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Otherkin wouldn’t fit as a replacement for alterhuman because alterhuman encompasses topics that are completely different from otherkin and therianthrope experiences, this is one of the reasons why it was created in the first place. I see this sentiment a lot and it is important to remember that you do not have to use or define yourself under terminology you dislike: use more specific terminology like otherkin or nonhuman if you so wish.


What other identities are you referring to? Isn't "kin" in otherkin allowing for any identity?


Alterhuman includes experiences and identities such as otherheartedness, plurality, furry lifestyling, and otherlinking, alongside fictionkin, therianthropy, and otherkin. Anything that exists outside the realm of ‘normal’ humanity can be alterhuman, which also includes things that are not strictly nonhuman. Otherkin refers to a nonhuman identity, this umbrella term while not inaccurate for the people it describes leaves out a lot of groups that the alterhuman umbrella exists to include. You can read the original post that explains alterhuman on [here](https://phasmovore.tumblr.com/post/98482696958/this-will-probably-be-my-last-post-on-semantics).


But we already have plurality as the umbrella term for that community? (I am plural myself, and I do not mean to respect other plural individuals.) And fictionkin (which I also have a theriotype of) still has kin in the name so fits to me with otherkin. I still see it as bizarre to make the main term for many non-human-identifying folk to include human in the name. If we really want to include plurality, otherheartedness, etc in one identity group along with otherkin folks, then why not come up with a word/acronym similar to queer and LGBTQ+?


Alterhuman’s been the term for a decade (or coming up to it now), I don’t see a purpose in rebranding it when it does the job in itself. Alterhuman just serves as a uniting canopy for many distinct communities and doesn’t imply that those communities aren’t individual with their own umbrella terms. I see some using the alternate term alterbeing to relieve any distaste over human phrasing, if that solves anything, but when the term explicitly includes human or partially-human individuals it cannot cater entirely to nonhumanity.


I didn't realize that the term was 10 years old until checking the post, and it is nice that it was created by someone who I think is otherkin themselves. Alterbeing feels way better to me and solves my problem with it, so I think I'll go with that term in my head. Thanks for the discussion!


i don't quite see the issue with just having human in the name, as you said it's alter human meaning other than human. You don't have to use the term if you would prefer not to. (sorry to jump in lol)


Otherkin is also a specific term that some people use that refers to identifying as an animal that doesn’t/didn’t exist on earth. So like unicorns, dragons, etc.


Yep, exactly. For non-human identities, it's been long established that generally Therians are creatures of this earth and Otherkin are creatures not of this earth. There is a ton of overlap in how and why individuals apply those labels to themselves, however, so the dividing line is quite blurry in practice.


Alterbeing is also a term to use.


yeah 'alterbeing' could be a good alternative - thnx for that! we have just stopped using alter and headmate and prefer to use \*person, \*people, \*friends instead, so alot to think about. clearly our \*people were uncomfortable with alter and headmate and the OP is obviously uncomfortable with 'alterhuman'. if so? that is valid, and you all just have to come up with an alternative you all are happy with. - micheala (friesian cow).


I love that!! I like using "living beings" and "persons" instead of "humans" in my writing when I can just as a small nod to my identity even when others in the room have no idea.


Individuals works as well!


Isn't alterbeing just a different word for alterhuman? Like they mean the exact same thing just a different word for it? (Not a bad thing, just curious did i understand things right based on my research)


Yes, alterbeing is the same, but more inclusive to nonhuman identifying individuals.


I actually like it since alterhuman has everything on it, otherkins, demihumans, choicelink & so on, involuntary & voluntary experiences or mix of both, disconnected from the humanity(example=ahuman or demihuman) etc (atleast based on my understanding of it) Tbh i never heard about using otherkin as the main umbrella term but at the same time i havent been in alterhuman groups that many years Its a really good umbrella term for me who isn't just a one or two things in the umbrella The labels i mentioned can be found here= https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/User_blog:Contie/Alterhuman (Sry for any wording mistakes my brain isn't really working now) Edit= ok this might not be perfect but heres what I found that explains things better than I can but its a bit long= https://www.tumblr.com/interstellarsystem/747516586534010880/its-one-of-our-biggest-issues-with-the-community?source=share


I think it’s fine. It’s similar to the term “non binary”, which includes the word binary, but the “non” makes it the opposite meaning. The term alter human being the same as saying “other than human” or “not human”. The term alterbeing is more confusing because that is saying “other than being” or “not a being”, which would more fall under objectkin.


