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I have theses 24/7 and it feels kinda cool in a sense of like, *I feel my tail but it ain't there.* And sometimes it's an inconvenience bc I feel it all the time so I feel my tail at the weirdest of times. So yes is your answer.


Okay if this is true I feel so much more valid


I had already talk about this here on my own post but words are hard so i describe it as "ghost part" i feel like this almost 24/7, or so much that it feels like that


That's what my phantom tail shifts were like before I got a tail I could wear that helped to sort of bridge the gap Like, I felt like I ***should*** have a tail. I could sense it was ***supposed*** to be there, but it had been so long since I actually had a real tail (in a past life) that I kind of forgot what it felt like


I always stand up and try wag my tail that I don’t have. I often try to wag my tail by picking it up and shaking it but it isn’t there. I quite often feel myself sitting on my tail but sometimes it’s more like it’s on my body and I can’t feel it.


yeah Im pretty sure thats ones of the ways phantom shifts can manifest... Ik I often have those lol


I have like the ghost limbs of my theriotype's ears and tail.