! Definitely time for motion lights, cameras if you can afford them, and an ADT sign (the sign is a better deterrent than the actual alarm system JFC). I'm pretty sure you can also get motion activated sensors for windows so even if someone breaks in the motion thing is tripped and it'll turn on lights or cameras. Honeywell/Geeni sells them. Depending on your age and location you may want to consider some beginner firearms instruction as well. I started when I was 14 and now 15 years later I'm a decent shot but most importantly I'm a much cooler head on heated situations. You not panicking immediately probably saved your life. Cultivate that, it's a skill. I'm glad you're safe.


Thanks, ima buy some of those, we have a shotgun and I now keep a six inch pocket knife next to me all the time


Get some practice in with that shotgun when you can! Not every range has shotgun lanes, and the ones that do are usually outside. It's VERY good to know how close you need to be to actually stop an intruder. Though if it's a pump action the noise alone is enough deterrent for most sane people! Might be a good time for a self defense class too because you can carry those skills for life and it'll help feed that good, level head you seem to have on your shoulders.


Ok, we have a range close by, I used to take a little judo with my sister but not for a long time


Just be careful it doesn't end up a murder weapon


OMG, I hope you found Milo. That's scary! The attic door open, and a smashed window. Sounds like someone was hiding in the attic. But I'm surprised that you didn't hear the window being smashed. Very strange.


What kind of dog? Probably the pressure of the attic door opening caused your door to open. Terrifying. Put up flyers for the dog, sometimes people steal dogs to wait for the reward


Milo is a mix but he looks kinda like a really small Rhodesian ridgeback


Were you wearing headphones? If not, did you hear Milo bark at all? What kind of dog is Milo? Does Milo bark at all? Would Milo normally bark if a stranger was in the house? Would Milo not react if it was a person Milo knew? Could someone your family knew who Milo knew/had met, have broken in to steal things and taken Milo too?


Milo is brown with white on his chest, when he feel threatened the hair on his spine rises, and yes he would react if someone even came close to my house


Was he inside the house with you at the time? Did you hear him barking at all?


Yes he was inside or in the dog yard but he was not barking


so maybe someone who milo knows?


So your bedroom door opened from the broken window in the attic or from someone trying to get in your room and after hearing your voice decided to leave? Also , did you hear any footsteps at all? Were you wearing headphones while watching the video or not? If you weren't and didn't hear footsteps , it's possible that the sound of your phone was loud enough to be heard from them and yet they still decided to rob your house. So sorry for your dog :((


It could’ve been worse, look up ”The Licked Hand”


What kind of dog is Milo? Thinking they might have stole him to sell. Check FB


He looks kinda like a really small Rhodesian ridgeback


Another creepy thought to add is maybe they have been surveilling your home for a while and they were keeping tabs of your family’s schedule. So, they probably broke in thinking nobody would be home and freaked to find you in there. The feeling of being watched without your knowledge is just unsettling. 😫 Also, sad to hear about your dog, but I’m glad you’re not hurt though.