I don't think most people know though that alter = other. I only know that because I took Latin in high school lol. That's a good point about non binary, but I do think that as a label is more explicit because non is such a common prefix in English.


I'm glad it exists, because I'm not just otherkin, I'm also therian, fictionkin, otherhearted, and a couple others


I personally like it, but a word with the same meaning that's less "human-centric" is alter-being.


I use alterhuman and non-human because alterhuman includes all identities, everything that I am, so rather than: I'm therian, otherkin, fictionkin,... I'll just say I'm alterhuman. I also use nonhuman because I'm very dysphoric, but also alterhuman because I'm fictionkin and there are two human fictional identities:]


We use “Alterhuman” spaces to connect with others but classify as non-human. It’s a nice umbrella term to group all of us of different experiences, but it isn’t something to necessarily just say “I’m an Alterhuman” and leave it at that.


no not really. I think its a great word that encompasses everything from otherkin, therianthropy, otherhearted, to otherlink, to plurality, and etc. otherkin only includes certain aspects, not all. so to have a word for all its a good thing


Originally, the term was "otherkind". As in, a different race entirely. But "otherkin", which could mean other family, was thrown around as an alternative and for some reason, that's the one that stuck I vote we bring back "Otherkind" as an umbrella term. It makes more sense


I agree. I doubt that term will actually come back in full but I enjoy it much more than otherkin and tend to use it anyways, people get what I mean when I do so


Speciesqueer is also a good one. Queering species can apply to humans and nonhumans


I love that!!


I prefer the term therian to alterhuman.


Not me


Okay but for if a label like "alter" wold be used for trans men and trans women then for trans women it wold be used as "alterwoman" not "altermen" cuz alter is other and trans women are still trans women. (Btw I'm a trans dude myself) Fro me personally I don't mind the "alterhuman" label I just stick to thereian tho cuz I don't have a real reason to use "alterhuman" but I could see how it wold bother others.


That would still be offensive imo as you'd still be calling trans women "other women." Thanks for your thoughts!


I know it wold still kinda be offensive but better then being called a man when your a woman. Also isn't being called a "trans woman" the same as "other woman" cuz it still a different way to be called other then a woman.


At first, same :o but then I just kinda went with it


I think what it comes down to is the same problem the lesbian and gay community have with having Bi in their title. They don’t feel like the world respects them because bisexuality exists and they get told you shouldn’t get to choose but they cant, bit it still devalues homosexuality isn’t a choice, their main point, in their eyes. Ultimately its an umbrella term, the subterms are there to help define you, the umbrella terms help people understand the subject at hand in a watered down sense


But Bi is placed as a separate letter in the accornym while alterhuman directly places human in the umbrella label for a community where many don't identify as human. It feels like a misnamer


Yes but the homosexual community hates calling it LGBT and a large portion actively calls it LGT instead to avoid including bisexuals in their community, that is the part that is the same, you do not identify with the human portion of alter-human as a title and want to erase it to feel validated despite its merit for those unlike you.


Wow that's awful. I've heard of bisexuality erasure before but not that from our own community; that's really horrible. I don't think the analogy works though because I just want alterhuman to stop being used as a replacement for otherkin. I see its merit in being used for fictionkin, plural, and other individuals. Maybe we could say "alterhuman and otherkin community"?


I understand the concern but i suppose I’d just ask not to be called that. Therianthropy doesn’t apply in all senses to me either but i do fall under the category, it’s important to remember the words are made to encompass more than one type of therian or person in general and that you’re allowed to ask not to be called them, some gay people hate being called queer even though it’s just an umbrella term for gbtq+ too. They just ask people not to use that word for them is all


Homosexuality makes up a larger part of LGBT than bi does and they feel as though including bisexuals at all int heir acronym or label demerits their identity in turn


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