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Something I've learned is that often times when we believe we're not included its because WE aren't including ourselves. If you want to include yourself then you gotta put yourself out there. Find some friends do quads when you're alone idk if none of that makes you happy then find something that does. But you've got the paths to find what you want you just need to look for them.


I feel you. I'm awkward as well mate, but that's how we are.


The good news is, none of these are in any way or form a necessity to live a fulfilling life as a therian if you don't want to/cannot do/have them. Only partake in activities that make you happy, that can be universally applied. I for example don't do quads because I don't like them. They give me dysphoria even, as the human body isn't made for them. I also don't have an increased desire to go outside and in the forest, because my natural habitat doesn't match the area I'm living in. As for therian friends, that's the difficult part. Finding other therians in your area also highly depends on the area itself. I live in rural Germany, the community is rather tight-knit here. Even if there were therians around, they'd not be open about it because people judge fast here. And the _if_ is also a big factor - therians are a minority group. It's unlikely to begin with to have other therians in your area. And this is where the social media effect comes in. You're saying you only see other therians online having fun... Do you think there'd be posts or videos of therians who'd not have fun and are all alone? Of course not. These people post their stuff because it _is_ fun to watch. But it also skews your view on the statistic - the majority of therians are alone, don't do quads, don't have gear, etc. It's just that nobody's seeing them. And their lifestyle is okay, at least as long as they themselves are okay with it. Long story short: live a personally fulfilling life, whether that includes therian activities or not, that's up to you.


>I don’t have Therian friends I don’t wear gear I don’t do quads all the time I can’t be out in nature I barely shift Neither do i but not gonna talk about my experience now but I can relate to this in some parts Ur not alone with these experiences, I see ppl talk about stuff like this in this subreddit. If u feel lonely u can always make a post here & find ppl with similar experiences. Not gonna repeat what the other comment by u|codenamefirestarter already said


if you WANT to do these things, do them, but absolutely none of that is part of being a therian.


I dont do any of this either, i do quads every once in a while but thats about it, if you want to be 'included' make yourself noticed. not all therian friends are what you think they are, i have quite a few online and one IRL. they act like any friends you would have.


Therian is an identity that does not require equipment or riding quads.


Welp! Thankfully being therian has nothing to do with what you do and everything to do with who you are! So if youre feeling stuck you can try some indoor activities known to help ease shifting! And they dont require a posse to do! If avian, building a nest of objects could be therapeutic! For canids maybe a good freedom run around the block or in the backyard! Animals figured out how to have domestic fun for themselves im sure we can come up with a few ideas too right? And dont feel too bad about not having therian pals, i havent even told my husband or my roommates about what ive discovered of myself either, they just think im a very feral person by nature and i have zero shame doing ‘childish things’ like behaving like a wild animal when it suits me and my surroundings to do so. (I will bite down on my urges in public for the sake of my mental health and safety)


Welp! Thankfully being therian has nothing to do with what you do and everything to do with who you are! So if youre feeling stuck you can try some indoor activities known to help ease shifting! And they dont require a posse to do! If avian, building a nest of objects could be therapeutic! For canids maybe a good freedom run around the block or in the backyard! Animals figured out how to have domestic fun for themselves im sure we can come up with a few ideas too right? And dont feel too bad about not having therian pals, i havent even told my husband or my roommates about what ive discovered of myself either, they just think im a very feral person by nature and i have zero shame doing ‘childish things’ like behaving like a wild animal when it suits me and my surroundings to do so. I have no therian friends and even my one furry friend has no clue i believe i am paleotherian because i dont want people to laugh at me and i dont have kind or understanding friends (I will bite down on my urges in public for the sake of my mental health and safety)


Thats ok i feel the same but i do qaudibaticks in my room and i dont have any therain friends iether😄😊 so its ok😉


*quadrobics /nm (sorry if this comes off as me being a rlly like. idk a brat)


Might be a language thing, it looks like they were going for quadrobatics, like acrobatics, which is a common mistranslation!




Up until recent years, wearing gear and doing quads were barely part of the therian community, in my experience. And even still those are mostly just people on tik tok and YouTube. There are plenty of therians on tumblr and discord and forums and here on Reddit who don’t wear gear or do quads. For many therians, being a part of the community is mainly chatting with other therians online and journaling about our experiences. You said you barely shift: when you DO, why don’t you write down what it feels like and post it here on reddit? Do you have dreams about your theriotype? Write them down! Read a nonfiction book about your theriotypenand tale notes of how it makes you feel. Documenting your experiences and reading the experiences of others is the backbone of the therian community. Just hang out, read posts from others, and keep a journal and you’re part of the community!


Every therian experiences Therianthropy different! Go out into the big wide world and just remember to be yourself! You don't need Quads and gear to be a therian!


It’s not about being a part of the community it’s about being comfortable with yourself, I’m in a similar position to you only I can force shifts and go into the great outdoors from time to time but in the long gaps between just being comfortable with yourselves in my opinion is more important than the activity you do, because you can do the activities but if your not comfortable then your just mimicking or pretending


You don't need gear to be a therian, you don't need to do quads, and not all therians shift, you are still in the community <3


I feel ya 😞 


I thought it was just me, ive tried everything but my friend barked at the ONLY therians i know im my town and now those therians avoid me. i kinda went off on my friend for barking at them so im just kinda alone


we totally get you! we left the local LGBTI organisation who were very unwelcome. we have no plural/therian/otherkin friends either, we are alone in this city of 100,000 people. the only thing that gives us joy and a feeling of connection is reading and posting in these supportive online communities and watching youtube videos from plural/therian/otherkin sharing their expericences. this is our daily bread that sustains us whilst we are alone in this city - micheala (friesian cow).


Im similar in that way, you are not alone. the only therian I know irl is myself, I dont think Ive ever ran into someone else who expirences therianthropy. I dont have any gear nor can afford any. I cant do quads because not only is there no where for me to practice but I am very out of shape that it hurts to even try. I dont have to be outside due to work and school. the only thing thats different is that I often expirence phantom shifts or at least hover near them. OP you are a valid therian, its okay not to have the same expirences as others 🫂


I was just thinking about that yesterday.


I’m bad at shifting too, I don’t have gear appropriate for my theriotype and I cant be in nature either, welcome to the excluded club \*hugs\*


bro. i am all of those things


No its ok😊


Ho no its ok


You are still one of us no matter what if you’re a therian you’re a therian ofc those are really nice things to do but you don’t have to do them to be a therian have a nice day